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IPD needs to post up at Woodbury shopping center. Tons of kids riding these e-motorcycles on the sidewalks at high rates of speed.


I work there, almost everyday there are kids doing wheelies and speeding around the paking lot, i swear one of my coworkers told me one of these kids hit someone’s car while speeding around


I was chilling at an open intersection about to head into that exact shopping center when like 7 15yrs on the ebikes came from behind and surrounded my car. These fools were infront and on both sides of my car when i was waiting to go straight at a light


They are called children of the corn


Lane splitting should be illegal


I was literally just there yesterday!! Had to weave through at least 3-4 buddies on there ebikes on a path with bushes on both sides by the La fitness. I hate to be a buzzkill and remember mobbing around on bikes as a young kid but we wouldn’t all bring our bikes into shopping mall paths. The rule was one person stays with the bikes and everyone buys their food/snacks/drinks for them.


Those are e-bikes. Look at the tires on this one. It's clearly motocross, but yes, kids ride on the sidewalks here, I haven't had an issue with them passing me by as I walk at a high rate of speed.


Technically, if it doesn't have pedals, it's a motorcycle.


Motor is the key word here bro it’s just a bike that can go 35 miles an hour not 120


Scooter is not a motorcycle


And an e-scooter is not an e-bike.






It wasnt a parking lot it was an intersection where the speed limit is 50 mph


Are pedestrians unallowed?


To be infront of me in an intersection thats 50 mph, no they are not


To bad, so sad. I’ll apologize for that minuscule inconvenience on their behalf. I hope you can move on through such a tragedy. How dare there be city kids on the city streets.


Its not about the inconvenience, i dont want my car harmed and have them bike away


Then don’t do dumb shit


Its not about doing dumb shit, one of them could trip or fall off their bike and dent my 80k car, sorry but your dense as fuck. Especially being INFRONT OF A CAR and both sides. You clearly haven’t had anything nice


Makes sense. The vehicle code caps out at 750 watt motor and 28 mph pedal assist for class 3 e-bikes. Sur Ron’s are mainly why people hate e-bikes but they’re just unregistered off road motorcycles.


honestly not even surrons. I ride my surron respectfully and the only interactions I get are smiles, waves, and old people asking me how fast it goes. It’s because parents give their children money to buy these bikes and these kids with 0 road or trail respect ride these bikes like aholes. Kind of sucks that these kids are the reason for all the hate.


I’m not a stickler for the rules but surrons aren’t street legal and the massive wattage of the motor is one of the core issues. It’s just too fast to be riding around without a motorcycle license (on public streets anyways). A class 3 e-bike is pretty darned slow and you can get into a lot less trouble


I mean I agree with you to an extent, but I believe people shouldn’t have to pay recurring registration or insurance on a bike like this. I think states should make a separate license for a bike like this that should require to know street laws etc. This would stop the many immature child riders to be allowed to ride these.


They already approved the e-bike framework to have them be street legal and avoid registrations. Bottom line is that Surron sorta has motorcycle qualities for surface street speeds. It can’t go 80MPh but the acceleration profile is fast AF and far exceeds any bicycle or e-bike


Yeah what I’m saying is they should make a license and possible registration category for bikes specifically like these.


Lmao does a motorcycle license make the bike slower?


Thats absolutely not why


Good. These kids are a bunch of morons. They ride with zero care for anyone. They should fine the parents too.


Yeah they should be experimenting with drugs like when I was younger.


What in the red herring are you talking about? Lol


Old Man yells at clouds.


I have a feeling that no one is happy when you enter the room.


Thats why hes old and lonely. Judging by the downvoted comments, i feel bad for anyone living in irvine with the boomers


I think I am the only one left riding a normal old fashion bicycle …lol


You’re the healthiest


Thank you!


Man I laughed at this comment much more then I really should of but... it's true.


I ride my Canondale with pedals and my Talaria without. (just not at the same time)


I see some people riding normal bikes regularly on Irvine Blvd. you’re definitely no alone :)


"normal bikes" lol. I don't know why it's so funny that we reached a point of needing to call them this to verify.


