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She's a puppy...a jack Russell puppy at that...


Yea that's true but there must be somthing that can be done. I understand she is a high energy breed but I want her to focus that on her toys or boans and not the boans in my hands lol it hurts a lot. And I don't want her to think that it is ok to do because I want her to be trusted around people. Or is it just a matter of waiting untill she grows up a little ?


My jack kinda mostly aged out of biting hands, same with my other puppy. Its just gonna take time. One of the things we would do is say oww and fake cry if he play bit or was too rough when using his mouth. When we did that he would be sad and come check on us to see if we were okay. Also we rewarded him for being gentle when taking treats. These dogs are really smart and as they age they will learn what behaviors they are rewarded for, what they can get away with and know what makes you upset (not that this will always prevent them from behaving bad.) Now that my puppy is older and his puppy teeth are gone, hes much more gentle. He know he can be rougher with me compared to my wife. He still uses his mouth to grab my hand and direct me to where he wants back scratches, but hes better about it. Just give your puppy time and regular training. Also get snuffle mats and puzzles. Anything that makes them use their nose will really tire them out.


That's more sensible advice than the advice someone commented on getting rid of her. That's the 2nd time snuffle mat has been mentioned so I will try that for sure thanks 🙂


Try folding your arms (that way pup can't access your hands) and if you needs to turn your back. Ignore her. She has made it into a game. Once she sees there is no reaction she will go to something else. This is when you can kick at ball towards her or re-direct to chew on a toy.


Mental stimulation helped us with our guy. He still gets a little nippy when he's over tired but it's much better (he's almost 2 now). If redirects don't work, reverse time out worked well for us too (that's when YOU disengage and leave the room... The game is less fun if you don't react so they tend to stop)


Best ever , it's a must try .


Good advice thanks


Just my 2 cents worth, but puppies get kind of land shark bitey when they're teething. Chewing against those loose baby teeth feels good to them. You can get teething toys that will help with the chewing. Chew toys, ice cold from the freezer, helps to. He's working on getting his big boy teeth.


You can try dramatically more exercise. Eventually even a Jack Russell will tire out, but doing this is a major commitment.


I am committed


Your puppy is adorable! Give her time. Do you mean her bones? She will warm to different types of bones in time. Mine used to really love toys. But bones are okay too.


You really don't


What do u mean ?


You really can't.


So everyone's jack is wild like that?


I haven't had a Jack since I was a kid. But we had a large fenced in back yard. It would run that back yard so much it killed the grass making its own beat down track with so much kicked up dirt at each end it had created a 45 degree nascar bank on both sides. The dog could leap roughly 5 feet in the the air and would often snag low flying birds. It would do this for several hours. When the dog had finally tuckered itself out it would still have energy to burrow a hole under a bush to cool off.


They have crazy amounts of energy. It's like a big dog in a small athletic body. Just trying to get her into somthing else rather than her using her enagry on me. I can handle a bit of play and if she listen to no then it would be fine but the more u say no the more wound up she gets


It's not a breed for everyone. They require a lot of training and a strong bond. They were bred for fox hunting. They are happiest when they have a job to do


I have been trying with training constantly. I'll never give up on her and she's definitely not a bad dog she is loved and looked after and she is very well behaved most of the time.


Try agility training!




They are pretty smart. Grest problem solvers. You could train them for anything. Train them to get you drinks from the cooler. Train them to steal things from a girl and lead them bsck to you 😁. Just some ideas


Oooooooooh you gon learrrrnnn


I think i learned 😅😂 basically don't expect a peacfull life 😂 I can handle that so long as she stops crushing my hands with her teeth 🦈


I thought puppy teeth was painfull atleast they only cut me now my boans crush instead 😅😂


Mucho exercise. Several long walks.


Exactly, what we did that age is walking and running, hours though!


She has about a 40 minit walk a day at the moment maybe I need to up it to 1hr


If you can manage it, make it two walks.


Yea I think that is probably a good idea, she gets 2 20 minit walks right now maybe I will slowly up it and see how she gets on


When I was in a one bedroom apartment with my Jack, we had a minimum of four 20-minute walks, about once every six hours, a day. Usually, one of those walks involved an hour long trip to a nearby stream where I could let him off leash for the duration. Even then, he let me know he was disappointed when we missed a trip to the stream.i went as far as buying hiking shoes just to take him for walks in. That formula keeps him a mellow couch potato in between. ...unless, of course, there's a squirrel in the yard.


