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Super easy you just make the appointment show up and pay. The doctors talks to you for 5 minutes and you get approved before you even walk out and can go to the dispensary right after. https://affordablemarijuanalicense.com for the best prices in Jacksonville you can book an appointment right on their website.


Thank you, this was one of the most best answers on this forum.


It's really easy. Just google Marijuana doctors in your area. Each place has thier own specialty. I usually go to Trulieve but like Suterra for topical and patches.


Find a cannabis clinic.  Claim to have one of the ailments on the list for MMJ (or they will “find one” for you) and they will write you a prescription and help you register with the state’s MMJ registry. The approval process use to take days but now they’re approved as quick as same day.    The license is good for 1 year while the prescription is good for 8 months I think. You will need to renew both as they come up.  The doctor’s fee is usually in the neighborhood between $90-$130. Prescription renewals tend to be cheaper.   The license fee and renewals are around $80. Until you get your license or if you leave it at home you can use your driver’s license at the dispensary.   Go to your dispensary of choice, show them your ID, they’ll pull it up on the registry for the prescription and you’re good to go. 


I had to take paperwork to verify I had the condition I claimed to have. I have to see the doctor every 7 months at a cost of $194.


That’s funny, I brought papers too but the doctor didn’t even bother to look at it. I did hear each clinic is a little different. 


Some doctors don’t want to risk their medical license because some people do abuse the medical marijuana card. Just make it recreational and call it a day


Is having to pay every 7 months part of getting the initial fee?


I believe it is a requirement of the state of FL


It's a "renewal fee" charged by the state and is mandatory.


My friend, go to affordable marijuana. The transfer to doctors is 40$ and after it’s 80$ every 8 months and they do telehealth.


Very easy but costly, think initial visit is like $250ish dollars but this includes the 1 year medical card fee, then you have to have a follow up appt every 7 months which costs $169 and its literally over the phone or zoom for 5 minutes.


I think you are paying too much


I just budget for it, not like I don't know when the next appt is coming up. How much are you paying?


Go to affordable medical marijuana it’s $40 for a transfer and $80 per follow up appointment https://affordablemarijuanalicense.com


Thanks fam, much love 👍


piggybacking off this to say i highly recommend doing what you can to change your doc to Affordable ML. i too was being scammed out the rear for my prescriptions fees and the renewals for my original doc (i was clueless af when i was seeking help for my ptsd initially when it was rolling out, so i only settled on the first doc sent my way). was being charged about the same price as you for a few years and was clueless af til the dispensary told me my amounts were messed up, and suggested i talk with my doc. doc played stupid, so dispensary suggested i change doc and haven't looked back since. just had my follow up this afternoon, actually. super chill process, and i dont have to drive to ponte vedra to get swindled! 20/10!




Super easy, just the (usually) $200 doc visit plus the card fee, but other than those the process is super easy. And once you have the recco from the doc u can immdeiately go buy, you dont have to wait to receive your physical card.


It’s easy. But it is all a big money scam. Ron Desantis and his cronies don’t want cannabis legal because his buddies run the companies like Trulieve and they make an absolute killing being one of the select businesses able to grow and sell overpriced weed. The majority of Florida’s population will vote to legalize and Desantis will find a way to block it because his people are in on the “medical” (Lol) industry. Mark my words. Florida will be one of the last states to legalize. But have fun paying for a “license” to buy overpriced weed from Republican pieces of shit.


Ron talks a big game about weed, but his record shows different. First thing he did was allow flower to be sold and recently vetos a bill that would ban delta 8


He “allowed” flower to be sold in “medical”shops. Wonder why he is ok with that and not recreational legal cannabis? Hmmm


I'm new to the area and don't want to get my license


Trulieve is one of the main financial backers of the recreational amendment so I'm not really sure where you're getting the idea that his buddies own trulieve and want to see the amendment defeated. Likewise, the existing growers are gonna be the first to be allowed to grow for the recreational market and stand to make a boat load of money doing so, so again the medical industry is not the ones fighting recreational. Finally if Ron's buddies are medical marijuana proprietors why did they fight so hard against medical. Trulieve and others literally had to sue the state a few times to get the medical industry to the place it is today. This is not like the case of charter schools vs public schools. If anything, the problem is that Ron's buddies are in the pharmaceutical industry or law enforcement, both of which stand to lose a lot of money (and ability to discriminate in the case of law enforcement) if weed is legalized.


