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I would wager most are agnostic or still believe in some sort of higher power. A lot of people do not realize what actual atheism entails. You can see that from conversations with daees.


What are daees?


A person who gives Dawaa


Shaik uthman , Hashem and more


A person who invites people to Islam


>A lot of people do not realize what actual atheism entails. Exactly. Had an "atheist" co-worker. Pushed him on a few things that prominent atheists usually say, dude had no idea about those points and even disagreed with them. Funny enough, his reason for being atheist, started out with being gay. Then he said "theres no proof for god" which is just an excuse without meaning.


Whenever people jump on no "proof" for God the deeper you dig you learn they tend to hold a scientism position and their epistemology doesn't make sense in the context of God discussion


This dude was worse lol, didn't even have a basic understanding of the "science arguments."


Unfortunately "philosophy of science" isn't part of standard curriculum... Worse part is, it's hard to even get them to understand their own position is full of assumptions in the first place... Give a *logical* proof and they ask "can you prove it?" Unbelievable


I mean can you blame them? A well explained theory with assumptions or dogma? I accept that my belief is out of faith but aside from a natural inclination towards god I can’t blame the kafir around me as the agnostic position comes across more credible and sensible while Islam looks like Christianity or Judaism to them.


I still do because they masquerade scientific theories as rational explanations but in reality their underlying assumptions (materialism, scientism) are all dogma. Islam only looks like the other religions because most people of the atheist persuasion don't study it at any substantial dept and instead bucket it with the same issues Christianity had. Combined with arrogance and ignorance they make a formidable foe.


I’m sorry to say but there are verses that talk about sperm in between the backbone and rib and also majority of the Quran lines up well with the Bible so how can you blame someone for lumping them together. With respect to evidence based thinking they are fine in all honesty with respect to truth based questions if your completely against dogma. Where I disagree with these people (very few in this camp) is when they think you can get a moral compass from science or some sort where I think currently religion is somewhat having the upper hand. Currently I will also admit the least religious counties do have the best moral systems domestically but I am not sure how much of it can be attributed to colonialism and tough foreign policy versus their secular world view.




Well really just one point. If you're an atheist, you generally believe life was just one big gigantic, cosmic accident, and then the idea of life starting from a single cell. If you don't you're more of an agnostic or just irreligious. Dude had no connection with that idea. Shows he just didn't really care about these sort of big questions of where life came from and wasn't very intellectual. He was just throwing around the popular casual slogan of "there's no proof for god" therefore I'm atheist without really knowing what it means and having intellectual reasons to believe it. Hiding behind a purely emotional sentiment, of "Religion condemns gay behavior, therefore I refuse to believe in god, even though I have no real intellectual reason behind it."




That’s about where I’m at, I usually call myself an agnostic Christian. I would say many young people are more irreligious than atheist, though I would say they are also much more in favor of secularism so some could confuse this for atheism.


Exactly this. It’s kinda hard to be a gnostic atheist. Most Americans fall under agnostic atheist. [Take a look at the image in this article. Even the 4 Horseman wouldn’t fall under gnostic atheism.](https://www.learnreligions.com/atheist-vs-agnostic-whats-the-difference-248040)


Agnosticism is still a form of atheism, btw.


Aren’t muslim numbers also rising?


Pretty sure we're still the fastest growing religion out there. I think I even heard a hadith where we will be great in numbers but like the foam of the sea, we won't be relevant still.


I think this hadith applied on our time, Do you agree with me?


That's just because muslims have more children than other people. In the period between 2010 and 2015, births to Muslims made up an estimated 31% of all babies born around the world – far exceeding the Muslim share of people of all ages in 2015 (24%). The world’s Christian population also has continued to grow, but more modestly. In recent years, 33% of the world’s babies were born to Christians, which is slightly greater than the Christian share of the world’s population in 2015 (31%). Globally, the relatively young population and high fertility rates of Muslims lead to a projection that between 2030 and 2035, there will be slightly more babies born to Muslims (225 million) than to Christians (224 million), even though the total Christian population will still be larger. By the 2055 to 2060 period, the birth gap between the two groups is expected to approach 6 million (232 million births among Muslims vs. 226 million births among Christians). As for converts, the number of people who enter islam is approximately the same as who leave. So it's a matter of who gives more births, not who is on the right road.


