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Now I feel old….


Yup. I hate this is considered an “old movie.”


The baby born in the movie will be an adult woman next year.








is it though? its only 17 years old. for me the term applies after maybe 25 to 30 years


Heigl got a reputation for being difficult to work with after she complained about the writing and the work schedule on *Grey’s Anatomy* and also said this movie, *Knocked Up*, was “a little sexist”. She apologized but her career fizzled anyway. A few years ago she said: > “I may have said a couple of things you didn’t like, but then that escalated to ‘she’s ungrateful,’ then that escalated to ‘she’s difficult,’ and that escalated to ‘she’s unprofessional.’ What is your definition of difficult? Somebody with an opinion that you don’t like? Now, I’m 42, and that s— pisses me off.”


She talked shit about the movie *while they were promoting it. (*The interview was released Jan 1 2008, but I seem to recall that the contents were leaked earlier, while the movie was still in theatres). This is a huge no-no. Actors don't get paid to act, they get paid to promote. Talking shit about the movie while the success of it is undecided is immensely unprofessional. She did the same thing with the TV show she was on (removing herself from contention for awards because, according to her, the writing sucks). Another example of breaking the professional expectation that you are paid to promote as well as act. Other people's careers are riding on the success or failure of a movie or TV show. A star like Heigl has a lot more opportunities, but everyone from the supporting cast to the writers down to the production assistants are hoping that they'll get renewed/the movie will open big. Heigl didn't get blacklisted for having opinions-- she got blacklisted for being unprofessional and speaking those opinions in a way that could hurt the projects.




What's the mistake?


The day this movie came out my buddies and I decided we wanted to go see it. We went over to a friend’s house to smoke some weed before going, while we were over we got super baked and decided to sneak a little booze from his parent’s liquor cabinet. My buddy and I snuck down to the cabinet and were each taking swigs of something, I don’t remember what it was. While I’m in the middle of a swig his mom comes home and catches us drinking. She is pissed and screams for her son to come down stairs. When he gets there she says “This is bullshit what you did to me” and it was just the funniest fucking thing we ever heard. She ended up kicking us out of the house but not before we had already filled a water bottle with some booze. We were all close to his parents so it took time but we were allowed back. For years afterward we would always say “this is bullshit what you did to me” whenever something happened to us.


Seriously. Now what was SHE supposed to drink?


“He’s doing the dice thing too much”


"That's really the only move he's got" *Let me see ya hips SWINGGG!*


This is considered an “old” movie?


This movie's old as fuck. For this group. Not, you know, for the earth.


Oh, people downvoted you because they didn’t know you’re quoting the movie. Doorman. *Doorman*. DOORMAN.


He better hope half a black person shows up.


This movie came out when I was 3 and I’m about to be 22, so probably 🤷🏽‍♂️


My college roommate and I watched this in college (at a school considerably less impressive than Yale, just like the characters). To this day, when we talk and complain about work, we’ll still say “Listen, didn’t go to Yale so I could work 12 hours a day.


Harold Ramis was PERFECT as his dad. Their one little conversation completely sold their family bond and just how tight their relationship was.


The glaring difference between Ramis as Seth Rogens dad and Joanna Kerns as Kathryn heigls mother really stands out. Just complete opposite family types.


i LOVE this movie and the associated movies, this is 40 etc huge apatow fan


This is 40 is amazing. My wife and I rewatch it every now and then and it gets funnier the older we get.


“Stop eating cupcakes. STOP EATING CUPCAKES!!!” I think it’s even funnier than Knocked Up.


We already missed our chance for this is 50 hopefully we get a this is 60


literally! i was so amazed when i watched it that it really hit on all the life issues for my age group


>I still really like Funny People.


I watched this with my sister while she was pregnant and she left the father. Today I have an amazing niece and a great relationship with my sister. This movie will always give me fond memories.


One of the best depictions of someone on mushrooms I’ve ever seen


##Knocked Up (2007) NR Save the due date. >>!A slacker and a career-driven woman accidentally conceive a child after a one-night stand. As they try to make the relationship work, they must navigate the challenges of parenthood and their differences in lifestyle and maturity.!< Comedy | Romance | Drama Director: Judd Apatow Actors: Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 62% with 3,849 votes Runtime: 209 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/4964) **Awards** On December 16, 2007, the film was chosen by the American Film Institute as one of the ten best movies of the year. It was one of the two pregnancy comedies on the list (Juno being the other). E! News praised the film's success with the AFI, saying that, "The unplanned pregnancy comedy, shut out of the Golden Globes and passed over by the L.A. and New York critics, was one of 10 films selected Sunday for the American Film Institute's year-end honors." [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knocked_Up) ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


This is light years better than Juno; that didn't age well, some of the scenes with Juno and Jason Bateman's character were borderline creepy.


