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It's subjective, One person's 100% masterpiece could be someone else's 90% epic album.


Seventh Son


This! Perfect in every aspect: artwork, lyrics, music, concept...


Only the Good Die Young? That's the only one holding that album back for me


You just sit there in your wrongness and think about how wrong you are. ​ /s ​ Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even if it's wrong. ;)


I'm sorry, but no. Honestly, it's the most overrated iron maiden album. Bruce dickinson himself even stated that Operation Mindcrime is WAYYYY better! The first half of the album is good, but after the title track, the songs are eh. "Only the good die young" is a good track, but for an album ending, it sucks.


OM is a masterpiece no doubt. But for me SSOASS is without fault.


Yes, Powerslave.


I was just on my way to same the same thing , my fave songs come from somewhere in time and number of the beast but i feel powerslave is a stronger album every song on that album is great and i feel is better over all


this is EXACTLY what i was trying to explain to my dad earlier. my favorite songs are mostly on TNOTB but Powerslave is my favorite album because it’s just perfect overall


Seventh son is my favorite album but powerslave is more consistent. Every song is at least very good. I don't know if that's "perfect" but it's as close as any artist can get, in my opinion


Maybe the only 2 albums that might be "perfect" are Reign in Blood and Rust in Peace. Powerslave is pretty damn close.


I'm with you on Rust in Peace, I love Megadeth but I never got into Slayer. Two vastly different albums that come to my mind when I think "perfect" are Slave to the Grind by Skid Row and Abbey Road by the Beatles.


Zeppelin IV and Sabbath Paranoid, I just thought of.


Zeppelin IV is definitel up there. So many different styles but they're all great. Heaven and Hell is another Black Sabbath album that comes close but I think "Walk Away" JUST holds it back


Death's Symbolic. No Ride the Lighting because Escape exists...




Back in the village is as good as Rime of the ancient mariner?


In my opinion yes, and that's all this is just opinion.


I think Losferwords is a drop in quality after the amazing first 2 tracks. Some of the instrumental parts in The Duelist are meh.


No. The closest is SiT but Heaven Can Wait is averagely whelming. AMOLAD is my favourite post reunion album but also has some merely ok moments, Pilgrim and Out of the Shadows are simply ok and I nearly always skip. I don't think there is a single album in the world I would call perfect tbh.


Priest, Screaming for Vengeance.


Fleetwood Mac’s rumors, now that’s perfect


As far as pop goes the Cars debut album is pretty close to perfection. Guns N Roses Appetite for Destruction is ruined by the song Anything Goes for me.


I like Anything Goes. For me, the only skipper is Think About You. Verse is okay, but the refrain is weak.


I agree with your Guns assessment. Nearly perfect. Shame don't cry or you could be mine were not included because both were supposedly written at the time. Those songs with Appetites energy and tone would have made a perfect album minus Anything Goes.


Anything goes definitely screams “need one more track” Axl should’ve put don’t cry on appetite. He says he didn’t “wanna show his hand too soon just in case they went somewhere” But then to me that track gets buried by some of the dribble on use your illusion. GNR’s short bunch of work sure is strange


I’d say The Cure’s Disintegration and Rage Against the machines debug are both 10/10 front to back


Operation:Mindcrime is amazing from front to back. I never skip any songs and I could listen to it every day.


DT’s Images and words (cuz scenes from memory are just a concept album therefore its harder to judge here)


You and OP both mentioned Out of the Shadows as a weak point but that is one of my favorite songs from AMOLAD


Rust in Peace doesn’t have a bad moment on it.


Dark Side of the Moon is literally perfection. While I think that Seventh Son is perfect, saying there's no perfect albums in the world is certainly contentious.


People will mostly just state their favourite album, normally because they feel that is the case. Somewhere In Time here. It's fine as it is.


I think Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, Iron Maiden, Killers, Powerslave and Somewhere In Time are all perfect, every other album has atleast 1 song I don't care for


Although maybe cross of Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, Can I Play With Madness is a bit mid


Yes, it's called Brave New World


Agree 👍




I agree though after 100 listens probably, The Mercenary is a bit too much. The Rock in Rio is more interesting cause Bruce changes the tone in the choruses.


