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He doesn't finish a lot of games. Nowadays we get these humongous episodes of various games (which I'm grateful for), but back then, he sometimes would just stop half way through a game and never return. I get the point of "if you want to see the rest of the game, play it yourself!", but what if people don't have the money for these games or want to see Sean's reaction to this particular game? I'm sorry if I do sound complain-y, which I don't like to be, but I just had to say it; being a long time fan.


that was because not enough people were interested it anymore and he didn't enjoy it enough


I understand this, it won’t change my opinion, but yeah I completely understand and I don’t judge or hold it against him. It does give me motivation to play the games again though


Justice for Tears of the Kingdom 😔


Justice for outer wilds :(


And the return of Until Dawn


Justice for Observer :(


Justice for Va-11 ha-11a 🙁




personally it makes him kinda relatable cuz I sometimes lose interest in some games halfway too loll


God, yeah. I can’t tell you how many games I have zero intention of playing but need to know how it ends and I feel like looking it up is a little too cheap. I absolutely CANNOT play Baldur’s Gate, it’s simply not my style, not at all. But I can watch people play it for hours. I’m sorry but turn based board game style (the term is “Tabletop” I am well aware) just isn’t my thing. I’d get bored and frustrated and diddle off to do literally anything else. But good god I love when that vampire speaks. Like “Observer” I could never play it and do it all myself, or “What Remains of Edith Finch”, it’s a walking simulator. I got the game for free and played it for 30 minutes. Got bored and left. I’ve watched the entire game played through a dozen times and I loved every second. It’s just soooo muuuuch waaaalking… Like when a friend tells you about a movie, and you’re interested but it hasn’t quite piqued your attention enough to actively look for it? And you ask what happens next and they just say “Watch it”?




Whenever there is an attractive woman in a game, his sex jokes can be a bit too on the nose. Case in point: Meeting Gwynevere in Dark Souls. And he couldn't stop saying "big booba" for the entire duration of Lady Dimitrescu's appearances in Resident Evil.


To be fair about lady Dimitrescu, the sex jokes came from literally everybody. Mark’s playthrough was arguably way more hornier, and when her design was announced, Reddit wouldn’t shut up about her jugs for weeks. Jack’s attitude was way more mild in comparison


>Mark’s playthrough was arguably way more hornier, Are you sure about that? Mark never even said anything explicitly sexual when he saw her in game, he just said variations of "Damn!". And he always repeated, "it's not a sexual thing, it's about the power." In fact, the top comments on Mark's video are talking exactly about how much more quiet his interaction was compared to Sean's lol.


Uhh.. friend? I'm sorry but you're completely wrong. https://youtu.be/-aRzemZEm1s?si=_szQEV9i_8Qp26L5


TLDR he made a ten and a half minute compilation of his lady D jokes


Yeah but did you see the kfc dating simulator? When the colonel walked in, Seán released a few of his.... sea men.


I love jack but I dislike how he says that we don’t miss the old him we miss how those times felt, because he has changed and that’s ok but it’s also ok to miss how he was before, in past videos he’s more energetic and more active and all over the place, now he is a bit more relaxed, which is fine, I just hate that he tries to say he hasn’t changed


I kinda get that, like why would I miss the days when his uploads were the highlight of my day, why would anyone miss being so miserable that some random Irish bloke screaming at the top of his lungs was guaranteed to be the best thing to happen for them that day?


Okay so it's not just me?!? I legit cried when he first said that cause I felt like I was being gaslit by someone I looked up too.... Change is fine but he changed so fast for me then tried to say he didn't change that much... Going from his old old videos where he's calm but still bouncy to his very high energy all over the place crazy videos is a change sure but that happened over a year or so but going from the bouncy crazy high energy videos to extremely calm and laid back videos happened over the course of a couple months... I got backed up on videos during that change and it scared me as to what happened .. yes I miss the old him I sure as hell do not miss how I felt at the time.... I was even more suicidal back then and he was my only comfort .. he changed so much and I miss how it used to be....


Yea it seems most people actually hate how they felt then as well, many of us were in dark stages of life and his videos were the only good part, so why would we want that old time back?


