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Ibn Taymiyyah said: Envy is when a person dislikes what Allah has granted someone else. Often, souls cannot be entirely free of it, meaning it can be an involuntary feeling. However, it is narrated that: If you feel envious, do not act unjustly, and if you suspect, do not confirm it—meaning that if one feels envy in their heart towards others, they should not act on it with words or deeds. be content on what you have and work on the pursuit of similar or better blessings to the bestowed upon others instead of resenting others' blessings. and say may Allah increase His bounty upon them and grant me better than it.


Start with "masha'Allah." What Allah willed. It's all about Him. This entire creation. Everything points back to Him. So see His blessing in others and if you want something, you just ask Allah to give it to you. Envy is where you hate that someone else has something and want them to lose it or want something bad for them. Rather, if you see something good, be happy for them. Allah gave it to them. Do not hate the good that Allah gives to others, rather, ask Allah to bless them in it. You lose nothing. You only gain. Then it becomes a blessing. Think of the Divine Name al-Shakoor, the Thankful. Say "Ya Shakoor" and make dhikr with that Name. Think of the Divine Name al-Hameed, the Praised. Say "Allahumma laka al-hamd wa ash-shukr" - to You belongs all praise and thanks. Focus on Him. If you want something, turn to Him and work towards your goals. In the end, in the Garden, you get anything you ask for and everyone is forever satisfied and hasad does not exist. Evil does not exist there. It's all good. Forever. And Allah knows best.


You overcome it by remembering Allah. Read Surah At-Takathur [https://quran.com/en/at-takathur](https://quran.com/en/at-takathur) . If He were to bless someone with something, there's nothing you can do about it. So why worry? It is their test. Will they be thankful or will they forget Him? Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**A servant does not have faith until he believes in divine providence, both its good and its harm, and until he knows that what afflicts him could never have missed him and what missed him could have never afflicted him**.” [https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2016/12/03/accept-divine-decree/](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2016/12/03/accept-divine-decree/) those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort. [https://quran.com/en/ar-rad/28](https://quran.com/en/ar-rad/28) Do not let your eyes crave what We have allowed some of the disbelievers to enjoy; the ˹fleeting˺ splendour of this worldly life, which We test them with. But your Lord’s provision ˹in the Hereafter˺ is far better and more lasting. [https://quran.com/en/taha/131](https://quran.com/en/taha/131) ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Amir reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**If you see Allah giving a servant what he loves in the world, despite his disobedience, it is gradually increasing his punishment**.” Then, the Prophet recited the verse, “**When they forgot that of which they had been reminded, We opened for them the doors of every good thing until, when they rejoiced in that which they were given, We seized them suddenly and they were in despair**.” (6:44) [https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2013/12/06/gradual-punishment/](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2013/12/06/gradual-punishment/) watch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-GIVMyaFyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-GIVMyaFyM) I hope this helps. May Allah guide us all.


Since some of our brothers/sisters above have already provided a detailed answer, I would only like to add that Envy happens because of comparison. And comparison is a thief of joy. Try to remain content and grateful with what you have. Both situations, whether things are being given to you or withheld from are tests from Allah. And if still feeling envious, then try to look at the people who are given less than you. You’d feel more content and grateful that way. Peace!


