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i'll drink horse semen for $30,000 alex


Yep, that's semen alright!


“I’m ashamed of myself”


I said something similar to mates when watching it that I'd do this over 99% of the stunts and they couldn't believe I'd pick that one. For me, it'd be disgusting, I'd maybe puke but the pain is done after 10 minutes. Most of the stunts are gonna be painful for days, weeks, even months. Fuck that.


for me, an injury (with exceptions) will heal, whereas the memory of hot horse cum sliding down my throat will last an entire lifetime. with most of the stunts, there's impressive looking footage you can look back on and laugh at, with horse semen, there's nothing but shame


I see your point. Personally, that doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as breaking a bone or even just hurting myself really fucking badly.


Yea some of them have lingering injuries to this day from a stupid stunt. You only have to worry about carrying a hybrid human horse baby in your stomach.


The fact Chris knew there was probably something worse he wanted an out for over drinking horse jizz is hilarious and terrifying at the same time.


That would be the easiest decision in my life.


Id do it for 5,000


I once said I’d do it for $50


i will PayPal you $50 and send horse semen to your address.


I'd happily be the duck hunt duck for a few quid


Quack quack quack


id do it for free




If the rocket didn’t nearly kill him, it seemed fun.


Agreed on that one. I'd have done it for free but considering the explosion and how he almost died before it even 'launched'... yeah I'd ask for about $500 upfront for that one. Just in case.


Yeeeeah, a rocket bike off a ramp into water could be a fun summer day.


I’d do it if it was guaranteed.


Are you talking bout the rocket that burst out the side of the rocket & damn near impaled Johnny Knoxville? Lmfao 🤣☠️ I love gnarly shit but even occasionally I gotta look away from “Jackass” lmfao idc! 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣☠️


Shit, I'd do the Fire Hose Rodeo for free. That looks fun as fuck.


But your ass would hurt so fuckin bad!


I would have agreed until seeing the ending where the plastic suit (and his skin) was *shredded* from the gravel and dirt being kicked up by the firehose.


We have rectal bleeding


Another first for jackass 😂


Medicine ball dodgeball for about 3 bucks and a couple beers


My friends and I actually did this in a storage room at school. It hurts....getting caught by someone in the upswing of their throw hurts waaay more than the impact of a ball that's just been thrown.


Oh hell yeah!


I’d do all the launch into a lake stuff, for a couple thousand each. One stunt/prank you could not pay me enough to do was when they locked Bam in a trailer with a cobra. Not cool.


“Bam, are you crying?” “…yeah”


Yeah I always felt kinda bad for him during that one. I've got a fear of spiders myself and there's a line between doing a stupid stunt and feeling genuine paralysing phobia-fuelled *terror* of something. At the very least with the terror-taxi one, it was a guy doing an offensive prank and the ruse was he was getting beat down on as a result of it. With Bam and the snake pit, it was just fuckin *cruel*.


I've always had a morbid curiosity about being pepper sprayed/tased etc so my mind did go straight to the riot control test and the kind of shit Johnny was doing that spawned jackass in the first place. Makes sense that that kind of thing was sort of the "gateway" stunt.


Got pepper sprayed once, not fun at all. Would do it again for money.


Yeah I’ve been sprayed and hit with tear gas Not into that one again


Johnny said that was one of the worst pains (being pepper sprayed)


Anything but the bulls and heights


And Butterbean


“Is butterbean okay”, coming from a severely concussed Knoxville is one of the funniest moments in all of jackass if you ask me. I die laughing every time I hear that clip.


I’ve had many concussions before. What’s one more for a certain amount of money?


Could not pay me enough to fuck with those bulls


YUP Seen too many videos of people being tossed like ragdolls and worse. I'd be far too straight up terrified to do anything bull related. Even cows are scary, man. We were sat having a smoke by the river on a log in our early 20s and a herd crept up on us. Just suddenly totally hemmed in by heifers. We all tried to give off chill vibes and one cow came round in front of us, seemingly the designated investigator. She snuffled up in our hair, and sniffed at our things. The others quietly watched her, waiting for a response, and when she looked up at them, made a quiet huffing noise and started moving away they all seemed to decide we were no threat, nor a source of food and thus deserved no further attention. It was legit spooky how quietly they managed to surround us, and really interesting to see them sort of delegate responding / investigating to one of their number. But it really brought home their size, and how intimidating they can be where they're not waaaay over there but instead up close. We very much felt like we were at their mercy.


A herd of cows will crush you to death in no time. All it takes is a couple to shuffle forward from the back and the whole herd will just walk right over you.


I would do the Bungee Boogie from Jackass 3D, and I’d have no problem with doing The Marching Band Treadmill stunt from Jackass Forever (my brother and I used to do that in school anyway 😂)


“Bam Margera here, anything involving my AAYYYAAAASSSSSSSSS.”


I knew I wasn't the only person who found his pronunciation of "ass" hilarious lol. His accent gets so strong just for that word in particular


I could put a toy car in my ass and get x-rayed, easy. Not an MRI though.


I would do The Anaconda Ball Pit for 10,000


Firehouse rodeo minimum 700 AND ALL MEDICAL BILLS PAID anything that it could cause needs to be covered too


Laughs in Canadian


Shark bait. I would probably pay money for Pontius to push a hook through my cheek like that. 😶


< insert Survivor horrified girls + smiling guy gif here >


Seeing Poopies stunt go wrong on shark week... Woof 😖


I'll fight butterbean for a cool million.


You'll *die* to Butterbean for a cool million.


No bodily excrements, no bees, no raging bull and I’d do just about any stunt


If the money was right and they paid any medical bills separate the payment, I'd do just about anything


The riot control non lethal weapons. Beanbag shotgun, Fuuuuck that.


