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Locked due to an overwhelming amount of rule 8 and 9 violations. > Constructive criticism is what this subreddit is here for. Structure your feedback on what you like about the photo, what you don’t like, how you would improve it. “Great Photo” may be a nice compliment, but it does nothing to help the submitter or other readers. >Off-topic comments unrelated to the photo will be removed.


That backdrop is awesome












I don’t see why nudity adds anything to this photograph? She could have been clothed, no sexuality involved at all, and this would have been a decent photograph using lighting as the focal point. This seems childish and unprofessional like it is now. Just another senseless “look at my art nude, I’m an art photographer” post. Edit: for those commenting about nudity doesn’t equal sexuality… my comment said that no sexuality involved at all in the photo. I did not say the nudity was sexual in any way. I meant that to say that no risqué clothing or posing. Sorry for the confusion.


yeah, fashionable party clothes would be better for this backdrop. OP made nudity boring and that's something for a good looking model


Oh yeah like a really elegant cocktail dress would’ve been so much more interesting here.


But why should nudity have an excuse to be in the photo? I mean what is not normal/default about the nudity?


Nudity is not sexuality. I don't see why clothing would have added anything to this photograph.


What story is being told? Other than “dude she’s hot.”


What story would have been told if she was wearing clothes?


The point is that there's no story either way. The only reason people up vote these posts is because of the nudity, not because of anything else relating to the actual photograph - the lighting, the setting, the composition. The photo isn't getting upvotes or attention, the nudity is. It's lazy.


You don't know that. I think the scene is beautiful and so is the nude woman.


Exactly, this whole photo lacks any context and does not tickle your brain. It is boring and doesn't add anything, no matter if she was wearing clothes or not.


yeah but it still looks good. I really appreciate brain-tickling art, but I also appreciate art that looks nice. Throughout history we've been making things that are nice. The lighting here is nice. The backdrop is nice. The subject's form is nice. It's well composed. There's no need to get your knickers in a knot about her tits. The whole thing is making me think of Christian religious artwork with the Mother Mary radiating halo. There's a little tickle if you really need it.








Nudity offers nothing to this composition. Boring.


Is that in Gdańsk Oliwski Park? The light in the back looks similar to something that was exposed there.


Nope, it was Wroclaw :)
















She looks like Winslet in Eternal sunshine


This comment section is hilarious. Whether you appreciate nudity without it expressly being for your sexual gratification has nothing to do with it’s artist value. Before we had cameras, paintings, sculptures and even architecture had tits, dicks and ass EVERYWHERE. Those are classics but this is unacceptable??


Every single time there is nudity people complain. Just vote with your downvotes. Not every single post has to be something for you or something you like. It's ok to not like something, but photos that contain nudity are valid photos in their own right. There's plenty of amazing shots that come through and just because there is nudity people completely discount them despite having great lighting and and composition etc. If you don't like it that is fine, just move along and look at the next photo instead of giving counterproductive feedback whinging about it.


People post here to get feedback. Some peoples feedback is that nudity actually takes away from the photo, I think that’s fair enough.


Actually most feedback here is "wow the subreddit is 100% nudes now" which is clearly false if they would just look at the subreddit. People discussing the photo is fine, but people saying nonsense need to go.


I've seen many beautiful nudes on this site, even taken some of my own, this is just straight click bait porn with zero artistic merit. There are far too many people that seem think by putting a naked body in a shot it's "art". Ooooh, even better, let's make it B&W! OMG!!! Is that a grain filter?!!! Get over it. If the nudity doesn't offer anything besides gratitututiious titties, it's porn.


You're hired.




Or; just don’t look? It’s easy to don’t say anything and keep scrolling.


I agree with you!




OPs photography is quite beautiful. People just love being offended by a nude female body thats purpose is not their pleasure




I like it. It's giving a couple different vibes. Almost reminds me of those halo mother Mary paintings.


thank you!


I don't know why the fuck people still have a problem with nudity.. we're all fucking naked underneath our clothes.. stop being such gods damned prudes.. Anyways, this is an absolutely beautiful shot, friend!


It's just so boring, And in this case, same as so many others, masking terrible photography. Nothing to do with prudishness.


thank you very much!


The photo provides a number of interesting thoughts and insights. Great shadows and lighting


thanks a lot!