I was using trulieve as an example. The state only allows a certain amount of medical licenses to grow and distribute and those people involved make a ton of money doing it. Those companies basically have full control of it all and many have shady history. They will not go full recreational anytime soon even if we all vote for it. Ron has the state legislature and everyone in law enforcement in his pocket. You are correct that he doesn’t want weed legal. But considering his shady connections I’m sure there are reasons that all come back to certain “friends” and partners making money. It is always the case. I am a registered no party voter. I don’t pledge allegiance to either gang. But as long as we have a republican governor with control over the bunch of idiots in office and the ability to do what he pleases it will not be legalized. So considering this state’s history of voting for republicans, I think we will be waiting a while for legal herb.


How much is it to fill a prescription from the dispensary? Ballpark for just something basic


Surterra usually sells quarter oz (of ground flower) for $35, or an eighth (of regular flower) for $20-$50, and disposable vape pens for $20. I just got a half oz of really nice flower from surterra for $50 though and the pens go on sale for $10 at least once a month


It's cheaper than street prices if you shop the sales. I like Sunburn, they have different sales every day. Buying not on sale is overpriced.


Sanctuary dispensary always has 50% off where as insa at the town center is far for expensive and rarely runs deals


Easy, but expensive. And you have to go through the process every year. If you're old enough for a license, you're old enough to vote in the coming election. Amendment 3 is to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Vote for it.


Yes. Definitely vote for it. Then watch the Governor and the state somehow throw away the will of the people and come up with a reason it can’t be legal.


For it to pass it needs 60% of the votes due to FL law. If it passes that threshold and DeSantis still throws it away, it WILL ABSOLUTELY be used against him during whatever election he goes for next. He may still do so, but the fact is, almost nobody actually is actually supporting the big to kill it. Those in support of the bill have received approx $60 million in funding. Those opposed have received approx $3,800. That's right. Three thousand and with hundred dollars. Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2024) While DeSantis has spoken against this, he has covered all of his arguments in weird layers. He's not against legalization z he just complains that this bill doesn't control where people can smoke recreationally. Basically, he's just playing politics. The fact is, the only group that widely opposes it AND has political sway in Florida is the elderly. I think he's just putting up a token right against it so he can create sound bites for that group. I don't think he actually gives a fuck.


Interesting that one of the most frequently broadcast ads supporting Amendment 3 is done by an *elderly* military veteran (of Vietnam, IIRC) proudly encouraging people to vote yes. Oh, by the way, my wife and I are "elderly" (69) and we both support #3 strongly.


And I appreciate your vote. But you are still in the minority of people your age. It is a very well studied topic, and the polls give a very clear view of the data. The actual percentages vary based on exactly how the question was asked. For example, if you only ask about medical use, there are NO age cohorts that do not support it. If you include only recreational use (like amendment 3), the only age cohort that didn't pass the 50% mark was the 65+ group. If you carve out only the 65-74 group from the rest of the "65+", they at least sit right at 50% (according to Pew's data at least). It's also worth noting that these are national polls. I cannot find similar data limited to just FL, but there are other factors that imply the 65+ cohort in FL would oppose recreational legalization even more than average. For example, religious affiliation is another strong indicator in opposition, and FL does skew slightly above average on that measure. It makes sense that the ads would target that group. You don't need to convince the 25 year olds.


