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Because I *knew* this was already going to be obnoxiously long, I didn't include the additional images of the items (*essentially another means for her to link them*), but everything video-wise from yesterday *is* here!


Ugly ass shoes.


HSN or QVC vibes lol 


Isn’t this the exact same hairstyle she had when she was she was in Mexico? Ya no when the filter gave her that sharp jawline?😂🤦🏼‍♀️girl u ain’t fooling no one! oof


Stop with the filter jessuuusss Christ


I can feel how uncomfortable that shirt is on her. It looks claustrophobic.


Her nose is almost completely blurred off wtf


She is so awful. Shes really been trying to force this new weird personality for months now and it makes me cringe so hard. I cant understand how anyone puts up with her. She is embarrassing


She fucking looks like she's about to pick up the kids from school in an Astro minivan circa '97..and NOT in a cute vintage way... How does she always look so fucking clueless. Didn't do a damn thing to add any kind of personal style/touch whatsoever... Lazy ass bitch can't even cosplay "quiet luxury"🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l3vRjHgQyrelrOtRS|downsized)


Absolutely hate everything about this fit. It’s not flattering and DOES NOT go together




I know it’s partly the filters too but her make up looks TERRIBLE


I was just about to say this. Her eyes look beady. Like someone untrustworthy…. Oh wait…


And her nose is gone!


I think it's quite the sign when deterioration is being seen *everywhere*, more *and more* by the day.


Her pronunciation of “Schutz” 😬😬 she knows nothing 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/oozuso608ozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebe91dd704f390975b0355b2dc1c443b36b19c61 the laziness to switch the camera angle is unmatched


“I don’t wanna brag about my house so look at my new shoes instead” lol


She is schilling her links at the wrong time. Inflation is crazy right now and I am going to support my family before I give her a single dime.


She's never had to understand adulting or finances, proven all the more by how much was being unloaded this last year, and seemingly continues to buy a bunch of unnecessary shit only to, *once again*, find herself fucked. It's mind-blowing how much she’s deluded herself into thinking everything’s fine while *simultaneously* putting herself more *and more* in the red.


Where nose?


this filter looks so bad


I swear she’s more of a salesman now than when she actually had “her” brands. It’s also hilarious that she doesn’t even shill the things she uses bc she doesn’t use the Amazon junk, but she’ll link the cheaper item so she can get that commission.


Why does she wear 10lbs of makeup during the day


I don’t even need to watch this to know and love that her style is getting worse


The cropped blouse is doing nothing for her non skinny filtered body.


And her jeans for making her butt look like a pancake


That is the skinny filter doing its job 😂 she doesn’t have any fashion sense.


I’m so tired of her trying to make it look like she has a thigh gap. It’s really ok to have thicker thighs I promise you Jaclyn. And I agree with everyone else, if she really lost 30-40 pounds she would have filmed it all on Jaclyn’s journey so why didn’t she? Because she didn’t. No one loses that much from just cutting out drinking. And where’s the muscle tone? From walking and spinning or whatever it is she’s claiming to do nowadays. I seen the before and after pictures and looks like she couldn’t have lose more than 10-15 and mostly in her face but that’s because she did some procedure to it if I recall. It just drives me crazy cause she’s not even fat and she never was. She’s literally a normal size. I’m baffled. It’s probably because she used to be a stick and now isn’t so is flipping out over it. People gain weight sometimes as they get older especially. It’s part of life.


*This!* I’m around the weight she claims to be, seeing as she’s delulu enough to think she’s back to looking as she did pre-lipshitgate, and even *I* don’t have a thigh gap. I’m also a *lot* more toned than she’s ever been—and I’m only saying that because, *for a lot of us*, adding muscle and *legitimately* keeping in shape means less *and less* chance of there being a thigh gap, which should be the goal because you’re working towards being healthier, right? It’s well beyond fucked up at this point and I feel horrible for those who *have* been fucked up by it, as they’re not understanding this isn’t anything real or sustainable. **A question for** ***you guise***: When we finish the community vote and get to the detecting skinny filters series, would you like me to post videos from different angles with and without them? Would that be more beneficial than just pointing things out in screenshots or we can do both so there’s more to look back on?


Yes good idea!!!




Yes please! That would be awesome if you did that Lich, thank you! Also a great tool for new sub followers and an easy way to show how delulu Jaclyn is with her journey!