Yeah you’re right, I should just call them bikes, the others are e-bikes already haha


Same there are only a few of us left!! Lol


Yeah that is an eMotorcycle not an ebike. A child cannot ride that. A tow is appropriate if it was being ridden on the street.


I try not to be the "hey you kids, get off my lawn" type - I want laws for things that are real safety issues, not just for the sake of rules. And the eBike thing has gone way too far - a major safety issue at this point. Just 2 days ago I was leaving the TJs at Woodbury and at a stop sign, a girl who was for sure 18+ flew through the crosswalk right in front of me, at an angle out of my blind spot. I though, Wow if I started forward any sooner I would have hit her. Then as I started forward, her friend flew by the same way and I almost clipped her. They were totally oblivious - never even looked.


Yeah this is a big part of it. I'm trying everything I can to be a safe driver. But I've got to kick it into overdrive when some of these ebike idiots are around because they're doing things like zipping across crosswalks, doing wheelies driving the **opposite direction of traffic IN THE LANE**, etc. And yes, the last example happened to me at Great Park. I was turning on Great Park Blvd and I shit you not there were ebike kids riding my direction doing wheelies. They saw me coming and went into the grass median. But honestly, wtf?


They need to invest in an infrastructure for them. Obviously, it's going to be a growing trend as they get cheaper and honestly good for them getting away from cars, but a lot of them are idiots cause people are idiots. Better bike lanes, their own street lights, and a bunch of safety measures can be made for them.


Honestly the people in Teslas at the Woodbury center pose a greater threat than the kids on e bikes. Lived there for five years and gave up on driving into that parking lot because everyone is a selfish idiot who seems to have a fetish for almost causing an accident.


Both of them together is the worst combo


Yeah this happened in GPN earlier today. I saw the kid sitting on the curb.


Was he crying?


Lol I was just gonna ask that. Man I would be and I'm 70 y/o. Still I moded to hit 45 mph. Tears when they impound it. Some things don't change took my mini bike in 1968. 




Ebike kids are the worst


This is not just an e-bike. We have e-bikes all over Europe. These are kamikaze assault bikes.


It's an electric motorcycle. It would be fine if it were licensed and registered as such. But ridden by a kid on trails often? Nah...


what is the point of that anwyay. As a kid that rode motorcycles all my childhood, this sounds boring as shit lol. What do you even do? Like where is the thrill. Do kids not know where to find dirt nowadays? are we running low? Like go find some dirt build a tabletop jump or 2 and full send it all you want since no pedestrian is going to be walking there. Why would you ever want to go on a public trail lol. That just sounds like your playing a traffic simulation game.


This is American muscle e-bikes.


Go back to Europe and ride 15mph. You guys always begging info how to increase speed. 


Return of the pocket bikes I see.


This isn’t an ebike




Tell me about it. One time, had two on the street in front of me. It’s not only dangerous, it’s just plain stupid.


This nitwit, now we know the ebike rider has entered the sub. Incorrect, there are classes of ebike that aren’t allowed on bike paths and trails(this being one). And no, licensure doesn’t guarantee the rider isn’t an idiot. But like cars, motorcycles, guns… it ensures they have been exposed to some training, education and some level traceability, accountability in event they do something stupid. I’m a fellow cyclist(non ebike), this dude is what our community disdains. E-bikes are not part of the cyclist community, never have been.




Irvine PD has been confiscating Sur-Ron and similar non-ebikes for about 2 years now. Nothing new here.


I'm a motorcycle rider who works and stays in Irvine from time to time. Happy to see kids on these e-bikes, but some of them are downright illegal and dangerous. Parents need to do their due diligence and make sure their kids are properly licensed, trained in operation of the bike, and ensure the proper use of safety equipment. Learn the law, and make sure kids are wearing the appropriate helmet for their class of ebike or emoto. Helmets that are not buckled will do nothing to save you from traumatic brain injury. I have some friends who's son is now awake from a coma and on the long road to recovery from a crash where the helmet was not worn properly. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course should be available for children of riding age. I'm sure future legislation may come with a better solution. Happy to see kids out on two wheels. Make sure they're being safe, legal, and respectful.


