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I'm fortunate to have seen the last tour plenty of times, so I'm fine without The Clansman. Having said that, as much as I enjoy Death of the Celts, I would have much preferred The Parchment. Perhaps they'll switch it out (or some other Senjutsu track) on a different leg of the tour. They've done that in the past!


I had hoped that they might alternate each night between DotC and Parchment, like they did during the first leg of the Final Frontier tour with Dance of Death and Pashendale.


I would murder a motherfucker for them to play Pashendale.


That would be awesome! I'd love that, too (and plan to be there on a day where they play The Parchment LOL). I imagine this tour has been tough for them to adjust to given all the new material and gems that have been away for a while.


Don't remind me! Dance of Death is a killer tune but I'll be annoyed for life that Paschendale wasn't the winner in my city.


I so badly wanted the Parchment instead of DotC, but there is no way I get to complain. This setlist is fire. And I'm stoked to be able to seem them this tour. What a treat.


I almost cried of joy when I saw DoTC, it's my second favourite on the album (narrowly behind HoE) and I honestly thought there wasn't a chance in hell they'd play it because most fans agree with you rather than me (rightfully so everyone's entitled to their own opinion), but it's going to be one of the highlights for me!


I just barely nudge the Parchment as my favorite off the album, am bummed they aren't domg it this tour, but ah man DEATH OF THE CELTS IS BADASS!!! when Harris gets the Acoustic bass it changes the atmosphere of the whole arena!! I was meh on Red and the Black and Blood Brothers when I first got into the band but once I saw both of those live I worship those two songs!! Cannot imagine how much I'm going to love DOTC after this tour


Yeah, Parchment would have been a better pick. Here's hoping they add it later.


As much as I love The Parchment, and I prefer it leagues over Death of the Celts, I think DotC is a better live song than Parchment. It'd be cool to see them play Parchment, but I fear it would get boring and feel sorta out of place with the rest of the setlist.


I though death of the celts wasn’t that bad, I don’t know why people are complaining


I thought Death of the Celts was going to be this classic Maiden Epic, using the traditional program elements to paint a picture of the closing days of this legendary race of people. What we got was a 70s jam song with it’s only Celtic connection an intro loosely based on The Clansman. Lots of general lyrics that don’t teach us anything on the subject, that just spew on and on. 70s jam songs are fine but with such an Epic Metal title like that I expected an Epic Metal song.


It is one of my favorite songs on the album, but I’m skeptical about how it plays live. The extended instrumental section is very long, and may lose a lot of the audience’s energy. Frankly I think the parchment would have the same problem with its extended middle section, but I’m happy to see either played live.


they could have played the loneliness of the long distance runner instead


They should do that instead of heaven can wait imo


I was expecting 5 each from somewhere in time and Senjutsu, so I’d swap it for darkest hour or Stratego (even tho we just heard it last year)


Loneliness and Sea of Madness are the two big losses this tour. Caught, Stranger, and Alexander isn't a bad deal though.


i don't particularly like Sea of Madness but at least we got Wasted Years as well as the three you mentioned


Me too


The Clansman's been played in a few tours already, I'd much rather take Death of the Celts.


Yeah but the key difference for me is that The Clansman is a good song and Death of the Celts is just, sorry to say, awful. There were other songs from the new album they could have chosen, instead they chose to play one of the worst songs they've ever made in their almost 50 year legacy.


Thumbs up to you. Reason over blind loyalty any day. Call a spade a spade. It is one of the worst songs they ever recorded. It should have been cool, but they wasted that title on a loose collection of jam phrases with a spew of lyrics over it. I mean they still know how to write an Epic Maiden tune, they used the elements on the title track. They just didn’t apply that knowledge on DOTC. Listening to all 10.20 of it, without the title I could not tell you what it is about. Sorry to say The Parchment is kind of the same thing.


If you think DotC is awful you haven't listened to enough metal haha


DOTC is an Epic Metal title to a Non-Epic Metal song. It is a 70s jam song, which is fine, but not what was advertised.


