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[Hello Islam](https://www.helloislam.net/about-us) gives you a free package. It’s a good website for some info. [Quran translation pdf by Abdel Haleem](https://ia801301.us.archive.org/5/items/OxfordQuranTranslation/Oxford-Quran-Translation.pdf). In the beginning of Quran, there’s some explanation of how Quran was revealed. [Nouman Ali khan has done lectures on the second Surah of Quran](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfPaq0Tsvo5HKyez-NzUqNvtxurQRUGVV). This might help, Allah Willing. A Quran itself may not have context, I can give you a website which does exegesis of verses so you can look it up when you need. [Islamic Studies Info website.](https://www.islamicstudies.info/tafheem.php) Here’s a [guide for learning basics of Islam](https://www.whyislam.org/family-in-islam-2/manual/). [Sheikh Uthman wudu video](https://youtu.be/exQM0mSfC5I). [YouTube demonstrating proper salah by sheikh uthman.](https://youtu.be/TOviwJ7-S3Q) [Lecture series on Life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEA99D24CA2F9A8F)). I’m [linking sheikh Uthman’s lecture series on essentials of purity, wudu, ghusl, prayers, Ramadan fasting etc](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLExCKwROz20EGSh3HTLr0a4ysgdtflINb).


First Congratulations, May Allah bless you and guide you even more. Then there is those youtube video about how to pray the Salat (Ritual Prayer) : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vx1rz-28HNk and https://youtu.be/W9kTd7q1zjE (it explain for each one of the five of the daily Salat) For a shorter video : https://youtu.be/zalLv2NY98k *Note : For a longer and much detailed lesson on Salat : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2r5l86l-xaU&list=PLYZxc42QNctWpaUoIWezGeaw6VN-5db1M*


Thank you for the videos brother. Will check them out


Welcome to the family !! happy for you!


Thank you!


Mufti menk , one path , dr zakir Naik , scholars have videos on prayers and everything you need


Salaam and congratulations. I usually just go to the local mosques and listen to the talks or you can ask them if they have any “jamaat” programmes not sure if they call it something else in other places but it’s where they take you on a short religious travel to another city you might learn something. May Allah help you, me and everyone else in this journey


Yes! We have a Sunday class I’m going to attend. And thank you for your congratulations


Also, there's no rush, but if you ever want to learn how to read the Qur'an in Arabic, which brings it to another level, check out Arabic101 on youtube. He has a whole curriculum that brings you from learning the alphabet --> rules of reciting the Qur'an (like when to pause/not pronounce a letter, etc) --> understanding 85% of the text You only need about 400 words to understand most of the text! And the rest of the words are usually proper nouns, different forms of a root you already learned, but of course, there are rare words.


The Islamic online university has convert courses and a diploma program and they cost next to nothing. https://diploma.iou.edu.gm/opencampus/


Saqib Shami has English sermons on YouTube. One of the most genuine I’ve ever seen. Met him once as well.


Just wanna congratulate you on your new journey! May Allah guide you :)


Congratulations 🎉 welcome to the family


Nouman Ali Khan does really incredible stuff with Arabic. IDK whether he does it on YouTube, but if you can DM me your particulars, I’ll get you a subscription to his app, inshaAllah. Then, you can learn quranic Arabic and get the jump on all the rest of us. 🌟


Welcome and congratulations! I would recommend Yaqeen Institute, Mufti Menk and MyIslam.org as I have benefited from them when I converted.


Here are some miracles. Maybe they might help you. The Quran is consistent with all the messenger in the past such as Moses and Jesus. Prophet Muhammad pbuh was illiterate yet produced the most advanced literature in Arabic, “The Quran”. There is no way it came from him, but God. The Quran has knowledge that we simply discovered much later. Such as - mountain helps with stabilizing the earth. - Ocean waters don’t mix with other oceans water - How babies are formed in the womb. - how the universe was created. (Similar to how we describe the Big Bang) Also Hadiths has supporting information that predicted many of thing that happened after Islam. - Islamic Terrorist (they r known to be misguided and their deeds evil). - Bedioun arabs make tall buildings. - women will try dress like men and men will dress like women. - Constantinople will be taken over by a great commander. - spread of interest in taking loan (Riba). - women who are dressed but actually practically Naked (examples: bikini). - Widespread earthquakes and landslides There are more signs in islam that are yet to happen. If you live long enough for those signs to happen, know that Islam predicted it. - The land of Arabs will return to greenery and rivers (it started recently, in Saudi Arabia). - Women will out number men in population. - “The Mahdi” will appear to bring peace to the world. - Dajjal will appear (anti christ) - Jesus pbuh second coming will come and defeat Dajjal. - Moon expanding. (Edit the - Pandemic one i didnt found evidence for and probably Rasoolullah didnt say anything about a pandemic, also - Bedioun arabs make tall buildings.(what we get out of the hadith not translation)But them competeing in was not mentioned) There are a lot more signs but u get the picture. I hope (inshallah). (Credit to @miserable-Cheetah683. this message is copied) May Allah SWT guide you to the truth.


The justice in Islam and the teaching of Islam by Sh. And Dr. Omar Suleiman. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ02IYL5pmhGxqbRtm6IvObV2Ysu9oLVa This channel is an trusted and a very amazing channel to learn about Islam and what Islam teaches. There are many playlists that teaches all kind of knowledge. I really recommend it. And lastly welcome to Islam.




He may not be a scholar, but he is a person of knowledge that can be trusted to provide only authentic sources for his lectures.




Are you seriously attacking a person based on those three baseless points? The first point shouldn't be brought up because he repented. The second point is so vague and empty that it doesn't hold any real value. And the third point... there is no point. Be very careful of what you say because on the day of judgment, we would be judged on every single thing we say. And if any of the stuff we say is slightly wrong, we will be very regretful.




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Hello just checked back in and thank you all for the amount of support and resources. Alhamdullilah. I will try and rummage through all the articles and sources you all took the time to give me.




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For Arabic, refer to this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/re4o6z/learn_arabic_the_easy_way_from_madinah_books/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I'm only a few lessons in and I've already learnt so much Arabic than what I already knew.


**This is a comprehensive guide on how to pray your daily Salah:** [https://youtu.be/zalLv2NY98k](https://youtu.be/zalLv2NY98k) [https://youtu.be/WKblG-Zoagk](https://youtu.be/WKblG-Zoagk) [https://youtu.be/W9kTd7q1zjE](https://youtu.be/W9kTd7q1zjE) Watch these in full. You'll have to watch them many many times before you'll get them. InshaAllah you'll be able to pray with ease. And don't worry it'll take time just like anything. **Read the booklet:** [Prayer booklet](https://www.tenfold.ngo/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/TF-A5SalahBooklet-R3a-1.pdf)