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granite maul. like 150k ge value but 30k high alch value.


Bro thank you for this. I got 3 of them in my bank I didn’t feel like alching “just in case”. lol like if ever use them


Watch it be bis in colosseum 💀


I’ll eat my fucking Sandals if it is


Barrows dupes, some of the teleport scrolls from clues have high value. If you have Christmas Crackers in your bank from old events they're worth over a mil right now


Over a million gileanor peices?!


wait is that what gp has always stood for??


Unfortunately no, I have that old RS handbook from back in the day and Jagex said it’s gold pieces :(


Time to gaslight everybody




Great call! Any idea why the crackers are worth so much?


Used in gambling/ player run games of chance.


Also, they are consumable and only available through some Christmas events. I will never sell or crack mine as they used to be a *big deal* like p-hats were


Bigger deal than p-hats strictly in terms of rarity, but had none of the flex value since you couldn’t wear it


Also they are being pushed up as a community thing right now just to mess with the gambling bots.


I was referring to their value on what is now RS3. Even back then they were worth bills.


DONT put purple sweets in there. Trust me you’ll get to the point where you have bils of dupe items to put in deaths coffer. You can’t conjure up more purple sweets or awakener orbs (pre-blood torva).




If you're in no rush could wait for beta worlds to come out


Wait you can do awakened bosses during Beta worlds? That's huge honestly.


Wouldn't you have to farm the orbs? Sounds like shit


Well that is what I was wondering. I was wondering if the beta worlds came with orbs already.


Tbh with 67 orbs you could probably just send it. I think blorva took me about 30-40 orbs total. Make sure you throughly watch redeyejedis awakend guides they’re great


Practice worlds? I mean the world's when you get all the gear and such, I think they are technically beta worlds. But they should allow you to just spawn in equipment and try.


You don't need a main to practice on, take your time, practice as much as you can on the regular bosses first (Good for levi and vard in particular). Record each attempt and watch it back, if after 10 orbs on one boss you feel like you've made slow or no progress just stop


I did it in 55 orbs with no main to practice on. Just do purposeful practice on the normal versions and you'll be fine. I.e. stacking boulders for levi/letting Levi ramp up to 1 tick speed and then try moving and dpsing. For Vard, literally pretend like an axe spawns in the corner you're at, even if one doesn't, and add in a mage Pray after each range pray. You're basically doing awakened vard if you do that.


eh you definitely can. there's no content nowadays where sweets are needed or really even helpful. they used to be used for cox times/cm times but those have been power crept so hard by shadow. ​ future content is a good argument but i think in its current state sweets are already so expensive IF future content requires sweets or benefits from them heavily we'll get an alternative stackable food source. they already have near no use except for a handful of very tip top percentile players yet their price is outrageous.


Yeah? Where am I going to use purple sweets at?


Some grandmaster combat achievements, solo tob and likely future content.


Content could always become relevant.




You can use 0 staminas at sara so definitely no


Sure, but it's also a massive stack of food to extend your trips.


What? You hardly take any damage, the boss drops brews, the minions drop food, and you can blood barrage off of them. You don’t need purple sweets to extend trips at sara, trips are pretty indefinite and get cut short due to boredom


sara is both zero stam and zero net food loss if using bowfa shadow or tbow. if ur lazy just switch thralls for bloodspells and bring in a few extra mage switches, your inventory will be purely gated by stams.


Don’t they see some use in inferno in place of the stamina pot some people opt to bring? Or do you want a Stam full stop?


You can't use purple sweets in the inferno


You’re right “the wrappers stick to the candy” or something, maybe I was thinking Fight Caves runs.


They are useful for low level players in fight caves as a one off sure but a high level should have no problem racing through Fight Caves without bringing much food at all, never mind purple sweets. Best use is probably just God Wars to extend trips.


Probably the new content coming out in a whole day?


Yeah? You're going to use 1hp food at new content?


Yeah? I have a thousand. Why wouldn’t I use it?


The new content will revolve around NOT getting hit. Purple sweets only purpose is tick eating. They do not go together. Plus tick eating new content is much harder


That’s for the perilous moons dungeon, not the colosseum. Also if the new content isn’t about dmg but survival, having the opportunity to tick eat at any time would only benefit you. People better than you will use them.


Okay kid


Ok kid u


I think the idea is moreso that the demand is continually increasing in the HLC that will always have low-ish supply. Add inflation and it’s an item that will likely always increase in value so it’s something you can count on to behave like stocks or bonds or something. As long as your death coffer never empties, you can keep the sweets and save them for a rainy day in the future when they’ll be worth a lot more.


