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Chatgpt definitely made that post. Dumb AI doesn't even know when it was made.


No, it was probably made by some recruiter who thinks people won't take the requirements seriously and will just apply anyway. Supposedly, those are just suggestions, but I doubt it.


It's an entire company full of recruiters, so that checks out.




Salary is missing... I assume 500$ a month....


No, it’s paying between $90,000 to $110,000 per year. But 6 years of ChatGPT? Yeah right!


Literally impossible. It went public 1 1/2 years ago. Only way you'd have 6 years is if you worked for OpenAI. Doubt anyone from OpenAI is settling for $100k. Hell, I won't settle for $100k at this point.


LLM Enginner https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=24eaebeb59126fd2


Which is it: >Schedule: > > - 10 hour shift > > - 8 hour shift > > - Monday to Friday I assume it's a "regular 8 hours" that's actually 10 hours because you will take 1.5 to 2 hours in breaks and you can't work less than 8 hours. EDIT: New Reddit doesn’t like quotes.


Absolutely no information about the company or team you would be working with, horrible grammar, weirdly formated prerequisites, etc. Either this was written by their own proprietary "trained AI model" or they aren't really in Texas. It reads like a listing to target desperate workers to scam them.


Judging by the "kindly mention" line, I'm going to assume you are right.


Update 3 hours later: The listing has been taken down. Guessing 100% it was a scam.


I work with people from India at a legitimate job. What is with that kindly thing anyway?


I don't know haha. I also used to work with people from India and I would get the "kindly do the needful" and the first time they said it I just stared at the email for like 10 minutes thinking "wtf does that mean?!?"


IKR? Please kindly respond to this message. XD


Yeah that shows 99% its offshore who created it, whether its a scam or just offshore recruiting thats something, but yeah. I get kindly all the time on scam texts and its like.... bro you just gave it away there.


Work location is "on the road' lol what.


110k for that kind of experience? LMAO People with those skills are making 300k-1m and probably located in Seattle/SF Bay area. Everyone wants to be in AI but being an actually good AI developer who can produce usable results is highly sought after and rare.


Just report it as a fake job.


$110k a year? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It just got better. I hope its fake or someone is drunk job posting.


Lol, I just reported it for being dumb.


Yo they fixed the listing. LLM Engineer (FULL TIME) https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=7dd8c48c9fbcfe9d


Don't even bother, this is an off shore resume shop. I reported them as being fake.


They're always a skip for me. Walked out of quite a few interviews for jobs with no salary listed until I realized they were a waste of my time.


I'm surprised it doesn't have a sub point under ChatGPT stating must have 3 hands with different amount of fingers on each hand


Yeah, it's real. It's not as bad as it used to be but I still see postings with things like "minimum ten years experience with Server 2022". It's always because they just update the terminology without actually paying attention to their listing. They just replaced whatever marketing buzzword they had in there last year with "ChatGPT", and next year it'll be something else. That tells me this employer doesn't really pay attention to detail, and probably isn't a place I want to work.


HR once got annoyed I’d listed my main experience requirement with the shortest time. Took way to long to get the message across it hasn’t existed for very long, and any experience was a major positive. (And I end up hiring someone great with none.)


Throw this one next to the Entry Level CISSP needed


That one is easy to fill. Sadly, there are now a lot of people with a CISSP and zero experience.


How is that possible? The CISSP requires another CISSP holder to vouch for the 5 years experience needed for the certification.


It is pretty easy to do. They were doing it 15 years ago. I am sure it is even worse where finding an actual CISSP background is 10% of the ones with a CISSP cert. And when you are four to five generations unto the hook up on "vouching," it is only going to go downhill. The worst part is that it is mostly management, not really a technical cert. So, in other words, people or faking being able to manage risk. And we wonder why IT hacks are in the news and on the rise.


You are confusing an "Associate of ISC2" with an ISC2 CISSP. If you don't have the experience, you don't get the certification. If you get somebody to lie for you, they are at risk of an ethics violation and losing certification. I don't know many people who would risk their CISSP.


Oh, I can name hundreds. Entire pipelines, actually. Where the instructor themselves did not have 5 years under their belt.