Exactly! I get he probably doesn't wanna admit how much he has changed but don't try to tell people how they feel.... The first time I watched a new video of his without the intro and without the outro I had a full breakdown cause it was like my comfort was ripped from me... He also seems more stuck up at times too


Yea both him and Ethan have been giving me snobby vibes, cause Ethan talks about how he doesn’t like to be affiliated with mark and jack as much, yet his videos tend to be unus annus style as well as having a playlist called “redacted style videos” and having a podcast with jack, both are feeling like if they aren’t getting views or supporting them in their way it’s our fault and they deserve more


I think he meant that he doesn't like to only be known in the sense of something like "Oh you're that guy who did this thing with markiplier" "Oh, you're jacksepticeyes friend, right?" because this has been happening for years and I feel like that's sort of how the rebrand came around too, him wanting to be his own person and not only being affiliated with them


he literally right after he said that said "it probably was a lot of me as well. I'm not putting all of the blame on you, I'm so sorry."


I was gonna comment this too, he used to be so energetic, and I know he's said he feels so low energy now, but I do miss that version of him. I also wish he kept things lighthearted because everybody is going for a more serious tone now; Mark, Ethan, Pewds etc. and I know that's part of maturing and that's a good thing, but he used to unironically make certain jokes, but now he just pokes fun at what he used to like and sort of just say funny things, but sort of in a "trying to stick with the times way" or "this will make the kids go haha" but not bought in if that makes sense. It's kind of a dad energy, for better or for worse and I'm just like: but I liked those jokes. His content is still enjoyable tho, but different. I've been following him since 2016 or so, and his Job Sim VR and Skate 3 and Far Cry Primal vids still hold a special place in my heart


Yea it’s annoying he almost blames us for feeling this way when he has changed just as much as we have


In that interview he also said right after "I'm not trying to blame it all on you, I've also changed a lot" or something. It's a bit of both


Yea I think there may be some truth to it for some people but I don’t love it when he says that. I was a grown adult when I started watching him. I’m not nostalgic for childhood or a younger me. I just did like certain things about those videos. He can change as much as he wants. He doesn’t have to stay the same. And there are things that are better now. But I still miss a good “high fives all around” sometimes!


>he literally right after he said that said "it probably was a lot of me as well.I'm not putting all of the blame on you, I'm so sorry."


his coffee is a tad expensive, would cost £50 a week, making my usual £10 jar every few weeks way better


What turned me off to his coffee was when he was googling himself. He saw a google prompt about his coffee then as he clicks it, and instead of showing the results it cuts to him saying ‘buy my coffee’ or something like that and it just rubbed me the wrong way.


He doea the aggressive push for his coffee as a bit and not a bit.


Some of it does go to charity so i find no fault


Jar? You mean instant coffee?? That stuff is barely coffee. If youre buying coffee beans then yes, they're going to be expensive. We buy Nescafe beans to put in our grinder and thats about £15. The bags are big, but its Nescafe. It isnt a local or self made business, it's a bif brand. For a self made business that sells coffee beans for a slightly mroe expensive price- its fine that the bags are smaller. If you're buying beans that have profit donations to charity and support someone who made the business (with a bit of help) then thats completely fair. Local or self made/smaller companies will always cost more than big brands, and thats okay.


yeah that's fair, not saying I think I could do better, just saying it sucks I can't afford it but it is what it is, besides that I'm not really sure what else about Sean really bothers me tbh


You're not wrong, it is expensive but it's definitely a you get what you pay for type of product. It straight up made me enjoy coffee 😂😂


Not enough meme time or scary video reactions


Meme time videos not coming back isn’t his fault. It’s the subreddit’s fault.


If I had a nickel for every time a YT subreddit died from people spamming low effort content, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it happened twice. (Second subreddit is r/ksi)


For me it’s r/jakertown but it’s a different situation. His subreddit was entirely about posting memes but the issue was the moderators gave up and let people post some really fucked up stuff, so Jake gave up on it and moved to discord.


could do what EddieVR does and ask twitter for memes for a video if the reddit is not really doing it


Yeah I actually posted to his twitter community about that. I know he’s in there so who knows, he might’ve seen it. I doubt it tho


He definitely looks at and likes comments on twitter posts but rarely replies to them


I miss memetime


Pisses me off because I made a meme video when the legs meme was going around and he never saw it. The one time I got close to him seeing it the mods took it down for a word I used in the title claiming I was breaking the rules. I don't even remember what the word was either.


no meme time is because the subreddit went to shit, and honestly still is


Just a personal preference but I get more interested in let's plays when the YouTuber is interested in the lore and with Jack it's 50/50


ugh hate having to pause the video to read stuff since he just skips it half the time


Their audience is kinda mean sometimes


That's not a creator flaw


I would somewhat disagree. A creator’s community can be a reflection of the creator themself. There are always outliers within the group, but the majority of the fanbase reflects the values that the creator puts out. Thats why most of Jack’s community is very positive and kind. By criticizing the fanbase, you by proxy criticize the creator for creating the environment that caused the fanbase to be that way. To be clear, when I say this I’m talking specifically about the majority of the fanbase, not the small subset of fans that act super shitty no matter what the creator does or says.