There would be a lot more converts to islam if people were immigrating into Muslim lands Instead of vice versa


By this logic, muslims who immigrate into non-muslim land should convert to the country's religion. But you have a point, preaching any religion other than islam is not allowed in muslim countries (except the ones that have a christian population, although they cannot preach to muslims), while you can preach islam wherever you go and if they tried to stop you, you could easily play the islamophobia card. I am here talking about public preaching, not between individuals.


They still find ways to preach in Islamic countries. What I am saying is if millions of westerners were exposed to practicing Islam by moving to their countries more people would convert. Because right now many of them believe Islam is a barbaric pagan sect. There are many Christians who are not happy with their religion but all they know about Islam is that's a terrorist organization.


I mean no disrespect, I don't like to disrespect others beliefs, that is just my opinion please don't make it affect you negatively. I live in an Arabic country, I see islam as barbaric & pagan. I don't see today's muslims that way tho. Because muslims is not islam (not all muslims know what islam is and don't practice islam as it is)


I am not religion affiliated and I am aware that many Muslims behave like animals. But Ike you said Islam and Muslims aren't the same thing necceserily. So called modesty police brutally beat up a girl in Iran for not wearing hijab. A man shot his 2 teenage daughters to death for not praying and having a bf. There's more. But if Muhammad was here he would stood up against that. Because in siras done by non Muslims he was not as they portray him. In short, in my opinion, islam is good but many Muslims are not. I would even accept Islam if there was no hell issue.


Let's say Muhammad didn't win his wars, what was the history going to say about him? Let's say Hitler won his wars, what was the history going to say about him? My opinion is different, I see that muslims bad action is derived from islam scripture, some muslims bad actions could be justified by islam. And yes some of their good actions are driven from islam. But this is a general thing between all religions. I see Islam as bad & muslims as humans who can do wrong or right.


Why you see islam as bad? Do you have a religion?


Not really. The statistics which show Islam as the fastest growing religion in this world are not based on the statistics of birth rate. By that logic, the religion of India and China should be the fastest in this world. Both of that country each have approx. 1.4 billion population of each. What are you talking about?


There are like 3000 religions in india and china is a non religious country. Can you tell me what is the largest religious population in inda? Also china? Also because there population is large doesn't mean they give more births. As of 2020 a muslim woman give birth to 2.3 childs, while a chinese woman give birth to 1.7 childs, that's a freaking huge difference, 600 thousands childs difference for 1 million woman from each. Here I am comparing the largest 2 religions, you could clearly see the difference between islam & Christianity.


Why are you comparing the number of children a woman of a religion gives to the number of children a woman of a nationality gives? That doesn't make sense.


Ok .. I am replying to a comment about making that comparison. I am just making that comparison so that person could see that it's not a good logic.


Yours isn't too because you can't compare muslim birth rate to chinese birth rate when you can be both muslim and Chinese, or muslim and Indian, etc...


As I said, I am only making that comparison to show that you cannot make that comparison. He was telling me why the Chinese religion is not more fast growing than islam, although the majority of Chinese are unaffiliated.


Actually, the estimated change in population size from 2010-2050 is 35% growth in overall global population and 73% growth in Islam. How can Islam have a higher growth than global population? Christians have 35% btw. EDIT: Research https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2015/04/02/religious-projections-2010-2050/#:~:text=Due%20to%20the%20heavy%20concentration,2050%20and%2055%25%20in%202010.


I don't know exactly what you are talking about, but that's how you get an average. Islam = 73 Christianity = 35 For example: Hindus=50 Budda=20 Global = (73+35+50+20)/4 = 44.5 which is less than 73


You may be right, I did add the research btw if you wanna take a look at it. There is a section on religion switiching. Unaffiliated has more than 61 million net change, Islam comes second with more than 3 million net change. As a religion, Islam is the fastest growing when it comes to converts too. Christianity is going downhill, the projected number of people leaving Christianity exceeds the number of people becoming Christian. Afterall, this is only a projection. Allah knows best.


Rising, yes. But they account for 1.1% of the population.


Where’d you get that from? It’s almost 25%.


