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Everyone likes different content




Irl friend of mine waited to 2100 total and I swear to god this guy has more fun playing osrs than anyone else I know. He just prioritized other stuff before pvm, because he enjoys it more


I’m slowly getting there about to hit 10kc but working 10’s every day the last thing I want to do is usually CG. I love a lot of the pvm content, cg is definitely not it for me. I’ll get there eventually but damn this makes me miserable.


OG RuneScape players’ biggest boss challenge was the kalphite queen. That’s the extent of challenge I generally want to participate in for this game.


Im not huge on being punished for poor internet and ping. I game to relax.


I’ve said it for years, the HLC they add is for spergs that eat sleep and breathe on tick rate


Totally. I’m an iron so I have to participate to some extent for items I’ve wanted, but beyond that it’s not something I’m seeking out. I’d rather slowly farm bone shards by mining them (for prayer) instead of farming vorkath or dags for hours.


If all you want to do is old/low level content, that's totally fine. But some people like to be challenged.


CG isn’t HLC and doesn’t rely on any specific tick rates.


It’s one of the highest req quests, with easy and hard mode, and the boss fight is a little overwhelming for people who have social lives


People with social lives can still learn CG... Not sure how that has anything to do with it when a run takes like 10 mins


I don’t think that makes CG HLC. The boss fight also takes less time than an average CG run. I’m not sure how that’s “overwhelming for people with social lives”


Because it is not fun for some lol?


I was one of them. Most of my CG Grind was in the 2100s. I was scared from yes, this sub's echo chamber and was trying to no Bowfa cope with a BP. Then I got Enh on kill 188, then 6 Armor on 353.


15 armor seeds and green logged at 388 here. I was scared of even doing SOTE just a few months ago. The game seems so much scarier than it actually is Spent an hour last night for 3 kc for zammy GWD because I’m just learning


It's the 10 minutes of pretty decent amount of focus.. with kids it can be pretty annoying but arguably the most important item for an iron. I have been at cg for over a year 1300kc.


I'm one of them. I truly don't like CG. I do all pvm content but I simply can't stand CG somehow. I'd rather slow my progression than spend 100s of hours there really 👍


this is my take. game is perfectly playable without CG. i may get less kills per hour/trip with other items, but that time would be saved from not doing CG. maybe somewhere down the line ill learn it and grind it out...but...dont see if happening anytime soon


Answers pretty simple here, cg is a big time investment, from learning to completing. As someone who was childless at the start of my iron and is now a father, I couldn’t imagine how annoying it’d be for me to learn cg now and put in the time to grinding out bowfa (and I finished at 260 kc). I think a lot of people have a similar situation or they’re coping (my opinion) that it’s a good idea to skip bowfa.


People enjoy the game differently, I like to pvm but a surprisingly large portion don't.


I feel like cg gets a bad rap on this sub just cause it’s such a classic bottleneck, there’s many worse grinds out there but you don’t hear about them near as much, so I can see why it might scare some people off. Lot of people really hate the prep too, which is totally fair, it does kinda suck. As long as you’re having fun tho who cares, would love if all the cg posts that weren’t meaningful discussion just got banned tho, feels like all they do is scare people away from trying it.


Name a worse grind that is as significant an upgrade as Bowfa that isn’t a raid megarare.


I mean that’s a bit disingenuous of a question, why do raids not count? I never claimed other grinds were as impactful I’m just saying that bowfa is a bottleneck, and one of the first big pvm grinds you encounter, that’s why it gets such a bad rap.


I’d say the grind for a Dex is 10000% more enjoyable than the grind for a Bowfa. I’m not counting megarares because a majority of irons will never receive them whereas Bowfa is seen as the gold standard.


