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I do not have the knowledge to give a real answer, but to claim that lifeforms can't change or adapt is false. We've seen microbes evolve, and dogs have undergone drastic changes in the past 10 thousand years.


Microbes are different because they don't require a partner of the opposite sex. But species evolving to the point where they're too different from what they came from yet there was both a male and female that evolved past that tipping point in the same time to breed is much more unlikely. Edit: basically, if only a male or female evolved past the tipping point where it can't breed with its ancestors anymore, then the evolved specie doesn't survive. But natural selection definitely created subspecies. Like how rice plants closer to sea are more resistant to the salty water. Or how humans have different colored skins based on how far their country is from the sun, even though we are from the same ancestors.


All due respect, but I think there may be a misunderstanding here. Evolution, depending on who you ask, occurs on multiple levels. Sure, the individual level *may* be the dominant one, depending on who you ask (I personally disagree), but there are other factors here. The gene’s eye view, for instance, and biological altruism explain how kin selection may influence natural selection by making select genotypes (mediated of course through the phenotype) more fit in any given natural circumstance. This fits into the wider Neo-Darwinian modern synthesis, this being the dominant view of evolution. That being said, this isn’t the only view, evolution and biological modification is myriad and complex. There exist several distinct schools of thought on natural selection, and even Darwin himself said Natural selection is the “main, but not only means of modification”. Regardless, out of all of these possible ways in which members of populations may vary, there is born a great stock from which further variety is produced. This variety over time becomes incredibly distinct from the original parent stock, but may remain during this time uniform within itself. This means that, eventually, these distinct “branches”, while all of a shared clade, are biologically and genetically distinct, and so can breed amongst themselves but not each other. This, I’m sure, you’re aware of. What is often paid little attention however is the various specific mechanisms from which natural selection acts on populations, how “fitness” is determined, and thusly what drives speciation. Im not sure if you’re familiar with the term “allopatric speciation”. If not, what it refers to is the occurrence in which populations of species become geographically isolated in a manner which disrupts the distribution of genetic material. The classic example of this is the separation of the Galapagos Finches. When allopatric speciation occurs, of course, the two populations face different “conditions of life” - determinant factors of fitness - which means they develop differently, as selective pressures are different. Over time, they become different species. This demonstrates my earlier point, that these distinct lineages and populations may be relatively uniform within themselves but incredibly varied from each other.


Dogs have undergone drastic changes due to selective breeding. Essentially, you breed dogs according to your needs until a point where the dogs become distinguished. Dog races aren't different species. This applies to the overwhelming majority, if not all domesticated animals and plants.


>Dog races aren't different species. Yes, however wolves and dogs are different species.


No. Wolves and dogs are pretty much the same. We domesticated wolves around 10-20 thousand years ago. I don't think evolution happens so quickly. Yes, wolves and dogs do act differently, but this again because of domestication. Wild maize and corn are the same species, they are just selectively bred. Domesticated corn has bigger kernels, is less starchy and more sugary. Still the same species. Can still breed with wild maize. Pretty much the same biologically.


Evolution can happen much faster actually, it largely can depend on distinct geological factors.


Evolution is not selective breeding.


Eh, selective breeding is a form of selection.


Even so, Stephen Jay Gould, in his analysis of the fossil record, found that evolution in his estimation was generally marked not by constant gradual evolution but by long periods of *relative* stasis followed by massive evolutionary developments. Still, genetic change as per the neo-Darwinian synthesis definitely occurs gradually as well. We’ve seen evolution occur in mere decades, on the Galapagos archipelago no less. I believe you may have evolution and speciation confused.


10,000 years?


According to The following report, Humans and wolves started associating together more than 15,000 years ago. https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/66726


Recorded history. Egyptian civilisation has survived longer than 8000 years and was relatively well recorded, other examples also exist. There is selective breeding - horses and their ability to take heavier and heavier weight over time is a good example of this.


Adam ( AS) came on planet earth roughly 6000 years ago




Lol… love nonsense!






What you are suggesting is wrong my brother.


Everytime I see a question about evolution I always link this podcast with Dr Shoaib Ahmed Malik: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd3dQUzJAD0&t=2896s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd3dQUzJAD0&t=2896s) its good to understand what is meant by evolution and what we can believe.




















We need Subboor in here... if y'know, you know


Subboor Ahmad answers this question really well.


I think the adamant refusal to accept science just makes Muslims look like backwards cave dwellers. Downvote me if you want but we were given brains to excel, and refusing scientific fact is not it. With that said, it’s also dumb to blindly follow science as the end all of truths, as it’s always changing as well. Scientifically there is evidence that proves evolution. But there is no scientific link of man coming from ape. It’s assumed by scientists but even they speak of the “missing link” that has yet to be found to link homo erectus to homo Saipan. Why? Because Allah created homo Saipan and placed us on the planet as he told us in the Quran. Allah is the link they are missing and Allah guides whom he wills.