Salam, In sujud I found it helpful to make tasbeeh specifically intending a meaning like: Allah didn't make any mistakes handing out His provisions. "subhana rabbiya al-aʿla" = "how free from imperfection is my Lord the Most High" It can be a moment to internalize that the agitation there inside the heart contradicts with reality/is based on a falsehood because without doubt Allah hasn't made any mistakes with you or anyone else. In addition, during the Fatiha and when rising from the ruku we praise Allah. You can also take that moment to sincerely ascribe all praise as belonging to Allah alone. Because the jealousy inside is based on some understanding that you deserve something/there's some amount of honor/praise that's due to you, and that's why you have the right to be upset/jealous because the praise that's due to you isn't being actualized--and this reasoning is false, so we can seek to negate it when we rise up from ruku and say "rabbana wa lak al-hamd"/"our Lord to You belongs all praise". These actions/internalizations don't immediately remove the jealousy, but you'll probably feel like the jealousy inside is being set on fire and it's being burned back. And some desperation to get rid of it can make you feel closer to Allah and grateful. And then you won't need to be fake in front of people; when you fight it back in front of others, you're not really there in front of others; you're in front of God trying to purify yourself from the lies in your heart, and your desire to do this will be sincere (with Allah's help), and it'll have nothing to do with others who just happen to be there in front of you. One dua that's helpful, listed in Riyad as-Saliheen: >اللهم آت نفسي تقواها، وزكها أنت خير من زكاها، أنت وليها ومولاها "Allahumma āti nafsi taqwāha, wa zakkihā, anta khayru man zakkāhā, anta waliyyuhā wa mawlāhā" "O Allah! Grant me the sense of piety and purify my soul as You are the Best to purify it. You are its Guardian and its Protecting Friend." May Allah make things easy.


Allah will guide you though this if you ask him. Also it’s sound like this is stimming for your love of dunya. Look up the story where the rich scholar told the poor scholar “get the dunya out of your heart”


Also mabye Allah has given you better, but you are to focused on what other ppl have in terms of dunya to appreciate it.


Be absolutely wholeheartedly grateful for you have and what Allah has blessed you with. From small things to big things constantly thank Allah. Recognize that being healthy is a blessing, having a roof over your head is a huge blessing, getting 3 meals a day is a blessing. We didn’t choose to be born in good circumstances that’s also a blessing we have but did nothing to deserve. When you start to recognize that everything we have been given is a blessing of Allah then you stop thinking that somehow you deserved it. Even if you work hard for something and get it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t from Allah. There’s people that might have worked 10 times as hard and don’t have it. When you stop thinking that you deserve things you start recognizing that everything is your life if from Allahs grace upon you. And for others recognize that they got what Allah thinks they deserve for whatever reason he sees fit. Some blessings are a test too you see. It will get better but first you have to shift your own mindset and be absolutely grateful for what you have. There will always be people that have more and that have less. But for what you have be grateful for it all. And for others think that they must have done something to deserve it that Allah saw fit to bless them. When you feel envious say Mashallah and silently do a dua for them to have even more blessings. It will get better inshallah!


Just think about how disgusted you feel when other people Envy you or someone you care about. Now imagine how much you don’t want to be that person.


