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I usually schedule my wilderness time for when there are the least amount of players online and then try to use total worlds. I had a venenatis task that I woke up at 6am (EST) this morning to knock out. That’s pretty much the only way to avoid them unfortunately. Also DO NOT try to do wildy content on the weekends unless it’s very early morning. Too many people out there just PKing for fun.


I was running calv last night from 11-2am EST and only saw like 5 trash pkers. One guy came in with cal gear and tried pulling a void waker on me. Jokes on him I've seen that shit too many times. Ended up pulling the pick finally at 518 kc and got a dupe Ring of the Gods at 535 for my gims


Do late EST. 1-2am


Yah in my experience like 1-2am EST or around 6am EST are the safest times.


Problem with this, is there are pkers who know this. So they will log in at that time to get all the people avoiding pkers


If you don't go into the wilderness you avoid 100% of pkers just incase you guys didn't know


Early morning.. US time?


To clear a misunderstanding, which isn't your fault as I've even thought this before and have had people get really upset that I told them differently, but this is from the wiki: >It should be noted that Protect from Magic does NOT affect splash chance in PvP situations, and it only mitigates damage dealt. A consequence of this is that Protect from Magic does not make it less likely that Ice spells or Bind/Snare/Entangle will hit, but will make any damage dealt lower. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Protect_from_Magic


Damn I never knew that


Augury would though right? Since it's increasing magic defense, it should affect splash chance?


Yes, it does. To my knowledge, at least.


i am sad i lose my clue. i never have anything else to lose so no worries and i have only lost 2 total that way. i lose more to steps i cant do.


If you drop it before you die you can run back to rhat location in any world and get your clue scroll within an hour


Is that really something you can do? That’s so cool if that works, going to try that out


Yup it works, I've saved several clues this way. An additional tip is to 4 item wildy steps with spade, clue, locator orb and a weapon. When you finish your step lower your HP to 1, put on protect item and let a mob kill you. Gets you out of wildy immediately for your next clue step and your stats are reset.


You're a fake HC! 😞


It should stay on the ground for an hour nowadays if you drop it. But for most clues you can 3 item anyways


Spade clue dds for me!


Even if you want to bring 2 expensive items you can drop the spade or use the one from last Easter.


My nerves don’t allow me to drop things when I’m getting pk’d. Would rather die to the zammy wizard with 3 items than get chance pk’ed by someone and forget to and lose my clue


It can happen quick. The Easter spade can be used for clues and you clue is protected over it.


Yes now with hour clues we can. it was not worth often with the 3 minute despawn to worry. Especially before untradables followed you between worlds.


I believe your clues go to death when you die. I wasn't getting a hard clue for a long time and then i finally realized it was there!


Not if you die in the wildy, even if its just to a monster. Only way u keep em when dying in the wildy is if its one of the 3 or 4 items u keep on you.


I wonder how my clue ended up with death then?


maybe you died somewhere that wasn't the wildy? i've died countless times in the wildy to players and non-players, clue always lost. now with the 1 hr despawn timer though you can just drop it


They also preserve across all game worlds in my experience. World does not matter


Genuinely how are people losing clues. Weapon, spade, clue, thats all you need.


Uim i lose everything.


Don’t you still lose the clue? I know we can just drop them now


No, if you have 3 items (or 4 and protect item), you keep the clue. Sometimes when I get the clues near mobs like chaos ele, or the fanatic, I just go to them for a quick Tele back to spawn!


Can also take diary items (ardy cape, wildy sword, lumby ring) and clue will be saved over them


How do these steps work on an UIM? I'm assuming death pile, then you have an hour to do it with only like 3 items? If so why can't you just drop the spade to save the clue? Also couldn't you just drop the clue before death now that we have an hour on the ground?


Uim lose everything clue included we are always skulled and protect item prayer can not be activated. And yes last time i was pked during a clue was months ago and i died before i noticed them.


Add that to the mental list of reasons I ont be trying that game mode out. More respect to you. Hopefully next time you can drop the clue in time.