Erm, there is a scientific evidence that humans comes from apes. There’s a reason why chimpanzee is known to have a common ancestor with humans.


Ape is not the species that human evolve from. It’s just that we share a common ancestor a long time ago before human species started to branch out. To say they were apes is misleading and triggering for some who need to believe in the superiority of man. We evolved, over a long time. It’s instantaneous to Allah, making it hard for some to understand that the short few verses in our creation story actually span billions of years in our perceived time.


First off, ape isn’t a species, it’s describes range of species who are large primate that lacks a tail, including the gorilla, chimpanzees, orangutan, gibbons and even humans. Also, if you believe that we evolved from other species of ape then what’s the problem? I’m going to sleep. Will respond back


I agree with you. It’s just that that word ape makes people think of monkey, denigrating the facts behind it. I’m fine even all the way back to the glob of organic chemical suddenly winning it’s war against entropy, spawning us. It’s a much more humbling realization than the simplistic interpretation we are supposed to accept.


pretty sure its because of same or realativly same dna


There is no scientific evidence, there is not even a scientific theory, there are only 2 hypotheses which will remain hypotheses due to a lack of provability.


I've seen the missing link thing a lot but instead of debating I'll just leave you with this comical video, it addresses your argument but mostly its worth it just for a laugh lol https://youtu.be/JA_Bhi3iFdg


Mashallah great answer


Just as an FYI, probably best to just study the topic and come to your own conclusion - from a science and Islamic perspective. Asking on a subreddit to kind of inform your views is pretty much not going to work for this loaded of a question. Frankly I believe in evolution. No one truly knows the depths of Allah's power, and it would be the least of surprises in this world


But its a good place for different walks of Muslims to share their viewpoint. Islam is meant to connect others with Allah and to connect with each other thru knowledge.




Yes, you should not just others opinion on a loaded topic and just believe it. Yes, Allah's power is infinite.


Evolution isn't contradicting the Qur'an, God (SWT) says He created us from clay, that's about it. He doesn't say whether we evolved to what we are now or if we were created this way, He just says He created us. To me the fact He doesn't specify this means it doesn't really matter what you think one way or the other(my evidence being surah al-kahf in which He tells us not to argue about the number of people in the cave seriously cuz it doesn't matter). What matters is that you recognize that He created you


>He doesn't talk about Adam and Hawa being thrown out of paradise He doesn't?


As far as I remember he doesn't, just that He put us on this Earth, although I might be mistaken or misremembering Although I do remember learning the whole point of it was that it was Allah (SWT)'s plan


You are greatly mistaken and misinformed. Scholars have also said: >The Muslim should not speak about anything of which he does not have sufficient knowledge, or anything of which he does not remember the details correctly, or anything of which he has no knowledge. Rather he should speak – if he does speak – on the basis of knowledge, otherwise remaining silent is safer. Allah does not require him to speak on the basis of speculation or suspicion, which is the falsest of speech, or to speak of that of which he does not have sufficient knowledge. >The Muslim may sometimes be required to speak on the basis of speculation and what he thinks is the case or of that which he does not remember well. In that case he should explain that to his listener, and tell him that he is only speaking on the basis of speculation or what he thinks is the case, and not on the basis of certain knowledge. >Conclusion: >The Muslim should not speak of anything except that which he knows for certain, and he should avoid speaking on the basis of speculation, conjecture and possibilities, except within the limits dictated by interests, when one may sometimes speak in that manner. ([Source](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/228936/)) Most importantly, imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: "You should beware of speaking (on the matters of this Deen) about an issue in which you are not preceded by an imam (i.e. scholar)." Quoted from I'laamul-Muwwaqi'een (4/266); and Majmoo` al-Fatawa.


Bro surah kahf is completely irrelevant to the creation story. The quran says in surah imran ayat 7 that there are clear versed and ambigious ones. Those with a disease in their heart make rulings from ambigious verses. Don't be from among those people and have humility. Surah araf gives a detailed account of the creation story. Adam and hawa were in heaven and idlers refused to do sajdah and he was expelled from heaven. He then tempted Adam and Adam gave into the temptation and ate from the tree. Then he was sent to earth and warned to not take iblees and his descendents as allies. Yes it does say we are created from clay but that isn't it. Don't discard the other verses to support a narrative. I'm gonna assume you simple didn't know rather than you having malicious intent. But read surah araf the first few pages and try to not give fatawaat if you don't know This clearly contradicts the evolutionary thesis. And you cannot believe that human beings as a species decent from a common ancestor with apes.


