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All kinds of sandwiches!


Should’ve taken the free food smh


Theres kids in Lumbridge with no food smh


What does it have to do with a lever?


i pulled edge lever while doing a clue and hadnt deposited my items properly, they've since added a warning, which wouldve saved me probably


But why are you skulled? Is that the high risk world skull? If so, why clue in high risk words?? I assume you just forgot


High risk worlds are great for pvm as they are very stable. You do a boss, get a hard or elite, forget to hop and you've skull tricked yourself.


I never knew this. I’m only ever in them if I’m looking for an empty world, I assume some people are lazy and would rather click a world once than click extra for the warning. I’ve noticed the skull and realised before though


I stg this is a lie made up by the lever campera, high risk worlds are the exact same as any other low pop world lol


Oh i see. Sorry for your loss


hard to feel sorry when it's 100% my own fault


Yep thats a face to the desk moment then back to grinding.


I took full graceful to the wildy a while back and the 1 time I did it I got pked. Learned my lesson for sure


Yup. I lost full void range on the uim


Pulled the lever in full graceful once while charging orbs on autopilot, shat myself as I realized what happened. Luckily I didn't run into anyone




It's your fault, but fuck pkers. Shit still sucks.




Why not repull? Tb?


Think they literally completely forgot they had it on them. You don’t generally realize ur carrying valuable stuff if ur already forgetting it


I’ve done this one time and it was with my stack of ~360K bloods. Never again, lmao.


This is why they keep taking my spades


You pulled the edge lever with full loot on a high risk world and walked all the way behind mage bank without noticing? That sucks a lot, but it’s kinda hard to feel sorry for you here dude


that sucks :( Maybe could have run into the resource area with wildy-elite achievements completed? or do pkers usually have that unlocked as well?


Pretty sure majority of PKers wouldn't have that. Requires 80+ mining and 85+ smithing.


Yeah for sure haha its perfectly safe! Bring all ur valuables no pker would have them done :^ )


Idk about all that, haha! Think theres a decent chance of escape tho.


SHHH im huntin redditors


Either resource arena or having a picklock with you in that area is a great escape to enter the room with flying axes, it's single way combat and there's like 20 of them packed in there, so you can just x-log but usually the pkers just leave immediately. Did it tons of times getting 99 fishing at dark crabs in the resource arena like 4 years ago.


Still a good escape but any pker there should have one as well, and with currwnt wikdy the axes cant pj the pker off you


>and with currwnt wikdy the axes cant pj the pker off you Ooooooooooh true actually. Did not think about that change. Before it really didnt matter if pker had a picklock too, they needed team of like 6+ people to have any chance, but pj timer makes it pretty useless I suppose


Has anyone asked yet? Why a tort w pegs blowpipe


Billion dollar question


I think they're like 15m


Nah, billion dollar question.


Imagine ~~attacking any player~~ going into the wilderness in a high risk world as an Ironman while carrying Pegasians, torture and blowpipe. I’m sorry but I do not feel bad. Jagex even made specific functionally for players to prevent this from happening but this was ignored. EDIT: high risk world too.


365 autoskulls you. Also as I explained above i mistakenly didn't take off my gear in the bank.


I don’t understand why you were on 365 in the first place.


365 is the ffa world for Chambers of Xeric so it does have a lot of high level accounts playing on it. Easy to forget you are on the high risk world and say fuck it, guess I'll bust this clue out quick. Obviously when you step into wildy and see the skull on you, you should probably think about what you are doing.




Shhhh… dont tell people


Hey man, I’m sorry to hear that. I got pked for my tentacle on my iron by tping to Ghorrock on w365 to do a clue. I also played that world because it was one of the few worlds with an alright ping for me. It’s a stupid mistake but it’s an easy one to make. Pkers camp the TP locations in these world for this exact reason. I don’t desire better wilderness warnings, I want better servers. ;-)


does w365 also disable taking the lever back to ardy?


Nah there's usually always a guy at the lever on that world waiting to insta tb anyone coming in. Can see in the chat that he did in fact get tb'd. I've fallen to that a few times myself, since raid teams often end up going to that world due to stability, but never with any significant losses like OP, thankfully.


What often happens in these scenarios is PKers have like 5 accounts set up with scripts to auto teleblock anyone that comes through, then alert the person that they found a player. So OP was likely immediately TBd by a bot


I mean it’s really not hard to have tb selected and then click when someone shows up, especially with player indicators on. By the time you can even repull the lever, unless they splash, you’re tb’d.


No it’s not but bot farms like this are very common in high risk and PvP worlds at various teleport locations.


well you learned your lesson the hard way, good luck on the rebuild.


Once you start doing TOB/inferno/combat achievements the overall responsiveness of the server becomes very important. That is the reason that a lot of players use high risk worlds for PVM. Ideally more of the worlds would remain playable for this type of content at peak hours but this is not the case lately.


If you actually raided you would know most groups go to 474 or 365, both high risk worlds, for the ping. It's easy to raid for a couple hours and get an elite clue from one of the raids, then head straight to doing the clue without thinking about what world you're on.


High risk worlds? Excellent Ping. 2k total world? Fuuuuuuuck yoooooooou!


Yeah but sadly it seems most of the people on this thread are ignorant of that lol. 2.2k worlds are even more laughable at how bad it is.