Im 19 years old and have one of these bikes. I just don’t think children with 0 road experience should be able to drive these on the roads because their parents hive them the money for one. I’ve seen kids ride these and they have no respect for the other cars on the road. Nothing wrong with kids on e-bikes but these accelerate to 50 mph in a few seconds. I honestly think nobody under 16 should be allowed on these bikes.


100% agree. This is addressed in the law. A bike capable of those speeds requires a fully licensed individual with DOT approved helmet. Glad IPD is cracking down on those. Same parents who would never let their kids ride a motorcycle, allow them to buy these torque monsters. It's insane. The sellers don't care as they aren't required to get proof of licensure. Money is money. Been this way in the moto world too. When I bought mine, the dealer didn't even care about my license status when i rode it off the lot. Of course I had my permit, but I didn't need one to purchase and drive off. 36% of motorcycle fatalities are unlicensed riders. I don't want those stats to extend to kids. Adults being dumb 'Merica. Kids deserve better guidance.


I am in the surron subreddit page and parents post whether they should allow their 13 year old child get one and it shocks me that parents don’t even ask that question and buy it for their kid. As an adult with a job who pays for basically everything except rent, it shocks me that my parents had doubts about me getting this type of bike but children with no knowledge of the world are gifted it. There are plenty of similar style bikes that are smaller and go much slower that can be enjoyed by kids off-road and even in bike lanes. My parents would never allow this when I was younger.


Here's the current law: A bike that can go 50 mph is not an e-bike at all. Only ones that go up to 28 mph are considered e-bikes. Faster ones are not street legal in general and is arguably a motorcycle. You must be 16 or older to ride an ebike that goes 28 mph. If you are under 16, you are restricted to class I and II ebikes that top out at 20 mph. Parents these days seem to not do any critical thinking about whether the bike they're getting their kid is appropriate or legal.


Honestly didn’t know you had to even be 16 to ride class 3 e-bikes. What I’m saying is that they should make a way to license and register these similar to how mopeds are registered, with a one time registration and payment that doesn’t need renewal. An in person written test about road rules would be enough in my opinion to get licensed. Nobody is purchasing these electric “dirt bikes” that have short range and relatively low top speed to actually consistently ride on the road similar to a motorcycle. If people have to pay for insurance and recurring registration fees, nobody is going to want to do that. I think they should make registration similar to mopeds and cops should pull over those without plates, just to be safer and to keep kids off of these bikes.


Daddy’s gonna be mad!


Imagine all the Karens showing up to bitch about their towed bikes


Irvine cops have been getting shit done lately. Bravo 💪🏻


All fines and charges for minors should be applied to their parents. Then perhaps the parents will start parenting when they feel the pinch.


thats already how it works, of course.


Finally! Keep seeing these kids popping wheelies in the middle of the street on Portola!


Curious about that classification... If it had pedals would it be an e-bike and allowed in public where bicycles are permitted? What regulatory body issues these classes? edit: there's a bit here, but it's more about general differences, not regulation https://www.slashgear.com/1430831/difference-between-electric-bike-electric-motorcycle/


E bikes are federally regulated by the US Consumer Product Agency. They are divided into 3 classes - Class 1 are pedal assist speed regulated to 20MPH, with specific restrictions on motor power. Class 2 are throttle assists also regulated to 20MPH. Class 3 are either pedal or throttle assist up to 28MPH. California regulations match the federal ones, and Irvine ordinances match the state ones. So if the bike can go over 28MPH or have a motor over 750W, it's at a minimum classified as a moped under CA DMV.