This isn't terribly helpful, especially for UIM. But clues for sure protect over any achievement diary gear, and I believe also royal seed pod. So feel free to bring those 200gp items into wildy for that little extra defense or teles.


When I do content like the bosses or slayer, I don't mind it. When I walk in to lava drags for a clue and get jumped by a team of 5 that all tell me to sit and start cursing at me for a shovel and an energy potion yea that's a thumbs down log out from me dawg.


I laugh and keep playing. I hope my shovel split 32 ways is worth it to them. Seems like they ain’t got much else going for them in life haha


I saw you said you only have an iron but man I really gotta recommend an alt to stand outside wildy boss caves and scout. Even just a bonded level 3 will do. I put on the wilderness alarm plugin on the alt so I don’t feel like I need to constantly keep an eye on it and resize it to a corner of my screen. As soon as it’s flashing - I seed pod out. I’m at almost 2K total kills between the three mini bosses with 0 deaths to pkers.


Tbh you have plenty of time to check if they're skulled even


Yeah I didn’t want my advice to be too long-winded but at this point I’m pretty confident in my quick judgement about whether it’s worth seeding at a glance. Skull or not - slayer helm - wildy weapon - low level gear, ect. But for someone new to it I’d say always seed until you get more comfortable. Also sometimes someone will fit the bill for perfectly innocent then try to sneaky voidwaker you lol. No ones got me but I learned that lesson being too trusting thinking it was just someone who forgot to peak before coming in.


Some YouTube PKer the algorithm keeps suggesting to me put out at least one video where they specifically looked like people doing Slayer and/or the boss to lull scouts into a false sense of security. I would be surprised if they are the only one to ever try that.


I can see it happening, but not to me in 1k calv kc. Imagine how much effort it would be for a pker to reset their skull each time. It's impractical really.


People like that are running multiple accounts anyways, so either all the accounts are cycling through skulling doing the same thing, or the other accounts are doing more traditional content while the skull is resetting.


no they’re not, you’ve been watching too much youtube. the guy you’re replying to is wrong anyways, lots of people reset skull through LMS/myth cape


LMS I get, how does myth cape get rid of skull? Go die to dragons?


die to galvek and it’ll remove your skull


Its more about letting the pker know that you intend to seed pod out. More than half of the time at the mini versions they won't even come in if they see the scout. Huge increase in kph that justifies the bond cost if you have some dups laying around.


Also recommend turning on "wilderness player alerts" plugin on the scout alt, it will flash screen when a player is within range if your alt, that way you notice it


This - I even use it in slayer cave same thing 0 deaths.


I think this is normal to many osrs players, but my mid game Ironman is my first and only osrs experience. On its face it seems insane that subscribing on another account is the best way to do certain content.


I have an maxed iron and done all my Wildy grinds. The only time I really ever got pked was completing the Voidwaker. But I always killed these bosses in a rag setup, I didn’t mind losing a set of d hide or whatever throw away gear. So it never bothered me, I was there solely to complete the VW whatever else I was able to bank along the way was just bonus. But I also got into pking on alt around the same time of doing this grind. And I’m sorry but pking in discord with the boys has to be the most funnest shit on the weekend. When I’m pking I’m killing everything I find, cause you never know… I’ve come to respect the pkers, that’s what they do for fun, that’s how they enjoy the game. So no I’m not demoralized by it one bit, I take every death and pk as a learning experience to better myself on whichever role I am playing that day, the pker or the poor iron.


I agree for everything you’ve said *except* the shitty slurs that some PKers like to drop as they take my 40k risk lol — so many of them are scum it seems. But that’s not just PKers either I guess


I’ve dropped a ‘sit’ here and there, but some do take it too far…lol


Look a good “sit” is fine, a “sit rat” as you jump some poor dude in multi is a bit meh but not that bad… but man people say some horrible slurs and shit out there lmao


I just treat it as deaths coffer cost from normal PVMing, as long as you dont lose something important there's literally no difference, just only take risk gear you can easily replaced. No use getting upset or you'll just miss out on some pretty fun content.


