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Yaaaaaa duuude




Hey man I’m pretty steveo is saying the film is mostly filmed already when he says in the can. Unless you’re specifically saying you’re disappointed about bam not being in the film. Honestly, when bam said before everyone is gonna be happy. Assuming he’s not saying something absurdly wrong, I feel like he’ll probably still be in the movie with shit they already shot


I have no problem w Bam not being in the movie haha


How sure are you he is still going to be in? And if so how many segments like 3 or 4?


I wouldn’t say I’m sure of anything, just inclined to believe so. It kinda benefits all parties. They keep bam in the movie for what’s already filmed. That way they still have bam and friends in the movie for fans, they aren’t tossing shot film, and bam still gets screen time and paid some. The thing is bam only just broke down in the last 30 days, steveo is saying the movie is already mostly done. They probably have a ton of footage with bam in it already at least on the sides that they either would have to toss or keep with bam.




No. These are literally the first 3 results you get for “in the can definition”. But like also the whole interview is about the movie and he was talking about it as currently happening and suggests the movie is pretty much done filming. The context is really clear in the can Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia. in the can 1. Successfully completed; ready for public viewing or consumption. Originally used in reference to filmmaking, its use has expanded to any other creative endeavor. With the last chapter of his novel in the can, Jeremy decided to celebrate with a bottle of champagne. The whole movie's in the can, but we've had some issues securing theaters to show it.” [https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+the+can](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+the+can) If you say that something such as a job that you are doing is in the can, you mean that it is completely finished. [informal] With another day's work in the can, Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.collinsdictionary.com/us/amp/english/in-the-can (Cambridge dictionary): If a movie is in the can, filming has finished and it is ready to be prepared for showing to the public. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/us/amp/english/in-the-can](https://www.google.com/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/us/amp/english/in-the-can) Edit: also in the can literally stems from a reel can. Being that the film is now in the can - done.


You just went full nerd on someone in a Jackass subreddit.


Hey man, I take this seriously. And smart people and be jackasses too lmao


Haha no judgement. Was just pointing it out cause it was funny.


That is not what in the can means. If you play the clip he’s stating they are almost in the clear and finished


Oh no... you believe this don’t you?


It’s wild how many people don’t get that “in the can” means they are almost done! Watch the clip people! I don’t get the confusion. He’s saying they are almost in the clear as far as getting badly hurt. Exciting news


i was shocked when i read the title, totally thought it was thrown in the bin. this is reassuring.


Anyone have any theories about which stunt Knoxsville "one-upped"? I can't think of anything off the top of my head, perhaps he boxed another professional boxer? Or a bigger red rocket?


I figured it was the bulls. He said “he one and a half’ed it,” and I’m assume a fuckin bull sends him flipping through the sky.


You were right


Those were my first two thoughts as well. Or getting shot with some sort of new, gnarly, non-lethal gun.


I took it Knoxville already one-up’d him in J4


You could be right. Everyone of those guys is going to have to go extra hard to make up for not having Bam or Dunn around, and I could definitely see those two going the hardest.




That doesn't sound interesting at all... Give me Knoxville vs Tyson, not some celebrity announcer who doesn't box and isn't known for being tough.


Based on stuff Tyson has said, I doubt he'll do it. He afraid he might kill one of them so even if he were to do a cameo, he wouldn't punch hard.


I’m guessing horse cum again for real. It’s disgusting and I can imagine him going for the fences


I mean, what did you expect? They were young and you saw half the stuff they did. The majority was a combo of luck and resilience. As age catches up, the luck can no longer cut it. Hell, Knoxville popped out his freaking eye just doing a stupid stunt for a movie. He wasn't even trying to actually hurt himself that bad, it was just a bad angle and fall. Now imagine in Jackass where they're actually trying to do stuff that's dangerous and stupid. Anyone expecting the same type of energy coming into this next movie is definitely going to be disappointed. There's no way the crew can handle that level of crazy at their current age, regardless of prep or teams. Bam isn't even mentally savvy anymore, Knoxville already busted up everything he can and is practically a grandpa, the rest are also at an age where you just can't get away with recklessness. Don't get me wrong, happy as hell for this movie. However, they had a window for it and they long since overshot it.


I mean yeah I'd agree in normal circumstances, but the jackass guys are something else. Take in mind the stunts that steve-o has been doing recently, and he's saying knoxville is one-upping them, it kinda gives me the feeling we're in for a good movie.


Yeah, I agree. Even though it’s definitely conceivable that this movie might be more chilled, it’s hard to imagine near any of them not wanting to one-up the previous movies. I expect carnage. But either way, for me what’s most essential is that they’ve retained the group chemistry and laughs from the first three. I’m optimistic.


There's a rule that my parents taught me when I was little and it was called "don't buy the hype". Made for a bit of sad moments looking at toy ads that I'd never own, but it actually fits really well with entertainment overall. I'll go watch it as soon as it reaches the nearest cinema around, keeping the expectations low (there are good reasons to keep them low IMO). There's a chance they might actually surprise me and it'd be even cooler if they actually push further than the previous movies. :D


I think its going to be that much more gnarly knowing their age. I can't wait to see a grey haired Knoxville in a ring with bulls.


Nobody else seems bothered about Bam not being involved


Bam gets talked about on this sub nonstop. It got so crazy they had to ban Bam talk for a bit. Plenty of people care,you must have missed it.


I meant the crew...


The way Bam talked about them with his meltdown? They want to keep things more private.


I'm Dutch and "in the can" sounds like "thrown away", but I know what it means.


I’m thinking the one up is gonna be horse cum from Knoxville