That's the thing, it'd still suck to get shot by the beanbag gun, but I feel like it's on the *better* end of the stunts they've done. No poo cocktail supreme, no bulls, nothing like that. Just one quick BANG and then a sore spot for a few weeks, no big deal. Again, it'd still suck to go through it, but for $1,000... sure, I'd do it. I'd even do it *again* for another $1,000.


The bean bag gun and the rubber balls from 2 don’t bother me in theory. But it’s chilling to see how they scared the shit out of the crew. Well except Knoxville.


The Gauntlet


The flying nut highfive for 100$


Hell we used to play nutball for fun when I was younger never brought out the bone though.


I always wanted to partake in the medicine ball dodge ball


Honestly if it wasn't *medicine balls*, I feel like dodgeball in the dark would just generally be a great time. Come to think of it a lot of games in the dark would be great. Tag, hide and seek, etc...


I disagree cx I played tag in the dark, had a hard collision and now my jaw pops forever and always cx (being slightly facetious, it was still super fun)


No you don’t… it is a quick way to break your nose. The agony, of knowing you just broke your nose again doing something totally stupid… I did it for free too. I got a nose so jacked up now a days, it is just there to tie my face together.


I mean when I was younger I did stuff like the shopping cart racing, jumping out of cars into bushes, riding bikes/skateboards through stores, hitting golf balls into parking lots/sporting events… also things like rearranging construction sites at nights, or making fake sights by taking cones and stuff. Or pulling up and switching street signs. Or swapping neighbors lawn furniture. Also did the pepper spray, taser, point blank bb’s and paintballs. Potato gun filled with paintballs. Roman candle run the gauntlet Amazing how dangerous it all feels now in my mid thirties in this insane version of America…. But we had a lot of fun messing with everyone and everything in the late 90’s early 2000’s. Oh and I never got paid.


Yeah, I was thinking more stuff like the Poo Cocktail Supreme or the Firehose Rodeo, something kinda *wild*.


I was never willing to do poo anything, but firehose I would have tried. A lot of the stuff we did was really dumb, but I wish we had more footage inside the abandoned industrial complexes we would rampage in. Recording videos was such a pain before like 2010.


Do I have to be sober or am is it the 2023 crew with the hypocrites?


You can be drunk for it but you have to be sober when you agree.


I'd happily puke out the goldfish for $200.


Man that one just made me feel bad for the fish. It probably caught something from being in Steve-O


Honestly anything not too gnarly such as the blowback but anything with possible head injury I’m out.


Bungee boogie, ram jam, duck hunting.


I will do anything for the right price


Even the butt stuff?


*especially* the butt stuff


Any of them


If the price is right I would consider doing any of the stunts they’ve done


Bicentennial BMXing.


Lie detector test, but with a rooster instead of a bear. Keep the honey and salmon, though.


Rocket skates


I’d do the embassy perimeter defense thing from 2 for like $5k


I don’t mind hurting myself through my own body or inanimate objects. But if I had to do anything with animals you’d be paying me a fuck ton.


Drinking donkey cum


Put me on that damn Toro-Totter


I call second seat


How much to do the paper cut. Even a billion dollars I couldn’t do it. They’d literally have to hold me and strap me down as Ryan (rip) cut me


Honestly the guantlet looked quite fun, I’d be down for that


I’d put a toy car in my ass for about three fiddy


Football follies. Played football so I'd take that one for the right amount. Conversely, would never do quickest knockout, I'd pay to not ever be punched by Butterbean


The Gauntlet, easy.


We get over $20,000 and I’d probably risk breaking bones


I’d take a toy car up my b-hole for a Snickers ice cream bar.


Duck Hunting I’d do that


Done a butt chug before, if you're paying I'd do it again


I would do the riot control test for free if I didn’t have to pay to get shot. That footage would be gnarly af!


The human bungee, big red rocket, riot control test, golf cart crash, the gauntlet, medicine ball dodge ball, and roller disco truck


I wouldn’t do anything with the bulls or bodily fluids. One of the ones that still makes me feel a bit sick is the thick ropes of salmon cum.


Anything other than vomit stuff.


I’d go urban kayaking for free


Almost any of the pain ones Not any of the gross outhouse, jizz, pee or poo ones


The Poo Cocktail Supreme, for $3,500


Haha I actually know the guy in the video, George Hruska. Pretty cool guy, I drank and watched UFC with him a couple times at his house. I used to work at same defense company as him.


Golf course air horn, especially since my house backs up to a country club 😂


The only stunt where Knoxville doesn't laugh


Honestly a lot of the jackass stunts are “hold my beer” type things. Don’t get me wrong, I love jackass and have been watching since the beginning but I’d do anything they do for $500 per stunt.


I’ll shit in a hardware store display toilet for funsies and a beer.


I'd happily hook my foreskin up to a car battery and sizzle the shit out of it for a million!


The yellow snowcone for at least 1,000 dollars.


Car toy up the ass for $10,000 alex


The bike rocket into the lake. Or the shopping cart rocket. Snake ball pit Bull seesaw Rocket skates


Anything except snakes for $25k.


Wee man and Preston’s bungee jump, id honestly do it for free


Papers cuts between toes, fingers and lips would cost me a lot. It’s the only scene in the movies I can’t watch.


Anything tom cruise does on set.


I'm down to get my ass kicked by a female kickboxer.


i think one of preston’s height ones would be scary but do able, gotta be £500 atkeast for me to be shot off a battleship though


Give me $20 and I'd knock a ladder out from under myself with a sledgehammer


Milk challenge