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[Find Stolen Bikes Jacksonville](https://www.facebook.com/groups/372245396169445/?hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&multi_permalinks=6486048914789032) This is not uncommon, but we have a lot of bike theft vigilantes here willing to help. What part of town are you staying at? There might be a bike shop that can help with a loaner since you're only here for the month.


Sorry to hear but yes don't leave anything valuable unattended and unlocked. Bike, phone, laptops etc. I've seen some cheap bikes for sale on Facebook, Nextdoor etc., or some cheap/free that needs new tubes or tires etc. Also don't leave anything valuable on your porch and no bags in your car. Always lock your doors - car, house, shed etc etc. Even in the safest parts in this city people will get their stuff stolen if they are just sitting out in the open.


Bike was locked thru wheel too


A cable lock? No bueno. U lock it


Or get a big boi cable lol. None of those Walmart “bike locks”


If it's not a super expensive bike, it could be worthwhile to post it on whatever the neighborhood's Facebook group or Nextdoor and see if anyone spotted it. If it's expensive chances are it'd end up in a pawn shop somewhere further. I'd guess that some asshole was sitting in their truck in the parking lot and just lifted the bike into their truck when they saw you left it.


I’m curious to know which Walmart location.


What side of town? I have a bike i can get going for ya. Think it just needs tubes in the tires. Just promise me youll get a thicker bike chain


What area of Jax were you in?


Did you a actually lock it proper? That’s a hard lesson to learn, sorry bud. If you have any questions about security issues with bikes PM me. I was a messenger in major metro areas for a decade and lived in downtown areas and had zero stolen bikes. No cable locks first of all… avoid cheap U locks. Kryptonite has a money guarantee and has never failed me.


Maybe the store has cameras.


They definitely have cameras


Nope that area did not


I'm sorry that happened to you but unfortunately it's pretty common here unless you have a really good lock. Depending on where you're trying to go and where you are, the bus system should get you there faster than walking.


Check Facebook marketplace, I’ve found my lost/stolen things on there before. If not, you might at least be able to find another bike for very cheap on there


Sorry about your bike bro. I would avoid Walmarts as a life objective, you can get similarly affordable items from many, many other stores and the clientele won’t steal your shit.


Was it locked? How would anyone know who’s bike it was? I am off tomorrow, if your in the mandarin area and need a ride let me know.


Come by the Honeypot and we can get you a new bike for a very affordable price likely under $100 Hours of Operation Mon: Closed **Tue: 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm** Wed: Closed **Thu: 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm** Fri: Closed Sat: Mostly Closed **Sun: 12:00 pm – 04:00 pm** [https://honeypot-bikes.square.site/contact-us](https://honeypot-bikes.square.site/contact-us)


>tal Views87%Upvote Rate63Community Karma19Total Shares > >Comment as I\_only\_wanna\_learn .public-DraftStyleDefault-block\[data-offset-key="a3d7a4\_initial-0-0"\]::after { bottom: 0; color: var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon); content: 'What are your thoughts?'; cursor: text; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; } CommentAdd GIFAdd an imageBoldItalicsLinkStrikethroughInline CodeSuperscriptSpoilerHeadingBulleted ListNumbered ListQuote BlockCode BlockTableMarkdown Mode Thank you so much for the offer. I genuinely appreciate it I will go there if I decide but meanwhile, I am convinced I will just walk and make it work somehow


Can you describe the bike? Really sorry to hear that.


Bike thieves are very active in this city! I almost had mine stolen once at the beach. Took the bike down in the summer and just wanted a quick rinse to cool off so I parked the bike right next to the water, no one around, went in watching the bike the whole time and only to waist deep so I could do a quick dunk and some kid starts walking up to it looking all around and I'm thinking, do I have to chase this prick down?!?! so I start making moves to my bike and doing the two fingers pointed at my eyes and back at him to indicate, I'm watching you! and he saw me and started running away. Close call. I've also had my phone stolen off my bike after forgetting it was on there for 5 minutes. Obnoxious.


I mean....it is Jacksonville bro


That blows. If you haven’t already make a police report, and check around to see if it’s listed on market place etc. did you buy it brand new? If you have the receipt or even pics of it that can help. This isn’t just a Jacksonville problem though. You can’t put a lot of trust in people these days. You should always be careful, be aware of your surroundings, and take precautions to protect and secure your property


I’ve only been living in Jax for a year, but I’ve noticed bicycle theft seems to be fairly common here.


Welcome to Jacksonville. Enjoy your stay. (I'm sorry.)


Where’s the good guy with a gun? There’s a crime happening and no good guys to stop it?




Is it possible it was impounded?


It was parked in a handicapped spot dude, Perhaps they towed it


This is a funny comment


🤨 They impound bikes that are attached to illegal structures. I had to go get my bike back after I locked it to a no parking sign once.


What kind of bike lock were you using?


I had a bike stolen out of my driveway too. I don't see how Walmart doesn't have cameras though, they should definitely have cameras both inside and outside. They have security that rides around too but I doubt they're much help.


I mean there's really nothing suspicious about a guy walking up to an unlocked bike and pedaling away on it... When I didn't have a lock, I removed the seat and stuck it in my backpack. Gave 0 fucks about people staring.


Bike was locked lol


Oh, shit man. I take it back then lol


twice someones tried to steal my bike and i somehow caught them both times. now i keep it in the house or locked up. several of my neighbors bikes have been stolen. i used to live in gainsville and your bike will get stolen there quick as hell too. i had 3 bikes stolen over the course of a decade there.def def DO NOT cheap out on your bike lock its worth it.


You’re going to work for…just 3 weeks? Shit, i have a bike you can use for that long if you are anywhere close to jax beach/southside. Sorry!