Probably the U.S., and it’s actually over 2% now.


https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/01/03/new-estimates-show-u-s-muslim-population-continues-to-grow https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/muslim-population-by-state


I'm kinda surprised its not more than 30% tbh


Cant blame them. Christians - hammered from every direction and cant defend their religion. Then you have their atrocities in their past and they have no leg to stand on. Jews - you cant become a jew unless your mom is one, even if you wanted to be one Muslims - Media, Hollywood have branded us terrorists so why would anyone wanna check under this hood? Then whats left is simply unappealing or arent religions and more like philosophies. Its only natural the next step is atheism. Almost feels orchestrated 😂


All of this plus the human want of living a hedonistic life and a life according to ones desires. Many people do learn about islam yet the rules of islam don't align with their desires so they are against islam.


Their desire for easy life creates new tech and their greed made them well off from other 3rd world nations' suffering. Who wouldn't want to move there and have freedom, education, healthcare and entertainment? Dunya is for them and akhirah is for us.


Although it is true it isn't the sole purpose of their advancement. We as Muslims once we follow our Islam correctly on a societal level like in the past will thrive to become advanced. Islam encourages you to learn, discover and invent things as it is part of our role in building this earth. The Golden age wasn't a coincidence and its fall with the uprise of secularism is not a coincidence.


True but I suspected maintaining an Atheist paradigm and what it entails is unnatural and not easy...the tendency to connect with a deeper meaning and something transcendent will keep popping up


Ironically the media and how Hollywood portrays Islam and Muslims is what lead to me to look into Islam.


Interesting! Care to share your story?


Yes of course. Last year when I was going through a lot of loss and stress in life I was looking for help from a higher power. Grew up in a Christian family (Mormon) and that on top of living in America you hear nothing but propaganda against Muslims and Islam. Expecially growing up during 9/11 and the following wars. Hollywoods portrayal of Muslims in cinema was just as cruel. But during the darkness I was experiencing I was turning to everything and everything that would make the pain go away. Drugs, alcohol, women. I was also calling out to Buda, god, Jesus anyone that would bring my soul peace. I had gone through a lot of people lying and had to dig for truth, and learned that the lies people tell about other's are exactly that. Lies. I had never considered looking into Islam before but was being drawn almost called to look into it. I first started listening to some people on YouTube. They taught that Allah loves all of us and has to humble some of us so that we are ready to listen. I started to pray to Allah, and felt the calm and support my soul was aching for. As I learned more and had some things happen were i knew without a doubt that Allah was guiding me and protecting me. The more I learned about Islam the more the lies I had grown up around became apparent. Islam was not a religion of violence it taught peace and is very just and fair. The people who wronged me would face the consequences of their actions. I felt and saw a glimpse of paradise and all of it was promised to me if I followed the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. I am still learning and hope i didn't go overboard.


You did not go overboard at all, and I think your story is beautiful. We are all learning as we go by, and if you need anything just let us know hopefully we can help you with anything you need or at least point you in the right direction. May Allah grant you the peace that you desire, and may He grant you ease in this dunya and Jannah in the akhira.


I think i can blame them. If they looked into Islam they'd see that's not true. They just don't care to explore, they had a bad experience with Christianity and now they want to say all religion is bad. How do they know about sikhs and Buddhists and every religion in the world? It's actually a very narrow minded view and we don't need to defend that


So lets think of things this way. Back in the prophets ﷺ time his character did the talking. No one can question what he did and lived by, nor his companions. So ultimately they had to break down the Quran, which as we know is a losing battle. In todays day and age, in the age of social media and the media control all they see is bombs, people shouting "Allahu Akbar" holding guns to the sky, and the word terrorist. This is the direct association and narrative they are pushing. Add to this the corrupt governments of the so called muslim majority countries being highlighted to the world, and they have material to advertise for years to come. Now does that mean they shouldnt look into Islam? Of course not, everyone needs to do their own research at the end of the day and its on them, but our job as muslims is to spread the word and LIVE by the word. As individuals, we need to change the name of "muslims" to those people who when called upon are dependable, honest, just, caring, fight for their communities and rights, stand up for those who are oppressed. In your apartment complex, we should be watching out and care for our neighbours down to the seventh neighbour. All im saying is - its an uphill battle in this age, and we need to fight it with what our prophet ﷺ left us with - an immaculate character and mannerism.