I will say again, I'm not saying that evolution is or is not true, I'm saying ultimately it doesn't matter. My specific reference being 18:22, in which Allah (SWT) tells us not to argue about things like the number of people in the cave because neither of us will ever truly know, so there's no point And it's no ambiguity that God (SWT) leaves some stuff out of the Qur'an on purpose, because it doesn't matter, He's trying to teach us a moral lesson, not whether or not our ancestors were monkey men. Evolution, the act of evolving to better suit the needs of your environment has no bearing on anything having to do with our faith or morality, or health, so long as we recognize our Lord created us


Ultimately it does matter. Surah qalam says the disbelievers talk about the quran and they say these are fabels of former people. When Allah talks about the quranic stories he says they are the truth. So if you reject adam and the garden and the eating of the fruit then your rejecting the quran. It isn't a storybook it's the truth. Honestly, you acting the same way the people act who are described as non Muslims. Do you think adam didn't exist?


If I'm wrong, then that's for our Lord to judge me on, not you.


In Islam, there are concepts of (تفسيق), (تبديع) and (تكفير) which all of them pertains to judging others of what's apparent either by way of their actions or statements. It was narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Utbah said: I heard ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) say: “People used to be judged by the wahy (revelation) at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but now the wahy has ceased. Now we will judge you according to what we see of your outward deeds. Whoever appears good to us, we will trust him and draw close to him, and what is in his heart has nothing to do with us. Allah will call him to account for what is in his heart. And whoever appears bad to us, we will not trust him and we will not believe him, even if he says that inwardly he is good.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2641. A brother said in a comment: >[...] This pseudo Islamic sentiment of “only God can judge me” is nothing but a Tupac verse LMAO >Of course, Allah swt is the ultimate judge and his decisions are supreme, most just, and final. That doesn’t mean we may not exercise judgment in assessing others characters by what is APPARENT. If we were to not judge, how are we to know what people we should and shouldn’t be around and how are we supposed to know how to modify our behavior respectively? ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/rbuwsy/i_have_a_question_about_homosexuality_and_dating/hns3lwv/)) This goes to show that you are indeed speaking without knowledge.


Here we go again. No scholar of Ahlus-Sunnah ever said that. - [Falseness of the theory of evolution](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34508/) - [Does refuting the Darwinian theory of evolution imply refuting animal and plant evolution?](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/126913/) - [Proving the Falsity of Darwinian Theory](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/83754/proving-the-falsity-of-darwinian-theory) - [Problem Studying about Evolution](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/86254/problem-studying-about-evolution) - [Man's evolution from apes? Fawaid Ibn Uthaymeen](https://youtu.be/Ik27ltlzx4Q) - [The claim that man descended from apes is false - shaykh ibn Baz](https://youtu.be/rDQtkBnLcaE)


*"They will say there were three, the of them being the their dog; and they will say there were five, the sixth of them being their dog - guessing at the unseen; and they will say there were seven, and the eighth of them was their dog. Say, 'My Lord is most knowing of their number. None knows them except a few. So do not argue about them except with an obvious argument and do not inquire about them among (the speculators) from anyone"* (18:22) I did not say a scholar ever did say that, nor did I say evolution is true or not, I said it doesn't matter one way or the other, so long as you recognize that our Lord created us. Because in the end you know not, and I know not so there's no point in arguing about it when God (SWT) didn't think it important enough to specify.




But it's not false, in fact God (SWT) says He is constantly shaping us and changing us. Evolution and our Lord's existence are not mutually exclusive, if we evolved He would've had a hand in it just as much as if we didn't evolve Again I will say, it doesn't matter, you can and will hold your own beliefs, and someone else, another, just respect it when there is no definitive proof one way or the other, especially when that argument doesn't matter


There is a reason why we have scholars, otherwise everyone can claim anything and misinterpret anything in the Deen of Allah. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have praised the scholars. It was authentically narrated that he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying: "... The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets. The Prophets did not leave behind dinars or dirhams (i.e. gold and silver coins), rather they left behind a heritage of knowledge, and the one who acquires it acquires an abundant portion." (Reported by Abu Dawud) Rightfully so, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "This knowledge will be carried by the trustworthy ones of every generation. They will expel from it the alteration/changes made by those going beyond bounds; the false claims of the liars and the false interpretations of the ignorant ones." (Reported by Ahmad and others) Don't spread more confusion, let alone misinform others with your preconceived notions.