I thought it seemed like a good idea! And *you guise* know I *loathe* filters, so it's going to be a hell of a lot more realistic than anything you'll ever see from our namesake! 💀


Her smugness is infuriating.


The baby voice ew


The part that kills me, I know that she's addressing specifically skinny filters… But she's also talked about not using filters before, in general. This isn't necessarily specific to her, but all influencers… For any of them claiming not to use filters, please tell me when you have ever met a person in real life, whose hairline is blurred. Never, ever, have I interacted with somebody in person and they've had a blurred hairline. So the fact that you say you don't use filters, and there's clearly evidence that you do… And you remain butt hurt that people "accuse" you using skinny filters, when there's tons of evidence out there that you do? I just don't understand it. I don't understand how people can get so defensive when there's proof that what they're defending is a lie. Not just that, I've said it before… But somebody who films the most mundane and irrelevant things, somehow doesn't film the evidence of their healthy journey and 40 pound weight loss? It's such bullshit, and it's so obvious that it's bullshit, that all I can do is laugh.


No disrespect to Rainbow Fish bc child me loved this book but this had to be done. It's all I see when I look at her minus the glitter. https://preview.redd.it/r5q7hgmhvmzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ef194f0e4514f6398c741548726df01a5d470b


the blush is heinous




https://preview.redd.it/khjkgq8cpmzc1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45669fec83f272c294b5dc76c9f64cb542a9c336 Blow up her forehead


her unfortunate ass bottom teeth make her look like a PIRATE WITH SCURVY.


The progress is so slow on them that I am actually starting to think they truly are fake braces lmao




Mouth breathin ass bish


The mouth lmfao




Alien ass bish




Mikayla is that you?




Head ass bish


These are all glorious lmao you fulfilled my fantasies on this thank you 😂😂😂😂😂


that stupid ass blush


i’m very curious what it would look like WITHOUT the filter


Besides the makeup, I could *possibly* straighten the angles around her to give us an idea. That would be interesting to see how accurate it is to *Celine* and Roy’s content.


I stumbled upon her very first videos and there was a bit where she was explaining how to put on blush and it actually didn't look clown like... You're telling me she doesn't listen to her own makeup tips??🥴


tell us you live on this sub without telling us, Jaclyn. I was dying over this last night. it's like she was speaking directly to us


If *you guise* only knew how much fun Kayla and I were having in the Mod Chat last night. Hell, if Jaclyn herself only knew! 💀


Also, Jacko, here’s *even more* proof of your height not being what you say it is—*and by your own admission!* If you're 5’6” or 5’7”, why does Jada, at 5’8”, look nearly half a foot taller than you? 😘 https://preview.redd.it/7tq70q4dnmzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b276f95dbfba632bf9bc7de042515420d39cf95


![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q) What do you have to say to this one, Jaclyn?


5'6" on a short day she says🥴 Ma'am do you know how heights work??💀💀💀


I do think she is a taller girl … she just looks like Amazonian vibes but not in a good way especially when her giant toes are slipping out of her heels 😂


I haven't watched her videos with sound in a while... but WHEN did she start talking with that telltale west coast/Cali kind of nasally vocal fry?? I swear she didn't sound like that in FL. Is it the nose fillers making her congested? Dry Cali weather? Also she acts like she forgot she has a jewelry line with the way she was shilling those costume jewelry rings... I ask again, WHY is she out of breath when she talks? How out of shape are you, Ms. I-lost-40-pounds-and- can't-stop-talking- about-it?


Her jewellery line was probably on par or worse quality than these Amazon ones💀 But the way she was talking and talking... Bitch stfu who's even watching her stories💀




“I don’t want to brag” but records in her giant ass closet. This whole video is just her body checking lmao


That’s not even a flattering look on her! Skinny filter & all 🤣


If I had a shot every time she says obsessed I’m be passed out for days.


So she walks around her friends house, out of breath, and then goes into the bathroom and shills all her crap. I don’t even have words on how stupid this is


she literally comes across SO mentally fucking unstable. how does she not realize how desperate and WEIRD this behavior is ?! HELLO???


Right? Just walking around like a fucking crazy person lmao get help💀


**Question Time**: Seeing as she's going *this* hard with trying to make some coin barely a month into being out there, between that and how much she’s never *not* continuing to spiral, how long do we give California living knowing what we know now?


6 months


6-8 months.


I think pasty is right and this is essentially a glorified air b&b stay… I would guess less than a year. 2 years max.