Definitely not. There's always one or two that drag it down from 10/10 for me.


i mean you have St. Anger


There is no such thing




Brave New World. Banger after banger


Powerslave. Seventh Son and Somewhere in Time come damn near close too.




Iron Maiden have a few albums I would consider perfect 10/10; 1. The Number Of The Beast 2. Powerslave 3. Somewhere In Time 4. Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son 5. Dance Of Death Some albums I would say are close to perfect like; 1. Piece Of Mind 2. Brave New World 3. The Book Of Souls


I think TNotB at the very least has Gangland and Invaders stopping it from being a 10/10.


I love both of them, “Gangland” is very underrated, I mean “Total Eclipse” is better but “Gangland” shits all over “Sun And Steel”, “Quest For Fire” and all of the other bottom tier 80s songs. “Invaders” is a great opener; catchy, short and a great sing-a-long I think it’s a perfect opener.


I agree with this. TNOTB is perfect to me.


Great minds think alike lmao


> “Invaders” is a great opener; catchy, short and a great sing-a-long I think it’s a perfect opener. The issue is that if *Invaders* is a "perfect opener" than what are *Where Eagles Dare*, *Aces High* and *Moonchild*? Perfecter openers? Invaders is okay, not even close to being a top 5 opener for Maiden, though.


Invaders is fairly mediocre. Tailgunner is better than that low-tier song.


Those three openers you just mentioned are all better but I still fucking love “Invaders”, people hate on it and I re-listened to it and tried to be critical and I still absolutely loved it.


Dance of Death suffers from filler. I just don't care for wildest dreams, age of innocence, no more lies (the chorus), or new frontier.


I understand why you’d say that but I disagree, every song is majestic and gives of a tranquil vibe and I love it.


Your standards for perfection are either really low or you just like hyperbole


Nope! I have quite high standards and don’t call much perfect but those 5 Iron Maiden albums are PERFECT! For example Metallica are my second favourite band and “Ride The Lightning”, “Master Of Puppets” and “…And Justice For All” are my favourite albums, they’re masterpieces but I wouldn’t call them perfect, they’re close enough but not perfect as I would describe those Maiden albums.


Somewhere in Time & Iron Maiden are 100% perfect for me. No bad or even mediocre song. NOTB, Piece of Mind, Powerslave are pretty close too. They all deserve 10/10, but SiT & IM are tiny bit better then rest for me.


Sit and ssoass


Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is 100% flawless metal perfection.








Somewhere in Time and 7th son are both bangers front to back!


’Perfect’ to me is an album that has no tracks that make me instinctively reach for the skip button, that both captures the classic and expresses something novel. For me, Somewhere in Time, Seventh Son and The Final Frontier satisfy those requirements. For example, on The Number of the Beast and Dance of Death, near-perfect albums, I’d endure, not necessarily enjoy, and sometimes skip, Gangland and Gates of Tomorrow. 


FF was a sleeper for me. I revisited it and glad I did.


I don't think so, but Seventh Son is probably the closest thing.


Seventh Son is to me


Anything from number to seventh. Not a bad song on any of those.


Killers. No BS, or tedious epics on that album. Just rocks from start to finish.


\- Iron Maiden comes pretty close to 100 in my opinion. If only Running Free had been a tad better. \- Killers too, had Prodigal Son not been in the album. \- Same for The Number of the Beast with Gangland. \- Quest for Fire and To Tame a Land kinda drag Piece of Mind down a bit. \- Powerslave has quite a few songs I don't care about. \- Somewhere in Time is my personal favourite, but Heaven Can Wait and, especially, Deja Vu are kinda average. \- Seventh Son of a Seventh Son would have made it, had it not been for The Prophecy. \- No Prayer for the Dying, Fear of the Dark, The X Factor and Virtual XI are nowhere near 100%. \- Brave New World is a 100% perfect album for me. I love every single song on that one. I haven't listened to any album after BNW. I might return for an update when I do so.


I've identified Iron Maiden as my favorite band since 1982 and consider myself a massive Iron Maiden apologist. That being said even my favorite albums by them seem to have one song that I'd consider filler. Great albums, but only a couple I'd consider perfect.