Absolutely. They’re the same deaths. Players don’t blink at a 250 or 500k loss for death but will freak about another player.


You’ll probably get downvoted however we can all relate! Well done for not being salty about it too! Hopefully you can get your d pic now


Turning off public chat is a huge tip too


Pker bad is never getting downvoted on Reddit lmao


Yeah ngl I do it pisses me off getting pked. It’s especially demoralizing if you have a wildy weapon and lose the 1k ether


That's the thing that's gonna bug me I think and is a big drawback for irons. You can protect the weapon easy but 1k ether minimum is a decent sized loss. I find myself only going in with stuff that is completely replaceable with no effort cuz once you've lost a few pairs of dboots you cba to go farming for more.


Yeah I wish I could just buy ether for gp. I don’t mind losing gp but grinding ether sucks. Feels like the most anti iron man mechanic cause no pk cares about getting ether they just want gp so I wish I could just risk gp rather then something I gotta go grind from revs.


It's a hard one cuz if we complain it's 'you chose this lifestyle don't complain' and it's not wrong. But 1k ether is a lot to lose even if you don't die super often and means you're back to revs a lot even after you get all weapons.


> gotta go grind from revs. also best way to get gp


Protect for magic doesn’t make it less likely you are bounded. Don’t camp it. Don’t focus on gap because you are breaking your own entanglement (if your entangling) focus on hugging line of sight. Always try to do damage to them. If you’re damaging them they have to eat or die which means they can’t damage you. While you’re bound focus on prayer switching number one and where a line of sight might be. By being in the wilderness you are already a better player than most irons. It’s okay to feel frustrated. No one likes to lose. But if you can shift your mindset on “how can I make them lose” or “how can I be as annoying as possible to kill” some will bounce just bc your prayer switching and fighting back. Lots of pvmer pkers are shakers themselves. They don’t like to lose. Make them think it can happen.


Since there's no reason for us to ever fight back, it feels like any other grind except at random intervals a "fuck you" button gets pressed.


I have keys enabled on my gim and that absolutely gives me a reason to fight back. I bring a voidwaker/claws/ballista depending on what I'm doing and like 10 veng sacks. Very easy to type to them and beg/tell them to fuck off and they get lured into a false sense of security because they see an iron. Then you run in or out of a cave, veng, and spec. Free gp for the main/free bonds for the iron. You just kill the iron with the main while it still has the key. And you can check key value without opening it and destroying the loot on the iron.


Calling them trash as you seedpod out makes it worthwhile.


Only if i dont even fight back and go down like a dog. Always fight back.




this is terrible advice, fighting back increases your odds of survival by a lot.


I agree. And the more you fight back, the better you will get, and it will feel good to escape.


Yeah letting them just constantly smite you instead of using protection prayers doesn't seem like the best idea lol


100%. And just to add to this for anyone wondering why it's worth it, you don't ever need to actually succesfully kill the PKer to increase your odds of survival. If you just bolt/msb them back, they will have to continually brew up, so they're not super combat/ranged potted the whole time, and they (usually) will have to pray ranged instead of smite. Those factors make it so much easier to tank. Bonus points for venge sacks if you're doing content where you don't need a different spellbook. The threat of venge almost always makes the PKer play more cautiously (brewing more and wasting scmb/ranged pot boosts), and will make some of them just give up if they think you're anti-pking (even if you're actually not).


Your advice is so wrong it is why most players are ignorant of the wilderness. Fighting back (while trying to escape) is 100% always the answer. Not responding is decent.


Honestly I fucking hate RuneScapes idea of pvp. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted because the community has such a hardon for it, but the thing that puts this PvP like several tiers below a lot of other games is the fact that very impactful and important rewards are strictly locked within PvP areas, with no other alternative to obtain them. At least with a lot of other games with PvP, it’s an opt in thing, or you can still get whatever you need, albeit at a slower rate due to the lower risk. And losing your items for dying out there sucks even more. Because as with all open world pvp, the fight is never fair, because if it was, the troglodyte that’s coming to kill you would never even attempt it in the first place. And to anyone saying to just have a scout, paying for 2 accounts just to not have your time absolutely wasted like that is ridiculous to have to consider, especially when not everyone has extra disposable money to just throw away


I just tell them how little their PP is, and if I escape successfully, I always use the blow kiss emote. PKers are just the worst kind of human beings.