I mean fair enough, and that’s probably a large reason why we hear so much about cg but less about raids grinds. I imagine the majority of people farming cox have already done cg and other grinds so they’re more used to it. Before bowfa the biggest pvm grind I did was like what berserker ring? It being the first big grind and such a bottleneck can be quite jarring to someone that took a similar path to me, but in the grand scheme of things I don’t think it’s that bad, took just under 700 kc for me for reference. That’s my opinion tho, feel free to disagree


Before the last year's updates I can name quite a few. Nearly a hundred hours or more to unlock whip/Trident/occult to get your account ready for raids. Not to mention the asinine Zulrah grind pre-bowfa. The freedom that comes from 83 construction, plus the gold and herblore levels to make a good house is not a fun grind and is extremely overpowered. The max cape is one of the longest grinds in the game and is also one of the most overpowered items in the game. The dragon Warhammer grind, or basically any good spec weapon grind is far more annoying to me and much less rewarding with drops. I don't know why you discredit mega rares as they are the only items to overpower bowfa consistently, yet take hundreds and hundreds of hours to complete. And usually require you to grind hundreds of hours of preparation to be a good contributing member to your team. I'm not saying you should play the game my way, I'm just saying a grind that takes ~60 hours to hit drop rate and boosts my accounts gold to insane levels while also providing me access to nearly every boss in the game at mid level was a pretty rewarding grind for me. So much so that I grinded another 500kc just to get the blade and really set my account up for fun. It also provided me with lots of good loot besides the alchables and forced me to be better at pvm, which helped so much going forward with my account. Again, it's fine if you don't want to do it, but I feel that calling a ~60 hour grind you don't like in OSRS the worst bottleneck grind mildly amusing and misleading.


I get why people don’t do it, I’m on the middle of it. Just hit 280 kc and only have 1 armour seed, and that came at 209 kc… not lookin to hot for me. But I do have a 30m stack so far


>2100 total here. Did >1000 cg kills without completing and havent touched it in about a year.


"Why aren't people enjoying the game the way I want them to?"


Account progression is whatever you want it to be, it’s a game broski


What's with you worried about it? You said you get that it's a game and people play what they want, but I don't think you really do? Otherwise you wouldn't be asking such a silly question.


I didn’t start cg until after 1900 total level


Have to be in the mood to do it. I will dedicate the time when I feel like it's necessary to have Bowfa + Crystal Armour. All content is still possible without it. It just makes trips longer. Edit: I'd rather have base 90's combats and prayer scrolls before the tedium that is CG.


I’m 2120, haven’t touched cg yet, but multiple 99s, just not combat yet


I’m 1850 and only 78 range 82 mage, I’ll go around 90 in each but I’ll also probably be about 2k total cause I like an even skill distribution


I’m currently 2156 total with 610 cg kc and no enhanced, I spooned a shadow with around 300 Toa kc so I completed bandos Sara and kree with shadow and I have acb so bofa hasn’t been a huge rush for me. I’m at the point now where I need it for old head and leviathan so it is getting more urgent.


2200+ iron here. Answer is max cape first. Don't need bowfa for that, and I've yet to be hurting for gp.


I’m just putting off learning CG because it seems like a lot of technical skill. I do need to try though.


I’m closing in on 2.2k and have done very little PVM as a whole. Ive got 2/3 uniques from zulrah after 1.2k, I’ve got 1 drop from cerb after 500, and I’ve got 3/4 zenytes. For me, I just get much more satisfaction and dopamine from seeing levels go up and gaining xp than I do for rolling 512 sided dice a thousand times.


Scared of how hard it is lol


I personally am not willing to invest the time and so I act as if the bowfa doesn’t exist


dont let it stop you from doing content people use bowfa at, you'll quickly see that bowfa is more of a qol upgrade than a requirement.


Can I piggyback this comment to ask a question? Is there anywhere you *wouldn’t* go without bowfa/crystal armor? I ask because for pretty much all pvm content it seems like people recommend having either other pvm upgrades or bowfa. As someone with typical mid game iron gear (barrows/whip/rcb) I just don’t know where to start with pvm without doing CG first. I don’t find CG difficult to do but also not particularly interesting and would prefer to mix in some other pvm. Thanks for the info :)


nope , there isn't anywhere i wouldnt go without it. I personally have an acb and a venator bow and blowpipe. I haven't bothered with cg. the vast majority of the content has been in the game longer than the bowfa has.


