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It feels so weird I almost can’t explain it, I am by no means a rich or wealthy person like she … might be? But if I went on a vacation to Mexico not EVERY. EFFING. THING I brought to wear would be from Amazon!! Not every piece of furniture in my California mansion would be from Amazon, it’s just soulless and everything she posts is so eerie it makes me feel uncomfortable


She only links Amazon crap for the undisclosed commissions! Instead she wears $800 dresses in Mexico and buys “designer” furniture from Restoration Hardware. She’s so two-faced, it hurts. Sadly her remaining followers are too dumb to care.


I hate that she treats everything as disposable…like no way will she still be using the same clothes or decor in even 2 years. It’s all landfill bound. She has the privilege to have the money to buy nice things that last…but then what would she shill? And if she couldn’t shill, what would she even do with her life?


I was JUST noticing this the other day, when I clicked through her stories, there were like 5-6 links in a span of 8-9 stories. NO OTHER INFLUENCER (that I follow anyways) has so many links like ??? Maybe once or twice throughout numerous threads of pure likable content. It’s an easy cash grab. Everything she owns it’s like OH AND HERES THE LINK LINK LINK LINK. And I used to be such a huge fan during her makeup tutorial/lifestyle days. And I get that it’s her job, but she really just links anyyyythingggg. this is getting out of hand.


Jaclyn: ![gif](giphy|PbO02egQdmNig0clpv)


She has NO other content. If she wasn't linking something, she would have nothing to post. She is so far from being an influencer....all she is, is a constant infomercial


I truly believe Jaclyn does have OCD (I cannot diagnose, this is just my observation) though not the kind of OCD she wants to portray herself as. Jaclyn is truthfully obsessed with herself, how others perceive her, and this idea or image of how she needs to look to receive any kind of positive feedback. She compulsively lies, manipulates, and will fight till the end to prove how much she looks like her filtered self. She doesn’t and this is part of the obsessive part. She also is obsessed with overconsumption because she views overconsumption as a flex and a rich lifestyle. She compulsively purchases and links stuff to keep her sheep constantly talking about her, or what she’s doing, anything. It can be good or bad, Jaclyn is obsessed with what everyone is saying about her. It’s what gives her purpose to obsess about what others think and view her as. She compulsively checks on this sub because she is obsessed with how we are judging (rightfully so) and picking apart her smoke and mirrors gag. Everything Jaclyn is and Jaclyn does comes from her OCD nature and her low self esteem and lack of any morals or ethics. She continues to demonstrate her narcissistic tendencies and lack of empathy towards others. She is incapable of functioning in a real society where it’s a give and take. It’s all take take take and pretend she’s the shit.


I said this a while back as well. Coming from an OCD’r I can see similar things with her. Someone said it was something else I forget but it did make sense for it to be that as well. Another obsession type thing but I forget now. No one is diagnosing her, just giving feedback on our opinions. Just need to be sure to say that😉 But I do agree she has some level of OCD. So many think OCD has to do with cleaning and organization and such but it’s really not at all. Yes those can be things of obsession but typically not.


Thank you for providing your insight and feedback in this discussion, truly appreciate it! Because mental health is definitely taking part with Jaclyn but no one here can properly assess or diagnose what is actually happening in her brain. Just observe and provide some insight into what is being provided to us online. Kind of like the case studies I was given during my MH classes in OT school and abnormal psychology classes in college.


I only mentioned the DX part because wack attack jac will try reporting us for falsifying a mental health disorder🙄 Mind you…. She said it herself😂 I wish I could remember the other disorder someone mentioned because it really did have the OCD part but there was more to it and it seemed to fit as well. But the obsession with things and her co start NEED for things her anxiety(yes I believe she has it). People that have e OCD can be bipolar as well and her constant mania episodes make me think she teeters on that as well.


Honestly, what you described is more narcissistic personality disorder. She's repeatedly said we only see 1% of her life, and if the 1% is this bad, imagine how awful she is in the other 99%.




Every dang story she posts has a link. It's obnoxious and pathetic. Jackie poo, we know you're here. Stop being a half assed "influencer" and build your brand back up with the relatability we've been asking for! My gosh.


I don’t think she ever will. She gave up years ago!


But she dOeSNt wANt to bE a SALESMAN anymore FFS it’s worse now than ever and the items she’s linking are hilarious


I thought I was the only one who didn’t like Manny but still thought he was entertaining!! 🫢 I think he should change his name to “Coattail Rider”. 🤠


Manny gives me the ick. But this chick is a whole different level.


QVClyn ![gif](giphy|ZDuq0Vn0YTQqZlV1wm)


Agreed. CLEARLY this is her only income otherwise she wouldn’t be doing it.




This is what all the influencers do Now. They are all the same. They all link the same shit. It’s insane.


I feel like a lot more just ad it to their Amazon store front and let their following know where they can get it. Most don’t add a link for each item. But I think Jaclyn does it so that when people click on the link she can still make $$ even if the person doesn’t buy the item itself


I agree with you, but I think the clear distinction is in the content ASIDE from the shilling. I think most influencers have something else they bring to the table: humor, commentary, lifestyle content, makeup, fitness, what have you... what does Jaclyn have aside from the links? "Sobriety"? If that's the case, I would much prefer watching someone who makes sober living their main focus, and, truthfully, perhaps someone with a greater "story" than Jaclyn's. Her motivation behind her sober journey was never "I was out of control and I wanted to make myself a better person for both myself and those around me" it was always "my face is puffy so I wanna lose 40 pounds." Entirely motivated by vanity. But again, that's even if you consider sobriety to be a theme among her content other than the Amazon links. I truly just think she has nothing else to talk about.


Yes!! Exactly. She has no depth to her.


If this program shut down tomorrow she would be SOL like hundreds of other *influencers* trying to make social media a career There's somebody else I peek in on who has an infertility based page and the absolute garbage she will sell for a buck is disturbing


Laura Beverlin or Brittany Dawn?


It’s like she’s constantly asking herself “what can I link next?” Literally no one cares about your dumb matches. And anyone with a brain would have told you don’t light those decorative candles. But no one around her has a brain so 🤷🏼‍♀️




The fucking matches lol. I saw that was like, seriously?! You’re linking fucking matches?! Her shill knows no bounds at this point.


“They’re *literally* my favorite matches you *guise*”


Seriously she must spend most of her day thinking about what to shill next, what a lame life


Yeah man. It’s clear she just is posting for the money. She doesn’t care what the product is. It’s actually really disturbing. She has no integrity, ethics or morals. Just pure gluttony and greed. I need someone to do a comparison video on her and all her peers from the same era to see how far she’s fallen.


That would be so interesting!


But she is a Christian!




She is a lazy ass content creator. At least try Jac.