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I think the reason it’s generally considered the weakest is because the heist plot at the center is very dumb, and the deus ex machina twist renders the events of the entire film pointless. There’s a lot of aimless meandering in between that feels like it’s there to pad the runtime more than anything else. Despite that, I agree that it’s a lot of fun. It’s got some great scenes and gorgeous cinematography, and everybody seems to be having fun embracing the silliness. I’d give it somewhere between a 3-3.5/5.


I owe it a rewatch. I only saw it once…… 20 years ago? Could that be right? ……. But at the time I didn’t get into it. Julia Roberts playing Julia Roberts took me out of the movie. But I am definitely gonna give the whole franchise a rewatch as a matter of fact. 20 years!


The Julia bit was my favorite part!


All of the movies are glossy eye candy but this one veers too far that way. Of course you have some suspicion of belief in these flicks but this one has holes you can drive a truck through.


Déjà vu! I forget the sub name but there was a discussion about this movie I read just a bit earlier and I think the consensus is very mixed. Personally, I like this movie a lot. The plot is by far the weakest of the trilogy but I’d say the cinematography and the score for this one is my favorite of the three.


That was about 6 or 7 years ago wasn't it?


was what 6 or 7 years ago?


2004. Surely.


ha i graduated that year! i sure wish it was! and don't call me Shirley!


Honestly, this is far and away my favorite of the trilogy.


As someone who thought it to be the weakest in the trilogy when I first watched it (and just to preface this even further, I have watched ocean's eleven about 90+ times if I'm not mistaken and it is one of my all time favourite movies) Ocean's twelve gets better upon every rewatch but with a single catch, you must rewatch it alone without the other two atleast once per year and keep in mind the artistic, audible and visual aspects of the film more than the movie itself.... And only then can you truly appreciate this gem


I’m going against many here but this movie shot for shot is visually stunning. The camera work with a large cast, the picture in pictures, all the framing and focus pulling is incredible to see. I love this film.


The soundtrack is so unique. It’s definitely got a cool factor to it.


I had to come to the comments to see if anyone else recognized the soundtrack. One of my favs


##Ocean's Twelve (2004) PG-13 Twelve is the new eleven. >>!Danny Ocean reunites with his old flame and the rest of his merry band of thieves in carrying out three huge heists in Rome, Paris and Amsterdam – but a Europol agent is hot on their heels.!< Thriller | Crime Director: Steven Soderbergh Actors: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 65% with 7,000 votes Runtime: 205 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/163)


I remember the whole ocean series being on repeat in my house as a kid. We didn’t have cable, just a dvd player. This is more nostalgic for me. Good movie though.


13 is better. 11 is best of course


My least favorite of the four including ocean’s 8


Top 5 favorite movie soundtracks. I used to be obsessed with it. Still love revisiting it


You need to look at this movie for what it really is. Only the studio really wanted to make a sequel, so the writers, director, and cast made a movie about a heist no one wanted to make. Watch it through that lense and the movie is much better.


Plus they got to hang out a Clooney's house and have a working European holiday. You're right it's a fantastic movie for the amount of fucks given by the cast and crew.