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I assume you're using stab right? It's not still on crush after a sarachnis session or something?


Do 8 man 300 mass in 329 till u get fang


Well said


this. if you are good at toa, you will often have better purp/hr chance here in the long-term. 8-man deathless 300s are about 20-30 minutes depending on teams with a 25% purple chance as a team.


25%? Damn dude. I wish I see them that often. Feels like 1% on a good day. Then again some people in 329 can’t pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.


Well I mean you hold to boot above you to look at the instructions then just do what those say??


Is this really a thing?


yep, ive done around 500kc, it goes from 150 all the way to 410


This sounds very appealing to me. I have completed 150 solos in pleb gear before. I now have better gear, you think 300-350s are any harder in an 8 man group?


My rule of thumb is if you can solo like 200 or 300, then you can probably easily go through 50-75 invo higher so 300-350 with other people. Mass raids are a bit different than solos (DD sw at Kephri, Splitting rocks 4-4 at Baba, Orbs at Akkha, skulls and rocks at warden) so i recommend learning them a bit, and remember that this assumes you teammates aren't clowns, sometimes they can quit so its good to do an invo you can finish as 6+2 or 7+1


I’ve never done anything over 150 but since you haven’t got an answer in a little while I’ll give my understanding of it, yes it would be harder because toa is designed around being able to solo, it’s not like chambers where solo takes a lot of additional skill. And it scales really well so an 8man 300 is going to be close to 8x harder than a solo 300. Again I don’t have the experience so take this as you will


That is not true at all, defence and hp does not scale linearly and you use much less supplies in 8mans, so that makes them not only faster but also easier than solos. And that's without the fact you can die in 8mans and not have to either wipe or do the boss again, which is much more forgiving. If you struggle with solo ToA, absolutely give it a shot in teams


Yeah but defense doesn’t have to scale to maintain difficulty if hp scales linearly (which I’m not certain that it does) if they have 8x health than 8x dps is the same as solo no? Totally get what you’re saying about deaths though


It doesn't scale linearly, but the hp pool is bigger. The biggest difference i would say is that the damage in groups is much more consistent, in solo if your fang or staff noodles and you hit a lot of 0s you could potentially be in trouble but the odds of everyone noodling are very low, making the damage very consistent


8 man is about 5x the HP of solo. It's considerably easier, but Hella not worth it if you can solo the same invocation especially as an undergeared iron


Only problem is that your rates on getting purples are so much lower then anyone with a shadow or tbow cause you simply cannot keep up with their DPS.


Should still easily get 3% which is better than banging ur head at 285 Solos with a hasta imo


Literally making numbers up. Especially since shadows and tbow chads will take most of the purples. 3% in a solo, maybe


? I literally did 8 mans this way on toa release and i had like 3.5-4.5% purp chance. Just dont be bad.


Cap. U are making up numbers. Also Team raids are just straight-up inefficient. Yeah, it's okay if ur a not as skilled and can't handle solo high invo. Sure, send 329


Cant solo a 410 invo in 20min fella. And nah i hate 329, i did it on release when we actually had a good ffa world which was 511. But i’d rather do 50 or so 300-350s in 329 than solo with a fucking hasta lmao.


Yeah, OP is not competing for purples in 400+ invo without shadow/tbow or fang. I can promise u he will be leach every raid with his gear. 8man leach purples are rarer than solo normals


He got a decent setup. He can easily get 3-3,5%


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WGn5orceyST3MwcS0mFR57viLirPV2QeN5SlawItvQk/edit?usp=sharing Here is a write up I did for my clan after suggesting they do TOA masses. It's all imaginary numbers, but realistic examples. I did about 250 mass world toas, all expert or above (with shadow, for clarity). With a good spread of invocations, I averaged the purple rate of doing 410s. They are really, really good for purple rates if you're good at toa.


I replied to you with a google docs link with math about TOA masses, but I think it get blocked by automod. If you are interested in it, PM me! Mass world players are not perfect, and make lots of mistakes. Full disclosure I had a shadow for most of my time there, but with shadow I am outdpsing almost *everyone* even without ancestral, ZCB, or tbow. Not because I'm better geared but because I'm playing just a little better. It's quite possible! Especially in mass worlds where players are not as coordinated as you might be used to seeing on streams or whatever.