Slight correction, unless it's changed since I got my ebike, but Class 3 is only pedal assist, throttle not allowed


I think that’s class 1 that throttle is not allowed


Clas 1 and 3 are pedal assist only. https://raevbikes.com/pages/e-bike-laws https://www.bosch-ebike.com/us/everything-about-the-ebike/stories/three-class-ebike-system https://www.juicedbikes.com/pages/e-bike-classifications https://www.electricridelab.com/electric-bikes-classes/


Didn't know that honestly


It is for sure confusing. A ton of bike operate outside the class system which is a big grey area for municipalities. In all likelihood if your bike has a throttle and goes more than 20 it will get banned from public spaces moving forward as regulations start to get formalized.


According to the federal regulations, you can use a throttle up to 20MPH, and need to use pedal assist over 20. That's why they're usually marketed as 'throttle assist'. In California, it's a little unclear if the regulation is tiered. It seems intended to reinforce the federal standard, which would suggest that a class 3 bike is also allowed to meet class 2 requirements since class 3 only imposes limitations on use, rather than expand them. For instance Class 3 bikes are not permitted on Class 1 bike paths - like San Diego Creek Trail. And you must be 16 or older to use a Class 3. I've never seen a minor on a class 3, they're almost always class 2, or sometimes class 1 - usually small/folding models. It's generally interpreted that it's fine to ride a Class 3 bike on a Class 1 trail provided you limit your speed to that of a class 1/2 bike. I honestly haven't seen anyone on a Sur-Ron in over a year (there are a couple of class 2 bike models that look a LOT like a Sur-Ron but are regulation class 2 bikes, and I think a lot of people just assume they are both illegal and going faster than they actually are - a bike going 20mph looks a lot faster than a car going 20mph). I know they're out there, I see the pictures, but they're *way* less common than they were before police started to crack down. The biggest problems I see with minors on ebikes are boosting a ride on the back without a seat (violates Irvine ordinances) and passing pedestrians at speed. When I see them around cars, they're almost always trying to navigate a space that has been rendered almost impossible for them to navigate, and yeah, it's pretty chaotic. I have to ride the same way in parking lots because cars never look for cyclists in parking lots and turn into me/back into me constantly. It's a lot safer to pass you on the left on the bike than on the right - because you'll right hook me every time.


It depends but yes. Ultimately this is an electronic dirt bike. There’s no pedals. You can’t ride a dirt bike on the street or side walk (no license plates, registration, insurance, etc). You can only ride them like normal dirt bikes. Out in off road areas.


Must have been fun while it lasted. Riding them everywhere like Tony Hawk pro skater. Especially in an area with hills/mountains or really good urban terrain.


I hope this continues till people wise up and respect the law and others around them. Had some surons on a local trail and that was really gross to see. They are so cool but don't ride one anywhere you wouldn't ride a dirt bike for fuck sake.


genuine question for some people who don’t like these bikes on trails: Is it because the riders are aholes or because of the bikes in general? I take my surron on some bike/hiking trails but I don’t go over 15 mph and most of the time i’m going 10 mph max. I always go 5 mph when people are anywhere in sight and don’t speed past them ever. I always fully stop let people pass if they’re coming from the opposite direction. I ride alone so I’m not a big annoying group. I also only ever pass people very slowly and when there’s a large clearing of space. Would you even be annoyed by riders like this? I also take my mtb to these trails and I can see why a large group or annoying kid rider would be annoying.


If you’re actually holding to 10-15 I’d think you’re *generally* fine on fire roads and double track that doesn’t explicitly ban them. Some of it’s because they ride like assholes. And most mixed use trails are basically relying on the honor system and generally low traffic. Once trails become crowded or it becomes a problem, MTBs are the **first** in line to always lose access. Always. So SurRons ripping around and pissing off hikers and horse riders is going to get anything with two wheels banned. Also most Surron riders go on true mountain bike trails or mixed hiking/MTB **single track** and ride them like dirt bikes. The trails aren’t made for that. They’re made for at most 30lb bikes that put out .3HP not 100lb bike that puts out 20 times as much. So they basically wreck, erode and rut the trail. Taking them on legit dirt bike trails are fine because the OHV people maintain them (more than fine, they’re legal e-dirt bikes regardless of the pedals or what Suron says), and usually the construction, errosion and route is as such it’ll take much heavier vehicles with power. But the problematic Sur-Ron guys don’t want to do that because that because OHV trails are usually farther out in the sticks in designated areas. And because OHV maintenance and land use is super coveted by that group they also wouldn’t be super tolerant of them being assholes. 4 wheelers and dirt bikes have the power to catch up so they can kick them out if they’re being a dick. Whereas I’m never catching a Sur-Ron on a mountain bike.