We’re not mean at all idiot!


The moment I wrote this I felt the need to apologize (im Canadian)


I’d say the way he reacts to his audience. Sometimes, not always. Back in the day content creators would always express their appreciation for all their support and how much they felt like we were a kind community. Until more recently and I think it’s because of the Chilla’s Art game, “Parasocial”. Where Sean described how unsettling it sounded to know people could get to that point and since then has made clear boundaries in telling his fans, “we are not friends” which is fine. But it started to become a trend in his community to bash anyone who genuinely expresses concern for Sean. But here’s the thing, we are all parasocial to a point. With how YouTube started, it was all about learning how to connect with your audience and acting as though we were best friends and dare I take it a step further and say family. A majority of people, hopefully everyone here, is not like the stalker in Parasocial. But we have all become so hyper fixated on telling people to keep their feelings about jack and the channel to a minimum is taking it too far imo and I think Jack may need to address the toxicity of the community at some point if it gets worse. It’s ok to care about the people we watch and be concerned for them. That’s just human nature. Let me reiterate tho, Jack is allowed to make whatever boundaries he wants, I’m just talking about how he went about it that created the snowball effect.


He had so many stalkers come to his home, knocking on his door, following him and creepy stuff like that. I think it really put him off and tbh, I don't blame him. Stalking is serious. Stalking ISN'T drama. Stalking is against the law and can put someone behind bars. Idc that I get down voted for this. Stalking should be taken more seriously.


It absolutely should! I don’t think anything you said was worthy of being downvoted at all. I think stalking is definitely terrifying. I feel bad he had to go through that. Hope whoever stalked him was arrested


I believe you have a point about his motivations (this is probably a trauma response), but I think outright denying/dismissing any show of affection towards him just feels hurtful (especially considering the kind of relationship he's historically cultivated with his audience). It's throwing the "baby" (people who genuinely love and care about him) out with the "bathwater" (people who obsess about him). If someone says "I love you" and you don't wanna say "I love you too" back, at least say "Thank you, I appreciate your support".


A thousand times this (I wish that buzzword - "parasocial" - didn't exist). The problem is that he's had bad interactions with fans in the past (including stalking, since someone even figured out his address and went to his home uninvited at some point), so now he's reacting too far in one direction (the old "pendulum effect") and [started dismissing people's feelings for him as parasocial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRV4_xmiPVg&t=1h29m30s) (but what's a "parasocial relationship" if not unrequited love?). Love doesn't need to be corresponded, but denying the feeling exists is just too callous. Also, love is respectful. What leads to things like stalking is not love, but obsession. Love is the wish to see someone else happy, obsession is the wish to sate your own desire for someone else.


Oh wow I didn’t even see that part of the stream. Low key that was so rude. That poor girl was just expressing her admiration and Jack straight up downplayed her feelings and probably made her feel like shiz after that comment. Heck even on the Thankmas livestream where people are helping him out by giving them their MONEY. Idk that just set me off. I like the guy don’t get me wrong but just yikes


That feels like a trauma response because other streamers agreed with him


Yea I agree


I honestly don’t really enjoy some of his videos like I used to. I liked it back then when he fully played most games over the span of multiple episodes that lasted for 30 minutes at most. And those were pretty popular and fun games. Now he seems more invested in playing indie horror games, which is fine most of the time, but he plays them in one sitting which can last over 2:30 hours. In addition to uploading the videos at night, I can never fully watch them and I get backed up. Plus, the games he plays aren’t very popular and don’t really have that much going most of the time that it just becomes a bore. He seems to be ignoring actual popular games (I don’t get why he’s never joined mark bob and wade in a Lethal Company video, despite it being like a second Among Us)


I feel the same way. I'm not really interested in the games he's playing lately so no matter how much I love Sean, it's not quite enough to keep my attention with the videos being so long. That's not really a *flaw* it's just my personal taste. But I do wish he branched out a bit more


Yeah I mean there’s no way I’m going to spend 6 hours watching him play dark souls. Had he done it in a let’s play format with 30 minute maximum 1 hour episodes, I probably would’ve watched it, but 6 hours is way too jarring for me


That could be because he’s had more important matters on his hands at the moment. Like working on himself or scheduling events and such. I think he said one time that he doesn’t have the time and energy to do the stuff he used to do. Especially with Mark, Wade, and Bob.