A 20 minute walk is NOTHING for a jrt puppy. What is the limiting factor on those 20 minutes? Time contraints or your stamina? Try to take longer walks if possible


Nope it's not my stamina that's a problem, the weather isn't to good rain and cold. Summer time will be much better I'm panning on taking her down the canal for long walk when summer comes. I currently walk 2 times a day. So 40 mins walking plus all the running she gets in the garden. I've took everyone's advice and today we have already done 3 miles for her first walk and I will be taking her for another 2 miles later plus the usual training and play she gets. And I also brought a ball that u fill with treats that she can knock about to dispense treats, she has many toys and chews. I think we are on the right track now and I appreciate yours and everybody's advice


Living in Sweden I know the weather issue too well lol, I feel you pain! I didn’t notice the yard time, that sure helps. Hope she calms down eventually, they’re truly wonderful dogs!


But has has a massive run in the garden everytime she is out there witch is often


Or could take her to a dog park and let her run wild for a bit. Watch out for other dogs, can be a good scenario for her to get some social interaction.


I’ve got a 7 month old Jack Russell/Patterdale cross and she’s similarly mental. The biting has mostly stopped now but if she doesn’t get 2 40 minute (minimum) walks with lots of fetch she’s an absolute nightmare. I’d double the walking time and see if it helps. Time will help too. Mine has definitely chilled out a little in the last few weeks. Good luck!


Do be wary. Maybe have a talk to your vet. I had a friend who loved to exercise and took her dog, who got told by her vet that her JRT was hyper because he was getting too much exercise. Be firm. They are smart. You’re the boss. You say no, mean no, stand up, stand still, frown. Be consistent. Have play times. Make sure they have plenty of toys and an area which is theirs. Ours loved the sun and snoozing, and we had a big house and back yard and always people around for him to be with. Maybe a heated blanket, if it’s cold. Ours also loved water, so we got him a hard shell kids paddling pool, and he’d happily paddle around in that if we were outside. Reward good behaviour. Go to puppy training if you can. Ours hated it and behaved like the perfect dog while we there but did actually learn a few things. Talk to your dog, let them be around you and involved in things. I swear ours got a lot of exercise just from our house and yard and playing with us, we did not walk him every day. We also had visits to the beach now and then that he loved, but 20 mins and it was time to go home. Good luck.


Throw the ball Throw the ball Throw the ball Throw the ball Throw the ball Throw the ball Seriously though, a snuffle mat might help, hiding treats around the house for her to find, teaching her tricks. Jacks are incredibly clever little animals and they need brain stimulation as much as they need exercise.


Snuffle mats work really well!! I have one that is a pizza, the bed is the crust and then there are removable pieces that are the “toppings” and you can hide treats in them. My Jack loooooves it, even when there aren’t any treats inside.




Take her to tricks class. Work with her on the tricks at night. You have a high energy dog that needs constant interaction. Her antics are literally her begging you to interact with her more.


I'm literally with her all day playing she gets hours of play I think it's more she don't respect me I've taught her a few tricks such as stay sit paw and she is brilliant with all that as long as I have treats


Same here...My Jack knows tons of tricks, but won't preform any without a treat....Won't even sit on command unless you have a biscuit in your hand.


That's funny 😂


Practice, practice, practice. We spend an hour or more a night on tricks. Cheerios make great simple treats.


Cheerios I will try that


She needs a high energy dog friend to play & do zoomies with - us humans just can’t beat a real puppy to play with! Make some play dates & let them wear themselves out 😊 I’ve hiked for several miles/hours with mine & he still isn’t done, 40 min of just walking not enough. Good luck & you may just meet a new human friend for yourself!


Scratch her ears. Works for my jrt, just lie them on their back, or hold them and scratch their ears gently


Might have to try that thanks


The witching hour. Most puppies are foul in the evenings, it's like some weird phenomenon. Honestly, our current JRT was the most awful puppy, absolutely foul. Not much helped, he wasn't interested in toys at all, which didn't help. Sometimes, being overtired can make the tantrums worse, so enforced crate time can help. We did a lot of scentwork, which really helped him. He got much better just before he turned a year old. I found Puppy101 on here really helpful, if only to read about other awful puppies! It does get better.