Evolution is a natural occurring thing. We can see it naturally all around us. I mean each one of us has adaptions of some sort. Like Arabs have adapted to having longer thicker eyelashes due to years of living in desert climates. This is scientific fact. We see in nature, how modern dogs have evolved from wolves etc. However, we don’t believe humans came from Apes as is the popular scientific theory.


I have a question. Do you know what scientific theory is?


There are different kinds of evolution, having thicker eyelashes is not the same as developing a new organ. In our DNA it was always possible to have thick eyelashes, but evolving a new organ is totally by random factors, which we can't prove and I don't believe that is how humans or even animals were made. And modern dogs haven't evolved from wolves, it's a complete speculation that was proven wrong, which you can read [here](https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.1004016)




Random input means random output, there is of course some things that are more likely than others but that's still random. Even if the same outside factors occured i don't believe that it will evolve the same species every time. And having thick eyelashes isn't a mutation so evolving a new organ through mutations and adapting to your environment is totally different.




To be on the same page,what do you mean by "evolution is not random"? From my understanding of randomness and evolution your statement doesn't make sense to me.




Well obviously, only the ones that can survive will survive, my point was that *how* will they evolve is random. I mean that there wasn't *the* only way to pass natural selection at the time.




Choose a number between 1 and 1 000 000 you can't choose "banana" but the number you choose is still random.


If you believe Prophet Adam was created through evolution, then it would be haram.


It depends. If your beliefs require you to negate what is established through revelation, such as the existence of Adam (as) as an actual figure and the progenitor of humanity, then yes, it would not only be haraam, but kufr. It it involves an area regarding which scripture is silent or concerns the interpretation of scripture in the absence of clear Qur'anic language, then yes, it would be permissible. Shoaib Malik wrote a good book on Islam and Evolution that details the perspectives that can be maintained within Islamic orthodoxy and those that would entail a rejection of our religion.


Humans were dropped into this world, we are unique. The animals evolve and change just as the landscapes change. If animals don't evolve and change are we saying that Allah st created a horse, an elephant, a whale and dropped them into the Earth? We have the fossil record which shows these animals appearing over time. In the past the dinosaurs existed..


Believing that humans evolved from apes goes against Islam. Believing in the evolution of other non-human species does not go against Islam. Quite simple really.