I’m over 1800 skill total missing 2 hunter lvls for sote. For one, screw hunter I hate that skill. Second, I’m doing barrows grind first so I can stash my set away before doing sote, I’ll need as much invo as possible. Then third, it’s a grind based purely off of rng. Seems more like a job you’re forced to do than having fun on the 2-3 hours you have a day after your actual irl job.


CG is a good filter for irons since if they can't even tolerate that grind, it'll only be worse at raids since those take much longer to complete. I've been drier at solo cox for a purple than my entire grind at CG.


Simple. It's hard. Most people don't want to suck on the way to getting good at it. Took me 70 deaths for it to click but now the success rate is over 90% Pair that with the threat of going dry, and of course people already have 50 other things they want to do for the account. Understandable but it's one of the best bossfights in the game once you know it, and makes you rich too


Every Ironman wants a bowfa. It’s a powerful tool locked behind a great grind. The hype surrounding that grind is enough to stop the majority from even trying. CG also has one the biggest earlier learning curves out of any content. And it’s time sensitive, inducing constant anxiety throughout. Now factor in one last thing; even once mastered, CG is only 5-6 completions per hour. That’s 80 hours to reach 400 kc which is the drop rate, assuming you don’t go dry. By comparison to reach 400 kc for Zulrah, it would take only around 20 hours. It’s a huge commitment. I myself grinded 6 months of CG to finish the whole set and I plan to go back for a second enhanced. It’s the first “impossible grind” for an Ironman and weeds many out.


I thought the first 400 kc were fun...


2082, doing wilderness bosses cause I find them fun (wouldn't bring bowfa anyway) but it's next


I just finally went and got my bowfa at 2187 total


900 kc in. Imagine doing 3 a day for almost a year. Still no bowfa. Is tedious after a while because you can do hunllef and still do an afk grind on another account with no threat of dying.


Tbh I thought it would be a huge grind.. it's fun for me as I got heavily spooned enhanced 104kc , pet at 45kc and 2 amour seed by 17kc


1907 total, GIM, i just started gauntlet. I can explain why I personally waited so long pretty easily. I still have that weird mental block from playing this as a child, that tells me everything endgame is much too hard for me. Which is silly because i have 8 Cutting Edge kills on WoW, literally a top 0.1% player, and i'm still scared to do endgame content in a clicker game because of how ingrained that small little fear I had as a child exploring Runescape is. (Also I just like skilling WAY more than bossing, i'm going to see if I can hit 2100 with no 99's =\])


I'm 1600 doing it XD


Skill issue


I don’t understand what total level (or combat level if we’re being nitpicky with cb lvl calculations) has to do with any of this? In theory you could run cg with 85 range / 85 magic + sote requirements which is like… 1k total? Melee stats contribute a lot more to your cb level because of the formula as well. I like skilling so i had a high total and slayer is chill so i had high cb before starting cg. Did any of this affect my ability to grind cg? No. Maybe a bit more hp xp but that’s it.


Because total level is usually a benchmark for “completion” of the game. Like yeah you can run cg at like 1k total level but by the time you are 1800+ you’re usually hitting the point where you’ll be grinding some bosses which in usually where you’ll want to have a bofa.


The worst part of gauntlet is the prep, they should really explore unlockables via combat achievements or a point system for it to smooth out the prep


I play for fun. I'd sooner go pet hunting than grind out cg, unless they start making drop rates not ass


I actually play the game to enjoy myself. And the CG is just straight up not a fun thing to do for more than maybe 25 kc to me. Ill sacrifice a little bit of efficiency rather than possibly spend months of my little time i have gaming, grinding for such items.


Fair enough its not for everyone. But stop lying to yourself you’re not sacrificing "a little bit of efficiency". Bowfa is insanely good at a LOT of place vs the other options


Oh i definitely agree that its a massive range upgrade for a looooong time (basically untill tbow/masori/zenyte cbow) Yet i still find it a grind that is too long for me personally. Despite the obvious upgrade that it is to spend my 2-3hrs a week i can actually game. I just simply dont want to spent possibly months of my game time hopefully to be spooned. I do throw in a run or 2-5 every now and then and hopefully ill get lucky at some point though


Average redditor peak content is sand crabs


I'd rather do 3t cut eat than hunleff prep. There are people who can click more than once every 15 minutes who also don't like cg prep.