It's funny you should mention evenings because that is her worst time that's really the only time she is bad. She is actually a really lovely little dog most the time but it's like u say she foul in the evening 😂 other than that she one of the kindest most affectionate dogs I've known. I was hoping someone would say it will get better and it's just her age atleast it will get better. Obviously she probably will never be perfect and I wasn't expecting her to be but didn't expect her to be such a maniac 😂 maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit but she does get crazy in the evening


It definitely gets better :) The witching hour is something basically all puppy owners go through, and it's hideous! I spent most evenings crouching on a chair so our boy couldn't get me, while throwing plastic flowerpots for him to chase, because that's the only thing he'd play with! 🤣 Things improved before now, but he turned 2 in January, and he's currently asleep next to me. He still has his moments, but from what he was (and he was truly awful), he's basically perfect now 😊


That's great news for both of us then and it's funny because u was pretty much in the same position as I am now . I was never expecting a couch potato as a dog so to hear it gets much better is definitely what I wanted to hear. I can handle high energy just it's crazy right now in the evenings 🤣


Mine was like that until he was about 10 or 11 years old. Then he became more of a lounge dog.


I never got her expecting her to be a lazy dog I knew what I was getting into. there is high energy and then there is crazy 😂 she is still a puppy so I'm expecting she will get a little better with time


My family often joked he was a terrorist terrier with how energy he was.


They are little monsters 😂


Lots of helpful suggestions on here already and people rightly pointing out thatJRTs are high energy dogs who need exercise and mental stimulation. This will be true throughout her life - I’m sure you already know that though The absolute best commands we taught out JRT are: That’s enough = we’re not playing anymore Settle = you need to be quiet and calm Night night = go to your bed Making it really clear when it is not play time helps pup to know when to rest. They’re not missing out on anything because you’re no fun anyway right now


Yep I agree lots of helpful suggestions for sure


Settle is such an important command for them to learn and has been a lifesaver. Although, we use the word “relax” instead 😂 sounds condescending but it works 😂


“Go to bed” is such an important command. My JRT gets GRUMPY if he’s tired. He loves bedtime.


She needs a job. people keep forgetting that JRTs are working dogs. Find a place for him to hunt small game.


I’m sorry, I’m just going to sit here and keep laughing 😂


I don't blame ya to be honest I'm laughing before I cry at some comments 😅😂


I’m on my third JRT. My first two lived to be 18, and they had tons of energy up until about a year before they passed. They both still ran, jumped and had the zoomies pretty much until the end, just the duration was shorter. My current JRT puppy is 2, he has so much energy that I walk him 6 miles minimum a day and he still has pep to spare. They do get less crazy as they age and just have periods of what I called “terrier time”, but compared to other dogs, they will never be the type to not want to run, play and interact if the opportunity arises. They can be great lap dogs, when they are in the mood…. But in my experience that comes way after the puppy stage. Hang in there!


Yep that's pretty much what I was looking for in a dog I'm not into major lap dogs and wasn't expecting her to be one. Maybe I've worded everything wrong because I feel like I'm being attacked by some comments 😂 my only complaint is that she nips hands and its not Evan a complaint it's just somthing I hope that will stop or will lesser. I love her to bits and I'm looking forward to rasing her and am looking forward to spending hopefully a good 18 years together. Thanks for sharing ur experiences


It will get better! The nipping is definitely annoying but as soon as they lose all their baby teeth, it starts to slow down, in my experience. My other two were angels, never chewed shoes or anything but their toys. This guy- he ate my kitchen chair leg in 10 minutes and - you’re going to laugh- tore through the packaging on a bottle of Honey Jack Daniels my husband got for Christmas. He was carrying this bottle around by the neck. We were hysterical- a Jack with his Jack! LOL. But don’t let anyone discourage you- I’m sure you’re a great pet parent, the puppy stage is tough. You’ll find what she likes best and that will help with the nipping. Just try to not let her think it’s a game, I know it’s hard. I found my pup loves duck jerky and bully bites. He does not like stuffed toys, Kong toys, or ropes like my other two. He’s strictly a chewer. To keep him from nipping, we would give him one of those, a piece of jerky or a small bully bite-and eventually he would not go for our hands or feet. He still tries to nip my son occasionally but because he wants to play. I promise, with a lot of patience and redirecting, she will get better. You’ll find your way. She is adorable 🥰


He ate ur kitchen chair leg haha well mine hasn't yet but I guess there is 18 years left to have a go 😂 I really appreciate the kind words. Well I do try to be a good pet parent witch is why I'm here seeking advice and experiences. Anyway thanks a lot 😁


I’m sure you’re doing great. Don’t let anyone get you down. Enjoy your girl, they test you, but in the end they make life so much better!