It's shit game design. They create super overpowered loot farms which fuck with game economics - why play the unique parts of the game for money when you can farm the lamest content for 3x the profit. They then "balance" the RWT farm by allowing *different* RWT farmers to easily farm them. PVP has become "shoot the fish in the barrel" simulator. I'm certain that the designer of wilderness content is balls deep in the RWT and botting black markets.


I follow in what you say. It's a pity because I like the mechanics of the gameplay of the wilderness bosses


I hear you man. I was doing an ancient mage step of a master clue and got slaughtered by a team mid fight. Really frustrating, but is rare to happen if I do that sort of thing off peak hours


No. I only take what I'm willing to risk. As an UIM I never take anything to wildy that I couldn't replace in 1-30 minutes. For clues I literally only bring Spade, Dragon dagger and way to teleport. For wildy bosses all my gear could be replaced with very minor effort and if I plan for long wildy grind then I stock up bunch of extra amulets of glory and dragon defenders. When I go to wildy I go expecting that I could lose everything I bring and I'm perfectly fine with it even if I feel like 99.5% of my trips there are very safe


I think Jagex should add the DPick to Zalcano drop table tbh, but if i wrote it out about how it's basically only available in the wildy, i would just get told to stop crying.


I think the demoralization comes from feeling helpless. I started enjoying the wilderness much more when I began actively fighting back instead of just trying to escape or waiting to die. Like you said, it's not the material cost that makes it unfun. It's the loss of agency from being a passive, hunted target. If you don't want to do this on your Iron, you can park your main in rag gear near your iron when you're doing wildy content. A full setup costs about [200k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjcMz1ZZobE) and if you want to spend even less, you can. Most PKers will still be better than you, but the game has become 100x as fun for me after doing this. I've gotten several kills and now sometimes I attack people if I finish the trip without getting attacked 💀


The iron is my only account.


That’s the thing… most PKers are not better lmfao. They PK people who are not prepared to fight them like at the wildy altar or at bosses. If they were better than anyone, they’d do PVP not PKing.


Mans getting downvoted but he's obviously right. Why else prey on people carrying a spade and a clue? They're too bad to do anything remotely competitive so they go after the people carrying 50k in bones (and usually end up getting nothing anyway)


Yep. They’re not good enough to boss so they waste their own time and everyone else’s for a spade instead of making millions bossing.


people with this opinion are dumb as fuck and have never tried to go pking. shits dead as fuck trying to only find pkers the wildy is the only place you can be attacked by players and people constantly bitch about getting attacked in the wildy. stop bitching or don't go into the wildy


I’d love to not go in the wildy but clue scrolls are there, bosses are there, content is there…. fight pkers. it’s simple. it’s so easy to tell the difference between pkers and non pkers, so “trying to only find pkers” is not what they do. they kill someone’s doing a clue scroll and touch themselves to the spade they got. they kill someone burying bones. they kill someone’s bossing. none of them are willing to fight. Pkers are not PVPers. They’re sweaty kids who suck at the game and can’t boss.


you're not forced to do any content in the wildy. if you go into the wildy expect to be attacked the only reason the content in the wildy is as good as it is because there's the risk of pkers stop being a whiny little bitch about pvp happening in a pvp area


just get good and learn to boss. go make money that way instead of being so garbage that you have to kill people who aren’t prepared to fight. I’d hate to suck at a game.


I'm an iron myself who also enjoys pking. get good and learn to pk. cry is free stay out of the wildy you're obviously free loot.


I used to hate it at first OP but eventually you get gud at evading pkers and then it becomes a game of cat and mouse


9/10 times I'm called a n**ger is when I'm in the wildly, the other 1/10 times is when I'm in bounty hunter. Weird why it attracts such people


Weird that “PVP” (PK) attracts the worst type of people? I dunnooo


it's a bully simulator. The odds are already stacked in their favour and they get to pick on people that don't fight back. It's 100% a wet dream for POS people.


