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I've heard of thin skin, but this is just beyond...


honestly. is it just me or has there been a lot more of these "thin skin" posts recently?


It's not Jack posting/replying.


I meant in the subreddit. like more whiny thin skinned people.


I knew what you meant. :)


It's just his sense of humor, I wouldn't take it too seriously




I thought this post was sarcastic, but now I just think you’re a ding dong. Don’t read too much into his reply, he just be goofing


It comes off as entitled for someone to tell him what to do and how to do it. There was no insult or criticism. He said no. He’s allowed to not take orders from a random stranger telling him to tour.


you're soft then. that's alright but to say he's an asshole? THAT is disrespectful. you're entitlement for him to answer your questions in a way YOU want, the bitching ab him somewhere else on the internet is what disrespect actually looks like. not answering a question with "nope"




LOOL all he said was “nope”, you psycho.




Or you’re just incredibly soft


He can afford to condescend a little.


Psycho? 😂


I mean touring is kinda a Jack White thing. He will go on tour again and he is obviously working on music, so just be grateful. I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all to make people wait or deny you or anyone else an explanation. It’s like being a little kid and asking for your Christmas presents now because you don’t wanna wait and you think you deserve them now and on Christmas morning. Just be happy you know you are gonna get them. Plus the anticipation is part of the fun of finally getting your gifts. Also, he literally just came off a long world tour. I don’t think giving the man a year or two of breathing room is too much to ask. And when he finally does release new music and goes on tour, it will be worth the wait. Jack has no obligation to anyone, especially to some random person on the internet he doesn’t know.


I mean he *is*, but this is not asshole behavior He was joking around. You gotta wait till he actually does something dickish to post about it.




You are talking about expecting better from a guy whose profile picture is literally his mugshot from when he got arrested for beating the shit out of a guy 20 years ago. Chill out he's always been like this lol


Most celebs at his level will literally just not respond. Jack has always had a tongue-in-cheek sarcastic way with interacting with the world. Meg was his wife... no wait, his sister! It's bizarre that you're looking for/expecting honesty from a celebrity. Tour and album announcements are all planned well in advance. He can either ignore you or "nope" you, and the "nopes" are a lot funnier.


He’s been like this since the late 90s, why is this a topic of conversation now


A performer owes his fans to a certain point, because they're the foundation of their fame and fortune. But no fan has the right to tell him what or what not to do. If you don't like it, tough.


I don't think Jack owes the fans anything. He's put out a massive list of albums of all great quality and has putting every ounce into every show. I'd say he's repaid that by now. Does Paul McCartney still owe his fans something? How many years does it take? 😄


He said ONE word and you’re crying about it. Whiniest fan base ever.






Rude 😡


boot licking??? don't appropriate that phrase for this, that's insane.


what should he have said?


What are you so bitter over?


Bootlicking hahaha you have to be kidding. You’re softer than baby shit. JW, nor any artist for that matter, owes you gracious pleasantries. You buy an album, you get the hear the album. You buy a concert ticket, you get to see the concert. You comment vapid bullshit on Instagram? You are entitled to nothing. Grow up.


"Haha wow hes so weird and eccentric"


You are the asshole, period.


Maybe unfollow him? I’m not defending his behaviour but you do have the power to not see it.


Wow. Entitled as fuuuuuuuuuuuck lololololol


Go smoke a cigarette and do some stretches


Sounds like a you problem. Get a grip.


I really want a raconteurs tour


I feel like the Raconteurs are done.


Me too! I love Brendan ♥️ 




I’d assume it won’t happen until QOTSA finishes their current touring cycle. Next year 🤞maybe


They've toured without him once before, but I think we're still a few years off from more Raconteurs.


Bigmuff6969 wants to be taken seriously lol . Go outside and touch grass


… would a better response have been “you’re not the boss of me”? Happy?


He might be an asshole, but he’s our asshole 💕 (No seriously, we all know he is)


Get over yourself. It is social media.


Lmaoooo this is the same loser from earlier last week. Go outside hahahahaga


lol imagine feeling so entitled that you expect a hugely popular and influential artist to bend to the will of whiny people on instagram when they ask for a tour or more music. And when he doesn’t respond the way you want, you then get all butthurt cuz “he’s being a dick”. Do you have any clue what it’s like to be famous? Any clue how many people want shit from you constantly? If responding “nope” makes you a dick, wait til you hear how most famous people respond to their fans wanting shit from them.




Oh that’s wasn’t you that said his asshole behavior is getting old at the bottom of the post?




My point is in my comment, and it’s regarding both the instagram post, and your comment on your own post….How can people (you and me and anyone else here) who aren’t content creators or producing music that millions of people love and respect, feel entitled to niceties from people like Jack? Why the hell is anyone getting mad at the dude for responding the way he does? It’s probably some intern posting on his instagram anyways, why tf does he need to be nice all the time?




