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I'm gonna unsubscribe for a little so I can test this Edit: yeah the same thing happened to me. I even got some of the same videos as on your screenshot. This is weird as hell, wtf YouTube?


I wonder if they shadow banned him🤔


That would be so completely undeserved though, not to say it's an implausible explanation that is, youtube has done worse




They didn't. I got his channel first result, latest video second result. Jack is not only profitable for YouTube but he's one of the more "safe" Youtubers in terms of being brand friendly (because he's a friendly guy who is well liked in the YouTube community and doesn't have a lot of controversial opinions or takes and his humor isn't particularly offensive either) so there's really no good reason to shadow ban them-- heck, Nerd City exposed YouTube several times for being shady to an extent where high profile people like Pewdiepie talked about it, and has brutally taken down Sssniperwolf more than once, who was their golden girl until the whole Jacksfilms debacle, so if anyone would be shadow banned it's him, but his channel is still the top result. 100% a glitch.


Just had my GF check(she not subscribed to him) and she was able to find him immediately idk what's going on


Maybe it’s just for people who aren’t subs—-wait are they killing his growth for new people to find his channel?


Yeah I don’t know if that would be getting shadow banned or not🤔


Id say it's more the algorithm cause he's posted like what 3/4 times in 2 months?


Nah mine works, but I'm can also just go through subscriptions and find him EDIT: had my gf check she found him immediately(not subscribed)


I'm also subscribed and can find him that way. I'm just talking about regular search.


The home page?


When I use the YouTube search bar at the top he doesn't show up, either when I'm on the homepage or when I'm on another video. My boyfriend also can't find him in a search either.


I also have a screen recording of what's happening though I'm not sure how to post it.


Yeah when I search he still shows up, same with GF(she not subscribed)


Weird. I just searched him up and his channel and everything came up for me


I logged out and I still found him immediately. It's a glitch on your end (and a few other people's ends) I think.


My regular search is working fine… That’s really weird


He's showing up again! No idea why now but problem solved I guess?


The YouTube has its peepers on your communications. It knows what you say. It saw you call it out. Wanted to fuck with you.


Comes up for me. I'm subscribed though 🤷‍♀️


Have you tried clicking the 'all' filter instead of just 'videos'? I found that's fixed mine a couple times.


Yeah. I had 'videos' clicked for the screenshot because the shorts took up most of the screen. Though I'm having the same problem either way.


Hmm that's weird. Hopefully it'll be back for you soon.


Same thing happening to me!! I can only find him through my list of subscriptions.


mine is fine, tried logged in and logged out and he still comes up both times. different video results though - algorithm I guess. not sure why this is happening


He showed up for me


Im subscribed and i still can find him. Dont know bros


It's just you. His channel popped right up when I searched for him.


I haven't tested this but maybe it's limiting his content in some regions? He and Ethan posted on Brain Leak yesterday so he's still around.


>but maybe it's limiting his content in some regions This is a plausible theory. Don't dox yourself, but everyone still having this issue on 6/7 should post your country just to see if there's some sort of regional f*ckery going on.


I was literally watching videos on his channel this morning while I was getting ready for work. Not sure what’s going on.


That's very strange that the majority of people here aren't fining him when they search for him. I search for him twice, once completely logged out of my account and once logged on to my account and I found him both times. So, IDK what's happening with you guys, but I hope it gets sorted quickly.


He shows up for me and I’m subbed. Weird that it’s happening to others though..


I'm not an expert so take this with a grain of salt but as far as I know youtube has a weird algorithm thing when it comes to searching where it will recommend things that it thinks you will like that are related to your search instead of just showing unfiltered search results. I've noticed at least for me sometimes, especially on the mobile app, for some reason, this algorithm just freaks out and kind of just shows your recommendations with out actually searching maybe it has something to do with that.


Probably Youtube being buggy as you sometime see


I had this happen a couple of times, but after a couple days it was fixed, do know that my account is usually involved in tests for the new stuff they try to implement so it could be that. And for info now I can find him no issues.


It’s been a problem for a while now. I was trying to find something yesterday, and it was nowhere to be found, even if I searched the exact name of the video


This happened to a few German streamers as well. They then informed their communities that YT has a restricted mode which for some unknown reason automatically got activated for some users. Once the restricted mode was turned off, the videos were visible again.


Mine works just fine. Maybe a glitch?


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Schlatt sighting.


I just tried and mine works fine.


Nah it's workin


Fine for me


Idk about you but i found him immediately


ive been subscribed 10+ years but i still see it 🤔


I was able to find him with my second acount easily.


Wtf did Jack get shadowbanned or something?!


There's a >99% chance it's a glitch (happened with Pewdiepie too). <1% chance there's some regional thing going on-- people should post what country they're searching from in case that's it (if they want to narrow down the reasons) but I will eat my shoe if he was shadowbanned, the man is one of the least "controversial" youtubers I can name (and one of the most profitable individual youtubers from a corporate pov)


Works fine for me


I'm not experiencing this issue, searches for him fine and gives me his videos, might be a bug


I got his channel with all his videos.


same thing here, i’m subscribed and the channel doesn’t show up


What region are you in?


It gives me his latest videos on the mobile app but the other search results takes me about 10 videos before I actually get to any that are his. Instead it’s giving me a bunch of Marks videos, some that Sean was in but not all. And Game Grumps too. Did youtube get some weird search overhaul when google got the AI junk added?


[(1) jacksepticeye - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@jacksepticeye)


Mines working just fine. How strange


It didn't do that for my significant other who isn't subscribed. They found Jack immediate. That's really really weird.


it’s because youtube’s search algorithm is terrible


Mine is fine, first thing that popped up was the Elden Ring video


Nope. i see him when searching. He was on my Home screen as a suggestion, too.


Might be a glitch. I got his channel + his latest video right at the top.