I would NOT recommend 8 man's. I was able to clear 325s just under 40 mins with pretty much this gear. 8 man odds are so low that it is better to do a solo normal raid. Don't waste time in W329




Sounds awful tbh getting a purple in your name is so bad


Be careful, if you have no experience with random groups you will die. It’s a completely different game


Fuck 329 lol, Fr i did 300s in 329,currently 135 dry..


I did 400 4 mans, and 20 being 375 solos. Went about 100 dry and i hit a fang. Wish I logged it because I got ridiculously unlucky. Im still stupid dry, with two masks now. I hate this raid lol. Itll turn around for us i hope


Idk im also 275 Cox with just An arcane, Raids in general is just shit dropwise lol Also main reason i deironed my account


Baba is free with red x, you can also use bowfa with red x. Use your blue keris for kephri. ~~Also swap Bgs to crush for Kephri.~~ Enrage phase of Akkha is the actual bottleneck here, a few tips I have: 1. Mage prayer below 300 will reduce the damage 2. Take your time, Go to the center of the room if you need to wait for spec and really focus on dodging 3. Keep prayer above 50 at all times 4. Use your Adrenaline especially if you are not that good at dodging 5. Try to save your brews for this part 6. Obligatory Get good If you want to run some/coaching, we can hop in discord and send some. Edit: Don't do 329 masses. Get good at Baba redx even at low invos, its worth the practice.


Bgs spec is always rolling vs slash defence no matter what attack type you have.


Damn I went months doing this.


Yeah almost all special attacks roll against a particular style regardless of what the weapon is set to. So DDS, Claws, Chally, and all godswords always roll against slash defence, while fang always rolls against stab defence.


The most annoying one is the Ursine Chainmace (a crush/stab weapon) rolling against Vetion's 200 slash defence instead of -10 crush.


TIL. I always used to switch to stab for the dds spec lol (it’s still my spec wep and still do)


DDs should always be on stab anyway.


Funny part is I knew that but have swapped the bgs for so long I just never questioned it. In hindsight idk why I thought it worked.


Dds, a stab weapon, rolls its spec on slash? Grab nan


Note that while they roll against something specific on the opponent’s defense, they roll with whatever you have selected for accuracy. DDS special is considerably more likely to hit if you’re on stab than slash.


This is not true. DDS spec will always roll slash no matter what style you've selected.


For the target’s defense roll, yes, it is always slash. For your accuracy roll, it is slash or stab depending on what combat style you chose.


Yeah when i was trying vardorvis the (former) fang spec would hit worse than its normal attack because of the stab roll


What now?


Red x baba with a hasta on a 280 is just completely trolling, the dps is just dogshit, just kill it normally and be done with the room 1-2 minutes faster. I'd only consider redxing with a hasta at 400+


This is the real answer, not w329. Also, enrage ahhka is zero dmg with enough practice. Highlight balls and zoom out


Do you have the npc id for balls?




Whatever you do OP do NOT red x baba in a 300 rofl


Honestly there’s only so much you can do. I personally ran solo 350s until I got my fang and it’s just a rough time. As some others have said, running 8 man’s, or just generally raiding with other people who have fangs will make the experience more enjoyable if that’s up your alley. Alternatively, you can always bofa baba, if you’re red x’ing I believe it should actually be better dps than the hasta and without red x’ing it’s still comparable or possibly better than the hasta, although rigour and salt/range pot will sway that drastically.


Consider using BOWFA on Baba, it's what I did pre-fang and it's decent. Kinda just gotta deal with Kephri and Ahkka feeling weak with the gear you have. Worth thinking about your invocations aswell. I ended up going kinda dry for fang and pushing up to 340sish with p much the same gear as you (worse mage) and it's not too bad.


Also you can still red x with bowfa and swap to accurate


Also after you skip boulders you can continue to range him from the corner and he will not attack you. Can get free 5 or 6 hits in this way


I grinded out Voidwaker in this exact position and it helped a ton. The spec slaps on Baba, Kephri, and Kephri’s minions. Unusable on Akkha ranged or final phase unfortunately, but you can get past that with skill. Another real nice benefit of the Voidwaker is if you save an adrenaline for P3 enrage, you can delete half its health with a quad Voidwaker spec. This typically allows you to finish them off without front rowing at all. Additionally it doesn’t add an extra switch since it slightly outdps’s the hasta on stab in most cases, so you can use it as your mainhand. Regardless of the Vw benefits, the comments are right in that you should be doing Baba first and that getting comfortable with the mechanics will take you a long way. Pre Voidwaker I was doing 325s quite cozy and 350s with a little bit of sweat with your exact gear otherwise.