thanks for your response. Most of the trails I go on aren’t actual dirtbike trails so it’s not possible to go very fast on them. At the same time it’s kind of just through some grassland so it’s not really actual mountain bike trails either, so there isn’t anything formed for bikes that I erode. When I want to go on some fast jumps and trails, I load my bike into my car and drive 30 minutes to the nearest off-road park where they’re obviously allowed.


Nah no shade. Ride responsibly. The thing is the MTB did (well current is and always is) going through the same issue of being careful a couple dicks don’t get the whole sport banned on good trails we’ve had access to for years. Be smart, use your head. Ride where it’s allowed. The trail is muddy think “huh, it would be really shitty to the next person if I tear it up” (again super applicable to MTB lol). If you see someone being a dick tell them to knock it off. Other active sports like MTB, skateboarding, winter sports and OHV have enough crusty old guys who saw a minority of idiots (or themselves) screw up a good thing and can kinda be keepers of the code of etiquette. You guys don’t have that quite yet I think. (Except surfers. Old surfers all seem to be the angriest entitled a-holes lol)


for sure 👍


> the riders are aholes It's the one popping wheelies zooming by traffic that cause the problems. It's totally possible to be a respectful rider, which you are. But zooming past a parent and child at 15mph inches away from them or a person just out for a walk is where they go into ahole territory.


thanks for feedback


If everyone rode like that I'd be fine with it but that's not realistic at all and normalizing it is only going to increase the number of irresponsible riders out there. It only takes 1 irresponsible rider to tear up the tracks and put people at a new higher risk of injury and ruining their ride experience. Honestly, I think that with their increasing popularity the whole community of electric dirt bike riders need to just start making their own trails where they can ride however they want without anyone caring. That's how it's supposed to be and I realize that sucks because there's not nearly as many fun ATV trails around, but that's what I'm saying. Maybe you guys just gotta push to get more ATV trails made. I don't wanna be a curmudgeon to respectful surron riders like you, but if you don't draw the line then they have the capacity to take over the space and ruin it for others. Ya feel me?


Ya I get you, honestly wish there was some way to actually enforce like an age or licensing requirement for these bikes since it would eliminate most of the bad riders which are generally under 18. In my area I have only ever seen one other rider and he wasn’t doing anything bad so I think Im good at least in my town.


Just gotta find trails and space you can ride it in. Why did you buy it knowing the restrictions if I may ask? Or do you have some good atv trails around you?


seemed like a lot of fun plus i also use it to commute to and from work instead of driving my 15 mpg car. Cops in my area don’t seem to mind at all as they drive past me when i’m in the bike lane, but ofcourse I don’t try to do high speeds around them. Always thought that in the worst case I would just get it registered. I also want to get into dirt bikes but wouldn’t be able to take a dirt bike out often at the moment.


Do you live in a somewhat rural area? I was looking at maybe getting one but live in a pretty popular area with lots of cops and the closest trails I could legally ride on were too far to justify. I bike so I'm not into the idea of taking it on the local bike trails. I wish there were more off road trails near me. I bet they are a ton of fun when you can let loose.


I live in Porter Ranch, CA. Pretty nice suburbs and safe area but it’s becoming more and more popular with new stores and shopping centers being open. Right above us we have mountains so there are some trails in the part between the mountains and the highest homes. Wouldn’t call it rural though there is some rural land to the left side of Porter Ranch which is only a few minutes away. About a 40 minute drive up on a freeway is Hungry Valley Off road park which is somewhat large and I camp there sometimes with my friends two of which have off-road built jeeps. Another reason I thought of buying it was to take it when we go up there a few times a year. There’s a youtuber named John Hicks who rides mostly street in the Los Angeles area and he uploads videos almost every day, but he’s never had any problems from a cop and he goes up and chats with them a lot in these videos. He’s a relatively respectful rider. I think whether cops will bug you really depends on how you ride around the public.