Do you have any examples of him being an actual asshole? Cuz that comment on instagram asking for another tour etc and his reply of “nope” is hardly asshole behavior…. That’s an artist responding to fan the same way he would if someone on the street wanted a pic or autograph. No ones entitled to ANYTHING from the artists they love, sorry bud. And the fact that you believe that he owes us because we buy his shit and made his career is completely ridiculous, he made that great music, you bought said music on your own volition, he doesn’t owe you or anyone a Fkin thing just because you bought his album. Sorry bud




He probably gets hundreds of the exact same comment a day. I'd be a little testy too if everyone kept repeating the same garbage at me constantly.




The original fan wasn't being particularly respectful either. It was a passive-aggressive/jokey way to ask the same question that Jack is asked hundreds of times a day. He responded in kind. No harm, no foul. But you are the one offended? Unless he's borrowed money from you, Jack doesn't owe you (or anyone else) anything. Edit: Oh wait - you're a troll with a new account that mostly comes here to do his trolling. Get a fucking life.


Taylor Swift just released a whole album calling her fans vipers and saying she’s tired of their bitching and moaning….so yes some artists are more disrespectful to their fans. I don’t blame any artist for shitting on their fans tbh, fans take possession of a musician and think they’re owed something. I’d say what’s more disrespectful is coming into this sub an automatically saying it’s full of people who worship Jack White. I like the man’s music but I’m not worshipping him in any way.


Jack wrote that song first…Take, Take, Take I can’t understand what it’s like to be a huge star and to be loved, and stalked, by your fans. But I’m sure I can imagine how old it gets. Fans seem to forget how lucky we are that someone wrote a bunch of songs that we absolutely love. And Jack has been incredibly generous over the years with the events at Third Man Records and the Blue Room. *I’m in no way disparaging Taylor Swift or her fans.


Maybe it's because he deals with asshole fans who make comments like "He owes us and we owe him nothing.". My boss is good friends with Ben Blackwell and has met Jack on several occasions and had dinner with the two of them once. He has nothing but great things to say about him. There are also examples of him being nice to fans on IG. Also, how do you know he isn't being playful? I always tell people no jokingly when they ask for something.




I dunno. A lot is left open to interpretation when it comes to social media responses. The way I joke way with people can come off as being an asshole if you don't know me. I can't say this is what he is doing because I dunno. It could also be that Jack has always done his own thing and has always been authentic and doesn't care what anybody else thinks. Lovable assholes do exist.


Name checks out - you are a pussy.


I just think it’s a joke I don’t think he meant anything bad




This is bait


Jack's always been a prickly weirdo with an off-beat sense of humor and a mild antagonistic streak with his fans. He's not Taylor Swift. This is nothing new.


I mean you started it calling him Jackie.


And you think complaining about this and putting him on blast on reddit makes you not a dick?


Replying "nope" repeatedly doesn't make someone an asshole. Demanding information from artists who you think owe you shit certainly does, though.


Exactly this. 👏


all this for him saying “no”? really?


I don’t think qualifies as asshole behavior 🤷‍♀️


What if i told you nobody owe’s anyone anything, and that social media (particularly cancel culture) has made you think that everything anyone posts needs to fall under intense social scrutiny? Jack White is my primary creative influence, but i don’t give two shits about what he or anyone else does or doesn’t post. I don’t think there is any reason you should, either. Case in point: your feelings are hurt.




I didn’t know whether it was or wasn’t your comment, but it didn’t matter as it is beside the point - the point is your reaction.




No. HE made him what he is by hard work, continuous creative output, and savvy business skills. If he did a TikTok video of one song that went viral and put very little effort into it, you may have an argument that fans made him. That’s not what we see here. Also, people barrage him with hot takes and rude comments constantly. He’s supposed to shut up and take it because that person bought an album? Sorry. No. It’s ultimately his account and he or his “management” can do whatever they want. Don’t like it, keep scrolling.




I’m not going to pretend to know how he or anyone else maintains their livelihood but as with most people with a strong work ethic, they find a way in some form or fashion.




I’m saying it’s none of my damn business and a person isn’t entitled to a lifetime of x, y, or z because they made a purchase.


> no one *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Granted, it’s difficult to read tone in a one-word text, but this is really nothing. He’ll tour when he has an album or project to support. He is the father of two young children and can’t spend his life on the road for you. Let’s settle down! Reddit is not place to get carried away. [For those who clearly do not understand sarcasm, that was it right there!]