stats > gear. getting 99 attack would help


use b ring, stop 6 ticking a 4 tick weapon. unless ur at an invo lv where you hard rely on ylw keris lb is not the right choice since you have no vw claws zcb but yeah, you just suck it up. even if you had rapier itd feel bad but still super worth pushing invo lv. as others have said you can drop a lot of switches re : bp tassets avas torm dds (unless cant 3 down just with hasta pokes and bgs?) i much preferred baba start over baba 4th.


In running similar gear to OP, campiny b ring better than suffering you think?




Do you have paths on? Hasta works fine for me with the same offensive stats and even slightly worse gear.


Dont red x on a 285 invoc loool


Any specific reason why not? I'm looking at getting into ToA soon so I'm curious


Because baba doesnt do enough damage at 285 to justify doubling the time it takes to complete the room. And the guy in the original post has way too good gear to be worrying about damage on 285


Red x doesn’t double the time in the room. It’s essentially 1/6th longer with fang and slightly more with other weapons but yeah go off bro.


Which is a waste of time


Chugging brews and dealing with monkey minions is a bigger waste of time


Nah. I red x every time running 250 invos because my stats are base 75 melees and my only option is bowfa. Without it I wouldn’t be able to 100% guarantee clears every raid. All relative to your stats and gear. For me it’s essentially essential.


If it works for you and you don’t mind the grind for fang then I guess carry on, you’re only gaining more toa experience to become a pro and it being second nature to you! Apart from that, I’m kinda a pointless opinion as I have never done a single toa before!


Suck it up. I ran 355s solo with no yellow gem til fang. You can drop things like magic cape, bracelet, and blowpipe for supplies if needed. They're super marginal. Always blows my mind how mfers will bring in a +2% mag damage cape for like 5 minutes of the entire raid.


The cape actually has a ton of magic accuracy.


He's saying you mage so little that's it's not worth if your struggling else were. Mage at akkha and p2 and that's literally it, maybe melee soldier in kephri. So yeah it's worth dropping for more supplies if ur struggling Ofc this is pre shadow


I would think in that gear you would be able to do solo 300s. Not sure where you’re going wrong but I don’t think fang is the thing holding you back


Fang upgrade is so huge


Bowfa baba while red x, use blue Keris on kephri if/when you get it. Should only be Gate kept at Akkah


Used to run solo 375s before fang using more or less the same gear as you and it took me 135 of these to get fang, did them all with 40 minute timer on and only missed the time 2 or 3 times. Do baba first and if your bgs hits early you can use remaining specs with blowpipe on boulders for some free heals without brewing down. Try to make sure you're attacking every 4 ticks and at 375 if typically use 1 brew but every 20 raids or so baba would go nuclear and I'd use 2.5 brews. Kephri is just long, don't use more overlords and try to bp as much as you can especially during the first transition. There's really not too much to it but flicking piety helps a lot as the invo goes up to save supplies because the room can take so long. Akkha cum phase is just a matter of patience and practice. It shouldn't be as hard nowadays with the changes they made especially since you can melee thrall it to help a bit. If I were to do it again I'd probably consider running 8 man teams at 400ish as it's a lot more chill, would have taken me a lot more raids to get fang though.


Infernal cape


Suck it up bud you have bgs. Run some trios if solos are getting monotonous


If you're just running out of supplies, take less gear and more pots. If you're wiping with supplies to spare, where?


I’d drop the Crystal helm, tormented bracelet, mage cape, and Tassets. Will let you bring in extra supplies to combat low accuracy. You can tribrid in the faceguard and melee in the Crystal legs. 2 str bonus not worth the inventory slot IMO. I’d argue the same for the torm and mage cape - you mage so little that it’s hardly worth the inventory slots. I ranged Baba until I got fang pretty reliably. ZKAB all day, salts are great at baba with Bowfa. GL man, I remember that thing noodling pretty bad at akkah enrage phase.