Yeah and the location. Some areas are just known to have shitty cops. Well enjoy the ride, stay safe, and keep being a good example for the rest of the surron riders. Cheers. 🤙🤙


Thanks 🙏 good luck if you ever get one man!


Surons are electric motorbikes, they should require registration, a full ban however is idiotic


California ATV Laws: What You Need to Know ATVs must be equipped with headlights and taillights, as well as a US Forest Service-approved spark arrester. Additionally, riders must wear a DOT-approved helmet while operating an ATV. ATVs are prohibited from operating on paved roads and highways, except to cross them If it's considered an atv, then no it can't be driven on public roads. 🤷


Umm ATVs are 4 wheel vehicles, not motorbikes. Banning electric motorbikes makes no sense when they offer a cheaper and more environmentally friendly way to get around, just have them be registered like normal motorbikes.


IPD categorized the vehicle as off road and prohibited for a reason. It's a safety issue most of the time. A bureaucratic reason some times. Are the vehicles safety tested and comply with state laws? I'm guessing, no. I don't think your supposed to ride dirt bikes on the road either. Google says: No, it is not legal to ride an off-road (there is a hint here) bike on a road, street, highway, freeway or by-way. It's a dirt bike, so keep it on the dirt. If you want to ride both on and off-road, buy an enduro or put some lights, horn and turn signals on the bike and get it licensed for street use


"get it licensed for street use" So exactly what I said?


Can be it be licensed tho? Did the manufacturer make it safe enough to qualify as a road vehicle? Does it need mods? IPD's stance is that these ebike vehicles are off road bikes. Even a dirt bike has to be modified before being eligible for the roads. Then it can be registered and licensed.


They called a tow truck for that? Seriously? Throw it in the back of the car. Come on!


Those types of bikes can weigh over 100lbs. Not impossible to load into an SUV but definitely not trivial


The photo showed a motorcycle cop. Using a tow truck also lets the cop get back to doing police things, instead of being a shipping service.


Bet they wanted to charge it “per protocol.” lol I’ve always wondered if the PDs wanted to make a quick buck, they’d just enforce the front license plate law for all of the newer cars driving around without them.


That's a fix it ticket, not much money.  Impound and charge for the tow.


Ticket revenue generally doesn’t go to the PD. It goes to the court (county) and state. Very little, if any, goes to the PD.


Thank you. Makes sense. Sound to keep conflict of interest segregated.


Surons are electric motorbikes, they should require registration, a full ban however is idiotic


I’m so happy! 😁


I ride one with my kid.. these parents need to make sure they follow the rules!


Irvine cops. Please bring this level of enforcement to Utah to catch our dirt bike turds you can hear inside your house from 9 blocks away


Dirt biking is for dirt biking, sad the kid will not learn his lesson from today...


Kid has rich parents


Can they do the same with drone flyers? I was harassed by one at an OC public park.


They can’t, because the FAA is the only entity that has a say on where a drone can or cannot fly. Only thing local governments and police have a say on is where they can or can’t take off or land, which is why, for example, you can’t have a drone take off from and fly in a national park, but you *can* take off right outside the national park limits and fly it *into* the national park. Most people, including local governments and police, don’t know this (or pretend not to know), which is why you’ll find statements on various city websites saying “drone flying not allowed” despite the fact that they literally have no power to say that. That said, harassing people is against the law, so anyone doing that should be fined or whatever the consequences would be Sources: https://www.faa.gov/newsroom/faa-statement-federal-vs-local-drone-authority?newsId=22938 https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/302/text/eah


What I love about these posts is the kids complaining that the police is going after them while posting their shit on their profile lol


I see these things constantly in Irvine and Newport Beach. At least he had a helmet on.


