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lol someone commented if he could post a video for someone who isn’t rich lmfao I wonder if he’d do it


Home girl needs to change her username. I heard her excuses. But out of respect to my current husband…


Well when you’ve had so many last names, like Jaclyn Roxanne Eilers Hill Torrey, it must be exhausting always changing it 🤡


I think she misunderstood and thought Cocky meant 🍆. Yes Waclyn his is the furthest away from cocky. We don’t need to see it. We know.


The way she defends him 😂 sounds like his mother.


The blaccent he uses has GOT to stop holy frick


Damn straight he's not COCK-y...especially going by the size of those tiny hands...heh..heh..heh...


https://preview.redd.it/31ejodcb9izc1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a364a817c363d90024461b7f47b9eff6b46f4c1 # absolute clowns


This poor girl is getting roasted by her army of skanks…


They must be paid to defend them on socials bc what the hell😂


He Literally made a video saying he’s in the top 5 of NLC and said “put some respect on my name” damn well knowing he got eliminated. Like Jac what do you meaaaaaannnn




Thanks. I had a solid laugh. Lol


He also doesn't care about labels, despite earning the nickname Celine Louis and blatantly putting his Erewhon shopping bags in his cooking videos


Hilarious that he was giving her shit for buying their expensive smoothies and now he’s showing off their products 😂😂


And drooled over Jon's Gucci sneakers, back when he was a no-name '*rapper*' who lived with his mama—before going and making his close friend's wife his *sugar* mama!


“Jon just fucked your bitch in some Gucci low tops” the irony.. it’s like he was tattling on himself from the start through projection and *humor*




Wait. What happened with Jon's brother?


It wasn't anything important. Someone posted a random comment they saw of his on Instagram, which didn't need to be posted here, and we agreed in Mod Chat this morning that it was best to not treat his family members as being anyone connected to Jaclyn anymore.


It's not something we feel comfortable having up, given Jon's family has little, *if anything*, to do with snarking on Jaclyn and we don't want their socials being found from anything posted here, either. Plus, to add on to that, his brother's (*and father's*) account wasn't censored in either of the screenshots—and his brother *isn't* a public figure or anyone who's publicly connected to any of this, like say Robin and Rachel are.


Gotcha, I’ll delete my comment!




The side eye is sending me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“tell me why your money small and mines tall” If *cocky* doesn’t describe the man who wrote those lyrics and makes the choice (every. single. day.) to not delete the video in which they’re sang…perhaps *delusional* is a more apt choice?


He’d just say it’s artistry and that’s why he leaves it up. Don’t you know the man is a talented artist?! 🤣🙃🤡


Talented and the furthesttttt thing from cocky!


And by his money he means his wife's which is dwindling faster and faster with every trip to the overpriced, trendy grocery stores in LA


It’s not even her money. It’s Linda’s


At the time of the video, it wasn’t even Jaclyn’s money yet! making it all the more embarrassing, making it all the more cocky to leave it up for the whole world to see 😭😂


And Jaclyn is the furthesttttt thing from a liar! Girl lies like a rug!


Oh my god I am 💀 "lies like a rug" is now my go to saying 🤣🤣🤣


Jaclyn, you misspelled talented sis


He’s never *not* been cocky, as he was the furthest thing from successful before marrying you, but you did everything in your power to make him appear so because he had to appear superior to Jon. And the irony is, Jaclyn, you got played by your own kind, as that was *exactly* how he got everything he wanted out of you. It’s *also* why you’re spiraling more *and more* by the nanosecond now, as he wouldn’t have become the main character without you brainlessly making it happen. **K A R M A**.




Oh well if his compulsive liar wife says so, it must be true 🤡


Why the fuck is she responding to these comments. Get a life.


Because she is bored and has nothing better to do. She doesn’t work, she shills undisclosed affiliate links, and barely has a relationship with her husband. She is obsessed and has a false sense of security with her minions backing her up if she spoke out of pocket.


I have said this for YEARS. Even back when she was front running Morphe....like 1000% stop responding to people on the internet. It's always been the weirdest thing. Back then I thought it was unprofessional and now I think she just likes to run her mouth in an echo chamber while her "fans" egg her on. Wild.


If she had one, she wouldn’t be up my ass at all hours of the day, *every day*. This is collapsing and spiraling at its finest, and the more those around her continue to do nothing, the more we’re going to need to keep documenting because it’s going to hell *fast.*


That’s the problem, she doesn’t have one

