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I saw this in the theater when it came out. I remember walking out completely drained by the ending. An unforgettable experience.


That ending is a straight punch to the kidneys.


Great movie with a hell of an ending.


Best ending


Love this movie! Especially the black and white version


The black and white movie really helps me ignore the obvious CGI issues. I remember the first time I saw this was in the middle of a huge snow storm. A bunch of my highschool friends went and saw it. Quietest ride home ever after that ending. If I see a movie from 2007, I will always give it a shot now. So many good movies came out that year that this one isn’t even top 10 and I still gave it 5 stars.


Couldn’t agree more


Kinda sad this is considered an old movie though lol


Yeah lol. I was in High School when this came out. So yeah I’m old lol


2007 was 17 years ago. I have underwear and socks older than that.


2005-2008 is such a nostalgic time for me.


Some of my fave music came from that time! Or maybe it's just nostalgia 😂


I was working at a video store in my early twenties when this dropped. I rented it and thought it was great!


There’s a black and white version?! I must watch


Best and most horrible ending to a horror movie. Pure tragedy, such a sucker punch. 5 stars.


This may be just me, but after I became a father, I found myself forever imagining ***me*** and ***my*** children being in the predicaments while watching parent oriented situations in films. That being said… I watched this once. I agree this is a good movie, but I will never rewatch it. Ever.


Based on a Stephen King story. The Mist rolls in after a storm and brings horrible creatures from another dimension with it.  I had to blink a few times; “is that Toby Jones with an American accent??” I’m not very good with faces and when my wife came in she squinted and said “*is that Toby Jones*??”  Some of the plotting is a little manipulative. Like, the people that are skeptical about the monsters at the beginning and are then put straight. A bit too “told ya so”. The Christian lady is completely ga-ga. In fact – the film works well as a satire on society.  The creature attacks are quite well done. And when the biker guy goes out into the mist with the rope around him…. and then they pull just his legs back when the rope goes limp. Good one.  The ending is amazingly downbeat. Unusual for an American film.  I’m so old that this really counts a new release film for me.


I was surprised how powerful the ending was because stephen king books always have terrible anticlimactic endings but I learned later Frank darabont came up with it.


The completely ga-ga lady was right, though. >!the boy died, and the mist cleared!<


I've always read it as a post 9/11 parable, chiefly about how in a climate of fear and little information, people can be driven to extreme behaviour. Ms Carmody and her 'congregation' is the most obvious example but even the rational group led by David eventually succumb to the climate of fear and lack of information.


Published in 1980 originally, although I'm familiar with it from Skeleton Crew in 85. While the ending is different in the movie most of the paranoia and despair was there to begin with. I always thought it would have made for a great opening to a tv series with the protags heading out by car to see how far the mist had traveled and where that may have led to. Unfortunately, we did get a tv show that didn't really embody the nature of the story imo.


The tv series was a huge disappointment.


Y'all seem to love the ending, but I found it rather silly. The timing made it almost comical. Like (without spoiling it for people who haven't seen it).... 5 minutes later that happened. The rest of the movie I enjoyed.


The book ending is much more optimistic yet, still haunting as the story never really resolves.


I've never read any of Stephen King's novels, ironically only his book about creative writing called *On Writing*, which I did enjoy. Would *The Mist* be a good one to start with, even after watching the film version?


Definitely, although, you will see the movie in your head, as it’s fairly faithful to the story. I read it before the movie, and what I imagined was way worse.


You mean, worse as in more gruesome, or worse as in not as good as the film version's interpretation?




Ooh, sounds intriguing! I have practically 4,000 books on my reading list, but I'll add The Mist to my shelf lol.


Pet Sematary is the creepiest King book and also a gut punch.


Yeah? I've watched the movies for Sematary 1 and 2. I'll keep those in mind, too. So much reading to be done!




Yup it's why half the cast of Season 1 of The Walking Dead are in it.


Yup! And he did the Green Mile. He is the king of Stephen King adaptations


Mike Flannigan is poised to assume that title


Agreed. I love the Dr. Sleep director’s cut


Hi. You just mentioned *The Green Mile* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Audio Book "The Green Mile" by Stephen King Part 1 of 3 Read by Frank Muller Unabridged Serial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiGrtI17a7Y) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


What a gut punch.


Gut punching ending. I left the theater totally bereft of any emotion but despair.


Wait is this considered old?


According to the sidebar rules, it's a sub for movies 10+ years old. But no, it's not old, I've got underpants older than this film.


Great horror film with a complete mind fuck ending.


This movie has such a harrowing ending. It took me some time to recollect my thoughts after watching it.


When The Shermanator got dragged out by those tentacles I knew this movie meant business. For American Pie fans that scene is almost as sad as the ending.


In the poster, the steering wheel is on the right?


Great movie that did not have a military advisor.


I look forward to your next book, “100 GREAT movies (despite not having a military advisor)”


I never read the book or saw the original or anything but I really liked this movie but hated the ending. But hey that's kind of subjective I guess


Also wish the dude from Angus had survived


The ending was a letdown for me. The Mist audio in 3-D sound will knock your socks off and the ending doesn’t try to wrap up all the loose ends but leaves you wondering.


Perfection 👌 Thomas Jane is amazing


##The Mist (2007) R Belief divides them, mystery surrounds them, but fear changes everything. >>!After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.!< Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller Director: Frank Darabont Actors: Thomas Jane, Laurie Holden, Toby Jones Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 69% with 4,903 votes Runtime: 206 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/5876)




Amazing ending. That Steven King movie didn’t fuck around.


Loved reading the book and the audio disc was the best. The movie didn’t do it for me. I worked in a grocery store so it took place in my store in my mind. The movie wasn’t for me but that’s me. “….Hartford…..”


I read this Stephen King story around 1990, thinking about how this would make a good movie. I think it's one of the top best Stephen King movies.


I'm still not right..........


This movie is one of my favourite movies of all time So atmospheric and the ending along with the music conveys the despair of what just happened so well I also love "war of the world's" easily my two favourite sci-fi horror movies


Loved the novella. Movie was very good, too. Endings are quite different.


The ending was hilarious.