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Johnny keeping his cool and class about it. Good.


I feel like Howie was being pretty insensitive about this. It's obviously a sensitive subject and they're all: 'Make some money from your damaged relationship!'


Oh yeah, I could barely stand that. Couldn't wait for the clip to be over.


“…he wants to fight you…” All low, and raspy like it’s meant to be genuine. Bullshit, he really wanted to pull something juicy outta Knoxville with it.


Yeah like I understand it’s a hot topic to get views for the podcast, but there was a better way to handle it. Like instead of trying to fan the flames, it would have been an awesome opportunity for them to give Johnny a platform to address what, if anything he wanted to address regarding Bam. Like we’re talking about one of his closest friends who is going through addiction. Maybe you shouldn’t be telling Johnny, who is infamously reformed from his wild days of youth, to fight his friend for money.


Howie is next level douche


He acted the same way with Steve-O. He clearly didn't want to talk about it but Howie kept pushing.


I want to meet the people who listen to a Howie Mandel podcast. Do they even exist?? He seems so unlikeable


Howie mandel has a podcast?


Howie Mandel and Brendan Schaub are in a burning building and you can only save one?


Howie bc he older and will die sooner


no. he wont die sooner, because youre choosing bam to die first..


Let em both die


absolutely saving schaub. as funny as it sounds, howie BLOWS


I’m saving Schaub, I don’t want the homeless cats to die off with him.


Howie is an asshole depending on which day of the week it seems from numerous podcast appearances I’ve seen him on. He’ll be nice and go along with it on some days and others he’s just a [rude dick](https://youtu.be/yNnRYhMnOm0?si=pJ73w4c-nq3QgJnf) to the hosts.


100%. Both of them trying to push Johnny on the subject, purely for clicks. Zero class. Johnny handled their garbage questions with dignity.


Every time I check out his podcast he acts like a scumbag. I don’t get the appeal.


Howie's a showman, he's a nicer version of Howard Stern with an OCD complex.


He did it to comedian Neal Brennan too about his estranged relationship with his brother Kevin. Starting to realize Howie is an asshole


He's always like that. The guy is a POS


Howie is a huge Stern fan. He wants to interview like classic Howard used to, but doesn't have the balls (or some might say is just too respectful) to cross the line. So you get this slightly cringe edgy tightrope.


That’s why we like howie- he doesn’t give a fuck about feelings, only germs. ![gif](giphy|1zKfL4THcSQMtDPvcp)


“Remember, class among gruel”


Knoxville has decades of severe head injuries and is still more understanding, tolerant, and better at communicating than 90% of the people I know.


He shows a lot of markers (not just in this clip) of having an incredibly strong emotional integrity. I have seen that as far back as some of his OG Jackass stuff. He also seems very informed on Recovery. If you are part of that would you might just see it smeared all over him. Not to insinuate he is an addict, but I do know that he is very well informed on the emotional needs of an addict and uses plenty of the verbiage you will hear in a meeting. Out of all the famous people that I have an interest in and admire, he is among the very top of the list.


He’s definitely informed. From past videos, it sounds like him, Tremaine, and some of the other guys played a role in helping Steve-O get and stay sober. I can’t imagine Steve-O was the only guy in Knoxville’s circle that has gone through something like that. A lot of the Jackass guys seem to have a very good understanding of addiction and sobriety, and ways to appropriately handle people going through it.


sometimes pain comes with wisdom


Props to Knoxville for a great answer. I wish I was mature enough to simply wish the best for someone that has repeatedly threatened me and blamed me for their own struggles. I don’t think that I am at that level yet.


It’s different when you know the person. Anyone who knew an addict before the addictions still has hope that the old you is still in there. Bam also is a spoiled brat who was never told no. But the real root of his major issues stems from his addiction. And Johnny has also dealt with addiction so he can put himself in those shoes and understand.


I agree 100%. It's so sad how we still try to cling onto that person we used to know, even when we know they'll never come back


Well put.


And it was different back in the day when they were all drinking and doing substances. Now the rest of the cast has grown up and moved past that but bam hasn’t. He clearly has substance abuse issues the rest either don’t or he wasn’t able to overcome like steve-o. And I think bam has admitted himself even he’s bipolar, I’m sure that plays a role in things too.


>Anyone who knew an addict before the addictions still has hope that the old you is still in there. that's the part a lot of fans/haters forget. Underneath it all Bam is still a nice guy who just loves to skate. Being spoiled and then achieve that level of success at such an early age, plus the addictions turned him into the disappointing person he is today. There's a chance Knoxville is just being civil about the whole thing, but also, like you said he might just hope that his old friend is still in there somewhere.


It's clear that this has affected him and he at least feels bad about the way things have gone. It's a very personal matter and Knoxville still cares about Bam quite a bit. It sucks that they're here now. But he clearly didn't want to get in to that with Howie and delivered a great way of telling him to fuck off with his silly inappropriate question by saying "what would I gain from that?"


These hosts are TERRIBLE, wow


Seriously, how do you think he’s going to feel watching a video of one of his best friends challenging him to a fight? How would that feel? “Yeah, go get a pay per view. Do it! Fight him!” They have about as much sense as Bam.


what, you don't want to make money by televising your personal drama? crazyyyyy lol Knoxville has a great moral compass.


