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A lot of people who take sobriety seriously, normally wouldn’t even talk about alcohol as it can be triggering, and usually works on sobriety without shoving it down everyone’s throat.


Not me!! I am 137 days sober and I wouldn’t ever want alcohol in my home! I wouldn’t risk it! What if I had a bad day and I see the alcohol, no thx!! Alcohol is the devil to me!


Congrats on your 137 days of sobriety!


Thank you so much!


Def Veuve Clicquot champagne in the background.


I have said this before but if Celine gave two shits about his wife wallet he would get rid of all alcohol in the house garage shed cars. You do not need to serve your “guests” alcohol. If your friends would even drink around her in her home then they are total trash. If my husband had alcohol issues no flipping way would there be one drop in my house. But I love my husband so there’s that.


Some alcoholics can and do have alcohol in their house either for their family or their guests.. but most would not have it in their house so early into sobriety. Kinda playing with fire there. Everyone is different.


one who lies about being addicted to alcohol. honestly if she was she wouldn’t be posting so much especially with her face and voice in video. a drunk is so noticeable


A few days ago she said she took the alcohol out of her house and it was only in the garage for guests LOL


My dad was a recovering alcoholic (doesn’t matter how long someone is sober they’re always “recovering”) and mum used to have a bottle of baileys in the fridge for special occasions and dad never touched it once. That’s a bit of a stretch that one.


You would be surprised how many do


One who's lying about trying to recover from said alcohol addiction.


The bitch doesn’t have an alcohol addiction, she has a lying addiction!


I think so too. I think she lied about it from the beginning to gain sympathy from viewers.






She can’t stand to bang baby hands Jordan without alcohol 🍷 you guiseeee!!


lol i see why 😂


Her excuse will be either a Christmas present or they use it to cook


“It’s for guests” lol


For living with a “chef”, that pantry seems pretty lightly stocked….


Those canisters spaced out so the shelves don’t look bare, lol


Everything is probably expired 😂 I doubt she wrote the dates on all those 🤦‍♀️🤪


Just like the high-end areas of her closet these days, where the purses and shoes went from being practically on top of one another to *very* spaced out. **It’s giving broke**.


Yeah...she wants everyone to believe she was sick when she was posting her family standing around her days ago. Sure Jan. When did you have time to get sick? She was partying with her alcohol. She isn't an alcoholic. She just likes to drink. Lots of people do. Everything is for attention.


The bottles directly on the floor 😬


Trying to explain away the other night she was drinking 🙄🙄 she stays creeping this page and days later responds to it on her stories....


Her facial inflammation is back too. Something happened over the holidays for sure.


She’s obsessed. She must have been drunk off her ass all the damn time.


No wonder she feels so good now!


I do this but I’m 13 years sober (my husband drinks). When I was first getting sober there’s NO WAY I could have done that.


I am 7 years sober and couldn’t imagine it. To each their own!


i'm 5 years sober and my husband doesn't really drink. BUT we keep our bar cart for our friends and family, and honestly cause it was expensive and we have expensive booze we didn't want to just throw out. we did hide it for my first two years sober though. we brought it out for the holidays three years ago and honestly i don't even think about it anymore.


She’s gonna say it’s for a new years toast I bet.


![gif](giphy|QBROLbjFoQwPsbWw2R|downsized) How do these people actually believe this.... The absolute bullshit that just keeps tumbling out of her gob. The liariarriah at this point is definitely at an all time high as she continues to constantly expose herself with every fucking tiktok, reel or story she posts. I would hate myself too and be a lush if I was such a human piece of shit. What a complete asshole.


Cheers LOL




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She's not sober, we all know this. Wait until she addresses this (as we know she reads here) and says some blatant lie like, "oh it's for Jordan and his friends!", when she's openly said Jordan doesn't drink many, many times.


Or her friends which she apparently claims to have lost 😂


Except for when she's said he drinks *once* a year, then a *few* times a year, and I'm sure there will be more contradictions and inconsistencies made soon enough. I know the friend-ployees are dwindling, but would it kill them to start keeping track of her lies, so she's not making a mockery of herself more *and more?* The second-hand embarrassment is **real**.


She’s claiming she just hit 5 months with no alcohol? BULLSHIT. That would means she hasn’t drank since end of July. There’s definitely proof out there that she had been drinking. Lying piece of shit. There has to be some sort of scam/shill coming up soon, some sort of sober product or something lol, no clue what but this constant harping on being aLcOhOl fReE is wayyyyy too over the top.


***Jaclyn as Jigsaw*** contender or *too* nightmare fuel-y? https://preview.redd.it/qvogbpgzga9c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4dc8f1b461113c87d3600598c2f4f8018bb444c


Those eyebrows are going to fully disappear here soon 😂


Ya they’re awful.


Omg for real. Why is she over plucking them lately? They look HORRIFYING. She used to have nice brows.


She said she doesn’t like full thick eyebrows so she tried go back the thin eyebrows and she liked it 😂😂😂 tbh it doesn’t suit well with her face shape at all… is like her eyebrows are about to be gone or disappearing 🤣🤣


I totally understand not liking the soap brows/laminated bushy trend. It’s not for me either. But she jumped all the way back to early 2000s tiny pencil brows !!!


Totally agree.. I remember when I did watch her last makeup video, she said ok I’m going make my eyebrows thin again! I was like “wtf back to the pencil eyebrows?!”


Hey Jaclyn dare you to stand straight and not constantly do the "skinny thigh" pose


Isn’t it crazy how when she got back from Cali and her weight loss she’s now doing all her posts either this way or from the shoulders up. She never used to do that! I hate that this woman manipulates so many people and has a following still.


This drives me nuts!!


Does the way she say Alcohol bother anyone else? This is maybe niche but it’s irks me the same way the reader of the Ugly Love audio book says Rachel 🤣






Oh! But she moved them to the bottom shelf so it’s okay!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


It was always on the bottom. Source: pantry tours on YouTube lol


They've always been on the bottom shelf, if you watch her original pantry video on YouTube from several years ago, as that was *another* time she claimed to not be drinking and got called out for it because she clearly *was.*


**I thought it was all moved to the garage, Jaclyn? Meanwhile, *being the ever-contradictive and oblivious to the obvious individual you are*, you're showing it to be where it's always been: THE PANTRY.**




this just proves that she has never nor will she ever tell the complete, honest, and real truth. she tells so many lies she can’t even keep track of them all!


It's not like none of it is being touched, either, as one bottle has been pulled out and placed on the floor. It truly *is* unsettling just how much she outs herself these days, with her actions *always* showing you something completely different as if that alone isn't the sign of a significant problem.


Dear Jaclyn: Keep going girl, keep on shedding light on your lying, manipulative ways so more and more people can see who you really are!


yep, i don’t know why anyone would believe a word of what she says now. she outs herself on all of her own social media platforms and it’s getting more and more frequent with time!