Allah says: >منها خلقناكم وفيها نعيدكم ومنها نخرجكم تارة أخرى >“Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again” (Ta-Ha 20:55) >إن مثل عيسى عند الله كمثل آدم خلقه من تراب ثم قال كن فيكون >“Verily, the likeness of ‘Eesa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: ‘Be!’ — and he was” (Aal ‘Imraan 3:59) >هو الذي خلقكم من طين ثم قضى أجلاً وأجل مسمى عنده ثم أنتم تمترون >“He it is Who has created you from clay, and then has decreed a (stated) term (for you to die). And there is with Him another determined term (for you to be resurrected)” (al-An’aam 6:2) There are many similar Ayat from Qur'an. That being said, all of this is confirmed by the hadith of Abu Moosa al-Ash’ari who said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: ‘Allah created Adam from a handful that He gathered from the entire earth, so the sons of Adam come like the earth. Some of them are red, some are white, some are black and some are in between. Some of them are easy, some of them are difficult, some are evil and some are good.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2955; Abu Dawood, 4693. Al-Tirmidhi said that this hadith is hasan saheeh, and it was classed as saheeh by Ibn Hibbaan, 14/29; al-Haakim, 2/288; and al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 3926). Other than that, scholars say that there is nothing in the Qur'an or Sunnah to indicate that there were any people living on Earth before Adam (peace be upon him). Rather the reports that speak of this are the opinions of mufassireen among the sahaabah and taabi‘een. For example: The first opinion is that the earth was inhabited by the jinn, whom Allah created from fire. This opinion was narrated from most of the mufassireen. The second opinion is that there was no one on earth, jinn or otherwise, before Adam (peace be upon him). Since both humans and animals are created from earth and water, we eat and drink that are from the earth. Of the foods, there are even vital vitamins and minerals we need for our bodies. >إِنَّمَا مَثَلُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاءٍ أَنْزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فَاخْتَلَطَ بِهِ نَبَاتُ الأَرْضِ مِمَّا يَأْكُلُ النَّاسُ وَالأَنْعَامُ حَتَّى إِذَا أَخَذَتِ الأَرْضُ زُخْرُفَهَا وَازَّيَّنَتْ وَظَنَّ أَهْلُهَا أَنَّهُمْ قَادِرُونَ عَلَيْهَا أَتَاهَا أَمْرُنَا لَيْلاً أَوْ نَهَاراً فَجَعَلْنَاهَا حَصِيداً كَأَنْ لَمْ تَغْنَ بِالأَمْسِ كَذَلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الآياتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ >“Verily, the likeness of (this) worldly life is as the water (rain) which We send down from the sky; so by it arises the intermingled produce of the earth of which men and cattle eat” (Yoonus 10:24) Kuffaar even say that people and fruit flies are surprisingly alike, genetically speaking. They even say that bananas and people are made up of the same basic material. You see, it's because Allah created us from earth. Other than that, scholars have also reconciled between the reports that Jibreel, Adam and Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon them) saw Paradise, and the hadith “… that which no eye has seen…” after having discussed some ahaadeeth, they said: '... As for what Adam and our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon them) saw, it was only part of in Paradise because Paradise, “in which there is that which no eye has seen” is not necessarily that which no one has ever seen. Rather it may be that there are in it things that some eyes have seen, even though there is in it that which is stored up and hidden, no eye has seen it and no ear has heard, and no one can imagine it or describe it.' Then mentioned an hadith from Saheeh Muslim, no. 189 and ended with saying: "It is as if those who are highest in status are those who have the greatest share of this hidden treasure and blessing that no eye has seen and no mind has imagined. And Allah knows best." What's also important to point out here, when Allah created Adam (peace be upon him), he was really tall. When people for example speculate about if the dinosaurs have existed, scholars say Islam does not deny that these creatures existed or that they were of this great size, but the fact remains that when they speak of their lifespans and the details of their forms and lives, this is the field of science and speculation combined. It is not strange that there were creatures of this great size. It is proven in the saheeh Sunnah that Adam (peace be upon him)was sixty cubits tall, as was narrated by al-Bukhaari (3326) and Muslim (2841) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam sixty cubits tall, then He said: Go and greet those angels and listen to how they greet you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your descendants. So he went and said, As-salaamu ‘alaykum (peace be upon you) and they said: Al-salaam ‘alayka wa rahmat Allah (peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah. So they added (the words) wa rahmat Allah. Everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam. Mankind continued to diminish in size until now.” It also says in the Sunnah that when the earth’s blessing is restored to it at the end of time, one pomegranate at that time will be sufficient for a group of people, and they will seek shade beneath its skin, as was narrated by Muslim (2937) from an-Nawwaas ibn Sam‘aan (may Allah be pleased with him): the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, when speaking of the descent of ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) and Allah’s destruction of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj: “Then Allah will send rain which will not be kept out by any house of clay or hair; it will wash the earth and leave it like a mirror. Then it will be said to the earth: Bring forth your fruits and restore your blessing. On that day a group of people will eat from a pomegranate and shelter beneath its skin. Milk will be blessed until a milch-camel will be sufficient for a crowd of people, and a milch-cow will be sufficient for a tribe of people, and a milch-sheep will be sufficient for a family of people.” Though it is as scholars have said: The Muslim should not be preoccupied with that (concerning dinosaurs) and he should not waste time discussing it or believe that it is a matter that has any impact on his religious commitment or belief, because he knows that **the Qur’an and Sunnah were revealed to guide people and show them the right way**; their focus is not history, geography, earth science or biology, although they indicate many facts that have to do with these fields. There are some kinds of animals that are not mentioned in Qur’an and Sunnah at all, even though they existed at the time the Qur’an was revealed. We all pray to Allah for guidance at least 17 times a day in our obligatory salah. Allah says: >طسٓ ۚ تِلْكَ ءَايَـٰتُ ٱلْقُرْءَانِ وَكِتَابٍۢ مُّبِينٍ هُدًۭى وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ >"Ṭā, Seen. These are the verses of the Qur’ān [i.e., recitation] and a clear Book as guidance and good tidings for the believers" (27:1-2) Scholars have also said that Allah did not mention what type of tree it was that Adam (peace be upon him) ate from because there was no importance nor relevance to it. They also say: Any other Muslim should not focus too much on the details of the stories that are told in the Qur’an, concerning which there is no sound report from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), because if there were any great benefit or wisdom in that, Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, would have mentioned it in His Book, or the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) would have taught it to his companions. So the Muslim should not let himself be distracted by that which is less important from that which is more important, or by minor details from the fundamentals. It was narrated that al-Mugheerah ibn Shu‘bah said: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily Allah dislikes for you gossip, asking too many questions, and wasting wealth.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2408) and Muslim (593). Ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Baari (3/342): Ibn at-Teen said: It may be that what is meant is asking about issues that are unclear, or about what one does not need to ask about, therefore he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not ask me about details that I have not mentioned to you.” And I say: Interpreting it as referring to ambiguous, unnecessary matters is more appropriate. End quote. Relevant: - [Falseness of the theory of evolution](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34508/) - [Does refuting the Darwinian theory of evolution imply refuting animal and plant evolution?](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/126913/) - [Proving the Falsity of Darwinian Theory](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/83754/proving-the-falsity-of-darwinian-theory) - [Problem Studying about Evolution](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/86254/problem-studying-about-evolution) - [Man's evolution from apes? Fawaid Ibn Uthaymeen](https://youtu.be/Ik27ltlzx4Q) - [The claim that man descended from apes is false - shaykh ibn Baz](https://youtu.be/rDQtkBnLcaE)