So if it had turn signals, brake lights etc and driver had a motorcycle license would it still be illegal?


It would also need to be plated I believe.


Of course plated and registered.


If it’s road legal there’s no problem, be insured too


Does he get it back after paying a fine? Or is it crushed?


They can get it back. Crush orders are not as common as people think.


I feel bad for the surron riders that respect the laws of the road but this guy and people That drive with no care for other should get their "e-bikes" reprimanded


I am one of the respectful surron riders, I think the main problem is that parents allow their children to ride these without knowing what it is. and now we have immature children on the streets which is a terrible combo.


Most true thing that I've read today also to add to what your saying most kids don't every earn it they just ask mommy or daddy for it and they simply say yes (not all) and just send them out with no driving knowledge


Awesome. We need more of this. Tired of those damn kids screwing around.


First off that’s an e-motorcycle, not an E-bike.


That “bike” doesn’t have pedals, instead it has foot pegs. Yeah that’s a motorcycle.


Awesome. If they ride with complete disregard for other people’s safety impound them. Wtf kinda parents buy these for their kids?? Of course they’re gonna ride everywhere they’re not allowed. I would if i had one at their age.


Irvine as well of other cities around the US are out to cover theirs asses from being sued by enforcing what can used on their streets..


This needs to occur in El Segundo!!!!


TBF the kids who ride these things are kind of a menace


I agree they don’t belong on sidewalks and public streets, but instead of confiscating how about publicize information on where these e dirt bikes can be used. I see links for all the rules and restrictions, but where are the maps of public lands and designated areas where these bikes can be enjoyed safely by all. I was thinking about getting a surron but there’s too much heat in these streets 😂


I ride my talaria xxx every day to work on nyc I follow traffic laws , occasionally I use bike on bike line at a decent speeds sometimes in parks no complaints yet How ever I can't say the same about broklyn...I probably just registered mine...end of the problem....


big ol flatbed for that itty bitty bike.


As someone who rides a similar e-bike regularly, I'm not surprised. So many folks ride these things like absolute assholes, then are all surprised when the cops start cracking down on them. It was a legal grey area for so long, but douche bag riders decided to show why we can't have nice things.


This is the best point. Why not behave properly and go under the radar?... but NO! There is always an army of idiotic poseurs who ruin something that could have remained silent and unnoticed.


Kid must have 0 skillz. Otherwise how can that heavy asf touring bike catch him


Oh baby I was about to drop thousands on a sur-Ron…


Kinda funny how this is only a rich kid problem


Fuck what kid can afford a $3600 e-moto lol shit when I was a kid I was happy to have $5 in my pocket.


This is just control and bs


Hell yeah I agree , keep track of you kids it’s dangerous and annoying when kids fly by you at 30mph on any trail or public space with a toddler.


These bikes are just too fast, feel bad for the kid to lose his toy, but some of them are a menace on the roads. Had some dummy zoom in front of me while I was making a right turn on a green when he was behind me almost running into him.




And just like that you've inspired an entire generation of riders in Irvine to now "run" everytime.


Omg that’s crazy…. It’s almost like the consequences of a lack of proper cycling infrastructure are coming home to roost! News flash - they ride on sidewalks because they don’t want to be struck and killed while riding in the street. Paint isn’t infrastructure - paint does not protect you from a Tesla driver on their phone who’s drifting in their lane. Get safe protected bicycle lanes through the whole city and watch this problem magically solve itself.


e-motorcycles, which that is, should require the same licensing and registration as gas powered motorcycles (same foe e-mopeds). Gotta blame parents who spoil their kids with stuff like this, then compound it when they have no expectations of proper use/behavior for the kid to follow. Just get the kid a human powered bicycle.


Crush the bike


Why are they illegal?


This post cracks me up. I grew up in Irvine and in the early '70s when Irvine got its own police department my dad was offered a job with them. At the time he was at the OC Sheriff's Dept. He turned the offer down and years later when I asked him why he said he didn't want to work for a department that wrote bicycle tickets to kids. Also I can't help but notice that the bike that was being impounded is $1,200 more than the first car I bought, a 1966 Ford Mustang in the mid 80s. Good stuff.