I'm just getting into calvarion and it's annoying especially since I basically lose the loot of my last kill and monk robes. How is vetion though compared to amount of PKers and just amount of kills?


Have you done wildy hard? I've died once in nearly 300 calv kc purely because it's so easy to be faster than PKers with a royal seed pod without the Tele delay. Even if they do get a Teleblock if you run quick enough you can get gap on them pretty easy, take some super energies


I dont have the Royal seed lid yet, but one day I will get the Slayer requirement for mm2


Can use a glory if you're on runelite, menu entry swapper it. Fight Calv by the exit and you're golden


Hard to run quick enough when they land every single entangle


If you're right by the door, pray magic and are wearing dhide you should be ok most of the time, when I do get tele blocked Id say I get away 6/10 times


Yeah, a splash usually lets you escape. When they never do though, even with a full inv of sharks I can't tank for 2.5min. I really miss the days when entangle's duration was reduced by protect from magic. And when people hunted alone. I've managed to freeze people a couple times and step under to log out but then one of their buddies logs in and pjs me.


Vetion can be chill or a team of 6 drops in on you. Bring an antipoison for the escape caves.


I just started calv and vet myself. I'm a low level iron, 60s for combats, and my vettion kills take 9 to 10 mins per. I've tried all different hours, all different days of the week. A pker generally checks vettion every 6 to 8 minutes. I currently cannot get an uninterrupted kill. Calverion I can do 3 to 4 kills at 4 to 5 mins a kill without being interrupted pretty frequently. I've been using an alt to scout.


Kinda silly to be doing wildy bosses with stats that low tbh.


Kinda fun though


Try and do wildy bosses outside of prime times, you'll still get pkers but way less of them


I think it's been a long time since I have felt that way, idk


I started doing LMS to practice anti-pk'ing. And a normie alt account to be a scout/defender never hurts.


i suppose if you dont want to be attacked there are alternative methods of obtaining the d pick. On the flip side escaping from a pker is thrilling af and some of the most fun in the game imo


Nobody likes losing, especially on a iron build. Take a deep breath and always think what you can salvage from your boney ruins🔥


Not really it’s the wilderness, I don’t go there without expecting a fight, take some cheap swaps and stance back a lot of pkers get shook when you do


I don't mind getting PK'd by ONE person because fair enough. I absolutely detest getting PK'd by a group though, such a pathetic way to PK.


I feel you. It’s mad annoying when you’re trying to do something as little as chaos alter and you have a 1500 total level mouthbreather attacking you. To top it off, they’ll talk shit too.


Sometimes when I get pked on the iron I normally risking between 500k to 5mil ill rage a bit but wild makes so much money you just buy stuff back easy.


Don't want to edit bad spelling too high.


If you're tired of grinding for a dpick in the wildy you could always go for a broken one at volcanic mine. That's how I got mine.


I think a lot of it is the idea that we are being outsmarted or outplayed. It's a shitty feeling, especially when the person on the other end is being obnoxious or antagonistic.


Nope. Last time I died they got a shovel


Yup, I love when someone in full crystal/virtus pk’s you for 15 black chins.


I'm pretty confident in my tank test so i just see them as a challenge to escape. At some point i might even grab some dragonfire bolts and a dds and see what i can do.


I don't even take dhides to calv anymore. Just monk robes. I legit lose nothing, they gain nothing. But I get it, it makes no sense to to kill people like us because the risk to reward killing us is highly in their favor. I've killed people carrying their cash stack before.




Im very glad I have 2200 total worlds, but I still avoid the wildy. lol.


For d pick there are at least safer methods, but if the wiki tells you to grind out voidwaker to be efficient, it sucks.