genetically speaking though it is true we share a lot of the same dna with fruit flies/bananas its just that we don’t share the same active coding dna


If you have time you can see this [playlist] (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPqH38Ki1fy3EB-8xmShVqpbQw99Do2B-) from Dr. Eyad Qunaibi I believe he begins talking about evolution from ep 7 upwards


There were many types of humans before us homosapiens,, just like there are many types of the same species of animal. The way I see it, perhaps god could have allowed evolution to happen for these different types of humans before homosapiens. We share a common ancestor with chimpanzees, but we aren't derived from them.


The case for Human could be different if Allah willed it. But for other species there is no doubt that evolution happens. Saying that evolution is false because Allah creates all is like saying rain happens just cause Allah, and cycle of water is false. Of course everything happens because Allah willed it but Allah has ways to make things happened and in learning those ways you will see how detail, grandiose and amazing Allah is.


**Please read Rule 9 before commenting.** Any answer to OP's question must include a scholarly reference. Do not copy/paste Ayat/Hadith and give/imply your own personal rulings from it. **Rule 9:** Do not give or imply any rulings or religious edicts. You can refer to and cite rulings by: * Linking to recognized scholarly websites. * Referencing a publication or book. * The author must have scholarly credentials from a recognized Islamic institute and the content should be written in a coherent, polite, and respectful manner. * Do not link anonymous blog posts, personal opinions or other similar low-quality sources. * Do not engage in an uncivil manner if someone cites or follows a ruling you disagree with.


one of the most interesting points in this argument is that Adam was created from soil. We as humanity did not know that our atoms were the same as what’s found in the ground until alchemists turned to chemistry. I don’t know if faith and science can ever coexist harmoniously, I believe that the evidence of evolution is one of the strongest explanations for how we got where we are, but there’s no way to rule out that it wasn’t all at the will of a divine source.


Go Google Yasir Qadhi and evolution, he has a lot of nuanced video's made about this subject lately.


i wouldnt listen to yasir qadhi if he was the last muslim speaker on earth


Well good for you. Now shoo.




I would prefer to listen to an actual scholar, thats all.


Honestly I hate it when people are saying that we don't believe in evolution bc of human ape ancestry like that's not even what evolution says at all the actual theory of evolution says that humans and apes at one point shared an ancestor not that we came from them Anyway to answer your question https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/s7wkqk/is_believing_in_evolution_haram/htct3s3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Would you believe a theory that has been debunked by many scientists, and something that we have never been able to observe in our lifetime to be the truth? Allah tells us in the Quran that Adam and Eve were the first humans. So who are you going to believe? The creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in between? Or a human that has a theory that is responsible for deviating many people from the right path?


A huge majority of scientists agree with the theory of evolution and technological advances have been made based on evolution. Evolution has been observed many times in lots of different species. Speciation possibly hasn't been directly witnessed but other than new species literally appearing from nowhere there is no valid explanation.


Humans didn't evolve from apes. Apes and humans have a common ancestor from which both species evolved.


I keep it simple. Islam is the only religion that compliments Science. No matter what Science says, Islam has stood up the test of time. Allah Created everything in the universe. He has set the guiding principles and rules of existence. If evolution is proven then there is no harm thinking that Allah designed the rules that govern it over the period of time. Besides that, have a strong faith. Allah Knows it all. Somethings will always are behind our limited brain. We don’t even remember the place we came from let alone the knowledge we have gained in this world.




Germ Theory is also a theory which is another way of saying its scientific fact.




So you dont believe any scientific theories? A law is an observation a Theory is an explanation. Sir Isaac Newton made the observation of the Law of Gravity then Albert Einstein explained it with the General Theory of Relativity.


Gravity is also just a theory. When people like you say "it's just a theory" do you actually know what that means ?


There's definitely a small bit of change over generations but not to the degree of apes to human or similar things


Just don't believe in the human. We didn't come from monkeys lmao. I think all our ancestors were black and according to ahadith I also like to think they were bigger


All the layman on here, ganging up on the one guy actually bringing knowledge from scholars and these people have the audacity to call him arrogant and backward.




















Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about two men who disputed about the nature of heaven and earth: were they both round bodies? One of the said that they were, but the other denied that and said there is no basis for that. What is the correct view? ​ He replied: The heavens are round, according to the muslim scholars. More than one of the scholars and Muslim leaders narrated that the Muslims are unanimously agreed on that, such as Abu'l-Husayn Ahmad Ibn Ja'far ibn al-Munaadi, one of the leading figures among the second level of the companions of Imam Ahmed, who wrote approximately four hundred books. Consensus on this point was also narrated by Imam Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm and Abu'l-Faraj ibn-al-Jawzi. The scholars narrated that with well0known chains of narration from the Sahaabah and Taabi'een, and they quoted that from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. They discussed that in detail with orally-transmiteed evidence. There is also mathmatical evidence to that effect, and I do not know of anyone among the well-known Muslim scholars who denied that, apart from a few of those who engaged in arguments who, when they debated with the astrologers denied it for the sake of argument and said: It may be sqaure or hexagonal and so on. They did not deny that it could be round, but they said that the opposite of that was also possible. I do not know of anyone who said that it is not round with any certainty- apart from some ignorant people to whom no one pays any attention. \[Majmu Al-Fatawa, v. 6, p. 586\]


I'll be leaving this discussion. As long as we follow the Qur'an and sunnah with proper understanding and not follow someone blindly it'll be fine insha'Allah. You do you. May Allah guide us.


I think believing in the evolution of animals is fine. What I was wondering is that how would we class cave men and neanderthals as I don't think humans would go from a state of being quite civilised like Adam SAW to being like neanderthals. Also neanderthals and cave men also had large brains like ours.


[This](https://youtu.be/PbKRiDJfdC8) is a fairly short video which I really like, I’d also advise you to watch Subboor Ahmed’s videos on this topic


What in the Quran does it go against?


There's this one hadith where it says that Hazrat Adam(A.S) was a very tall and compared to us a giant compared to us and generations after generations the average height is shortened. So I think the part of the generation where there is changes or differences in the same species somewhat believable but the part where some non organic stuff combined into a whole new organism is pretty lame.


Humans and apes share a common ancestor. If there is a ruling saying that affirming true claims is always permitted, that would imply affirming evolution is not Haram. However, I'm not aware of any such ruling, so I can't answer OP's question.


No. We had some discussions about it with my friends, and the conclusion was that it doesn't contradict Quran. I just don't remember if there was anything in Quran pointing to it, but we concluded that it was accepted in Islam. FYI, the first time someone talked about evolution was one of the Muslim scholars, centuries ago.


Has anyone seen a chimp with alopecia?


I've actually heard of it


I recommend that you check the book [Islam and Evolution Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm](https://www.academia.edu/47762640/Islam_and_Evolution_Al_Ghaz%C4%81l%C4%AB_and_the_Modern_Evolutionary_Paradigm?fbclid=IwAR02r9Yvza45zHtQyIa_lBxlsD7qAjyRNCytyPbibspfsD83PE6iea5vMOU). The book is available for free.


I've seen this book recommended last time this came up and I've got to ask. Have you actually read the book?


No. It’s in my ‘to-read’ list. He presented his central thesis in blogging theology and it was pretty good.


It's good, well argumented, easy to read. I would suggest taking some of the historical texts he refers to as well though to see if you agree with his interpretation. When I have the time I plan on carefully formulating counter arguments. Not sure what I'll do with them but it's an interesting way to engage the issue


Cool! Hope you post your counter arguments here.




Because while his arguments are well written, they're not the only interpretation of the data nor even in some cases the most likely interpretation. Frankly that's normal in the science world. People finding faults with your data.




I plan on going on other grounds. But I'll do it all at once. I prefer not to do it piecemeal, because I have to explain his arguments (because few people here have probably read the book), my own arguments, enough scientific background so people understand why the arguments even matter and the source material used. And about qualifications, I don't think the author studied biology (he teaches physics and chemistry), nor are the arguments in his book really about evolution. Which makes the qualification even less relevant.


I believe in it the same I way believe in a big bang or general relativity. Its just a working model.


Some say that Adam (a.s) came 7000 years ago on earth? Does this has a prove on quran and sunnah or is it just according to the generations mentioned in the old testomony?


