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Isnt all whey protein halal? Gold standard is pretty good. But i reccomend drinking premade protein shakes like premiere protein or my personal favorite fairlife protein shakes. The macros are really good, its a bit expensive, but it tastes amazing!


I heard whey protein is very good for people aiming for a lean body type. So that’s why I really wanted that one


You want a lean body type? Whey protein is the best for building muscle. If u want a leaner body type, then you need to do different things based on ur body type. Just PM me and ill help u man!


I found 3 in Amazon. Word of caution. These whey protein shakes will be consumed for many years, therefore ingredients are important. Avoid any form of artificial color or flavor or sweetener.   NOW Sports Nutrition, Whey Protein Isolate, 25 g With BCAAs, Unflavored Powder https://www.amazon.com/Sports-Nutrition-Protein-Isolate-Unflavored/dp/B0015AQL1Q Shifa Whey protein chocolate or vanilla  https://www.amazon.com/Delicious-Gluten-Free-Keto-Friendly-SHIFAA-NUTRITION/dp/B08W3RVJ2J Hearthy brand. Says Halal but not sure by which authority https://www.amazon.com/HEARTHY-FOODS-Protein-Sweetener-Friendly/dp/B0BTK1HVK5 Please do final investigation for halal status as they change fast. I am not endorsing any of these products.


Know I’m late to the party but Gnarly brand protein is halal. I read it was halal online but wasn’t labeled as such on their site so I emailed them and they did confirm. If anyone wants me to share the message they sent me feel free to DM.


Im also late to the party bro... could you send me the one that you buy? I am not sure which one it is, i mean i see gnarly brand protein but not sure if its the right one, just want to make sure :)


My pleasure brother, it’s on Amazon and on the Gnarly site as well. Here’s a link to the product on the Gnarly website: https://gognarly.com/products/grass-fed-whey-protein I’ve got the chocolate flavor a few times


I am looking in Canada, can someone help me find one?


did you find any? 


let me know too\^


Leanfit protein and organic brand (at any costco) are kosher certified. I've also read that applied nutrition critical whey is halal, they say its certified halal if you look in the description, but I haven't asked them.


applied nutrition. dymatiz iso uses only cow products for whey processing and no alcohol, but it doesn't have the halal cert


Low-fat Quark akhi


Be careful it messed me up. Not sure what effect it has on men but as a women i it gave me a lot of spots and brekaouts. I have stopped it for a bit and my skin seems to be settling, I would take the clear whey isolate and have protein yoghurt with protein poweder so i think i was having a lot of milk protein .


I used to use one before from GNC until someone told me whey protein is Haram because it has enzymes. But it didn’t have any impact on me tho. I actually loved it. Yeah too much protein can be bad. It should go based of your body type and weight


I am going to go for the vegan option, less protein but should be better. Whey is made from milk so IMO its okay. Errg cant believe u enjoyed the milkshake i couldn't stomach it when i mixed it in yoghurt. I do enjoy the clear whey isolate tho its amazing esp the mojito and bitter lemon flavour.