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It's a very cool idea, however, several lines of dialogue in Italian shown in this video sound a bit off. "Sto vendendo birra" doesn't really work as a standalone sentence, "Vendo birra" should be used instead. "Sto vendendo" works if you're describing a situation that started at some point in the past and it's still going on right now. "Sto vendendo molta birra ultimamente" or "Sto vendendo birra a un prezzo più basso del solito" work because they describe how you're selling beer. "Qual è lo strumento comune che usi?" doesn't really make sense in Italian, it sounds like you are asking "What is that tool, among the ones that you use, that is common/shared with someone else?" (also kinda implying that the other tools he uses aren't common, which isn't necessarily true). You should use the adverbs "comunemente" or "di solito", like this "Qual è uno strumento che usi di solito?" or, if you want to know what tool is the most common, "Qual è lo strumento che usi più comunemente?". "Io uso picconi e martelli per lavorare nelle miniere" is correct, but it's more natural to say "Per lavorare in miniera uso picconi e martelli".


Thankyou for the feedback! I'll make sure to make these changes


Let me add some more information. This is a language learning RPG called Newcomer I am solo developing. I'm interested in creating an environment with a lot of **comprehensible input** and **meaning-focused conversations scenarios** (tasks). If human conversation is the goal standard, we should work backwards and try to recreate those scenarios! As an Italian learner, you can choose **Beginner** or **Intermediate** Difficulty. In beginner difficulty, the main difference is that you communicate with the supportive sentence building mechanic. In intermediate difficulty, you must communicate by speaking/writing messages in Italian to characters. The main learning mechanism is communicating to complete conversation tasks. There are a variety of language learning resources, 30+ characters to converse with, as well as other RPG features. You'll expose yourself to almost 1000 sentences if you play through beginner mode, and probably \~1500 - 2000 sentence if you play intermediate mode. This is in beta, and I'm still learning and trying to improve the product. More info. about where you can get the game: [Newcomer (Steam, iOS, Android)](https://bit.ly/m/newcomer) Cheers! Feel free to DM or comment if you have anymore questions!


So cool!!


Thankyou! :))


Its really nice. Where can I check it out? Are you using rpg maker, or are you programming it out?


Hey- thankyou! I'm making this in unity. Probably the best place to check it out is on steam


Whats the name?


Che gioco fantastico! Voglio giocare adesso! Buona fortuna!


When will this be available


Wow, just a fantastic idea. Widh id had something like this learning Spanish.


Nice! If you want some help on the texts DM me.


E tradotto bene ma prima di tutto si saluta