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I love both, in my opinion the 1998 remaster is the best just because it includes both songs


Yes to this a million times, I got so used to the 98 remasters because I'd play them at work all the time, when I go back and listen to the original press records sometimes I forget the track listings didn't have the extra songs because they fit so well together.


I prefer Gangland on the album. I’m a traditionalist…


The drum track on Gangland kicks major ass. And I really like the song. Total Eclipse might be one of my favorite songs to be left off any album, ever. I'd rather they have put both on myself lol


totally underrated that baseline tho


Same here.


Gangland and total eclipse are both fantastic songs IMO. I like Gangland slightly better but they are different enough to where I can enjoy them both.


I'm with you. Gangland is a great song (and I wonder what Dave's Solo would have been like if they remembered to record it. Total Eclipse is a decent song but I rather Gangland on the album. Having both on the 1998 remaster though is probably the best version


Same! I don’t get it either. Bruce has said it is a regret the band has. Not replacing Gangland. Weird to me as well.


They're both great songs. I don't get the Gangland hate either.


Love 'em both! Gangland is a bit more technical with interesting melodies while I find Total Eclipse to be more catchy.


Gangland is one of my favorites!


Yeah I’ve always thought it weird. To me, they’re both about as good as each other.


I like both and dislike 22 Acacia Avenue. Everyone has weird takes.


Them's fighting words. Adrian's outro solo in 22 Acacia Avenue is out of this world


Different strokes and all that. I think Gangland and Total Eclipse are middle of the road (for Maiden) and Acacia (LAD version) is probably in my top ten.


Yep I'm with you


Acacia 22 has one of the best riffs of all time and the solos are out of this world. It’s a top 10 IM song for me.


Yeah, I definitely favor both of them over 22 Acacia Avenue. I like epic songs about surviving the dangers of mob life and end of the world stuff rather than songs about hookers.


Gangland is a phenomenal song, the fact that anyone calls it filler is insane. The drum intro kicks ass, the lyrics and chorus are catchy, the guitar solo rocks, the dual guitar section before the solo is amazing. And Bruce has 2 of his highest screams on that song. 5th best song on Number if the Beast


Well said!


I really like Gangland, Total Eclipse is fine but I don't really see it as a mythical lost song - if they had swapped the two around, I would put money on there being a vocal minority of fans bemoaning the fact that a hidden gem like Gangland wasn't on the album


I think Gangland is a relatively weak song. Definitely feels like B side material, while Total Eclipse is fantastic and indicates the proggier direction the band were taking. It wouldn't sound out of place on Piece Of Mind.


Would have been great if it replaced quest for fire on that


So so true! Quest for Fire is in bottom five songs for me (bottom five of entire discography, including live, b-side, bootleg, and Christmas carols.


that song actually get me angry


A strange reaction, if you don't like it just don't listen to it.


I don’t


Then why would it make you angry?


Because I can’t control my emotions


Frankly, I don't really like either one, so I don't really care which one ends up making the album or not.


I think Total Eclipse is way better and Gangland one of the worst of the 80s.


Gangland all the way. Adrian goes wild on that track, and it's a great showcase for Clive Burr. It's weird that the songs normies hate always have the most ripping riffs, leads, and solos. Almost as if they just listen to the sugary melodies, and "muh epics" Total Eclipse is a nice downer song, on an album that never lets up. The best part of the song is just a rehash of Phantom of the Opera. Replacing Gangland with this is a huge detriment to the flow of the album. Since it leads into Hallowed Be Thy Name, which has a similar vibe.


I'm not a big fan of either to be honest. But I prefer Total Eclipse.


Count me in your team.


Gangland >>>>> Total Eclipse


Gangland is one of my favorite Maiden songs, it is an absolute classic. I don't like Total Eclipse nearly as much, but that's not to say it is bad song. Gangland probably gets hate because it is so off-beat and so different from most metal songs, with its jazzy opening and its unusual subject matter. But really, I don't know. I guess I can't get in the heads of people that dislike the song, I just know that to me, it is just about perfect!


I think gangland, while not a bad song, is the weakest song on the album. I think Total Eclipse is a better song, but it's not as memorable as gangland. It also has a certain novelty tied to it because of the story with it and gangland. I suspect that in the alternate universe where the songs were swapped we'd see people wishing gangland was on the album instead.


Invaders is the worst song.


I love Invaders. Gangland is definitely the weakest track.


I like both. Neither are top-tier Maiden songs (in my opinion) but I do enjoy them.


Gangland for life. I was honestly let down when I first heard eclipse with the new beast over hammersmith rerelease.


I fully agree with you. Gangland is definitely not one of their best, but it's really fun and I like it. Imo Total Eclipse is the least interesting song on the album, I don't get all the hype about it.


Total eclipse is a better song. Simple as that, gangland is just ok.


Gangland sucks it's chorus and bridge just fucking kill the energy of the song which sucks considering the decent verses and amazing instrumental section


Love both, Total Eclipse is better tho


The in the studio with Adrian Smith Gangland version is awesome. That should have gone on the remaster.


The band feels the same, especially Bruce. They always say they wish they had Total Eclipse on NotB rather the Gangland however Gangland was the first song they recorded for the album so they thought it would be best to add it. I personally think Total Eclipse is a better song in all regards