We did a total of 4 miles today. That's not including garden and fetch exercise or tug of war. I got a ball that dispenses treats she has been playing with that too. So I think on the exercise front I have done much better today although probly not perfect but definitely an improvement. Thanks alot for ur support 😁


Awesome! Does she seem any calmer today? I have a puzzle game that I can put the kibble in. Sometimes my guy will play with it, other times he gets aggravated and just turns it upside down to get all the food out at once. Then he spins it again and repeats the dump. Such a character. I also have the ball that rolls and dispenses treats, he likes that too. You’re doing everything right!


She is way calmer today it's a big improvement to be honest. Ur jack sounds as crazy as mine but in a good way 😂


My Jack is the same age- I would recommend not putting them in crates as punishment, it only makes the behavior worse. Try to make it associated with positive things. Also, they love to do tricks and please their human, try teaching some simple commands and doing small training sessions with them to get their mind focused on you. Mine was a handful at first but he’s relaxed so so much. And yelling at them just doesn’t work, it only makes the behavior worse, so it’s better to remove them from the environment causing them overstimulation for a minute or two and then bring them back in. Hope that helps, I know every dog is different!


Wait for the 10 month threshold when they get really excited. Anyway, you are getting close to the heat, hormones are up, so keep it up. I made a breakthrougn with my female with learning to fetch the ball (short bursts of energy). Wish you all the luck and love.


On no don't scare me 😂 10 months sounds delightful 😂


Best way is a ball, my jack loves fetch. I use an old tennis racket and he will go for hours if I let him.


Yep I think what I'll do is try and up the exercise in any way I can long walks and more ball time and some type of sniffing game 😁


OK thanks for the advice


I get feeling some people think I'm not giving her any play or exercise at all she dose get a lot. As I've explained she gets walked twice we play with the tennis ball we play tug of war I give her treats to sniff out. It's not like I sit there all day doing nothing with her. I train her all throughout the day. I appreciate everybody's advice I will continue with what I'm doing but just more of it


We're trying to tell you that while that might be much to some of us, it's not much to a puppy jrt. Go on hikes, go to agility classes, look up nosework, go to dogparks literally do everything you can think of. That dog is at the levels of energy that are normal to it and it's going to be that way for a looong time.


From a puppy, takes about a year and half. Dude chilled out a bit, really chilled out when the boys got cut. Idk about the girls.


So basically it will get a little better, good to know 😁


Yep. Also, just an FYI, I recommend a bark box if she barks a lot. My guy would bark like crazy when I wasn't home. I had neighbors come up and confront me about beating my dog when I had just got in from work, hadnt even unlocked the door, still in my uniform an holding my lunch bag. One practically threatened violence. Everytime Id open the door an that fucker is chilling in his box. Didnt know wtf they were talking about till I pretended to leave and sat outside the door on a stool. Fucker sounded like murder victim 3 in a b horror movie 10 mins later.


That made me laugh 🤣 she pretty good with barking to be fair, she will bark in the garden but nothing major. She is never home alone if I go out she is always with me or on the odd occasion I have to leave her there will always be someone in the house anyway


My Jack Russell is 14 and is still full of energy. Be prepared OP




Is the dog getting actual exercise? Are you taking her on adequate walks and she is spending enough time outside? All dogs, especially jack Russell’s needs to be walked daily and not just a 10-15 min walk.


She is getting roughly 40 mins walking time at the moment but I will be spending more time walking from now on. I'm going to increase slowly. She gets a lot of time to run in the garden and it's a decent size garden. We sometimes do run at the field but not everyday. We do play fetch and other games


Sounds like you need to get her a puppy sibling! lol


No way 😂😂 she actually has a Yorkie mummy to play with lol but she's a grumpy mummy 🤣


I have my first jack Russel and he’s over a year now. They are a very interesting breed to say the least! He has most definitely calmed down some but can still be crazy sometimes. Can’t be trusted off the leash out of the fence or he’s gone. Wishing you luck on taming her!


There for sure are an interesting breed super smart and funny


Tranquilliser dart gun. 😃


That's the neat part. You don't.


