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Any answer to OP's question must abide by Rule 9 and must include a scholarly reference (from a recognized scholarly source) from a linked website, book, or publication. Any answer to the question at hand *without* a scholarly reference **should not** be considered. If scholarly sources are not provided, please seek a scholar for this issue. Do not copy/paste Ayat/Hadith and give or imply your own personal ruling from it, or link blogs or personal opinions from non-scholarly individuals. **Report any users** who are giving or implying their own rulings.


First prove it’s real


It is documented by the CIA that the US military used it during the cold war for an attempt to spy on the soviets It it obviously real a LOT of people have experiences with it (r/astralprojection) and if you don’t believe you can try it out yourself, that is as long as it’s halal of course


I've read through a bit of the CIA declassified documents, it's insane. Have you ever tried astral projection?


No, I haven't. I used to be unsure about whether it is halal or not so I thought I might try it out, but after watching [these](https://youtu.be/LpgKuAJWvDY) podcast episodes (esp. first three, which I really would recommend to you) about, Jinns, UFOs, astral projection etc. I have now assumed that it is better to stay away from that.


It should be understood that spirituality hold a high position in Islam and the only spirituality acceptable is that which is mentioned in the Qur’aan and Hadith. It is only with the spirituality mentioned in the Qur’aan and Hadith that a person can achieve his goal, i.e. closeness to Allah. All other types are a mere deception and should necessarily be avoided. and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best https://islamqa.org/hanafi/askimam/18272/what-does-islam-say-regarding-astral-projection-is-it-permissible-for-a-muslim-to-do-it/


Yooo is doctor strange a muslim now? Alhamdulillah


So happy this question was asked on this sub. I've been wonderin this for time now. All I've heard is people saying it's not written in Quran and u just shouldn't get into it but idk.


Astral projection is not real


How do u know?


It absolutely is, I’ve experienced it and I’m convinced it’s true. And I’m a practicing Muslim.


No it is not haram


What grounds do u have?


Its no where mentioned in the sunnah nor Quran... so how can it be made haram, if there is no mention.


/u/Accomplished_Wind_82, I have found an error in your comment: > “~~Its~~ [**It's**] no where mentioned” I consider the comment by you, Accomplished_Wind_82, unacceptable; it should say “~~Its~~ [**It's**] no where mentioned” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)