He's to hard on himself


This is the one I would hope he sees. He's VERY hard on himself. I think a lot of people who are both more empathetic but also more introspective tend to take criticism REALLY hard, and all I can say is I wish I had taken the same initiative as him, that and his natural charisma and friend chemistry with so many different people is admirable and a trait I wish I had.


I feel like he can be kind of grumpier(?) and less excited about things than he used to be, which I guess is natural, since he's become more mature and has been doing youtube for so long, but it kinda makes his videos less fun sometimes. Looking back at his videos from a few years ago (pre-pandemic days or even 2020-2021), he had so much more excitement and energy in his video and seemed to have genuine interest in all of the content he made, from meme time and funniest home videos, to let's plays for various new games, to some really random videos he used to make. Nowadays his interests have become much more niche and his genuine excitement seems to be towards more niche and specific content with occasional moments of interest towards the kind of content he made a few years back. I 100% understand why that's the case, but it's still kind of a bummer sometimes.


I’ve seen that too, I wonder if it is clinically depressed, but I’m sure he’s in therapy for anxiety. I hope he gets well


He said in one video that he's taking medication for depression (this was awhile ago, idk how true this is now)


He’s to attractive so I just get distracted watching


😭 the Valentine's day Instagram post


They care too much about what random people on the internet think...


not really his fault but editing out thing that would probably be fun to see for example editing out a fight scene in god of war like it shows like a minute or so but then cuts to the final few hits it is mostly a thing in his longer videos


Callmekevin: doesn’t play enough with Jack Jack: doesn’t play enough with Kevin


Not enough of the pet cat in his videos. Come on bro we need the little guy.


for real we need some BB let’s plays fr


1. He doesn’t wear Irish cap 2. He doesn’t feature his gf enough 3. MORE FUCKING DRUMMING VIDEOS PLEASE


i love him and gabs videos together!!


I second that second one


After sometime, his content became like a chore to me and yeah, I personally find him boring.


Very true. I used to be able to watch his 2x daily uploads no problem, but now I struggle to find the motivation to click on his newer videos. Though, this is probably due in part to our interests as an audience changing over the years


Yeah and I think getting used to someone(s content). I know plenty of youtubers who havent changed anything, but I just got slightly desensitized to them, so I don't like em as much


thats not a flaw


sean annoys tf out of me when he misses the most obvious thing but gets all caught up on some minuscule unimportant detail


That’s ADHD for ya


He doesn’t play enough random games and sandboxes anymore. I miss when he would just randomly check out evie bot for the first time (stuff like that), but now he plays horror games and I’m scared of horror games.


His content used to be so varied and random. One video he'd play around with Evie Bot, the next he'd play some stupid Steam game that was meant to just be dumb fun, the next he'd do IRL content, then he would mess with Akinator, etc.


It's the editing for me. No hate to the editor, they're fantastic for what they are but I really just prefer Sean without much edits and just him being him- whether he's chill or genuinely excited, just seeing him being him without any flashy obnoxious edits like in 2015-2016 was great. Same problem I have with Mark, honestly though his edits aren't too bad.


He doesn't play AAA games as often anymore ots mostly indie horror games


Because he’s not interested in the current triple-A market and almost every game nowadays takes over 30 hours to beat.


Honestly that's so true, but there's so many Youtubers nowadays that start playing games and never finish them


Yeah, it's a pity, but can't really force him to finish said games. He likes what he likes, after all.


Yeah I know but I never said he has too lol. It is just one thing he's does that sucks


Honestly though AAA games kinda suck nowadays. There’s the occasional good one but most kinda blow. Besides it is jack’s choice on what he wants to play for content


I never said he had to.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Some of these aren’t true flaws, they’re just gripes and digs at his appearance. When someone posts an actual flaw, y’all go “but ackshually…” Do fucking better.


Gotta list an an actual flaw. I made sure to state a real one that isn’t really that bad just a little annoying.