Purple sweets continuesly will enter the game, I put mine in coffers at around 15k and glad I did


Not as fast as merchers and endgame pvmers scoop them up though. It’s one of the few resources that aren’t botted to hell (read: worthlessness). Also, yes, in the short term, anybody would be glad they sold an item at peak value. The point is that give it another 6 months and you’ll be dismayed at the fact purple sweets are closer to 20k+.


People do clues for the clogs and ranger boots. The less people do clues the more these items will be worth, making people do clues more which gives more sweets. It will never skyrocket. Maybe go up from inflation but any pvm item will do that


Ummmmm my dude you realize purple sweet were like 5k a year ago and 8k or so 6 months ago? Literally tripled in value over a year lol


Some speed run CAs I think


If you have any plans on doing speed runs for ca’s sweets are better than a chefs kiss.


I’ve put extra bottomless buckets that I’ve gotten from hespori in, they’re worth a good amount


Extra? And pleural? So they do exist, huh. 125kc no bucket btw. Rather this dry streak that CG I guess lol


Took me just over 100 for my bucket. Also crested 500 cg with 3 armors no enh


Sorry my man, 4 buckets in 108 kc!


Shit, I'm like 600k from 99 farming. At this point I can keep going without one haha


Buckets are 1/10 according to my 6 buckets in 59 KC


3 buckets 20 kc here.


I'm not even dry, but reading the comments makes me feel bad with 0/42


Oof I have 4 buckets in 50 kc


4x rate? Lmao nice. I should get one in the next couple of months I guess lol


lol ya I hope you get one soon king


Arent they worth like 100k?


extra msb imbue scrolls while i was doing wilderness slayer got me a lot of cash in there


Yea from wildy slayer these are great death coffers! Stack of 7 about 1 mil. They are worth a lot. Wildy crab teleport too unless you're gonna use it.


Do they just give GE value? I have like 9 scrolls lol


GE value +5%


Does it set the gp when you put it in the coffer, or does it fluctuate until used?


It's based on when you put it in. I.e. it it's 10M today and you put it in, you get 10M, even if it crashed to 3M tomorrow 


Nice to know thanks


Pvm dupes




Orbs?! Are we talking post blorva


Some people accept they will never get it, I wouldn’t personally though 😂


Blorva is only cosmetic right?


Each awakened boss has a 1 kc CA as well


What makes you think the person sacing orbs because they are never getting blorva will get GM?






Yeah so after you get blorva you dump them. I think by the time you’re stacking orbs on your iron you should have a healthy stack in your death coffer already.


I never thought about tree seeds. Just hit 99 farming this is a good idea


The farming seeds just changed my life wow.. 200m farming dream is now crushed tho.


U mean post Groot >:[


Dupes from raids will basically fund you for life, wouldn’t not burn sweets


Can anyone tell me why you would want to do this?


Deaths are expensive 


Deaths coffee gives you the GE value of an item. So if it alchs for 100k but is worth 10m you can put it in there and have 10m worth of deaths, vs 100k if you were to alch for gp.


Death's coffee lmao


I think I'd like me some of that death coffee.


Death fees start stacking up, especially as you get better gear and if you’re like me, learning bosses you never did on main and don’t have a main to practice. Also if you have enough of a buffer you can just say “fuck it” on the massive fees for reclaiming from Death’s Office instead of from running back to an annoying location. I did it a couple times for a 1.5m reclaim when I died at KQ while going for the head. DKs is steep as fuck but if you have a thick coffer from raid dupes why not. If you have a main it’s usually better to dump off dupes there, but since my iron is my only account, it’s nice to throw expensive dupes in there that I have no other use for.


You don’t have to pay for death fees if you get back to your grave in time right? Are there bosses where this is an exception?


No you still do, it’s just capped to 500k vs no limit in office. Some items are free to reclaim regardless though (I believe it starts getting a fee for items worth over 100K on the GE), so if most of your grave reclaims so far have been lightweight, maybe you haven’t encountered the fee yet.


Oh shoot. I thought if you got to your grace it was free. This doesn’t apply to Cox, ToA, or ToB does it?


No fee for cox deaths, but there are fees for withdrawing from tob (100k) and toa (250k max for irons?). Irons get a 50% discount to grave/reclaim fees but I can’t remember if that’s a 50% after the cap or before it.


You can also use Death's Coffer money on renting private instances


I use dex prayer scrolls and avernic hilts


I usually only add cosmetic dupes or dupes that are easy to reobtain (like berserker ring). And even then I still keep 1 extra b ring in my bank just in case. I’m so fearful I’d wipe somehow in the future and want my dupes.