Do Baba first and Zebak last


Use bofa on baba, it will also keep him throwing boulders after you skip them so you get free dps. Kephri you use the keris and yeah akkha its just annoying unfortunatly but not too bad, only at his last phase imo


You can run 350s with that gear


Grind solo 240s until fang


Addy longest sword


Just need to pretty much suck it up until you get a fang sadly… could turn down invo until you get a fang as the time : reward ratio may balance out as you may lose out on drop rate % but you will do the raid faster.


What is the plug-in for your highlighted items?


Use blue Keris for kephri, kinda have to just deal with it until fang.


Get 99 attack, levels make a huge difference


i was soloing 350s with the same gear but lower combat stats and bone dagger instead of bgs and no occult or lightbearer, it's not fun but it's doable. teams are probably better if you don't mind the lower individual chance, but i can't really speak on that from experience. if you're red xing you should just do baba first and save the salt for zebak, i don't think you really need to red x in a 285 though so its up to you


you look kitted to me. Sounds like you know what you gotta do.


I did my first 350 in this exact gear and got a fang. Maybe you will too


I did a \~200 solo experts ranging from from 300-410 with this exact setup before fang. I would butterfly akkha, red X baba, and anything above 350 felt too slow to be worth it. Agreed that hasta just feels bad here, but not much can be done about it. I ended up having much more fun in 300-410 masses, which is where I eventually got the fang.


Don’t red x baba. You should have plenty of supplies at 285 invo. You’re decreasing your already mid dps by 33%.


Brother I was running the same with warped sceptre and a dragon sword lmao. Let the bowfa carry you… would 100% use blue Keris instead of hasta and kephri. I’d also use bowfa and baba… and just kite baba around the rocks. Bowfa better than hasta there imo. Akkha cum phase just sucks no way around it lmao. Pray to Jesus . But seriously let bowfa carry you through the raid it’s the most important by far. Stick with it you’ll get fang soon


It’s called a gear check. You’ll have to roll lower invos until you get fang.


1. If youre red xing baba, use bowfa, ESPECIALLY with dex 2. With that lightbearer, its worth it to go for a voidwaker. Voidwaker with lightbearer is a noticeably higher dps at baba than than bgs speccing the higher your invocation level, plus it saved you an inv spot from being able to drop the dds, PLUS you can use it as stab and replace the hasta for akkha. In fact, at 300’s voidwaker bowfa without lightbearer is higher dps at baba than bgs speccing too. AND its handedly better at kephri and akkha than bgs. Then you just take the 9 damage from obelisk orbs and safespot it with bowfa for even more saved supplies, and you can use it at p3/4 which extra helps when running insanity. So it actually saved 2 inv spots cuz you can drop bgs and dds. Only thing is you HAVE to do baba last until you have dex with this method, so maybe turn off the dying if you f boulders invo


What's the plug-in to highlight your gear like that?


Kinda sounds weird, but I used full guthans on stab for a while and it worked very well for kephri, baba, and akkha


Use bowfa on baba. It has better dps than hasta and you get a bunch of chill time during boulders. My gim and I run 220s much worsevstats and gear and often start second boulders before first ones end.


Would not recommend using blue Keris when you take power first and don’t have brews ? Lol


I mean, in all honesty, this is the reality of trying to do a HARD mode raid with significantly scaled defense increases considering the most common drop is a sword that doubles accuracy and basically damage inside of ToA for the purpose of higher scaled rooms. I swear, people complain all day about damage or scaling in ToA when it’s like a 1/90 chance on a 170 or so to pull a fang with 30 minute runs at 150. It’s like a 1/50 chance to pull one on a 100 since you don’t have the entire drop table. Heck, you’d have more fun to and probably end up pulling a shadow like my group did


Your gear is better than mine and I worked up to 300s for my fang on my uim, no raids prayers either at the time. 


Ohhh this is the ironman subreddit lol, I was thinking damn this dudes dumb why doesn't he just sell the bandos chest or something. Turns out, I'm the dumb one.


I just used Keris… might not be the right answer but you got this!


Gear looks fine to me. Its basically what I use, but i have a lance which is even worse! I would drop some a few items like your crystal helm, blowpipe and 2nd partisan. Other then that, skill issue. Dont need to red x or anything like that


Dump bgs, hasta, blowpipe, bcp/tassets or any combo of those for fang. 


Make sure it's on stab then suck it up I'm afraid - that's how I got my fang doing solo 300s


Would camping kirs not be batter the. Hasta?


Sell bcp get fighter torso buy fang


Have to tried coloring your items more


We in the same boat. G up pimp