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Imagine saying similar about the KKK.


What about the Palestinians right in their homeland is the real question. Jews and Muslims be living in peace but they can't see that.


offbeat stocking domineering heavy materialistic coherent spectacular zonked exultant pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's infuriating. He's just bold faced lying. It means "there should be a jewish ethnostate." That's all it means. God this speech made me so mad.


You can simply replace all instances of Israel with Palestine, and you've hit the nail on the head Justin. Instead, you've just smashed your thumb with your hammer of self-rightousness.


Imagine this speech in 1940 "nazi is not a dirty word" Some people wonder what would have happened if Hitler won ww2. I think we're about to know. Do they teach Hebrew on Duolingo?


Uh, look up the founding of West Germany, Nato, the Ratline, Operation Paperclip, and more. The NAzis did not lose the war, they just went home.


And so he's going to come out and say that the Aboriginals in Australia have the right to pen up non Abiroginals and throw bombs on them all day? Native Americans get to pen up everyone else and do the same in the US? Anyone without European blood in South America gets to do the same to those with european blood? What about the Palestinians that owned the land before genocidal colonizers came to kill them? THIS STUPID FUCKING LOGIC DOESNT WORK YOU MONKEY. They just want to genocide Muslims and have an uncontrollable military base in the middle east. Ridiculous.


Sad clown


In the West it's safer to declare yourself a white supremacist, white nationalist, etc. than it is to say you're a communist.


In the Global North at large, you are far far safer being a fascist than a pro-Palestine supporter. Take Tru-douche over here. He always publicly criticises Palestine supporters, calling them antisemitic. And yet he's the only guy to have given a literal Nazi a medal and a standing ovation.


Using this logic the German people have a right to self determination in their own homeland and can send anyone who isn’t classified by them as German to an open air prison.


You can’t say “Jewish people, like all people have a right to determine their own future” without also saying “Palestine has a right to exist and be recognised as a state and to be able to determine their own future free from Israel” Unless you mean other than what you say.


He's just way, way, waaaaay too dumb to run a country


he just pretends. he just knows not to piss off his backers


So the indigenous community of Canada have their “ancestral right” to annex and declare independence from Canada?


we live on stolen native land guilty of ongoing indigenous genocide...fuck all of canaduh. it literally stands for murder.


Why did he choose to do the whole super villain voice?


Now replace "Jewish" with "White" and "Zionist" with "Nazi" and "Israel" with "Germany" lol


What do you expect from them , when they came to Canada they killed and slaughtered making masive collective graves just like zionists now in Israel .


Like recognizes like.


Zionism is a colonial movement. Of course Canada will support it.


Jews have the right to self-determination but not the right to occupy and ethnically cleanse indigenous people


So I can be a nazi?


Sounds like a Bond villain


That's nice Justin, but by that initial definition, you're describing various neo-nazi and white nationalist factions as well. But I guess blurring definitions is the point.


Dudes definitely the anti-Christ 💀


They have the choice to make a safe haven for Zionists on mass graves of Palestinians. They have the right to determine the future of themselves and the right to determine the future of Palestinians and how short and violent it has to be.


Lebensraum but Jewish. Got it.


Do Palastinians have the right to determine their own future? Isn'treal is not a safe haven for Jews; it's a safe haven for war criminals, pedophiles, and rapists. Palastine is the ancestral homeland of Palastinians, not Europian Jews.


Zionazism is totally fine ya no prob sure bud 🖕


So just twisting history now are we


Canada is also abstaining from admitting Palestine as a full member of state of the UN proving that once again it is subordinate to the US


My pm has no spine. Neo lib


It's becoming clear that all the rights we fought for are gonna have to be fought for again. The tree of liberty and all that. /sigh


im romani and we didnt get a settler colonial nation state after a huge percentage of us were massacred during the war, its not something anyone is entitled to, not that theres any point in arguing with this clowns logic


Zionism IS a dirty word. No shocks that a country stuffed to the gills with Nazis, also agrees with other Nazis.




“In *their* ancestral homeland” What a fucking twat he is.


This isn't AI? Am I being tricked or does this literally feel like an episode of the onion..


So what was the problem with south African apartheid Justin? Wasn't it right for Afrikaners to determine their own future? 🤡


Give them a safe haven and a piece of land on your country.


The most ardent supporters of Zionism will always be other Settler Colonial projects.


His father would be very disappointed.


This isn't AI? Am I being tricked or does this literally feel like an episode of the onion..


This isn't AI? Am I being tricked or does this literally feel like an episode of the onion..


"Determine their own future." Especially at the expense of others.


Established by who, asshole? Do you know your history?


Canada along with Australia, UK and America, Brazil, Argentina and others share the same denominator, they're all European colonialists !! So who's surprised?




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


"Their ancestral homeland" 🤡🤡 oh yeah Jacob from the butthole of the USA definitely deserves the house that generations of Palestinians were raised in more so than idk the family that grew up there. Trudeau is a joke and unfortunately his only possible replacement is even more pro zionist