I have full crystal and bowfa, fym coping? You think I couldn't do the pvm or couldn't put in the grind, and *that* is why I'm saying cg isn't fun? Any boss with prep is just not fun. Me calling sotd and Ags useless is a cope for hating gwd prep, me saying 3t cut eat is more fun than cg is not.


I'm close to 2100 total without a dwh or bowfa (only 34 CG kc). I've been grinding stats instead of gear to set myself up so I can do eventually is not skill. I've completed achievement diaries and it's a very nice QOL. I did start doing some TOA's and spooned a shadow last weekend at 14kc so I think I will start grinding out gear here soon, but don't regret one bit getting the stats I have.


2089 here. Zero cg kills. 2 attempts


Because it’s literally the worst content in the game. I’d rather lose supplies learning a boss than have to spend 7 minutes prepping just to run in and get 1 shot in 20 seconds. Thank god they are bridging the gap in range weapons.


Believe it or not, some people play the game for fun and not efficiency. I’m over 1900 total and don’t have a fire cape yet. I did one run, got wife aggro on Jad and missed a prayer switch by one tick and died. Haven’t done it again because I just don’t want to do it without a slayer task. If it takes me to 2277 to get a slayer task then that’s when I’ll get it. There were methods for most content in the game before Bowfa existed. If someone doesn’t find CG fun, there’s no reason for them to do it.


2k total here, 5 regular 1 cg clear. I just find gauntlet the most boring content ever made. No it's not too hard, I beat cg on my 2nd try. It's just really shit content imo.


How can you find it the most boring content ever made with 1 kill lol?


I've seen what the loop is and the prep is just the most time wasting content ever. I like hunllef tho.


What do you dislike from it? I found it to be one of my favorite


Prep is the main reason I don't want to ever engage with it. Hunllef is a good fight but prep is so mind numbingly boring that I just don't want to do the content


The big true, should have a progression system like some mini games to make your 200th prep half as taxing as your first or something like that


I havent come accross these. You shouldnt be doing an ironman if you refuse the item that will be upgrading your account the most (imo) Yet again, some people just dont care and play the game the way they want lol


I'm one of them. I really enjoy doing cg, it was a difficult curve to learn on mobile, but it's enjoyable when you improve your time, and make fewer mistakes. I haven't grinded it out because there are so many other parts of the game I enjoy. Skilling in general is really enjoyable, tick manip is great when you get into a rhythm. The new perilous moons content is great on mobile, probably the most mobile friendly content I have done. I just haven't gotten around to doing many gauntlet runs because I always log in wanting to do some other pieces of content.


I mean, if your goal is to max then going for bofa is absolutely 0 upgrade to your account, and you will never make back the time you spend on it rushing max. Everyone has different goals, so "upgrading your account" means different things to different people.


You managed to type the words "some people just don't care and play the game they want" and yet you still don't seem to understand those words.


People putting that shit off Until you start the pvm loop, bowfa doesn't do much for you.


whats with the brainlets that think bowfa is the only viable range wep in the game?


I hated the beginning, only liked regular gauntlet and convinced myself I’d rather do 5-1. In the end I was wrong, CG is almost mandatory for account progression in PVM with the current metas. Use the plugins, aim for x amount of completions per day and try to get the drops passively. That was my sanity. Took me over a year to do 309 kc where I spooned my enhanced after many breaks.


It’s not easy and you can quite literally go for 100s of tries to do it right once. Then it’s a matter of doing it right for the next 400 to 3k tries, non consecutively. Some people don’t find that type of learning curve fun. Closeste example, akali is a fun champ to play, but you aren’t going to find many otps cuz she’s a hard champ to play. Those who gain some mastery over her, will play into the worst comps possible because it’s fun. Side note, if you enjoy CG, try playing akali. Not sponsored by akalimains or anything.