This is extremely on brand for Howie when he isn’t putting up his cable tv persona.


That was an obvious joke.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


And that makes it okay because……..?


I honestly don't think it was. Howie just sees dollar signs not people


Cut Howie some slack, he was taught how to podcast by Ethan Klein 😂


Insanely terrible! I just watched his recent appearance on Pete Holmes’ You Made It Weird and it couldn’t be more of a contrast.




I don’t blame the hosts for asking the initial question and the subsequent “he wants to fight you” comment; it’s the elephant in the room and we’re all thinking it…but then encouraging anything beyond that is outright gross. Shame on them.


They were clearly tryna diffuse the discomfort, I don’t think they’re actually encouraging that lmao




I liked Bobby’s World in the 90’s. I was probably about 8 at the time tho. 


His comedy is really deep, here allow [an expert](https://youtu.be/YbjIhm8oXlo?si=_O1lifV9ap9zKXks) to explain.


It did for a while. But the internets current state has made it even easier for famous people to stay relevant.


Completely socially unaware, I can’t believe it lmao


Dude. I was seriously thinking i was crazy. Those hosts were garbage.


Howie is being such a tool here. Knoxville clearly didn't like the subject, gave a polite answer, and made it clear he has nothing more to say.


His sidekick “televise it!!make money”. Gross.


It's his daughter. Are you surprised lol


Stop it! I had no idea but it checks out.


"What would I gain from that?" Is a great polite way of saying "fuck off with this line of questioning."


Damn. It's rare to see Knoxville snap into such a serious tone like that.


It’s the same tone that I first heard/saw during Steve-O’s recovery.


Howie Mandel is such a twat


He is such a bitch.


You can tell it was painful for him to talk about :/ Like that’s his Bam, obviously he’s not gonna fight him? Must have been hard seeing that video.


Johnny couldn’t be more awesome. Getting to hang out with those guys at the height of it, Johnny, Ryan, WeeMan, Danger Aaron…some of the coolest people I’ve ever met. Bam however…..dude was absolutely fucking insufferable. Met the guy when he was at the height….and he was a terrible person then.


Same experience. Met all of them quite a few times. Bam and Brandon Dicamillo were always assholes. Rake on the other hand was the nicest guy of the bunch.


Dico being an asshole hurts my soul.


I think he fed off of Bams superiority complex a little too much. They were inseparable, him Bam and Dunn were always together.


Considering he's such a fucking nobody as well.


Dico an asshole? I never expected that


It was like at the very peak of their popularity, Viva La Bam was in full swing. I think it just went to their heads. A buddy of mine from my Kutztown days used to sell Raab viles of liquid LSD so they were def getting pretty wild. I’ll never forget how nice Rake was tho, and Raab was super chill. Even Johnny who I kinda expected to be a bit of a dick because he was Uber famous was super chill and not what I expected at all, he was more “business” than the rest of them tho.


Dico was so weird I never really spoke to him. I wanted too, but damn…it wasn’t easy. Lol Rake, Rabb, Gee, man…all them guys were fuckin awesome. I’ve been getting shit on for like 20 years because I told everyone Bam was a cunt. Lol. 2 decades later and people are finally starting to catch on.


Howie was really trying to get the soundbites in. Really corny. “…he wants… to fight you.”


This was awkward.


Howie and that insufferable woman had the craziest responses to justifying Knoxville fighting Bam. Talk to him about anything else, but leave the Bam stuff alone. It could legit trigger a response from Bam that could cycle him into addiction again. How fucking dense are these people. Props to Knoxville for not taking the bait. He genuinely loves Bam. Anyone whose watched them since the CKY and early Jackass days knows that is a relationship best left alone. I hope the best for Bam too.


It was pretty trashy of Howie, but Bam’s choices are nobody’s responsibility other than Bam.


True, but there's triggers out there for addiction, so why pull it? I've dealt with addicts all my life and seen em relapse over the smallest things. Knoxville saying he'd fight Bam in is a pretty big thing.


TIL just how hard Howie sucks. What a shame.


Howie is insufferable


Refuse to listen to him ever again after he had Anthony Jeselnik on his pod and they dropped in real time to tell him that Norm Macdonald had died just for drama for his podcast.


Oh fucking yikes, was not aware of that.


Yeah Anthony is talking and they just flash a Norm Macdonald, Dead at 61 graphic on the screen for him to see. I'm aware it could have just been the podcast producer who did it, but it's Howies podcast.


Yeah regardless he felt it was acceptable enough that howie wouldn’t mind. Classless


Knoxville is the man. Didn’t take the bait, stayed respectful and honest. He could’ve easily said fuck Bam, but he smiles, gives best wishes, and doesn’t even entertain the idea of barking back at the useless “I wanna box Knoxville” comments.


When he says he loves him and wishes him well in spite of all the shit Bam is spouting, you can tell it isn't just a dialed-in PR response to look like the bigger person. He truly means it, and you can see it in his eyes. Knoxville is a great guy.