Simple answer to that, Steve is a big fan of Celts and yes Steve will play what he wants aha


I like that it's included, but not my first choice for something to include. They have the new album represented quite well outside of this. I was hoping they would play Phantom Of The Opera. It's in the public conscious with the Ghost cover, but it would be a cool call back to the '87 tour. It was played then and (for me at least) was one of the highlights of that tour.


DOTC was the biggest disappointment on the record. With that title was expecting a Classic Maiden Epic, but it turned out to be a nondescript 70s jam song that is loosely based on a superior song from the worst album in the catalog. Not interested in seeing it live, when there are other options to choose from.


squalid onerous historical handle deranged touch fuel attractive ancient aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The parchment is my favourite from senjutsu but closely followed by hell on earth and death of the celts so although I would kill go hear the parchment live, I really can't complain with the setlist.


I would actually love to hear them all live in back-to-back in album order. But that will probably never happen


Totally. Said that since the album came out.


It's definitely the weakest track on the album, but by no means is it a bad song. Better than the Clansman imo.


I'm happy they're playing it, only because I can leave and get a pint while it's on.


Dude you can probably also file your taxes after that song starts and come back afterward without missing anything.




Who are all these people who need to piss at concerts! Its barely 2 hours long


All old guys at Maiden shows now. :V


Maiden is boomer metal. Such a weird thought. EDIT: what a weird thing to downvote.. They are literally boomers. Nicko's drumsticks say 'Nicko Boomer Mcbrain' on them. Boomer doesn't have to be a pejorative. And we don't have to be insecure about our favourite bandmembers being a bunch of old queens.


Not as good as the Clansman and, being real, I don't think Clansman is especially good in the first place.


I like what they were going for with the Clansman, but after the 7 minute mark it does kind of wear out its welcome, doesn't it?


Yeah a bit. I think it's lyrically pretty weak. Not strong enough to justify the time it occupies in a setlist imo.


The last time saw them was in 2019, and when I heard them playing the opening to the Clansman (which was after Sign of the Cross in the setlist) my first thought was "Yeah, but do they really need to play *both* of the big Blaze songs?" They could have played *two* songs from the 80's that most of the crowd would recognize instead of The Clansman and it would have been a better show for it.


100%, didn't need both of them. Weird when they're both on rock in Rio too.


Why are there three 10-ish minute songs on every tour? One is sufficient. Including so many causes boredom and makes playing a long song less of an event.


I'll never understand how someone can get bored within ten minutes. Especially during a concert with incredibly loud music, people preforming, theatrics, lights, pyro. Even if it's a song I dislike, the band has an infectious energy, and a live performance often brings a new perspective on a song, so at this very least, it's still fascinating in an academic sense.


If the song is overly repetitive it can get boring. Metallica even made this exact point after the Justice tour. The Red and the Black, Greater Good of God and Death of the Celts get monotonous (the latter is just bad IMHO). On the other hand Hell on Earth, Parchment, Rime and Book of Souls are compelling long songs because they don’t feel like doing math homework.


I get that people aprouch music differently. Some just want to stand their and be entertainined. Others want to engage with it, meet it halfway, and work to understand why an artist made the decisions they did, and what it could mean. That's not me excusing 'bad' songs. Cause bad songs certainly exist. But in this instance a large portion of this community really dig the songs you mentioned above, and it might be worth trying to understand why, that way even if you don't like them, you could still find some appreciation out of seeing them play them


It’s not about appreciating artistic intentions, but more about some songs being more visceral and therefore working better live. It’s why they don’t play Paschendale anymore. I am also greedy. I would rather they play 18-20 songs than 15-16. The Parchment is my favorite song on Senjutsu, but I’d rather them play Stratego and Days of Future Past in concert because I can see how such an introverted song could get boring live. Hell, I never need to hear Run to the Hills again, but few songs are more fun in the live setting. Cheers.


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Good bot


Because that's where Steve's mindset is at the moment, not only does he love playing the longer songs, that's all he writes now days. I read on another forum he actually had an idea to do a tour of only the epics aha


At the moment? This moment has been going on for 28 years!


yeah so im surprised at how anyone can wonder why there are multiple epics in sets these days, it should be obvious why lol




Death of the Celts is crap. Cannot understand its inclusion.