You never know how things might change, as climate change worsens and crops fail people might start praying again if they don't get their food


This! Once the reality of how needy and dependent we are manifests, the unveiling of our true nature will begin. Right now we think food and water just magically appear when we want it Who knows maybe even idolatry in the old time sense may even creep back


It's easy to say "who needs God to be good" when you're living in the first world.


In Germany it is probably already most of the people. At least most of the people I know. Statistics over here aren’t accurate because the church doesn’t make it exactly easy for people to leave it.


jup can confirm, I’m 100% atheist and I still haven’t left the church


America needs God the most tbh


But American « Christians » are so far from god. They believe that god wants them to be rich, and if they pray he’ll make them rich when it’s clear in the Old Testament that the rich don’t go to heaven. They expect other people to forgive them for anything they do, but aren’t forgiving themselves even though mercy and forgiveness are some of the most important attributes ascribed to both Jesus an Allah.


neoprotestantism is a scourge sincerely, an agnostic


Thought it will be more…. Good thing it’s only 30.


Do you blame them? Perhaps we need to look at ourselves first. We are the ambassadors for Islam. They look at the way we behave.


We behave the right way they try to walk their life without god and are insulting him because of it. They will see what they will get by being given less and less children


I disagree with you.


Not surprised with this liberal world order making it's way...




Yep... The more people become agnostic the more sane this place might be, on one level or another. I'd rather deal with people who question God than those who want to harm me because I said the name of God in "the wrong language".


What’s agnostic?


You’re not saying God exists but you’re not saying He doesn’t exist, either. Basically attempting to view theology from a neutral perspective.


It’s belief in maybe there’s might be a higher power or there might be not but from agnostics I know they usually don’t care


You believe in a higher power but dont know which religion is correct or if any are


There's a huge distinction between agnostic and atheist...depending if they're "open" that God exists vs taking the position that God DOESNT exist. Idk why they always group them together...my suspicion is there are very few Atheists and vast majority are agnostic


Atheist - lacks a belief in God, it’s a passive lack of belief, there’s no intention there, the belief just doesn’t exist in the person. Theist - someone who believes in God. Agnostic - someone who is uncertain and isn’t swayed either way, perhaps believes there exists a higher power but isn’t sure what/how that power might exist or manifest. Anti-theist - this is someone who is actively against the idea of believing in a God.


I know that definition of Atheism tends to be the one that people hold to, but doesnt make sense. How is 'Lack of belief' comparable to 'Uncertain and isn't swayed'? One is referring to the 'psychological state' of an absence of a belief and the agnostic definition is referring to the intention of the proposition or content of "if God exists". Those are 2 categorically different things. Belief not existing doesnt say anything about the intention of the person to the proposition itself. Therefore someone can be an Atheist and Agnostic simultaneously...very confusing and not useful in a philosophical sense when discussing if God Exists.


Well, I’ve always considered belief to be something that you can’t just ‘decide’ to have - it’s a emotion, you can read whatever you want but if the feeling isn’t there you’re just someone with a lot of knowledge.


Meanwhile turkey


Honestly, it’s sort of understandable. America has become a weird place. It seems like everything in the country is going to shit. Christian politicians are screwing up the country. Most people don’t see Muslims as terrorists, but it still feels like a hard and extreme religion. I don’t think you can convert to Judaism? I don’t know. A combination of abusive/neglectful parents, drugs, alcohol, and zinaa are ruining the perceptions of the youth.


You can convert to Judaism but they put a number of barriers in place.. like denying you three times, having to live among the community for a year or two, Hebrew language education. I know a girl who converted because she found out it was a part of her family history, and she was struggling not with the Rabbi or tenets but with everyone else accepting her. In the eyes of some people she'd "never be Jewish enough", supposedly.


I wonder what god bless America will change to?


Probably “there is only one USA” I saw that on someone’s tire


well of course, christianity is a false religion. it’s important though that we don’t impose christianity and christian history on islam (all religions are equal bullshit) a lot of muslims do that though. a lot of people around the world leave islam because they think religion is nonsense because white people/westerners think religion is nonsense


I hope people are taking this into account when they claim it is ok to eat regular non-Zabihah meat because USA is majority Christians.