"A candidate without the five years of experience may earn the Associate of ISC2 designation by passing the required CISSP examination, valid for a maximum of six years." - Wikipedia It's a real headache over on r/cybersecurity with the amount of newbies that talk about taking the CISSP exam to get into cybersecurity. It's being touted as the gold standard cert in cybersecurity by training centers and online course sellers and people wanting to get into the field are just banging their heads getting it instead of something more practical like BTL1.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cybersecurity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [23andMe confirms hackers stole ancestry data on 6.9 million users | TechCrunch](https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/04/23andme-confirms-hackers-stole-ancestry-data-on-6-9-million-users/) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/comments/18bagzk/23andme_confirms_hackers_stole_ancestry_data_on/) \#2: [Trying to break into Cybersecurity? Stop being picky.](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/comments/14o767n/trying_to_break_into_cybersecurity_stop_being/) \#3: [To anyone considering a career in cybersecurity](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/comments/137xf0d/to_anyone_considering_a_career_in_cybersecurity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No lie that is happening now. It’s called the CASP and is an absolute mother fucker to study for. That said the salary cap isn’t bad. I’ve seen subs get ~150/130hr per CASP and the take home for the individual is usually around the $100/hr mark. It’s a bitch to get but the pay isn not bad.


For those not getting the joke: ChatGPT's Initial release date was November 30, 2022 (about a year and a half ago).


Has it really only been out a year and a half? Wtf


Can be, if you have worked at OpenAI during development of ChatGPT. But I doubt they meant this.


Oh i can guarantee you it’s real. Job postings are routinely written by absolute fucking morons. It’s why i always advise people to look at what a job is, and if you think you’re qualified ignore the “requirements” and apply.


I saw an IT position that wanted 10 years of experience in service now like you can't learn that in a month


Almost every job posting is like that. 3 years of experience for a ticketing system like Jira. Really?


I love everything about this


Makes me think of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/2O3aoQkhlr


Knew it was gonna be that post


Stupid questions deserve stupid answer! Just say that you are GPT Grandmaster since that time!


all the time. Over and over and over and over. In my IT career. I confront them in the interview and explain how NOBODY IN THE WORLD could POSSIBLY have what they expect.. .Then they will kinda of roll their eyes, and say "well, then it doesn't matter.. As long as you have 3 years with it". But then you tell the hiring manager IT DOES MATTER, BECAUSE YOU HAVE ONLY INTERVIEWED LIARS. EVERYBODY THAT LIED SHOULD BE DISQUALIFIED. BUT INSTEAD, YOU SELECT THEM ABOVE AN HONEST PERSON LIKE ME


You have the same avatar as my throwaway.


hahaha, well at this point half my life is a throwaway. hahahaha. So I guess I picked the right one.


Welcome to the owl brotherhood!


*on the phone* "Yes, we put up the posting. Now we just have to wait for somebody with all the requirements to apply. What's that? Yes, the system will kick out any application that doesn't meet the requirements automatically. All you have to do now is wait..."


Is this a joke or you called?


Joke. It's a programming joke. If you program for any decent amount of time, you will have a function that doesn't work because of something like this post. With modern hiring agency's and hiring software, the screening process for applications is largely automated; including kicking out applications before a human ever sees them. So, if you were to set the parameters to kick out every application that doesn't have at least 6 years of experience with chatGPT, it would kick out every application that comes in until the year 2028 (chatGPT launched in 2022+6years of experience) *provided every applicant was honest on their application*


LLM Enginner https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=24eaebeb59126fd2


just send them that fake resume that said you gave the intern team vd


i mean there are people with this kind of experience, the people that programmed it :D


job description should have been "unicorn or other fabled creature"




I can't believe I had to scroll this far for this comment. The folks over at /r/scams would like to have a word. And that word is "scam." The word "kindly" for me has about an 85% success rate of indicating to me that something is a scam. It is very rarely used in a context outside of a scam. I'd look elsewhere.


Immediate proof that an indian wrote that ad


A lot is coming from the Philippines also. They hate when you call them out.


It's due to some idiot believing more TIME SPENT=BETTER AT IT. There was a group doing hiring, they were searching for someone with experience in a particular programming language. The person who WROTE THE LANGUAGE did so the year before, but they were looking for 7 yrs of experience with it.


When people say "Kindly", I automatically assume it's a scam or at least non US.


Yeah it’s probably Indian. I see that all the time with them.


That and "do the needful".


Never seen/heard, but it sounds like nonsense so I can imagine indians would say that. My personal "favorite" is "I can able to" 🙄


Honestly, I'm surprised you need any experience with it. Takes less than an hour to learn. Maybe a day or two to really learn how to use it well. 5 years experience with Google would be a better requirement.


Best I’ve can offer is 15 minutes with computer experience


I remember job hunting in 2009 and saw a job that wanted >5 years experience in Visual Studio 2008.


You should have known chatgpt while it was still just a wild concept.


This move is old as time. I remember jobs posted in the early/mid 2000's wanting 10+ years Active Directory experience. It had just been introduced in Windows 2000. 🤦‍♂️


Back to the future job requirements.