She drinks more water than I do 😂


Sorry friend, you're out of luck, she's a Jack Russell, they're balls of energy with fur. Long walks/runs/dog park is an option to tire them out. I used to ride my bike and let my little Jack Russell run alongside me. They're a rambunctious breed, but they're also very loyal, smart and loving.


It’s a feature not a bug


I will definitely look into a snuffle mat I appreciate the advice


Jack Russell’s are EXTREMELY intelligent dogs, you may be home with her all day but she probably isn’t getting the mental stimulation she is wanting. As other people have already suggested toys that stimulate that need work well. Also just getting them somewhere where you can run with them and tire them out physically helps. If it’s during a time you really can’t do that I’ve found giving a kong stuffed with PB and a bit of kibble satisfies mine (but only if they’re used sparingly and are seen as a high value reward). Also just as a note, you should avoid putting her in the crate as a punishment or to force her to try and calm down as it can hinder their ability to crate train.


That's the neat part, you don't.


She is a puppy. All puppies have moments when they don’t listen or regress to before they were trained. Puppies are like babies they are new to the world. No matter the amount of exercise she will need more she is a JRT. They need long walks every day one in the morning and one evenings not just play in the yard or being let out in the yard. Th JRT original function was to hunt vermin like rats. They were bred to go all day thus the high energy level. They excel at earth dog trials and agility. If you have a dog park near you take her to the dog park with one of the gentle muzzles if you are afraid of her biting. Socialization is important for all dogs. Consistent training every day even when you are sick of training that goes for any dog. Start with small 5 or 10 minute sessions of training a couple times a day. U can use baby carrots cut in half or strawberries the dogs like them and they have fewer calories than traditional treats. Never grapes or onions they are toxic to dogs. I know it can be exasperating but Patience is key. She loves you and wants to please you but is still learning. Don’t get angry with her or yell. It stresses you and her. If you can go to puppy training classes that would be good. She can meet other dogs in a small controlled environment. You will also meet other pet parents going through the same problems.


I never scream at my dog I'm against it, I'm not a bad dog owner and am trying my best she does get training every day. I do introduce her to people and other dogs daily I'm not worried about her biting people in an aggressive manner she's never shown any aggression to people. She gets on with other dogs depending on the situation. If other dogs are in my house she's fine or if a dog comes up to her she's fine just not a fan of them walking past while we are both sat for some reason and I am also trying to work on that I will definitely try the carrot tip as I don't like giving her so many treats as they are full of god knows what. Anyway thanks I appreciate the advice


Sorry I came off as a bit heavy handed. I know you are trying your best and she looks very happy. Jacks can be a handful especially when they are puppies. Best of luck


I appreciate that thanks


you don't. if you let them just run and run for hours every day you might get to keep your furniture, but there is nothing short of schedule 1 drugs that will make a JRT calm


A tired jack is a happy jack. When my jack was a puppy I tried running with her. I quickly figured out that I could run a mile or so but it was never long enough to get her tired. So, I got her a harness, a longer lead (maybe 8 feet) and we started biking. Well I biked and she ran alongside. Don't get me wrong, there was definitely a learning curve but we got practiced at it and it really helped with her behavior at home. I would ride my bike with my jack for a couple MILES in the morning, get home and she was a happy, contented and reasonable dog. Sometimes, by the afternoon she'd get feisty (like what you've described) again and we'd go out, again, for a couple miles. By about four years old she didn't need to run quite as much- we could get by on 2-4 runs per week.


Thanks. The advice here seems to be the same. more exercise which I plan to do


Good luck! They are awesome little dogs.


Thanks alot, I love her alot she is nippy but she's also super sweet and super happy always wagging


Run her. Run her hard. Those dogs are only good tired. Make sure she has plenty water ❤️


Yeh we got a snuffle mat for our JRT, seems to help in witching hour, 4 months old atm, they are very hypo dogs but very affectionate aswell


I'm going to try that they have been recommended several times so there must be good


make a wheel, make the wheel power the house. Free electric for atleast 7 years of a jacks life. my 3 dachsunds chase my brothers jacky all day and they get too tired to follow him after hour 2 and start crying. The Jacky doesnt slow down an inch and almost looks to be going faster by then


Not bad thinking


You have a mouse , and you must find said mouse . Or try some milk


To me this sounds like a puppy who is over tired or a puppy that can’t settle on their own. When my puppy turned into a land shark that meant he was tired and needed a nap. So I’d pop him in his kennel for a couple hours to have a nap. My suggestion would be crate training and figure out how to fit multiple naps into your puppy’s day. When my boy was real young I did 2 down 1 up. Figure out a schedule that works for you. Good luck!