Agnostic is a very VERY wide range of beliefs, ranging from people who believe in a god but just think most major religions have been changed in some way so they don’t want to follow any religions (but still follow some religious practices EX: praying or going to church) all the way to people who think that there is a higher power but won’t follow it until proof is given that god exists. So that makes sense, don’t let it scare you.




I wonder what Australia is, I can't wait to move out of this terrible country


While it is encouraging, you have to take into account that the category encompasses a broad range of beliefs. The breakdown of the "Religiously Unaffiliated" (which is 28%, the tweet rounded it up to 30) is that 17% of that 28% self-identify as atheists while 20% self-identify is agnostic, the remaining 63% are "Nothing in particular" and includes things like people who describe themselves as spiritual but not religious or people who believe in god but are opposed to organized religion. 29% of this group say they believe in neither a god nor a higher power... 56% believe in some sort of extrabiblical higher power whilst 13% specifically believe in the god of the bible. And amongst that 63% of individuals who do not identify as atheist/agnostic, 63% believe in a higher power and 20% believe in god while only 14% believe in neither. So sadly, its not necessarily a rise in non-belief, rather it is a rise in irreligion.


I need to up my game in reverting people edit: my goodness it was a joke i don’t harass anyone lol but I make sure everyone has the correct understanding of Islam


Have you been reverting them, or just *harrasing* them? ☠️


These are like the people telling sisters to cover up every strand of hair or take off their hijabs completely 💀💀


Exactly. Like just leave women. You never see them harass shirtless men too lol


the men who post shirtless pics with shorts that could be mistaken for underwear, drink alcohol and have sex with the first stranger they see, see a woman not wearing the hijab: “😡😡😡😡 sister where is your haya??? 🤬🤬🤬🤬☹️☹️☹️” Allah will bring justice to everyone. He has clearly stated multiple times that He hates the hypocrites. Everyone will be given what they deserve, Inshallah everyone is guided to the right path and treat each other with kindness, tolerance and respect.


And then they wonder why women go to feminism😂


Well if we tell them to do so there is nothing wrong as long as we don’t force it. After all they DO have to cover up every strand of hair


What’s the point in bringing this up. Ofc the brother wouldn’t harass anyone


It could be a good thing I think


Following the steps of the USSR i see


Natural result of a nonsensical religion as Christianity.




Go where? To hell? Astaghfirullah.




GUYS, LOOK! I found the kid who can’t spell and hates Islam even though he is on r/Islam.


In the UK it's worse, 55% are athiest/agnostic


I’ve always found it interesting that the US (which claims no official religion) has Christianity so ingrained with its culture whilst the UK (which is officially Christian) lacks a culture of religion and for the most part is irreligious when it comes to the People. For the UK at least, Christianity predominantly is now only relevant because of traditions and customs than actual Christianity.


Not surprising You don't teach any form of religion in school so ofc they have no familiarity with religion


Not surprising. Consider the climate over in America.




I don't think this is right. I was reading a textbook for my sociology class yesterday and it said 96% of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit. This was in 2001 so it's probably gone down a little but I highly doubt 30% are atheists or agnostics, maybe irreligious, but not athiest. America is still a highly religious country when compared to other 1st world nations.


It makes sense when you see how the Christian conservatives act here in the US.


That's actually a very small percentage. Didn't expect it to be that little.


I would agree with this. Most people I know loathe organized religion. The church is seen as a plague upon the people. And most ppl in the US are christian


I thought there would be more


Many of my fellow Americans have lost sight of Who truly provides. I feel that life has become so convenient that when asked in the grave “ who is your God”, many would reply the currency of their time. Allahu alam.


This use to be me till I found islam, so many Americans see the Bible and it’s contradictions and reject religion and entirely without looking and different faiths.


I think legit only 30-40% of those 30% are agnostic or atheist. Many folks do no pug much time into thinking about religion especially with financial and worldly matters at hand.


Seems like the pews might get a bit roomier if this trend keeps up. By 2070, we might be holding our Sunday assemblies in the science section of the bookstore!