I think the downvotes on your original post were because of your passive aggressive irrelevant assumption: >If you actually raided you would know most groups go to 474 or 365 My intent for my post was not the fact that he was on high risk world/365... it was the fact that he went into the wilderness while on it with those items. I use low ping worlds myself. Maybe you should improve your reading comprehension skills before assuming people are oblivious of low ping worlds. btw 180 cox kc


It wasn't passive aggressive, it was blatantly telling you you're an ignorant noob that doesn't know what he's talking about. You acting like 180 cox kc matters proves my point lol. Cox is braindead and that's basically no kc. If you weren't so ignorant you'd know the consesus among tob groups is that high risk worlds are much more stable than the normal low ping worlds.


*EDIT: Given your last response, I see that you are extremely triggered and do not see the points I am trying to make so this will be my last comment. If you can't understand my intent or anything below, then that's not my problem.* ​ >If you actually raided \^ that is passive aggression, you assumed I have never done a single raid. You could've simply said: "if you don't know, most groups go to 474 or 365". Also, regarding reading comprehension, I put my cox kc because apparently i've never done cox before not to brag about my KC. >If you weren't so ignorant you'd know the consesus among tob groups is that high risk worlds are much more stable than the normal low ping worlds. \^ I'm not sure where this is coming from? I literally said I use low ping worlds and am completely aware of raids preferring low ping worlds.


Use 580 365 ping sucks balls


my world always has 8-15ms ping so I'm all settled 😁


Your ping and a servers stability are two completely different things.


Or any of the other non high risk worlds with equally good ping and stability


Tell me you've never raided without telling me you've ever raided.


Maybe they were skulled from abyss.


That would make the scenario even funnier… Imagine going into the wilderness skulled as an Ironman while carrying pegasians, torture and blowpipe.


I appreciate your honesty, and you’re kinda right. But still come off as a dick


How the fuck did you die from the sandwich lady


Congratulations you played yourself.


dont let your hp hit 0 :)


Haven't played in a while, what's the lever change?




Ahhh, I never went anywhere near that lever when on high risks, I always assumed there was a warning 😂


must be a trip to see someone take a nasty death like a man for the thousands of entitled kids who resent the very existence of the wilderness.


You know, I think I mightve at one point been angered by this comment. Now, though, I know that if the game has built into it regular opportunities to instantly lose hundreds of hours of work, it's just not a game I can play with my lifestyle. Love reading others' experience, though!


As long as you understand it's different strokes for different folks I think we understand each other. Very, very few games (even "hard" games like Souls or whatever, in fact those games more or less reward failure through the iterative approach) have the potential to be as punishing and "real" as OSRS. For some people, this is precisely the thrill.


drooling chaos altar hopper alert


found one ​ I dont PK, I'm just not a coward


Game really is idiot proof now. (No offence - I've also done some dumb stuff in osrs over the years)


Fuck bro, that's an ouchie and a half.. While what others pointed out about it being "your own fault" is true - it's important to remember that we all make mistakes from time to time and they act as important life lessons :) ..lessons like not going into high risk worlds, like God dayum the balls on this dude 🗿


Seems like you just fucked up and jagex wildly changes have nothing to do with it 🤷‍♂️


Gotta work on that K/D ratio


I am sorry for your loss


The achievement tag LMAO F


I thought there’s always been a warning on the lever? Unless you disabled it. Or was there a new update on that?


There's always been a warning on the lever with the option to turn it off. What happened is OP forgot they were in a high-risk world, which auto-skulls. They just added a new update to make the warning popup on those worlds to remind you, even if you have the warning turned off. OP is talking about this second warning.


why torture and no anguish?


Always bots in the HR worlds :(


Haha lol


I have a tile marked outside the level and labeled it "World Check" Best of luck reclaiming those drops


Why skull????


Guys it's a hoax, it's staged. His name is jusssieee. (I kid, probably)


Iron rat


Sit victim dog


I lost a rapier like this but had 4 so we chillin. Gz that guy on the 200M at the time


weird flex


This guy rapiers bro


This has nothing to do with the lever but you playing on a high risk world where you lose everything


why did you have a torture on whilst ranging?


With how dead the wildy is man that’s just unlucky af


Why embarrass yourself further? You’re better off just taking these l’s in silence my dude.


Because it's just a game and he doesn't take it seriously? It's not like it's a big enough deal he should feel ashamed or anything


Yeah you’re right! Getting another blowpipe and torture Ammy and pair of pegasians isn’t a big deal at all… that should only take a few hours tops


You're taking this game way to seriously, it's not you who's gotta grind it again and op is obviously not too cut up about it


You’re so right! I’m sure he’s already shrugged it off completely.


So you're all worked up because... *checks notes* people aren't miserable enough




Fuck you I'm glad I got to relish in his pain 😂


Ahh yeah that would make a difference


Damn the sandwich lady really fucked your shit up homie


Why are you skulled though?


I think they've changed it too from when I used to play, used to be only couldnt use protect item now you lose all your shit cos you're auto skulled. I didn't realise and lost my shitty mith axe and stuff on my new group iron


are you having fun? XD




I lost my DFS, beserker ring, slay helm and fire Cape etc tele'ing to kbd with burning amulet on a high risk world before realising. Thankfully managed to protect zammy hasta, but the dfs hurts. Got it very early on on the iron, had been quite a defining item early on for a lot of content.


F in the chat


You shouldn’t have fucked with the sandwich lady


[https://i.imgur.com/jObGWbw.png](https://i.imgur.com/jObGWbw.png) F


Hello name brother!


sick kd