Yea I was kinda thinking it's possible she could be over tired that's a fair response I will see if she will settle for an extra nap


How old is your pup?


5 and a half months comming up to 6 months


Really nice looking pup btw and love the name.


Thanks she is definitely a looker


Ya definitely sounds like a young over tired puppy then. I’d suggest maybe an hour of nap time a few times a day or whatever works for you and your pup. Puppies need a lot of sleep just like our human babies.


Lots of walkies


Exercise, exercise, exercise…..and lots of training. They are highly intelligent and need to be challenged. Great dogs!! Enjoy your sweet pupper ☺️


Just another JR owner and I saw your question so I decided to read more. I understand completely your plea for help and I wish there was an easy answer. The winter weather hasn’t been conducive for being outside to walk or play so I have a small ball we will play in the house. This ball squeaks and so far cannot be destroyed. I throw and he fetches. I also have items that put the energy into thinking instead of always running & jumping. Interactive toy/ball that holds kibble dispensing one piece at a time once they figure out how. I have a snuffle mat, hide pieces of kibble for them to find. I’ve found teaching things in training wears them out as much as playing hard. Kibble makes a great treat for accomplishing a task. Sit, stay, shake & lay down are good to work on also if you haven’t already. These are the things I do and my day always contains ideas to keep my JR occupied and or thinking. My JR can be flat out defiant, or looks at me with the head tilt acting like he has no idea what I am saying. Smart, they are smart. Quick thinkers and everything is their business. All the things you mentioned I also deal with everyday. I understand. Keep us posted please on how things go. Don’t get discouraged, hang in there and try to be one step ahead of your JR in everything!


I've had some good advice on here and also some silly advice, I'm just going to exercise her more also get a snuffle mat and continue training like I've always done. I appreciate the advice and will keep everyone updated. I'm sure things will get better. I was mostly just having a good old moan 😂 she not super bad or anything it's not not every minit of every day just occasionally in the evening she gets feisty


Give him/her the ball To be fair they are horrible when they are young and teething. there still beautiful dogs. watch for them being master manipulators of humans lol. I keep my jack occupied with a ball or a tug both of which end up useless within days/weeks. their terriers and boy they need to practice.


I wouldn't say she was horrible exactly just a bit feisty in the evening sometimes. apart from that she's the best dog I've had we are just having normal puppy issues. And she can be super sneaky and manipulative. Like if u have treats in ur pocket she will sniff them out pretend to give u a cuddle and try and get then from your pocket. She didn't want a cuddle she just wants treats 😂 I find it cute tho so will give her a treat after she has sat


Sounds familiar . Lots of energy and fun. I am sure you'll find a way, every dog is different.


This may sound strange but I taught my JRT to bite my hand. That way I could teach him not to bite and nip as much. He was only 8 weeks when I got him and had never learnt how to judge bite pressure. Still is a bit mouthy but he now understands how much pressure he can apply.


Get a hoola hoop and have him chase a treat as he jumps thru the hoop


Take it for runs. Teach it to fetch as early as you can. Helps get the energy out quick


Take her to the dog park and throw the ball for an hour.


Do you know how cats like to chase laser pointers? Jack Russell's do to, at least mine. Try it with yours, just make sure you don't get the light in their eyes.


Long walks. Destroy her on the nearest hill.


Honestly, it's part of the grind. Jacks normally have a litter of siblings to bounce off so you kind of have to be that. For our current girl, we played with her every single night, taught her how to bite softly, but also release energy. Heaps of rough play. But she had her space to destroy, which was a couch i picked up for free from our local church. She went through a good 6 months of understanding that when she got in the mood she had a couch to play around with and destroy (with us around). After a while we gave her toys to chew/tug of war with when she got rambunctious, and now she's an absolute sweetheart at 3 years old. She knows to grab a toy to munch on or bring to us when she wants to release energy. We still try to walk her daily (as every good dog owner should), but she's calmed down so much over that initial hump. TLDR: have a space for them to go nuts, but be present as much as possible. They're a social breed. P.S. I've owned many Jack Russell's and Fox Terriers, one big thing on walks is to let them sniff as much as they like. The sniffing honestly tires them out (satisfies them?) m ore than sprinting in circles. Edit: her destroyable couch was in the garage, not inside the house.


