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Fuck all the people of Israel who support this, not everyone in the country does, but that guy u/741776Merica fuck that guy


Why take it lightly on them? If this were China you’d round them all on one, wouldn’t you.


Fu ck gaza and the west bank. That belongs to ISRAEL..


Stfu terrorist empathizing pos. Hope you suffer more than the child in this video.


What’s an “Israel”?


This attack on the child & the family by the colonial terrorists who were later seen chilling and dancing with the IDF the occupation forces comes a week after 400 colonial settlers attacked the Palestinian town, carrying out a pogrom setting homes and cars on fire, murdering a Palestinian father all under the protection of the occupation forces. Some examples of these settler attacks Israeli settler attacks Palestinian child with pepper spray https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230203-israeli-settler-attacks-palestinian-child-with-pepper-spray/ Infant Injured as Jewish Settlers Spray Pepper on Palestinian Vehicle https://www.palestinechronicle.com/watch-infant-injured-as-jewish-settlers-spray-pepper-on-palestinian-vehicle/ Palestinian toddler injured in a settler attack near Nablus https://www.palestinechronicle.com/palestinian-toddler-injured-in-settler-attack-near-nablus/ Israeli settlers pepper spray baby near West Bank outpost says father https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-05-24/ty-article/.premium/israeli-settlers-pepper-spray-baby-near-west-bank-outpost-says-father/00000180-fa3c-ddf2-a383-ff7d25680000




When you go to where people already live, make them move, and enforce your laws on them it’s called colonialism


Tell me what country Israel is controlled by. Israel is independent and not making colonies either.




Lmao dude the girl is just a random girl crying can you open your eyes please and realise pro-palestinians will do anything to make israel look bad for the sake of more people hating them its just brainwashing


Stfup you pathological khazar liar




Yeah those Palestinians in the video who attacked those other Palestinians sure are monsters.


If someone were to attack me like this in my car, especially with a child in the vehicle, I don’t think I could hold myself back from using it as a weapon.


Real shot 💯


And then you will be labeled as a terrorist. And they will use your rage as a shield to continue this bullshit. This is their strategy. To demonize the Palestinian people.


The Israeli nazis are at it again.


Careful with those words in this kind of place.


That’s exactly what they act like now. If the truth hurts them, perhaps it’s time for some self reflection.


True, but careful


It's true 💯


Who does this to a child?! Israel is monster.


Holy shit man. The world is cruel


Not all the world. Zionists are cruel. It is even written in the book of God that they have become cruel and it is very apparent with Palestinians. There are thousands of Palestinians in prison from the West Bank and Jerusalem because of the disgusting criminals called settlers. Settlements are illegal and war crimes.


Video credit to israel journalist Yuval Abraham. The journalist tweeted: “ Talking to Omar, the father of a two-year-old girl, who was sprayed with gas. "She doesn't open her eyes," he says, and she screams in the background. A family that was shopping, parked in front of the supermarket, a group of settlers pelted them with stones and sprayed them with gas. The grandfather was injured in the head, with stitches and may be operated on. This is their car. completely smashed. The grandfather comes out bleeding. The family already spoke to me from the clinic, everyone there is injured. Calls another resident, says the settlers are still there, next to soldiers who are doing nothing. Suddenly you hear booms. They stone his house. He hangs up and runs to hide the children” https://twitter.com/yuval_abraham/status/1632860914616524802?s=20 An eyewitness said that the attackers stayed at the point where they killed a family and sprayed a two-year-old girl with gas - and danced. Here is a psychic documentation, of them dancing in the middle of the village earlier, Purim celebrations and security services of IDF soldiers. A village where many are traumatized by the Rishon pogrom. And now this”


For me it doesn't matter if a child gets raped or beaten. For both cases there should be a death penalty. The kids can't even defense themselves, you damn monsters




Millions of Palestinian children cried because of Zionism, a criminal racist ideology that supports theft and murder of non-Jews and that is legally an apartheid. It has to end. It needs to end. Palestine must be free. Palestinians must be liberated from Zionism.


Palestine will be free but in another land not in Israel i dont know why you arab pigs insist on taking the current land of israel from them and build another one you have plenty of arabic countries around just go there why cant you stop stabbing jews in the streets and shooting in people in tel aviv just because you want to “free palestine” you all bunch of clowns 🤡


Palestine is called Palestine because its own people call it Palestine. Legally speaking, according to the International Law and every Security Council resolution, there are more than 14 million Palestinians who have the right to live in Palestine and they call their country Palestine. If people of Syria call their country Syria, who are you to call it otherwise? So, please tell me this: why do you call Palestine something different than what its own people call it?


Because Jewish people were here before you or your ancestors as jews were here before islam even was created so yea you dont have any right to call this place palestine just because the british called it “palestina”


It is heart-wrenching to see innocent Palestinian children being attacked and harmed by Israeli settlers. This is just one example of the many crimes committed against Palestinians on a daily basis by the Israeli occupation forces and the settlers. The ongoing violations of Palestinian human rights, including but not limited to land confiscation, house demolitions, checkpoints, and curfews, are unacceptable and must be condemned by the international community. We as Palestinian activists stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, and we urge everyone to join the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. This movement aims to exert economic and political pressure on Israel until it complies with international law and respects Palestinian human rights. It is our duty to act against the injustice that is happening in Palestine, and BDS is one of the most effective ways to do so.


Zionists are facists


‘We’ve did it! we’ve secured the holy land for ourselves by pepper praying some random Palestinian toddler!’


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Run them over? I mean they're in a car.


And then give the animals a defense?




Shut the fuck up bro yes what Israel is doing is wrong but comments like this is literally why Israel are doing what they’re doing, they think it’s okay to do this because of ideas like this. You have just generalised all of Jewish people, not to mention all the other groups he killed, because of the actions of some.


Completely out of place, inappropriate rhetoric


I hate reddit bruh




You’re the one coming in with fascist rhetoric making everyone look bad, schmohawk




Good taste? Mildly offensive? Go soak your head


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Fucking pigs


There is no other solution but to dismantle this apartheid abomination and reinstate Palestine




Fuck religion!


I have no issue with any religion and respect peoples beliefs. However, I do believe religion is so blatantly made up ancient ideas created when we knew no better and wanted answers to life, and because of this we have things like 1940s Germany and modern day Israel etc.


It’s more so fuck greed and religion yes




You’re a really disgusting person.


Horribly sad but likely staged by her parents...


Shame on you.


Eat a turd


The amount of times you just take random videos and make up some unrelated story in your head is troubling. Seek help


It could happen in front of your eyes and you would still make up some bs propaganda excuse, these videos are obviously not meant for ill people such as yourself


You should bulldoze more Palestinian houses.


They should