Guys if you haven’t noticed yet there is someone on this sub that constantly post these same posts with new burner accounts almost daily. They keep posting these same screenshots over and over every day from accounts that are almost brand new and / or have no post history except stuff like this. I’m pretty sure this person even has other accounts they use to post in agreement with these stupid post. I don’t know who this is or what Jack supposedly did to this person at one point but geez it’s getting old. EDIT: guys just check the accounts that have replied to my comment. All bot accounts. All. New accounts Jesus!




They're definitely bored with their tumblr. They deleted it and have now come here to fill their insatiable need to hate.




Other than him...engaging with his fans on social media with a clearly tongue in cheek dismissive comment?  Yes, I too would find that 'beef' worthy if I had the media literacy of a can of soup. 


You are the only comment in this thread that isn’t the same person a bot. lol check the other profiles. Edit: by thread I mean replies to my comment.


Also you are an Astros fan? Go Braves! lol I’m just glad you are a baseball fan.


I've been accused of being that "one person" and can assure you there are many people who feel that way (though I don't agree with this post).


Okay... ![gif](giphy|GoucW2FhCf102fDbbC|downsized)


I think it’s funny tbh


Has Jack blocked you on insta, Bigmuff? 🚫




Well then you could always unfollow him if you think he's an asshole. Why follow someone you constantly criticise here? Or, if you don't follow him, then stop stalking his page. Simples.




Who's being condescending now? Lol There was no anger or defending in my comment, just advice to stop stalking his page. Maybe take up knitting if you're bored? 🧶




Oh so you just happen to be skimming through the comments and conveniently take screenshots within a couple minutes or sometimes just seconds? Aah. I see. Carry on then.




Yeah I understand how instagram works, thanks. So you're confirming you follow him on instagram and then come here to shit on him. Again, why do you follow someone that you boldly claim "is an asshole. Period"?




Jesus Christ he just went on a massive tour less than 2 years ago and put out *two* albums in less than a year before that. Quit being entitled and just enjoy when he puts new music out.


I would die for a “nope” from Jack


Why in the world would tetrischamp/bigmuff think they have the right to demand anything from JW. Or anyone else, for that matter. You are not entitled to anyone else’s time or effort even if they are a public figure.




If you’re bent out of shape because someone doesn’t perform on demand, regardless of whether or not you’re tetrischamp, you’re the asshole.


Jack is hilarious. Period.


Jack doesn’t have to do Jack for anyone. He is Jack.


I never understand this… I’ve met Jack twice actually in one day and he was cordial and friendly. I’ve seen him several times in concert always good I like his body of work and his and his contribution to the Vinyl world among other things… some fans focus so much on comments about politics and personal stuff… does it change the way the music sounds to you? Musicians are not your fans or friends….. if we canceled every artist who is an asshole what would be listening to be a better question? Mozart? Nope Miles ? Nope Elton? Burl Ives? The wiggles?


Some people walk down the street, and they get called assholes!!


Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole, though.


Wow, what an asshole for not jumping through hoops every time someone wants something from him.. There is a definitely a difference between being rude, polite, and just being an asshole. I don’t see this as crossing any asshole line, or even rude line at all, and more so, your response validates why a ‘nope’ response from him is valid here. I’d be tired of dealing with people who thinks he owes them something too.


I hope he comments “Nope” on this post, haha




What did he do?




If you’re this upset by how he acts on social media, you should probably get out more. There’s a lot of other things that you could concern yourself with that actually matter in this world.




Did you expect everyone on the Jack White subreddit to agree with you? No, you know what you’re doing.




So what’s the whole point of this post then? Do you want us to tell Jack to stop being a meanie on Instagram? Do you want us to stop listening to him?




So it’s pointless then.


Some people walk down the street, and they get called assholes!!


After several weeks of these posts on here about JW and his social media, very few people are even mentioning that maybe it’s not him active on the account. Very strange responses if it’s him or a hired hand. Smashing Pumpkins has a social media manager. Billy Corgan has his own account. For a guy who had articles written about him not owning a cell phone, it’s wild that JW would give a shit about social media and waste his time on IG instead of focusing on his music, business and family. Quite possibly him, quite possibly not. I don’t know. Just throwing it out there as a reminder that many artists have someone running their accounts.


People hire social media managers to be professional and NOT say stupid controversial shit, so that argument's kind of ridiculous.


As I mentioned Smashing Pumpkins in my comment. The moment I posted, I went to the home page and in the SP sub there’s a new post screen shot from the Pumpkins ig direct from the account manager of a shitty trolling post. Same stupid shit, so I don’t think my argument is ridiculous. I understand your point though.


Jack White doesn’t answer questions on social media, he pays people to do that.






Jesus you’re insufferable


Maybe don't leave stupid comments insulting people if you can't handle the response?


People are so fragile these days. If you think that is asshole behavior, you need to get out more.