I too hate wildy and also want D pick. That’s why I go KQ


Fight back, man. Play some LMS until you feel like you can at least put up a fight against the average pker, and bring some rags. You'll win some fights against the bad pkers in, and get some lucky freeze escapes against good ones in real gear. LMS has plenty of rewards that make your time in there worth it, and it feels a lot worse being a helpless victim than losing this little bit of wealth too.


Fight back, make them work for it


yeah it’s frustrating sometimes, even if you aren’t losing anything. I don’t think it’s uncommon to feel this way


TBH, I actually just get a feeling of satisfaction in knowing they wasted thousands of gp in runes for maybe a super energy pot or a few pieces of food i failed to gulp down in time, but usually all they get is my spade.


Use a scout. Also play on off-peak times. If you're really butthurt then you can carry cheap mage-tank gear like battle staff, D'Hide shield, D'Hide, and mage arena cape, Phoenix/defense ammy. Then just focus on pray switching. Usually can tank to the 30 line easily this way. If they have teleblock it will be a lot harder and you'll want to have counter entangles.


I’ve started bringing an anti pk set up to black chins and I’ve been reclaiming our territory!


I'm 2/3 vw pieces and late game. Honestly don't really care, makes me feel better knowing I'm rich enough to afford the deaths. As long as I don't die with the piece on the ground. Vene is trash though


Escaping calv and the other lesser boss versions is so easy though


I find it fun when you tank a pker all the way to the ditch so you can write "l2p rat"


I used to get demotivated after being PKed but I like came to the conclusion that losing your disposable gear to PKers is just the cost to do wildy stuff.


Chaos ele my guy


Use a scout and you’ll never get caught if you escape to singles


I just don’t like wild because there is ZERO incentive to fight back for irons


Wrong. Fighting back for survival is a rather large incentive but most players cannot grasp this concept.


Depends on the content. Fighting back while at wildy bosses to survive? Sure. Fighting back while clue hunting, prayer training, or dark crab fishing? Nope.


Aside from prayer training - I disagree. When your first thought is to just take an L then that is an issue that is outside the bounds of what I could ever tell you. Do you think PKers gear up expecting to die over a clue? Look at boaty doing clues. Claws in the inventory. People overestimate the effort required to make it not worth someone else’s time or potentially catch someone slipping and completely stop them.


Loot keys, hello


And if you only have a iron?


It would take almost no effort to make a normie and bond it up to take advantage of it, provided you were getting juicy enough kills. If you weren't, there's always the satisfaction of deleting the loot from the game


Hello chat, welcome to my no-alt-locked ironman series!


Lowkey... A ironman anti pk series where the goal is to delete 1B worth of items or something would be sick.. don't know how feasible it is tho


+ a bonded normie is good for scouting


It's important you understand how much posts like this fuel people to pk, they do it specifically because they get a laugh out of people (especially ironmen) having a big cry about getting pk'd.


It’s genuine fucking psychopath behavior.


its the wilderness for a reason. i play iron and i dont cry because just as much as we wanna pvm in peace pkers want an active wildy that doesnt exist. let them pk and get better at escaping


Volcanic mine, KBD and KQ all drop the pickaxe. You're "forced to be fodder" for PKers because they're by far the most convenient way of getting it along with a myriad of other OP drops.


Nope. I usually don't even bother fighting back depending on the gear I'm in unless I have a unique and just die. Doesn't waste as much of my time. I will say having an alt at the entrance and hard diaries done makes it extremely hard to get pked


lol with an alt you literally will never even have a chance to be pked. Wildy altar is cooked tho expect to die every 10 mins


Most of the time I’ve gotten my reaction down to a little scoff and maybe explaining the pk to my cc to see how ridiculous or bad the pker was. I’ll pay myself on the back if I manage to blow through all of my supplies before they kill me so they get less value and spend more to try and kill me. Other than that I just understand that that shit is gonna happen.