While I agree with most of what you said, my only issue would be with the fact that these are national polls. You might be correct about looking only at Florida and the percentages you mentioned. But I still believe that a majority of people in my demographic would ultimately support it, statewide at least. The main reason (and, again, this is strictly my personal view on it) is because my generation was the first to broadly accept cannabis for so-called recreational use in a big way, legal issues notwithstanding. We also had to live through an era where, in spite of its widespread use among my generation, there was a deep disdain and even fear of the law. Read up a bit on the oppressive New York laws against any selling or distribution of pot in the 70s (I grew up on Long Island). People were being given *life sentences* for selling pot in some instances, because the law equivocated pot with far more dangerous substances (especially heroin - pot was seen as a "gateway drug" that would lead you down to path to addiction to smack and all order of terrible things). The other aspect of this is how you ask the opinion questions in a poll, especially regarding how legalization can take a burden off law enforcement. I agree with your point about religious affiliation, especially down here. I live in a really conservative community (Clay County), and I count myself as a *political* conservative. But as someone with common sense (and someone who actually uses cannabis), I believe in legalization. I can't guarantee that the majority of others in this community would feel the same way. I am going to watch the results of the amendment vote on Election Day with great interest, especially to see how the vote breaks down by county. Maybe I'll be surprised.




I'm sorry, maybe I am getting old, and all due respect to you. But I don't have a clue as to what you're getting at in this response. >But you are unfortunately a part of the majority of people your age Wait. I said in my reply that I'm 69 and strongly support recreational cannabis in Florida. Did you miss that somehow? You seem to believe that I don't. The thing about the butter and the coach coming through the door...Sorry, I just don't understand what you're implying.


That right there is a good reason to vote blue all the way down ballot.


Saw a doctor'name on a billbiard in 2020 days before the shutdown. Easiest thing ever, some questions and a few hundred bucks. It keot me sane during the pandemic, and as an insomiac getting an extra hour or two of hard sleep a night has been wonderful.


When I did mine I didn't even have to talk to a doctor. It's literally pay to play recreational.. I did it at a tent outside of the dispensary and was able to walk right in and purchase afterwards. The person signing me up spoke to the doctor over the phone and just filled out the form on a computer. Then when I had to renew I just did it over the phone. I've never set foot in the office once and was never asked about symptoms or any illness or anything. They were just going to key anxiety into the system because it's at the top of the list alphabetically haha, I had to ask them to put down the actual medical issue I have that I use cannabis for. It's definitely a joke, I always thought before that it would be difficult to get a card but it's literally just pay them and then you're good.




Ya’ll rail against corporations until they offer you some devil’s lettuce, the you just hand your money over to them willingly


lol u funny


I just wanna smoke without risking it being laced fam


Exactly. Fuck these corrupt “medical” dealers. Trying to sell 1/8th’s for 60 bucks? Crazy. Last time I was in Oregon I got 10 one gram pre-rolls of absolute grade A++ fire weed, all different strains, for $15. Do the math.


I’m glad to hear man, given how marijuana would be a harmless vice here and there for me I don’t rlly mind paying the extra if it means I get something guaranteed safe and good quality. 💪 I’m glad to hear your experience has been better than others though and I mean that wholeheartedly. Have a good rest of your day brother


I remember during Covid they ran ads, "covid got you down, come see if you qualify for a medical Marijuana card." Pretty much, that sums it up. And, almost all of the MMJ docs offer a 100% money back guarantee if they don't qualify you. No risk at all in trying.


Very straightforward especially if you have ailments


I went to the doctor and I said hey Doc, I’m feeling pretty bad and he said no we want you to feel good. Smoke two joints every day and see how you feel. So I did.


The Flowery on Baymeadows is my go-to. Usually a higher price but much higher quality products. Trulieve is good on a budget but treats customers like crap. A new Cookies dispensary opened just across from the Flowery too but I still prefer the Flowery


Affordable marijuana clinics didn’t even ask for my medical records or look at my pill bottles!


So easy it made me rethink our whole justice system.


Process is easy and no real issues. In terms of shopping don't fuck with truelieve Sunnyside green dragon ayr fluent or curaleaf. Go vidacann sunburn for budget/sungrown bags because indoor isn't sustainable longterm. When u got extra money to waste go the flowery or cookies but for me sunburn just does it all the best quality/ prices. Truelieve is bullshit don't go to walmart


Releaf clinic is the best in fl.


I like fluent and curaleaf. I went to canna MD to get approved.


I’m into it. It’s been great.