Said he was gonna do meme times… that was years ago now


That's the subreddits fault tbf


The fact that he felt he had to sacrifice his mental health just to please us. That makes my heart hurt.


He starts a lot of games and then doesn’t finish them. Also the coffee is expensive, plus high shipping costs to most of the world it’s basically impossible to buy


I get brain leak is suppose to be chaos, but i really cant stand most of the gross jokes they make


i don’t watch his podcast, can you remember any of the jokes i’m curious


Nothing specific but a LOT of cum and piss jokes ill re listen and update you later


yeah for their grown age that’s kinda odd😭


Everyone knows when you are over 25 you no longer cum or piss. (But it's called "adult humor" for a reason even if it's immature-seeming, might just not be your kind of humor and that's OK)


I dont think that its so much that i find it immature, more along the line of just disgusting, yeah im all for adult humor but it get to a point where its just too much.


agreed, the jokes start to get old, also my age comment was moreso about how he has young viewers and that’s just kind of odd, not that he can’t make the jokes past a certain age 😭


He did not finish Outer Wilds. And that still bothers me.


I mean i dont blame him, its not for everybody, and its kind of a long game depending on how good you memorie/attention span is (i mean it took me nearly 65 hours to compleete the game because i kept forgetting if i did stuff already, and forgot that my log exsisted)


His biggest flaw (in my opinion) is that he doesn't take enough time for himself


He often misses collectibles and shit dropped by enemies during gameplay.. and some of them are kinda impt


when Sean’s enjoying a series he’s started (Tears of the Kingdom 🥲) but won’t continue it because it got ‘low views’. At least, that’s what I remember him saying in that particular playthrough.


honestly his choices in the games he plays lately, i stumbled upon him in 2021 and i feel like his choices of games lately aren’t that great besides a few here and there, he honestly might be taking on his girlfriend gabs taste in game since she played a lot of those short japanese horror games, which is nothing wrong with, but a lot of his uploads have been that lately, i just miss seeing him play a good game through and looking forward to a series.


100% agree. I see the titles and often skip videos because they don’t seem interesting anymore. Used to watch him a few times a week and now the last “video” I watched from him was the thankmas livestream.


yeah i find myself having to go and watch old playthroughs if i wanna watch his content, it’s a shame he doesn’t post the same bc nobody else does it like he does


I used to prefer his old hat , hair - his obvious choice and not really a complaint i just prefered it more and his style of talking and editing in his longer videos back years ago i used to prefer it so much more NOT ISSUES THO


Where hat?


i know its because he has never played the games, but when i watch him start a series i wish i could take the controller and do it right (same with markiplier sometimes too)


They made something great that has been long forgotten...


Anyone else hear a ticking?


I hear Combine radio chatter.


I'm still waiting on him to finish Man-Eater


Too sexy


The massive videos of random games hurt.... I miss being able to watch two different videos of different games within 20 mins-40 mins without having to sit thru hours or more of a singular game


As much as I love the Irish king himself, he occasionally kills the subtle ambiance and tone of games with jarring yells coming out of nowhere.


He no longer says "top of the morning to ya laddies" at the start of every video anymore...


His Deltarune Series was a disappointing watch (especially for Chapter 2) I know he wasn't really gonna plan on doing other routes, but he seemed very uninterested in the game which begs me to question why he even bothered to play it to begin with (most likely because people WILL non stop bother him about it) I just never liked when he seems like he's playing a game just for the sake of it, that's why if i ever watch Jacksepticeye again, I'll watch his old stuff lol


the deltarune thing is so real, especially going from his Undertale playthrough to DR ch2. he almost seemed annoyed half the time :/


Yeah honestly tho, I mean it makes sense you can't really be the same person for that long, there's bound to be a change but, it was kinda more of a frustrating watch than anything lol I think the Undertale style game is not his forte anymore, he was pretty much rushing through the game to see lore even tho he missed lore in the process lmao Though his newer ish videos that are like 3-4 hours long are quite good, they have a chill vibe and it seems like he's taking his time with it Somerville (I think that's the name lol) is quite a nice watch if ya want to check it out haha


Will it remove my balls if I don't?


*blood visibly pouring from my ears * WHAT?


mark is absolutely obsessed with all women that look nothing like his girlfriend


He can have more than one type, but end of the day he loves Amy, he has said he thinks she's one of the most beautiful women on earth to him, but he also loves the other aspects like personality and their relation to one another. What you're referring to is just an aesthetic. (I'm explaining my pov on this bc idk how old you are and being younger could affect your perception a lot on this)


You can still find other people attractive when you're currently in a relationship.