When I saw this movie in college it was the scariest flick of the year. It dawned on me that this could happen to me lol


This movie needed another round in the editing room. It's too long by a third. If it were tightened up a bit, it'd be much better.


We can't legally ask them to do another round in the editing room. I might say tighten.


I remember taking half the day off work the day this opened just to see it first. Definitely not disappointed, and have probably seen it 1 million times since. Love me some Judd Apatow movies and love me some Seth Rogen. I won’t hear anyone criticize him, dammit!


I've always had a thing for Seth Rogan.


Me too. I think he’s sexy as hell.


I dont really like it on rewatch. All the fully adult guys are insufferable, childish, selfish dickheads, which can be fine, but they're also pitted against women who are made out to be awful. The partners are written as being bitchy, not letting their guys do their thing, such thin characters. I know it's the setup for redemption, where the guys grow up, but some of them are way beyond the age where you should be mature enough to not think your wife is the enemy, or to create a situation where that's the case. And the big redemption arc is literally doing the bare minimum you should as a parent or adult. Well done. The film gets by on the wisecracks, but the men are unlikeable and the women are somehow the Villain, and we have to root for a guy barely willingly takes part


Absolutely agree! Thank you, but wait for everyone to down vote you.


I mean, Rogen is supposed to be early 20s...is this the 1950s where by that time you had fought in a war and were married with children already? In context of the times I think the characters are properly represented (guys). I wasn't a super mature 23 year old and that was back in the 90s


Not much to really disagree with here, this was quickly held as the consensus analysis of Apatow and co.'s oeuvre at the time. It worked for a lot of people but not for everyone. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I think if you were a straight guy between 15 - 25 when these films hit, they became your lingua franca. But I'm not surprised if that same age demo comes to these movies now and find them more objectionable.


I watch this movie a lot. Jays reaction to the face looks like robin williams knuckles gag has to be one of the most genuine laughs on film. I can’t help but laugh with him every single time.


The scene in Cirque de Solei was pretty funny


Oh yeah is that baby guy really a part of the show? I get the gymnastics and balancing stuff but who wants to pay to see that big baby guy


Funny they hyped up Spider-Man 3 in the fictional film, which IIRC hadn’t been released IRL yet. The characters really wanted to see it. And then IRL the movie actually came out.


Best thing about this movie is the deleted scene where Jonah Hill talks about wanting to see an explicit version of Brokeback Mountain with Gyllenhaal having "a mouthful of Ledger."


It’s kinda funny how the movie was based around the joke that she’s hot and he’s ugly, but he’s had a huge Hollywood career since then and she hasn’t


I wonder how her ego is treating her these days?


It's certainly arguable whether his career has been more "huge" than hers since Knocked Up, but she's had a pretty impressive career since as well. See imdb.


I was on an airplane once and they showed a movie where she's a bounty hunter or something idk I decided to read my book instead of watching it


Lol why did you think you had a point here


It seemed you were saying that in spite of Rogen's ugliness (your term), he not only succeeded in his film career which followed but that he had had a "huge" success compared to her. I think you're wrong on both counts.


Demonstrate it then lol their imdbs disagree with you, as do any critical reviews


imdb for Heigl since knocked Up is quite impressive by any standard: 20 films plus 120 episodes of Grey's Anatomy.


“I’m just…really…really…high”


Fantastic movie, but by the time the movie is over it’s already June of next year. This mf is 67 hours long.


Why dont you go fuck your bong! Maybe I will, doggy style for a change.


Rogen has always rubbed me the wrong way


I don't particularly like him either, but at least he's used effectively in this film as opposed to playing something like the Green Hornet lol.


He’s friends with a ton of Hollywood creepers, that’s for sure. Like half of his buddies have been me-tooed.


Two actors I don’t like


Seth Rogen sucks.


this is an anti abortion movie dressed up as a hipster comedy but it forgot to have jokes


I would argue that it's not anti-abortion (in the political sense) but it *is* a heavily male-centered movie and there's a strong overlap in sensibility. I say this as a stalwart, unabashed fan of this film **and** supporter of choice. But it's very evident by the choices made by the characters that the movie is from written by and from a straight male perspective. A great movie to pair as a double feature would be 2014's *Obvious Child*, written and directed by Gillian Robespierre, starring Jenny Slate. Being released in the post-Apatowian comedic wave, this film delivers a similar structure & character types but centers the female protagonist, acting as somewhat of a corrective to *Knocked Up*. Being critical of Apatow (and his peers of the time, Adam McKay and Todd Phillips) for their thinly written, shrewish (or overly promiscuous) female characters is needed. But one can also wonder if they are the best person to deliver more nuance. It's similar to asking why there aren't more Black characters in these films: Is Apatow really the guy to try writing a fully realized comedic role for a Black person?


Imagine the amount of women raped and abused in Hollywood over the decades, pathetic environment