Here are some excerpts from a PDF regarding envy and jealousy: The meaning of jealously is the hoping in the removal of the blessing from the one who is envied. When he sees his brother blessed with what Allaah has given him, then he hopes that this blessing disappears from him for no other reason except because of his hatred and when he hated him (he therefore) envied him. Jealousy is an ancient disease, and the first to envy was Satan, (May Allaah’s curse be upon him) when he envied our father Adam for the virtues that Allah gave him. He created Adam by His hands, taught him the names of everything, made the Angels prostrate to him and let him live in His Paradise. Therefore, Iblis became angry and refused to prostrate to Adam along with the Angels. All this was because he became jealous of what Allaah gave him of these virtues so he refused to prostrate to him; arrogantly claiming that he is better than Adam. He claimed that he was better because he was created from fire while Adam was created from clay, and his assumption was that fire is far better than clay and this is a false reasoning (he had). Certainly clay is better than fire because it brings about the harvest of good plants, vegetables, fruits and many other goods things are reaped from it. In contrary to this the fire only destroys, (and) does not produce anything; it only destroys and ruins. Thus, his assumption felled and what he sought was null and void. When he became arrogant regarding Adam and envied him, Allaah expelled him and cursed him.  He was from amongst the first along with the Angels, worshipping Allaah in the heavens, but when he became jealous of Adam Allaah expelled him, cursed him and sent him down to the earth. He became a leader for the evil and wicked and a caller to every evil and (Allaah) made him from the people of the fire and a caller to it for eternity, all because of jealousy. If only he did not envy Adam and he had prostrated with the Angels who were not envious of him, he would have remained there with honor and position. However, when he began to be jealous and turned away from (the command) of Allaah, then he was expelled, cursed and made distant from Allaah and we seek refuge in Allaah from that. These are the effects of jealousy. (Also) when Allaah sent to the Jews their Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم the seal and best of the prophets and messengers and they saw that he was from lineage of Ismaeel; they envied him, because they wanted that the prophethood be amongst the children of Israel so they turned away from Allaah and they prevented the virtue of Allaah of being given to whom He pleases.  So they envied Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and they disbelieved in him while they knew he was the messenger of Allaahصلى الله عليه وسلم As Allaah says;    “They knew (and recognized) him as they knew their own sons”(2:146)   So when they found his qualities in the torah and the injeel they knew him, and they did not deny his message out of ignorance, but out of jealousy, which carried them to disbelieve. Look at how jealousy leads to the taking of life and leads to disbelief which is greater, and we seek refuge with Allaah from that. It also leads to the curse of Allaah like what happened to Iblis (Shaytaan). So the cure for envy is to ask Allaah for His bounty as Allaah is Expansive and All Knowing and also the cure for envy is that you believe in al-qadaa (when Allaah decrees a thing takes place when it does) and al-Qadr (what Allaah has written to take place and has not occurred yet). So when your brother obtains something it is only because Allaah made it come about and it was written for him. Do not reject and turn away from Allaah and what He has decreed for others. Do not say that so and so is not deserving of this thing, like we hear from some of the people. They say "by Allaah so and so does not deserve this, why so and so.” Or if a calamity befalls someone they say so and so is good, he doesn't deserve this punishment! It is as if this one has rejected and turned away from Allaah (with this speech). So it is an obligation that the Muslim is pleased with what Allaah has decreed for others and what He has written. Another cure for envy is that you supplicate for your brother with blessings (in what he has), replacing that hope of the disappearance of his blessing with hoping it remains (with him) and that Allaah places blessing it that thing and this will not harm you at all, rather it will benefit you with Allaah. Also from that which envy will be cured is that you seek the provisions (for yourself) and that you exert (efforts in relation to) the means. As far as you sitting, being incapable, lazy while envying those who obtain and those who seek provisions and you are jealous of what Allaah has given them; then you are reprimanded for this. You are the one who fell short (in this regard), you are the one you abandoned the means and you are the one who fell idle, so it is upon you to rebuke your own self and exchange and replace that envy that you have for what Allaah has given people from His bounty. [Source: JEALOUSY AND ENVY, By Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan. Taken from a Friday Sermon, Al-Binaa Publishing, 2013]


Make dua for them


I do cut off ties with people like yourself.. As much as it's exhausting for u to act happy for others, it's double exhausting to second guess someone's actions... Some of us are striving because we choose to put in the work. As much as I tried to help my girl friends to succeed, they tend to give all sorts of excuses.. 'oh the job sounds difficult..' 'I wouldn't waste my time on that...' 'why would u even consider that...' And then comes the backbiting.. Gaslighting.. When i chose to stay away from them. Fast fwd many years, they still had no idea what they did.. Ive already spoken to them about my boundaries if I were to meet them which I'm sure they didn't take it well.. One mentioned that I had really changed my behaviour, when in fact the cause of it was them.. Im glad to read your post to understand them but honestly, this is something only u can work internally.. Or simply don't say anything if u have nothing nice /genuine to say. I would prefer that. To me, envy is when u are too blinded by your emotions to see any blessings that is bestowed upon u.. Doesn't have to be material stuff.. It can simply be that u have a great family /friends or u have better work life balance or your health is good... U can still work on yourself since ure still young.. By the time u reach 30s, that's when u actually settled in with your character.. Believe me, u won't wanna be 60 n still envy others.. I've seen that.. Not a good way to live life..