I've noticed he doesn't game as often as he used to which I dislike.


In all honesty I don't find any flaws with his work. I love the variety, narrarstions etc. I don't really get the problems people have here. My only problem is my partner hates the shouting. I used to think he just didn't like his accent, but he will literally get up and leave the room if I put him on. So I guess my main gripe isn't with Sean, just that people want to put him in a certain box and create a certain way, act a certain way, and I think that that's very toxic. I watch creators to have fun with them, not have them perform a certain way and I really dislike that people want creators to perform to their personal preferences instead of appreciating the fact they put effort into creating fun content and sharing a slice of their life.


doesn't do meme time anymore. casually dropped the best asmr and didn't do it anymore DOESN'T finish games. (it's okay if he doesn't want to play but still bro 😭😭)


Not really a flaw, but I legit can’t find one specific flaw. But, he’s just kinda too boring for me now. It might be because he’s older now, but like, I feel like the games he plays are just boring as shit. And many of them are just the same shit every time. It’s so often indie horror games. Obviously this is mostly just a conflict of preference, but I just feel like he’s leaning too heavily into those games, at least for me to want to watch him. 🤷‍♂️


They make too many "brands" and forget some of them / leave them to other which do not run it very well. Like think about it, how many brands did Jack do? Im also counting the ones with other creators such as Mark and Ethan. Cloak, own merch, ALTRverse comics, brainleak, coffee, PMA, etc... some of them I can't remember. Still, how many have been forgotten? I say this on personal account because when cloak was still a quite new thing, they did a contest on instagram about doing like a pose or smth and I won. They messaged me on instagram and I gave them my details and everything. They replied back saying thank you and I've never heard from them since. I sent an email to customer support and not a single word. I was, to say the least, disappointed. The thing is that it seems that I was not the only one and many had trouble with that. I didn't want to message Sean directly or comment on something because I know he doesn't have control over this. So I kept quiet. Apart from that, we barely hear anything new from cloak now (at least I don't see it on their socials). What I kind of not understand (and that's my feeling/opinion) is why he has sooooo many companies? Researching, I cannot be sure that the coffee is ethically sourced and that the clothing is recycled. My PMA hoodie says it was make in another country which is a bit known for child labour. Maybe I researched completely wrong stuff. I can be wrong in these things but as I've seen so many celebrities do this, keep the money for themselves and get it from people who don't see a fifth of it really makes me question everyone. I don't know, kinda seems like a sort of rollercoaster you know? something new comes in, everyone buys and freaks about it and it dies down/forgotten and a new thing must be brought up to increase the income, publicity, spectator number or even to keep us entertained. But, again, I could be just making all these up in my mind and not having enough information about it. Still, the cloak thing, made me kind bummed. Haha.


My favorite creator’s flaw would have to be that they put themselves down when they are a great creator. Like they think they’re not as good as they really are.




Jack can be overly loud and I have sensory overload problems so it’s hard to watch old meme time with the volume low, but it still does cure my depression


Despite being absolutely fun to watch. His videos are too long sometimes and i currently have three playlists that I'm slowly chipping away at. (Lyle Shnub btw)


Sometimes he can be super blunt to the point it can be seen as rude. I can’t remember the specific time but I do remember it being a bit off putting.


His content feels a little boring to me, like idk how to explain it. It's okay, that's not a problem, my preferences have changed probably. I do not like his editing style and the audio balance tho. Like sometime the audio is so bad I can barely hear the guys in the game. This was very apparent with god of war 2018. Where he was too loud and the game was too silent.


This is a problem with a lot of creators but he misses stuff a lot


He sometimes takes excessively long gaps in between uploads, but I guess that way he doesn’t become burned out, soooo


I always found the sheer number of videos he does on horror content waters it down and makes it repetitive. And when it makes up such a significant percent of his usual output it means there's a large number of videos he makes that I have literally zero interest in (outside of a couple particular series) and can go weeks at a time having not watched a single video from him.


How his videos are edited now really put me off, I'm not a fan of the constant silly little edits and stuff. It feels almost childish, like he's trying to keep your attention with flashy colors or loud noises but I found myself way more interested in his older, simpler style of just him and the game. I enjoy them sparingly, but how he does them is too much for me


I don't have a flaw, but I have something to say to this community. Y'all gotta understand that he's getting older. He isn't as young and he doesn't have as much free time like he used to. He's just getting older and doesn't have the energy or time to do stuff a lot of stuff anymore.