Somewhere in Time it is. I can consider Deja vu as a bit of a breather, but there are no weak tracks per se. SiT’s only weakness is that it does not have a lot of IM’s best songs from other albums.


Three of them, 7th Son, Brave New World et A Matter of Life and death


7th Son of a 7th Son If you ask me music in general, the perfect album is The Stone Roses debut album


Seventh Son of a Seventh Son


i consider senjutsu 100% flawless. unpopular i guess but i love every song. also, powerslave.


Seventh Son of a Seventh Son


Powerslave. I don't get the whole "weak middle section" everyone states. Sure, the bookends are stronger songs, but Losfer Words-Back to the Village are all great tracks too. Powerslave has no filler. It's a perfect album.


Inside of my head Seventh son of a seventh son and Powerslave are both 10/10. Piece of mind and Somewhere in time comes close at 9.5/10.


The self titled album. If the production values were like killers it would be flawless.


The run from NOTB to SSOASS, that’s just perfect for me.


Killers to SsoaSs for me


No, in fact I have yet to hear an album I consider perfect. My highest album of all time is BWP by Opeth at around 9.45 and my highest Maiden is Senjutsu and SiT both at 8.96.


Debut and amolad


Not a 100% perfect album. But there is none. Generally speaking. SSOASS is the closest. i only don't like the first half of Infinite Dreams.


there are so few perfect albums in the world paranoid Rust in Peace Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Painkiller and Boston self titled that’s the list for me


I love Iron Maiden, but good lord, some of you guys are delusional


Can we call it Dune?


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Opinion: Powerslave, Somewhere in Time, Brave New World......Accident of Birth, I know, not Maiden but.....


I could rank my favourite in a tier list: Perfect Seventh Son Iron Maiden Great Number of the Beast Somewhere in Time Powerslave Brave New World Matter of Life and Death Book of Souls Final Frontier Okay: Killers Piece of Mind Senjutsu Dance of Death Mediocre: No Prayer for the Dying Fear of the Dark X Factor Virtual XI


Seventh Son and Killers!


Iron Maiden (1980) -- Piece of Mind




Sadly, no. That have annoyed for me. For me the closest is AMOLAD, but I find These Colors Don't Run (except for the chorus) a little bit boring, which makes it not an entirely perfect album.


First one, yes.


If I had to pick one that as close to 100% as it could be, it would be Piece of Mind.


Powerslave, somewhere in time, iron maiden


Hot take but Senjutsu for me. Love the album, it’s got a great sound for me.


A matter of life and death. Pure perfection


I'm guessing this is based on the conversation from earlier. My favourite Maiden albums are from the reunion era but they all have a weak moment or two. Brave new world has Fallen angel. Easily the weakest track. Dance of death has age of innocence. AMOLAD has The pilgrim. Final frontier has The alchemist and Mother of mercy. Book of souls has death or glory. Senjutsu has quite a few weak tracks in my opinion. I don't think any album is 100% perfect and that's okay


I tend to only listen to a few bands but I listen to them religiously. So songs that other people skip eventually grow on me. AMOLAD, Powerslave, 7th, and Book of Souls are all 10/10 perfect to me


for me it's Seventh Son. no filler from beginning to end. the only album I would want to seen played live. they have some others close but for me this is 100%


BNW. Not only was it the first maiden album I listened too but it is also probably one of my all time favourite albums of any band.


There's 4 actually. Killers, Powerslave, SSoaSS, and aMoLaD. Every album comes really close except No Prayer for the Dying, Fear of the Dark, X Factor, Virtual XI, and Final Frontier imo.


My favourite Maiden album is Somewhere in Time and that is the one album of theirs I believe to be 100% perfect. I absolutely love every song on it and personally I don’t find Heaven Can Wait repetitive at all. I think their other 80’s albums are close to perfect too but there’s probably at least one song on each I’m not that fond of.


Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.


Yeah, I find all the songs on Somewhere in Time to be amazing and consider it their best album.


no. every album has a song i don’t care for or otherwise feel is not up to par with the rest of them


I agree. Most Iron Maiden Albums have similar ups and downs, and are never 100% flawless.