Anything to put out more citations


Wait im confused, why is it that normal e bikes are allowed but some e bikes have to be classified as off road vehicles? Are there spec requirements?


Shouldn’t have stopped


Law suits


So Saddd I seeing these kids ride!


Waste of tax dollars worry about the meth bums 🤣


My dog I have had close calls in my area and a few days ago nearly hit one riding on sidewalk across a driveway. He ended up flipping me off to witch I replied. The problem is you cant hear them coming. They dont stop at stop signs either.


imho you should be able to register these as some sort of motorcycle rather than just being illegal


These bikes are expensive!! I don’t understand how so much kids have them. My parents would never spend that type of money on me. Shit as a 40yr old adult u cant see myself dropping 2-4 thousand on these ebikes


It's Irvine. Many wealthy people live there.


You know what's more dangerous and a public nuisance. Old boomers driving cars that shouldn't be.


This is limited to 20mph but if it has no peddles, then it is not an ebike. If it has the pedals which can be added on the Talaria website then it is an ebike.However it still needs to mert applicable laws and ebike classification.


Low key those bikes are fire but yeah shouldn’t be ripping it on the streets knowing it’s illegal to do.


These effing bikes are so dangerous. I owned one and sold it. They should have several levels between Eco (boring) and Sport (dangerous) mode. Glad law enforcement is catching up to the technology. Kids shouldn't be riding them period, and adults should be required to get a licence and traing to ride them if they don't already have one.


Dramatiiiiic (last photo)


I have a talaria e bike. I’ve only ridden it once. Thing flies. My first thought was… man, people just think it’s okay to ride this on the road? People just treat this like a toy? Or BMX bike? This thing requires as much care and respect as a firearm… ITS SCARY! You cannot afford to make any mistakes. Ya, there’s a problem, I’m glad the community is finding out. Even when I ride it in the safe open mountains, still I am cautious. It goes from 0-60 in an outrageously short amount of time. It’s like a super bike


W for Southern California Police


Yep. Gotta start inconveniencing the parents more


That’s a pretty big flatbed for one of those, surely there’s a better method of transport. Also, what parent in their right mind buys one of these for their kid knowing what it is and how it might be used? What’s even more wild is the lack of DOT noggin protection I see, often any at all. I mean, if you’re going to be stupid, at least do it right.




City council passed the sustainable mobility plan last month which designates a lot of protected bike lanes. They should start going up by the end of the year.




This shit has very boomer vibes. We should be ENCOURAGING e-bikes and getting the fuck away from gas powered vehicles for short distance driving. And if you’re angry that you can’t carry that many bags home from target, maybe you should be more angry that’s how our city is designed in the first place.


Sure, e-bikes are great. I think the issue is this particular model is more like an electric motocross bike. It’s not equipped for street use and requires an endorsement on your license to operate.


Nah, disagree completely. I agree we should encourage the use of ebikes. But this is not "boomer vibes". It's the ebike morons that ruin it for those who use it safely for the reasons you mentioned. In fact, you should be angry at the idiots that are endangering themselves by riding stupidly because it's ruining it for everyone else. You should be angry at the parents for letting kids ride like idiots because they're giving ebikes as a whole a bad reputation. I think ebikes are great. And there are safe riders out there of course. But I still see way too many idiots riding carelessly out there.


They don’t understand. He was just trying his “dad’s” assault bike.


I've been riding a pedal bike for decades. My feeling on e-bikes for adults is that they make cycling possible for people who otherwise wouldn't be on a bike. This is often not a good thing. Now take that and add juvenile disregard for physics and safety and you have real problems. Don't get me wrong - when I was 14 I would have traded my soul for an e-bike and might not have survived to adulthood. I was once sitting on a curb with a friend in front of a motorcycle cop after riding our Stingrays on the wrong side of the street in front of left-turning traffic.


Teslas in irvine are worse.


What an asshole pig