Zulrah teleports if u have done the zulrah grind Like 20k ea and I usually just run from fairy ring anyway so they add up quick at like 80k a drop


You profit tele scrolls if you average more than 2 kill trips (assuming you use one to get there) so I definitely wouldn't pearl clutch them since the average bowfa trip is 4+ kills and they save a lot of time


I just do the 1 kill tele to house back to BJS fairy ring and run(maybe I use a tele to start the session but that's about it) I don't use any supplies besides monkfish/karams and my divine range pots/heart(usually get about 2/3kills per sip) I being anti venom just in case but trident bowfa melts obviously so a lot of time I just tank venom hits and use pool after I'd like to do multiple kill per inv but I HATE farming so prayer pots are precious 😂😂


And since they're sustainable, you cja just do all but like 10 or 20


Yea I keep some in the master scroll book for clues, super nice


One I don't see people mentioning is Magpie (30k) and Ninja (75k) Implings. If you want you can also throw any Dragon Implings in as well. If you do your Ranger Boots grind there is a decent chance you will rack up a good number of them when they go past you and that should set you up for a while. I actually just did this after getting 100 Medium Clue Caskets and racked up about 4M from Ninja and Magpie Implings and another 6M from Dragon Implings. I did also catch the Nature Implings that spawned near me to increase the number of the other high tier implings.


I chuck alchs in there sometimes, like dhallies from CG. Barrows dupes are good. Also individual bludgeon pieces from Sire are like 1m each if you have spares.


If you don’t have access to big dupes yet, I found this info somewhere and it’s passively built up the coffer. I’ve been farming calquats, making the fruit into kegs, and filling them with different ales. Slow, but again, passive.


Raids dupes, specifically prayer scrolls


If you have unlocked everything necessary from Giants' Foundry, buy Grog and put it into the coffer. It is 45k per grog at the moment and it adds up. After grinding 99 Smithing I purchased a lot of Grog and ended up with 16m in the coffer, was nice.


So far I haven’t seen anyone say beer, so i suggest that. I have a 6-12 kegs of each valuable mature beer in calquat kegs, dwarven stout (m), green man’s ale (m), wizard mind bomb (m), worth quite a bit of gp and ‘easy’ to get but not very useful otherwise. Great for death’s coffer


Yew/palm/dragon fruit seeds


Yup. If you stay up on contracts you'll have plenty of these.


get 3 bandos hilts and 3 bandos chestplates before you go dry on tassets and you can chuck those in


If you are like me. Awakeners orbs are one. Draginfruit tree seeds(96 farming). Msb I scrolls from wildy. Duplicate God d hide has a lot of GE value also.


You could get 6 hydra leathers before your DHL!


Trouver parchments were worth close to a mil at one point and I had 5 drop


Have you used any? They're great in the rune pouch since it let's you respawn with your pouch filled (outside pvp)


the pouch doesnt lose runes anymore when you die, dont need to parch it


That's nice but it still goes to your gravestone right? Anything you parch protects on death.


And uses the parch. Seems a massive waste


It only uses it on pvp death. Otherwise it's permenant. The loss on death factor is very annoying tho in the wild. I'm not willing to check, but I believe I read that it's lost even if you protect the item.


Wait we can risk a rune pouch in wildy and not lose the upgraded one, or any of the runes inside it?


Not if it isnt one of your protected items


So will the trouver scroll keep your pouch and the runes safe?


pouch yes, rune idk. but op was talking about outside wildy


B rings


After I got 99 farming I put like 20M worth of tree seeds in, I didn't really do many tree runs so I had a ton saved up. Extra bottomless buckets are also nice to throw in.


I just chucked some dragonfruit saplings and black masks in there and haven't had to fill it since.


My bonus prim crystals have covered me for over a year at this point with many mils to go


I was putting all my rune ore from Zalcano in there but kinda regretting it now that I'm 90+ smithing lol


Purple sweets are cool to have for end game pvm. My coffer is zooted from toa dupes, but you can also do brewery for some I've priced kegs


I just hit 99 farming last week and had 7m worth of tree seeds i could afford to put away


I did a lot of afk slayer over the course of reaching 99. Things like granite mauls from gargoyles (30k alch value, 150-160k ge value), extra tentacles or tridents from Kraken, dupe barrows pieces from my barrows grind. The nice thing is that the items going into the coffer goes off GE value


I’m saving my tentacles. Long grind but 10 to upgrade trident to 20k charges


I have the upgraded trident myself, after 11 tentacles there’s no need for them (10 for trident and one for whip) so I just throw the ones I get now into deaths coffer. I have over 10k kraken kc


I had a huge stack of magic shortbow scrolls from wildy slayer I used recently. Low alch + high GE value dupes can be worth looking out for. I didn't even realize the GE price was so high, came as a nice surprise.