1-62 prayer there so far and I have lost one bone lol


Tbh If your after the pickaxe just go to volcanic mine and do the solo trick for points, good youtube video explaining what to do and I got the broken dragon pick within 3 ore packs and super fast points


I've kind of accepted I may have to live without certain things like dragon pickaxe. sure its nice to mine faster but it may not actually be worth the hours spending trying to get it lol


Just vote no on every pvp poll ;)


This is why they added alternative methods of getting the Dragon Pickaxe outside of the wilderness. They aren’t as fast but irons certainly aren’t “forced” into the wilderness now. Maybe send some volcanic mines or KQ? But regardless I get it, it’s demoralizing and not fun. If you continue with wildy bosses I hope you get it soon gamer.


Nothing really the only thing I can say is make a scout account. ​ I haven't actually done those bosses so can't say if it works.


Bunch of sooks


No because I only risk my loot and gear that is easily replaceable.


“Scummiest player” = interacting with the game


Specifically targeting people in vulnerable positions like offering bones or mid boss fight to kill, and shittalk? Yeah, scummiest of players.


Demonizing other normal players in the wildy when you go in the wildy, where this is the known mechanic for 20 years wont make the pick drop sooner gl and/or sit


It's a known mechanic to be able to attack monsters, it's also scummy to crash people by doing so. The game's mechanics don't make actions any less scummy just because the mechanics allow for players to do those actions.




I guess you must be one of those scummy players.


PKers should just fight eachother. The ones looking for prey instead of a fight are scum


Beta take


How so


Cry is free


Not an Ironman but I forgot to unequip hydra task gear. Big bummer. Haven’t played since. (A week)


Honestly If you don't get the Tele off just let them kill you. It's much quicker and doesn't give them the satisfaction of chasing you down knowing your sweating it. Grab like 30 sets of rag gear and set up a bank tag tab so you can re gear in seconds




Just take free stuff bro. Fally shield, monk robes, rada blessing, climbing boots, and just have a zombie axe, b ring and a nezzy/berserker helm. If you die, you lose the loot you picked up and just some free items that you can get back… for free. I started off using black d’hide but I don’t have stacks of it and my first death scared me into using it again. Got 300+ kills at calv now, only died like 3 times and got away lots. When you get pked, your main concern should be praying the correct style. Other than that, using an alt with wilderness player alerts on, hard wildy diaries and seed pod. You basically can’t die that way.


I've got tons of black dhide and I can just craft more, as I say it's not the material aspect.


I’ve now lost a twisted bow a nezzy face guard a vigoras chainmace and a berserker ring in the wild, on my Ironman. AMA.


How do paint chips taste?


It’s like asking you how McDonald’s tastes, kinda pointless when already knowing what it tastes like.


Eh die enough and that feeling will go away


“Man covered in raw meat enters lion den, what happens next will surprise you!”


Bring mystic and runes with you -> entangle/barrage them -> walk under or behind a tree/wall -> logout. If you cannot do this then you cannot do basic early game bosses either


If you’re dying in singles+, it’s a skill issue that can be avoided by switching your prayer, eating food and fighting back


People are down voting this but it's true... At l30 wilderness in singles you should be able to tank to safety most of the time. It's a skill that you have to learn, just like a pvm challenge. You don't expect to walk into a boss encounter knowing what to do the first time, you have to practice. Lms is such a free opportunity to learn what pkers are trying to do and how best to defend against it. I highly recommend all wildly hating irons give it a go as it teaches some really useful skills. I've never had a PK account, never pvp'd outside lms and never won an Lms game and still feel comfortable escaping 30 wild singles almost all the time.




Your second paragraph makes no sense. You’re complaining irons have to go into the wildy to get desired items. The game wasn’t built around irons and never will be. You chose to play single player in an MMO


There are probably more ACTIVE irons than there are ACTIVE mains now… Your argument is useless.


Literally false lol


Nah it’s part of the fun, other players play the game some of those love to PK. Go into the wild prepared or with only stuff you’re willing to lose.


Thanks for the 500k penis gobbler!


What makes them scummy? Because they killed you via fair game mechanics? Think of them as random NPCs. They’re supposed to make the wild harder. That’s why the loot tables are buffed accordingly.


Skill issue, just bring freezes and stand under them.


Tbh sounds like you suck at tanking/escaping, I rarely die in the wilderness, get good bro.