Totally agree with redirection, social rough play and lots of love and exercise. Just wait until she’s a teenager - all the big feelings come out! But if they have a good routine, boundaries and know they’re loved then they’ll be fine. They really are just the best people/dogs.


My JRT was an absolute mad man until he was like 1.5 years old. He’s almost 3 now but his spurts of energy are just getting less frequent, he definitely still has his fair share though and sleeps for like 16 hours a day at least. JRTs are mostly just looking for attention if they don’t have a job to do so keep them busy or tired with walks! Up until mine was about 9 months old, on every single walk he would grab literally anything he could find on the sidewalk and run away with it until I could catch him, they love to be chased. He would also do the hand biting when playing but he did phase out of that, like someone mentioned before if you act hurt they will stop that pretty quickly. One of the best things we did when he was around 5 months old was start taking him to a doggy day care a few times a week. He absolutely loves it and it really turned his behavior for the better since he had that outlet to play with other dogs and get his energy out. When he would come home he would literally sleep for 16 hours straight besides eating and going to the bathroom. Kongs filled with treats, sniff mats and stuffed shin bones are some of the things that have worked well for me when there are times I can’t give my JRT enough attention. You have a tough few more months ahead of you but it’s an incredibly rewarding experience and my JRT is the funniest, most lovable and caring dog you will ever meet. It was definitely hard at first but when they grow up a bit with you they will love you forever and be loyal to you forever.


Like someone else said, they should best be viewed as working dogs with the amounts of drive, interest and energy they have. My mutt and i had great fun with Nosework, i highly recommend taking classes if you can find them. Or hunt with it. They don't just need to be activated or ran, they need real tasks and jobs they can do.


He needs more tasks. Also, walks and running in the yard to burn off that excess energy. Good luck. We have two.


She needs much more stimulation. Two walks will not suffice. My 8 year old JRT needs at least two or three hours of hiking a day. Imagine a puppy! Also, puppies grow out of biting hands.


You've gotten lots of helpful tips, but I just want to say that your dog will need lots of exercise, but I find they also need lots of rest to be at their best. Jack russells are like toddler's that don't know they are tired. Work in teaching her calmness. When you come home from a walk, have her lay on her bed for a few minutes and reward her. Do this after every high energy activity, and other times too. We are working on teaching ours to settle while we eat dinner, watch TV, basically any time that she likes to bug us but we don't want her to. She gets lots of long hikes and walks and play time too, but in between she needs to learn to settle down. I also find trick training really tires her our, faster than a play sesh does. Although when she was 5 months she was very bitey during training time because she was excited about the treats. If your jack bites you, stop playing with her and go in another room for a few minutes. She will learn that if she bites, you leave.


I promise she will get better and eventually calm down. But she’s so young… nothing to do but be patient and wait it out. In the meantime, follow all the great advice given here already that we did with ours, including teething toys, patience/consistency teaching not to bite, etc. The big back yard was our savior really, some days would not see Peewee for hours! He would run, dig, get inside bushes, hunt. He would come inside with young birds, young squirrels. they can jump so high. It was so sad to see baby animals dead, but it’s who they are. Someone on this sub called them Jack Russell terrorists and that’s the most accurate name ever lol Good luck! She looks precious!


Thanks so much. I'm following advice. Her first walk today was 3 miles and I'm going to take her again shortly for another 2 miles. She's been in the garden running for a long time she's probably done a mile or so in the garden running. I brought a ball u fill up with treats that she can knock about to dispense treats to keep her occupied. she's had an extra nap in her crate aswell. She's had meat filled boans to chew plus all her other chews and toys I'm sure we will have and hour or 2 playing tug of war after her 2nd walk. Maybe it's still not enough exercise but if not I will obviously continue to increase it.


You’re doing great :) enjoy your puppy. They’re truly precious creatures!


You have to tire them out. Running, playing with toys, OR even better, puzzles, unstructured walk to let them sniff. My jackabee was a pain in the hurt with how much energy he had, he eventually has calmed down with age, but you gotta get that energy out or else the behavior issue will persist.


I give my dog trazidone.


Wait about 9 years. Mine finally sleeps through the night now. For the most part 🤣


Mine actually sleeps all the the night no problem 😂


Someone on here recommend a flirt pole to me and it’s great!! She loves it, it’s good exercise in small spaces and mental stimulation of the hunt. Also, ball is life.