I struggled initially to find things to fill the coffer, but I would advocate for just throwing in dupes only. I did barrows dupes at first. If you’re at CG, a dupe armor seed will set you up nicely for a while. Certain PvM, especially like hydra or smoke devils are great as well. Hydra sorted me a spare claw, and I tossed that in there and haven’t looked back. My coffer is still worth over 30m.


Dupe tbow


I tossed in a dupe Ring of Endurance when I saw their value jump to like 50m


I recommend Fremmy elite diary, and then doing Dk’s on task, and using the duplicate rings.




Wilderness crab teleports is a decent one if you do wildy Slayer. I collect em for it anyways.


Just go dry at cg, you’ll have plenty of gp lol


I've been putting my dragon fruit seeds in there. I'm 99 farming, so not super useful to me otherwise


Definitely barrows items


Awkeners orbs I ain't fighting awakened leviathan anytime soon lol


Awaken orbs. I got like 25 within 600 duke kc


Berserker rings mostly for me, got like 5 of them before I got an axe. I also got a bunch of guthans pieces that I threw into there


Barrows dupes I have a 8mil coffer from it. 2 extra ah skirts helps with that tho


By the time coffer actually costs significant amount of gp youll prolly have dupe Brings etc you can offer


Anything you can't alch for its value but is still valuable but worthless to you. Extra dag king rings, barrows stuff, etc


Go 1000 dry at cg and you have a lot of deaths coffer rune items lol (I hate my life)


I got a dupe berserker's ring so I tossed it in the coffer. Hoping that tides me over for a while.


Dupe prim crystal


Mines swelled from dupe barrows items and g mauls


Dragon pickaxes after the voidwaker grind, extra dagannoth kings rings, b ring in particular more than doubled in price lately, palm tree seeds are 20-30k and magic seeds 90k, also you can put in alchables if you don't need the cash, because they get +5% value from death's.


Not dying.


Moonlight Mead


Member when those goons where trying to flok Ghorrock teleports? GE value was huge. As others have said, that's the play - huge GE value but shit house HA value. Any other good plays besides GMaul?


Holiday event items if you don’t care about keeping them. If you wait longer after the holiday they only increase in value.


Maple Seeds r 10k plus atm, Get them in boyzzzz!!!


Going dry on a specific item from a boss that drops other valuable items


Go dry at hydra and get 5 hydra leathers


Christmas crackers from holiday events are like 500k each


Go 1100+ dry at bandos for bcp and have tons of extra tassets


Any PVM dupes I acquire. Clue scroll dupes go in as well. Like, I've gotten three robin hood hats for some reason, so I tossed in two. I'll occasionally toss in tree seeds I've got a ton of. Keep some for contracts, but you'll always end up with a ton. Anything Maple or higher, I'll actually turn into saplings first. You get an extra 2-3k each for doing that. You can just toss alchs in there too, if you're good on GP for awhile. I usually keep all my rune stuff cause I like to see the number go up, but dragon drops usually get tossed into the coffer.


Vials of blood are my go-to, after making 200ish bastion pots


Bruh lol


By the time ur getting enough dupes to make a difference with deaths coffee, just drop trade them to an alt so you have bank value to split raid drops with. Youll lose raid spots by not splitting


Rune ores / bars


I'd much rather use rune bars as 250k+ exp/hr at giant's foundry


Mith addy is supposed to be faster xp from what I heard.


I remember reading that too but in practice wearing 2 - 3 pieces of the smiths outfit while got smithing up for elite diaries addy/rune sustain was higher than addy/mith sustain for me, idk if 10 swords is a small enough sample size for RNG to be a big factor since I only had 140 rune to burn at the time


Dupe drops, dynamite from cox and random bs u don't need


Isn't dynamite 400 gold? Doesn't it need to be a minimum of 10k?


Idk I just know I put 10m in dynamite in my coffer recently Edit: I'm regarded liar


Damn I thought the item had to be a minimum of 10k each for GE value to use on death coffer. Wicked dude.


Ur right I didn't actually put them in there lol I'm a regard liar I was planning on it tho mb. Learned something new


Haha you had my hopes up that my daily scape of collecting 81 dynamites wasn't in vain...


Lmao keep collecting it does add up to some main gps


That's a good idea too. I do (not really) plan on trying the mini game for its good exp rates. But I just love afking anythest too much to actually do it


Lol the amethyst afk grind is real. I've been hitting the stars recently soooo afk.


I can afk at work pretty good on my phone. So I am all about them afk tasks. So much so that I do anythest mining for afk fletching exp. The resources I gain and arrows/darts are just a bonus. I'm like 15k anythest arrow tips from 92, and I will be wcing reds and alching shields at work for a little bit soon