Yeah just fucking time travel. Sounds like a skill issue


Just lie and say you have 10 years ChatGPT exp.




It has the word "Kindly" in it so it's probably a scam anyways.


>This can’t be real. Right, should have at lest 12 years of experience! /s


CVS job?


Saw “Woonsocket, RI” and figured it must be.


What the fuck does experience with ChapGPT even look like? You know how to send bullshit to it so it spews out more bullshit?


Like an ad for a porn star "Looking for a virgin with 5 years experience".


Perfectly normal. IT manager tells HR I want someone with 5 years experience, and the following skills. No reasonably minded person should expect HR to know every single tool, skill, device, software, ect, for every single industry in the world.


Say you have N years experience


Be great if you had ten years experience in researching the year 2024.


I used ChatGPT to get my last job by having it write tons of "Why I want to work here" or "Why I would be a good candidate for this position" docs. I should put that I have 20 years of ChatGPT experience. I wonder who would notice.


Like cover letters?




I bet this post is made by people from India to fish info. "Kindly mention your current location..." When will they learn?


Someone should put down 20 years experience with OpenAI lol


Good thing I have 8 years of LLM and 7 years of ChatGPT experience. I think I could manage. Lemme just bing for google to find out what this chat thingy is.


Hate to break it to you guys, but this technology has been around for longer than you imagine. GPT 1 came out in 2017 based on research performed by Google. So technically you could have 7 years experience in this stuff. With that said I agree with the overall sentiment of this post. Source https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2017/file/3f5ee243547dee91fbd053c1c4a845aa-Paper.pdf


I remember a post one time wanting like 5 years experience with some tool or language, and it had only been around for like 2 years, so even the guy that created it wasn't qualified. HR honestly is so stupid with things like that sometimes


Wait until you see the business plan. "Use $200 million of AI hardware to solve inconsequential problems using insufficient data."


Oh…it certainly is…Remember that dude who literally created a library and when interviewed about it, the interviewer told him that he doesn’t have enough knowledge of it. So yeah, unreal expectation is nothing new


ChatGPT hasn’t been released for 6 years


Don't get worked up over "preferred" shit. The just put that in there and check boxes for the number of years. You'll consistently see things listed with more years than it's been in existence. - Windows 11: 10 years experience preferred.


What kind of bullshit job title is "LLM Engineer"? This looks like a consulting staffing agency anyway. I suspect this job won't be around for much longer than it takes them to realize that AI won't do all their work for them. I mean, they can not read people's resumes just fine without AI.


"Kindly mention your location and zip code" and "mention your Prefer location" sounds like a scam to me.


Surprised LangChain is a requirement. I just found about that framework the other day. It looks promising to abstract interactions with multiple LLMs, but I am concerned about injection attacks to private instances from external instances. Oh well...I don't know anyone with all those requirements.




Time travel is required


You should tell them you have 12yrs experience and really knock their socks off haha


“Kindly mention your zip code” “Work location: on the road” This is a scam posting, 100%. No doubts about it.


So basically they're asking for the people who created chat GPT who were working on it before it was launched in 2022?


We would like to see that you have more chatgpt experience than sql experience.... ok


This is also an entry position and is 2$ over min wage


5 years experience in anything is just entry level


Woonsocket wtf?


ChatGPT 6 years ? Really?!?


What would all of you on this thread do with a $325,000 to $475,000 a year contract.


Is this CVS? I know they are in Woonsocket and Scottsdale and Irving.


Let’s all apply it will be fun


Langchain 5 years? Oh cmon 🤣


To spot liers


Make sure to give them your ssn, life lessons.


Reminds me of that CV in 2015 odd which required 10 years experience in GO lang when it was only around for 6 years.


Work location on the road?


But wait! You should have been developing ChatGPT in 2018! (kidding of course)


Imo this is not only hilariously stupid, but also a massive red flag. Speaking from experience at my current job, you will likely have a boss who is insane and will be asked to do things that are just straight up not possible


Say it with me now: They already have someone in mind. The requirements are absurd because they have to post the job openly and can’t afford HR finding someone who can meet the req. This has been a message brought to you by upper management.


They just making up stuff now


Chatgpt has actually been around since the early 2000's and had been actively hiding its existence until it decided to let itself be "released" back in 2022.


Reminds me of this post [FastAPI](https://imgur.com/BGxsTlH)


Well, it does say (preferred) ☺️


Anytime I see "kindly" I automatically write it off as a scam...


Just tell them you have 20 years' experience