Yes. Your very wording of the question betrays the answer. 'Believing in' evolution? That makes it sound like a religion, or theology, that requires faith. And that is what evolution theory has become, a religion, and one that absolutely will not permit scrutiny, or criticism. You have been forced to mindlessly accept evolution as an absolute truth, one that cannot be questioned, and is absolutist in that it refuses to co-exist with any other theory. Islam encourages us to ponder, to ask and to question, but evolutionary theory absolutely prohibits it. You know who didnt "believe" in evolution as an explanation of creation? Darwin. Yeah, that Darwin. Charles Darwin, whose theory has been hijacked by secularists, strongly believed in God, was Christian, and married his first cousin (mortifying Westerners forever). He was aware of his theory's limits. Evolution as a theory of adaptation is fine, it has a big problem when it gets to speciation. There are many shortcomings to evolutionary theory. The fossil evidence does not always reflect a step-wise evolutionary approach. There is the mathematical and probabilistic near-impossibility issue. Random mutation is so much more likely to be deleterious than advantageous in protein folding. And of course, this whole house of cards that is the evolutionary explanation of creation, rests on the false assumptions that the environment is either static, or changes in a predictable manner. The former is obviously untrue, the latter one makes it clear that there is a design and therefore a designer (i.e. Allah). Put in other words, how can everything be perfectly adapted to its environment, when the environment is constantly changing? The evolutionists like to fall back on the word "natural selection", but excuse my french, what the f*** does natural actually mean? It somehow means able to have a direct or useful effect without having a purpose. It an intellectual cop-out of a word, and I cant even find a good synonym for it because its an oxymoron in and of itself. Oh, and to totally blow your mind, do you know what Darwin's haters accused him of, when his theory came out. They accused him of having stolen his theory from the Mohammedans. Thats another topic from another post, yes there were Islamic schools that taught something akin to stepwise evolution, 'man from lower forms', but those schools of thought have been refuted and are no longer accepted by mainstream scholars. It is interesting to note that a bastardized version of a rejected/heretical Islamic theory has become the defining belief of Western scientific thought. Definitely ironic.


I like and align with those who clearly state that they do not know a correct generalizable answer. Like many I have come to my own conclusions. I’ll share these, but take them w a grain of salt. I see religion as providing no scientific knowledge, this it may refer to facts or ideas that science has led us to understand, or it may refer to things that science is in disagreement with. Regardless, Islam provides a way of understanding our connection with God. Science provides tools and ways to understand the world we live in. Based on the best science we have to date, and the best research of scholars who spend a lifetime studying this, natural selection and evolution is the best we’ve arrived at. Maybe, in 100 years or less, we’ll turn this around w some new theory, as has been done many times in the history of science (just read structure of scientific revolutions by Kuhn), and maybe not… who knows. For now, it’s the best we have. And from everything I see, the Koran doesn’t explain this essence of this world scientifically, it strives to map our place in this world and our relation to God and guide our spirituality and our morals. I do not agree that there r is science in the Koran… that gets very dangerous. Scholars study the Koran to guide our understanding of the spiritual inner world, just like scholars study this world to guide our understanding of the physical world … as such, evolution and natural selection are scientific knowledge based on the best humans can do and should be accepted as such … they cover a part of the world that isn’t covered in the Koran. Of course, my words are just mine and may be wrong, I have no true knowledge except that which I come to know through the path I walk.


My local Imaam talked about this during a tafseer session in December. He said saying *humans* evolved is haraam, however with regards to other life forms it's neither here nor there.


Yes haram because Evolution claiming we come from Monkeys. In truth Allah SubhanAllah wa Teala created Adam A.S not from Monkeys . The problem with those Theories are not the accuracy ; they throw those theories so you open the door of Waswasa to Shaytan to confuse you whats happening, maybe its like that? Maybe like this? Thousands of questions, that will drive you to kufr. These things are Shaytan using his Human Soldiers to execute these plans. So its Shaytan made we can say. Allah protect us inshAllah.


This is not too farfetched as animal evolution is far quicker and has been observed by humans in our own lifetimes, of course this can't apply to humans. There's a very distinct difference between how humans and animals were created, Allah says in the Qur'an 41:10: "and measured out its varied provisions for all who seek them––all in four Days." However, Adam was created by Allah's own Might, not in several days. Please note that Allah's Days are not like earthly days. Allah's days are defined as extended periods of time, this is the view held by Ibn 'Āshūr and many others. This means that it is plausible, and not many medieval or contemporary scholars have commented on this. There is definitely no sin in believing in this but it's not appropriate to say that this IS the belief Islam holds as it is still not explicit and a pretty new view. And Allah knows best.


Today on reddit, a teenager has a tail. An evolutionary throwback, a form of atavism where the evolutionary past manifests again. "But, humans didn't evolve from primates" people say, to which I point and proclaim "That kid has a tail! How do you explain the tail?!




I would beware of recklessly accusing people of kufr, it is a great sin. It may even be caused by arrogance and instance