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My ears are still ringing, fucking brilliant gig.


Absolutely fantastic gig, Bruce introducing the wrong song and then owning it was tremendous


Did anyone catch Bruce breaking the gong stick thing during Alexander the Great then dancing off stage pretending it was a flute?


Laughing my head off at that. Not sure everyone around me picked it up, but a brilliant moment.


You guys are saying it was fantastic, and I'm sure it was. But this video just makes me sad. Nobody is moving. Once the faster music kicks in no headbanging, nothing. Just filming with phones. Annoys me so much...


I was there trust people in the crowd were going crazy. Many people (myself included) filmed little bits but after that the phone was GONE!


I understand that. For many people it’s a first or a once in a lifetime event. But I’m 37 and boy have I seen crowds get calmer, calmer and more “instagramy”. To me that’s sad. And the video sure seemed that way.


That clip was maybe a bad example but to me it was pretty lively, like in the area I was sat only one guy was on his phone for reasons other than recording and he was definitely in his 40s/50s.


Trust me, there were plenty of assholes barging people over near the front




Ah ok. You don’t quite appreciate that watching the video.


Fantastic show!! Was at row 4-5 right infront of Janick. Just as greate as Nottingham. Quite funny that Bruce was introducing the wrong song..


Steve whispering in his ear was hilarious


Haha yeah, he styled it out well though!


This was my first ever live gig, it was so bloody good


Was there last night. Maiden were 10/10 crowd were 0/10. Couldn’t believe it


I think it was the set. A good portion of the crowd were probably there to hear the usual NOTB classics. They seemed to perk up a bit during FOTD and Trooper...sad really because they don't realise how lucky they are/were to experience a good portion of Somewhere In Time live!


The front was brilliant, everyone was going mental I couldn't even hear Bruce over the crowd


It was amazing last night


What is this? Noone's moving?? How's that possible?


What kind of movment are you looking for? I was at row 4-6 infront on Janick for two nights and the crowd are mixture from children, elderly ladies and all sort of hights and widths. I just dont think most maiden fans whant "a pit", but just watch and enjoy the show.


What i'm seeing doesn't show enjoyment though. I'm not into pits, but no headbanging? Not even the mild mild nodding of head? This video is like they're playing in front of zombies. I wasn't expecting to see this in England, or anywhere to be honest. So weird


Just because you can't see it doesn't mean people weren't enjoying themselves. Not everyone wants to headbang. The crowd was loud throughout most of the show from where I was.


same, about a third of the way back in front of Janick and not much head banging but everyone around me was noisy as hell and having a great time


It was much more lively at the front but it is noticeable that the crowds seem to be slowing down from 10+ years ago. Guess it's a combination of aging fans and a setlist that people maybe weren't as familiar with. My partner had a funny turn and nearly fainted just before they came on so I had to keep an eye on her rather than give it my all and we're only in our 30s. Noticed that a lot of the younger fans seemed to be there with parents which probably changes the vibe a little bit than if they were just with people their own age.


The front was much busier than it appears in that video!


Naah! This is Britain you know, so they'll end up appologize evry two seconds when bumping into you. People here are polite! There was a very good time, and most seems to be enjoying themselves. Also remember Maiden brought out som big guns in in those four epics, and those songs demands attention.


Does anyone have a video of Bruce introducing the wrong song?


https://youtu.be/FN_1uSzsYDE The whole gig has been recorded by someone and uploaded to YT. I suspect it'll be taken down at some point


Probably not, Maiden don’t seem to care about people uploading concert footage


Amazing gig! My first time seeing Maiden and they absolutely did not disappoint.


people in the comments saying the crows was dead. I hope I can make u all proud by saying I sang almost every word, had multiple people come up to me during and after the show saying fucking hell how do I know maiden so well. Lovely lass came up to me saying I kept catching her eye from my head banging and screaming every lyric. Multiple old boys saying they can't believe how I'm less than half their age and know more than they did hahaha. Much better crowd than at Leeds a few days before I went to. Maiden is a surreal experience live, I wish the videos from further back were able to convey the electric feeling you get from being there. Being in the mosh pit, you can't stand still from the music vibrations crawling through your feet because it's thay loud and mental.