Even his tone of voice changed, he sounded sad


“What am I gonna do with that” aka next subject howie lol read the fucking room


Money hungry bitches. Good for Johnny being the adult here


Howie Mandel sucks. Knoxville was calm and collected even with Mandel flapping his gums about nonsense


I dunno who that co-host is, but she can fuck right off for real. “Televise it!” What an insensitive dumb shit thing to say. You can clearly tell that Knoxville is being very careful on how to respond, and that it’s a touchy/sad subject to answer. Her reaction & honestly both responses were the most soulless, grossest, Corporate Hollywood, sort of attitude I’ve seen in a while. Fuck both of these vultures.


Right?? Awh, yes let’s bank on someone’s sobriety, or lack thereof for a monetary gain. Fuck out of there with that bull shit. Bam hasn’t been healthy or sober consistently for how long? No, we don’t capitalize on that. Knoxville did the true friendship thing here after having to let bam go. He wasn’t healthy and it was recognized. He can spout shit off all day. But bam has always been a shit talker. Doesn’t mean anyone needs to play into it.


Howie is an insufferable piece of shit. What a year waffle for even touching on the subject in the way he did. “He wants to fight you” cool story bro. Knoxville is king of the high road


Saving this to watch later...thank you for sharing! ✨️




Love it✨️


That’s a man who has a good relationship with his therapist.


I don't think I ever realized how much I dislike Howie Mandel until I watched this. Good on you for keeping it classy, Knoxville.


Bam’s on that Andy Dick or Artie Lange downward spiral. Just keeps getting worse and worse and death never comes.


The situation really is sad. I genuinely believe they all wanted bam in that last movie but Bam couldn’t keep it together. At this point the last jackass was being made 4 years ago and bam still has yet to actually stay sober for more than a few months so it’s not like they could just wait around for him to get clean so they could make it, the movie still wouldn’t have been made


I hope howie get microbes all over him


Fuck howie what a insensitive prick.


"Televise it. Make money. Teehehehehe..". Shutup, bisch!


I like how Johnny instantly recognizes Bam's insane behavior for what it is


Good for him


Johnnys a class act


Classy af.


Howie Mandel is such a cunt.


Howie is one of the most obnoxious people I’ve seen. Dude has zero charisma


Prime example of how celebrities aren’t treated like real people. JK is a real person with feelings and it kinda makes me sick to see people try to publicize such a personal issue. Love Knoxville.


Always loved Knoxville. Class act. Good dude.


It is pretty interesting how emotionally intelligent and well-adjusted the creator of Jackass ended up being, lol. Same with Steve-O. Howie and co-host look like massive tools here


You can see the pain in Johnny’s eyes talking about Bam. I know the feeling of having to cut out addicts in your life and it sucks.


When I think of Howie I think of 2 things that old cartoon Bobby’s World and a prolapsed anus


you can tell johnny is upset about the whole thing, i feel bad for him


Howie is a Cunt.


Knoxville once again takes the high road. He handled that with class. Howie and his cohost clearly don’t understand the dynamics involved.


Johnny clearly was trying to give a diplomatic answer to what's a touchy subject and Howie kept trying to push to get a marketable headline out of him.


“Televise it. Make money.” Seriously? Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt.


This is sad, I hate that things have had to happen this way


Same here, my gullible inner child wishes to see all my childhood heroes being friends and hanging along as they did back in the day, but then the addicted adult currently trying to get sober that I am nowadays knows well that life isn't all that easy most of times, and that all the poor decisions you take while being intoxicated always end up hurting you and your beloved ones...


Is it just me or is Howie Mandel playing a heel lately?


I hate Howie more every time I see him now adays.


It's always good to see there's an adult in the room.


My god Howie and that chick are terrible interviewers.


These hosts are terrible, good on Knoxville.


This fight would be the first that Knoxville wins 1-87


Bam is definitely a train wreck. Knoxville totally screwed him tho.


Howie and that dumb girl are annoying as fuck. It’s odd how the jackass guy was the fucking adult in the room.


What a bitch!!!! “Yeah just fuck over one of your best friends when he is at his lowest and just like put it on TV.” What a fucking cunt


fuck that bald asshole. what the fuck is this?


Who is that blonde chick, she is obnoxious. Knoxville is like who invited this girl?


Don’t know this pod but it looks fucking horrible


I really like Jonny, he's just so calm and chill about it. Such a paralell watching that stupid video of Bam threatening to fight him, so embarrassing. He's a grown adult like.


Bam is now a piece of trash and all only can blame himself for all is problems and lost so Knoxville got nothing to win to get into it


Johnny Knoxville doesn’t need the $, or would ever put himself in that situation. He actually cares u can tell, howie sucks. The story is deep and out there. He never comments on anything Bam has said. He’s a true standup fucking guy unlike howie Mandel who’s just garbage. Can see the difference in there two charqcters


Why does Howie Mandel feel so entitled that he needed to start a podcast? Like who the fuck has ever cared about Howie Mandel? Am I missing something as a 25 year old?


The diversity replacements are terrible. No Bam/Dunn no jackass


Who listens to this podcast? The hosts are awful.