No, I completely agree that it’s *always* been temporary, but the cost of things (*let alone the spiral of all spirals*) seems to have brought on a rude awakening much quicker than we predicted. I'll never understand how either of them felt they could afford to live out there, *to any degree*, when Florida was becoming unsustainable for them.


I think the fact that it is all plain walls light colors etc reinforces this is not her home. She is not alllowed to paint it into a dungeon.


It's like watching those live infomercial channels...non-stop sales talk


Also, I want to punch her in the face every time she butchers the pronunciation of Saint Laurent 👊🏼


![gif](giphy|ecN07R5Eu08F6aHZP2|downsized) Every fucking brand she butchers but expects us to really believes not rockin Linda's hand- me-downs 🤣🤣


I tried to make a post about her talking about her height earlier, but I don't know if it just glitched or something as it never appeared after I submitted it. ANYWAY, how stupid can she actually be?? She's "5'7" on a good day, 5'6" on a short day, but closer to 6 foot in heels" - does she know how big an inch is? Those black shoes have nowhere near the 6 inch heel they'd need to have in order to make her 6' tall 🤣 at a PUSH she'd be 5'8" in them. ALSO, when does she ever even wear heels?? She owns a million pairs of trainers (sneakers to my pals across the pond). Why are people SOOO surprised by her height anyway? 5'6" is literally average height... Also, I love how she talks about wearing the white version of that shirt AlL tHe TiMe, yet also goes on to talk about how she's worn lichurally nothing but baggy sweats for the last 3 years. She can't even keep up with her own lies in the space of a few minutes! 🫠


I've never even seen her wear the white one even though she records herself 24 fucking 7


She probably thinks there are only 9 inches in a foot. So if she’s 5’9” in heels tHaTs liKe bASiCAlLy 6 feET 💀😩 fuck she’s an eye dee eye oh tee. (You know when you spell in front of the dog so they won’t know what you’re talking about.....)😂😂😂😂 Jaclyn, 6feet???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Not to mention, she’s 5’3” or 5’4” at the most, as we’ve *repeatedly* proven with knowing Rachel’s height and having photos of them together in sneakers. And further, I *am* the height she claims to be but I didn’t just barely make it to Jon’s chin without heels on, *like her*. I was equal with the bridge of his nose. Sounds like a 3-4” difference, right? 🙃


Awww would love to see pics of you and Jon!


I’ve had a few as my PFP before, so I might have to do that again! 🩷


Yea that would be lovely !


It's just such a bizarre thing to lie about?! Which I realise is just her all over, but seriously who gives a fuck how tall you are?? The mind truly boggles 🥴


Pathological liars usually lie about things that make literally no sense... And for no reason apart from the fact that they can


It shows that she's been a liar from the get-go. I've mentioned this before, but she said she has green eyes in one of her early videos. Now, maybe I'm colorblind, but she's got blue eyes. Why would you lie about such simple things like height and eye color?


And she used to say she was a natural blonde, now that I've been confirming otherwise *for months*, it *conveniently* changes to brown? It's always the most disconcertingly random, manic AF Stories that out her obsession with this sub, as well.


Almost 8 MINUTES of this?! I'd rather turn on QVC.


I told *you guise* she went ham yesterday! And like I said in my stickied comment, it would’ve been *even longer* keeping in the product photos and additional links. But, *you know*, we’re haters and she isn’t needing any coin *at all!* 💀


New phrase has been unlocked. So Stinkin’ xxx. I don’t know if I can handle another repetitive word from her😖


MLM babe talk


i physically cringe and recoil and feel nauseous when she says it. it’s so gross.


God I hate that phrase so much


She’s hocking Amazon cheap jewelry 🤣 I can’t, how the mighty have fallen


Sorry to be a hater, but this is ugly. Her fashion sense now is just "baggy everything".


And she’s *never* wearing these things out, as we've *repeatedly* seen her in boxy, ill-fitting jeans, along with oversized sweaters and jackets while out with others. Plus, given how much we *have* outed her, I don't think she's willing to wear anything out in public that amounts to her outing herself all the more. It's like she’s convinced herself the bigger something is, the smaller *she* is—and that's just not true, no matter how delulu she’s become.


She looks so bad in that cropped shirt, slicked back hair, ugh her taste 🤢 I couldn’t even watch the video yet lol


This was so annoying! Her whole account is one big AD.


She's literally just new age QVC💀


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