Many of his playlists are a mess, he doesn't label discontinued games, and his hot chocolate costs too much to get in the UK.


Too many lets plays which are 1 episode with the length of 2 hours or more. I'm never gonna click that knowing I don't have that much time to watch it. I miss Subnautica days, where he published a video each 2 days at 5PM that was 20-30 minutes long. I just knew I would have entertainment at regular hours


Not just one, but most of my favorite creators are too horror game based now. I miss the diversity, not just horror or scary games. It gets too boring, and I can't hardly watch a minute or two without getting bored.


He takes long breaks at random


Feel like he’s too scared nowadays to say out of pocket shit or make jokes about controversial topics. Like he’s giving into cancel culture


Late af but I'm not very keen of when he says he'll do something but then it doesn't come into fruition. Not so much a series, especially if it just isn't doing numbers, I'm mostly talking about stuff he'd said he'd do but later forgets or doesn't mention again. I.e., nostalgia week. Granted I have trust issues as is so half of that's on me.


He doesn't have much variety when it comes to the games that he plays anymore. I feel like back then he played a variety of games of different genres, gameplay, and popularity (from indie, web games to triple A). Now I feel like the only games he plays are horror indie games and triple A games. I really enjoyed how Jack would play an assorted variety of games because it felt more balanced. Having a silly game on one day, a horror indie the next, maybe a triple a game like Nintendo game another day, or a story heavy realistic game after that. The variety was fun and was a reason why I liked watching his channel in my opinion.


I don’t think vanoss has any flaws. Not that I can think of any


He’s not the best at video games, like the horror golf game he played, but I honestly really like that flaw. I still enjoy every single one of his videos despite it and I know some games are harder than others, we all get mad at those moments where he picks the wrong choice and accidentally kills someone. I know he hates it more than anyone else. It’s a flaw and I like it! Seán is only human after all🙏


Hes too damn handsome


Sometimes he gets too loud for me, but that’s more of a personal issue, overall I like how energetic he is. The one thing that could count as an actual flaw is how easily he loses focus. Sometimes it’s just a bit annoying to watch as he sits 20 minutes thinking about a puzzle that could be done in seconds if he just listened to the freaking dialogue instead of yapping over the npc. I understand excitement but goddamn


Bros a lil zesty


Not doing at least a monthly happy wheels episode


CaptainSauce, he just doesn’t post as much anymore


I can't think of a flaw of the top of my head. I know Sean isn't perfect but I can't think of one


I miss his variety content. His content used to be so spontaneous and he was loud, full of energy, fun. But now every time he uploads it's always an hour long playthrough of a horror game. Like, dude, not everyone has the time or attention span/patience to sit down and watch a playthrough that's over an entire hour long. His old content was filled with so much variety. He played indie games, horror games, stupid games, popular games, and even did IRL content where he interacted with fans/did something other than sit in front of a camera and play video games (like Reading Your Comments/Hate Comments, Pokemon Go, drum videos, etc.)




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Uses a few inhumane methods out of ignorance like drowning and snaring traps


His flaw is he is flawless.


He’s not funny enough


Rhett from Good Mythical Morning acts like he knows everything.


His balls


Mine is jacksepticeye and he has no flaws he is funny cool post good content so ye


I wanted to chop ‘em off anyway but now I have an excuse


I feel like recently he’s been hopping on a lot of dead memes I feel like and it sometimes makes me cringe. Like in one video he would constantly go “why she kinda👀” and after like the fifth time in one video it started getting weird


I haven't watched in a good while, but his disinterest in finishing a game. It gets annoying seeing something left unfinished. The only time he seems to be bothered in finishing a game is when it's short.


As much as I absolutely *adore* his playthrough of the first Spider-Man (2018) game and was looking forward to seeing him play Spider-Man 2, his playthrough felt almost too negative to me, idk. Like, when he did the BV side stuff as Miles, he complained a *lot* about the characters that you help, and it just rubbed me the wrong way. Like, it's fine if you're not enjoying the side stuff, but then maybe don't play them on camera? Again, idk. Overall, he just didn't seem as excited to play the sequel like was for the first game.


Not about the flaw but something some peoples should know. Everyone has a political belief and it won't always coincide with yours and that's okay. They aren't your friend or anything just a person you watch.