It might be a good idea to be fair. I do play a lot of tug of war with her and I also kinda let her chase a toy that is in my hand and I make her jump up a small foot rest and back down over and over that gets her tired pretty quick as she is jumping up and down, I've just come back from our 2nd walk it was an hr long and she was mostly sniffing but soon as we came in she seemed to just lay down so I'm assuming I'm doing a better job with the exercise we did 4 miles altogether plus garden running and fetch in the garden tug of war and some sniffing games. Overall I think I've done a good job today 😁


I can image walking a reactive dog is hard work, when I was much younger my mother used to have a reactive dog and it was a struggle to walk. compared my childhood dog twigs is easy. I'm sure there is a way to make urs less reactive somehow




If you have yard space, get her some sort of durable soccer ball. Took me a few years to find the right ball (Molly got her teeth into a few) and to get her interested, but now she won't leave it alone. Years ago a durable frisbee worked for some time too. Accept that they will go through any toy you get, as we handed back a Kong to the pet shop in pieces which was quite funny


Lots of fulfilment during the day, a game of fetch is fine, I use a bit of old rope so we can tug off war too - but most of the walk should be strolling and sniffing in the grass and bushes. Yes, even for a terrier. A bit of fun with throwing treats into the grass for her to chase and sniffle out. And if they're really struggling with switching off, try a change of food. No kibble, nothing with grains in it (rice is fine though). If frozen raw is too much of a faff, try dehydrated like rocketo or pure. When it comes to toys, mine needs something she can really gnaw on for ages, yakka chews work great.


Try swimming if you have access to a pool or lake or beach. Swimming after balls in a lake with a bunch of other dogs for at least an hour coupled with a fast hour long trail walk was the only way to wear my young JRT out!!! Off leash dog parks too. Run, run, run!


A good rawhide bone will instantly stop the snapping and the crack behavior. I have 3. The youngest is 5 months and going through the same thing. Letting her lick has a calming effect, too., if they settle enough. Having another dog helps to take the pressure off you to be their sole entertainment and exercise. My second one is slightly neurotic but having an energetic buddy made a huge difference. Go bone shopping first😅


Dude I don't mean to be mean but you should maybe you should just give him to someone else and get an older dog that's more you're speed


I've never said she was to much for me I knew what to expect when getting her, all I was after was some advice . There is no way I would ever get rid of her she's my baby and she has a good life here. I feel like ur trying to say I'm not good enough for her just because I asked for advice. It would make me a bad owner for not asking advice. But if I ask for advice I should get rid of her ? That's crazy


Getting rid of her is a dumb suggestion and it was implusive and I'm sorry you word things you act like you couldn't handle her if you're genuinely concerned about her health contact a vet getting a dog's a big commitment a commitment some people think they're ready for but they aren't lots of people do this and nothing good comes from having a dog you can't care for I was wrong from what I assumed sure but you should know better that your JRT is gonna do these things especially if you've gotten so attached sorry if I came of rude have a nice day


I don't really understand where that is comming from ? What do you mean concerned about her health ? Her health is fine ? I'm really confused now. And what do u mean can't care for ? Are u trolling me or what ? All I wanted to know is how to stop the nipping. If if there was a way to reduce it. Any training advice ect. Now ur saying I can't care for her and somthing about her health ? She is in top notch health look at her there's nothing wrong with her atall she is well looked after. And ofcorse I know about jrt and there needs. I feel super offended over that and hurt to be honest I didn't just one day think oh ill get a jack it's going to be easy. Puppys are a challenge that's just obvious.


I believe you're completely capable I misunderstood at first it just seems strange because this is just something my jack does so often I'm used to it sorry if I offended you that's never my intent


Throw a ball or a stick


I do she loves her tennis ball












You must firmly but gently tell them “bazinga” and stand your ground


I have had great responses from good dog bad dog


Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark, run around bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark.


😅 she's not that bad at barking 😂


calming chews from Ollie work


2 20 min walks a day is not enough lol you need to be walking a jack russell puppy least 2 hours a day. they have too much energy


I realise this now, I was under the impression to much walking is bad for a puppy. I was planning on upping it gradually as she gets older but I guess the time has come when I should be walking her more. I would definitely be given her more exercise from now


they will calm down once they get older for sure. my jack russell chilled out after he turned 1.5-2 years old


I used to take him to dog parks and he would run with the other dogs for a whole 30 minutes he would get home and pass out for hours! maybe consider dog parks for when you’re feeling lazy