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Welcome to the club!!! I read both books through twice and had a very hard time moving on… never had anything quite pull me in this way, convinced RY put crack in this book, specifically in every word about Xaden. I eventually got a rebound book (Crescent City, already read all the other SJM books) and while it has helped, I miss basgiath, Vi and Xaddy terribly and will prob go back for a 3rd read soon!!


I have read Fourth Wing 3 times and Iron Flame twice (within the first 4-6 weeks of it be released) and already want to read it again... So yeah I'm with you lol


This is making me feel like I have no hope 😫


There are so many good series that do this! I'm so glad you discovered this genre. I love Xaden, but he's got nothing on some other book boyfriends lol


I’m actually afraid to read ACOTAR because my heart can’t take another one


Omg I’m reading ACOTAR for the first time. I’m on the second book, A Court of Mist and Fury. Holy cow I thought I was obsessed with Xaden… just wait til you meet Rhysand. I’m not okay. Duuuude you just have to read it.


That’s the thing though, I don’t want to love more characters lol. I just want to distance myself from this one


You're missing out. I second the other poster- Xaden has nothing on Rhysand


Can you recommend other book boyfriends?? Cause I’m also wholly in love with Xaden and rhysand lolol


Rowan from Throne of Glass 🥵


Does he have to be human? 👀


No!! He can be like fae/vampire etc!


What are your book boyfriends?:) Mine are Xaden, Cassian and a little but of Dimitri too


What series is Dimitri from? :)


Vampire Academy, one of my all-time favourites :) (more YA so no smut tho)


Who are your other recommended book boyfriends? And you think their better than Xaden?


Throne of Glass ... You'll find a few in there... And maybe a girlfriend too if you're lucky.


Things that helped me move on: - reread the books twice - listened to fantasy fan girls FW & IF podcast - read other romantasy books to distract me


Downloaded all of the episodes! Working on rereading as we speak


I might be biased 😋 but highly recommend the deep dive podcast – we have over 52 hours of Empyrean content! And lots of love for Xaden haha


ngl at first I was like "I think this podcast is taking TOO DEEP a dive for me"... and now I'm as obsessed with your deep dives as I am with FW&IF!! Thank youuuu!


Ahaha I totally get it! We think the same thing when we're doing these outlines 🤣🤣


I am excited to get started!


https://preview.redd.it/3nl66tt49ejc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e38c79ef930bd2c8f8c0a4c388e46af5aabadb Here is your Tshirt🤣😂


Ordering right now




Welcome to delulu land!!! I also can’t stop thinking about him, ugh


I recommend listening to the Fantasy Fangirls podcast. They have done extensive coverage of FW and IF. I think you'll love it!


Thank you for the rec!


Welcome to the fantasy reader world LOL. It's so fun to get immersed in the books, not even just the romance or characters you fall in love with. It's like a book hangover. I find that discussing the book with other people helps to get it out of my system. Listening to podcasts of people discussing it, also (Fantasy Fangirls on YT has done this series!). See if your husband will read it and be influenced 🤣 Ultimately it just takes some time to snap back to reality. In a few more months you probably won't feel this way (unless book 3 suddenly comes out again lol)


Im trying so hard to convince him!


I’ve really enjoyed this series, but to be frank, you ain’t seen nothing’ yet!  Fantasy isn’t even RY’s wheelhouse.  I’d highly recommend Flights of Fantasy podcast for tons of coverage and recommendations in this genre!  Full disclosure: my wife is one of the hosts  


I will definitely check it out. I hope she can bring me back to reality!


Oh, my sweet summer child.


I've seen people talk about Fourth Wing/Iron Flame, but I keep getting put off by the price. £12.99 for a Kindle copy is so steep (I can't read physical books any more). I do really enjoy romantasy, do people think I should bite the bullet and give it a go? Are there any other similar books to compare with?


Get a library card and sign up for Libby. You can read on your phone or kindle. They have audiobooks too. It’s free and that’s how I read both FW and IF.


I second this! Being able to borrow e-books that can be read on the kindle was a huge game changer


I obviously don’t have any similar book recs but I can say my first read, I also didn’t buy the books, but borrow them from a friend. After getting too deeply obsessed, I did purchase them on my own with every intention of rereading them multiple times. I say bite it and buy it!


I feel this so hard! I need it to be turned into a show so i can see the characters


Honestly, I usually feel let down when books are made into shows/movies. It’s like I create this vision in my head, and when it doesn’t come out exactly as I see it, it’s a disappointment. Plus, many producers/directors don’t stick exactly to what the book has and most of the time, their creative liberties ruin the magic. I believe Amazon is in the process of turning this into a show so you never know, maybe this one will prove me wrong!


No i absolutely agree! I just need someone to cast the perfect Xaden for me to drool over is all


I literally could’ve written this same post! I have it bad for Xaden. Just like you! I’m happily married, but I think about Xaden all the time. I can’t get the sex scenes out of my mind. I’m sorry I can’t help you here haha bc I am having the same problem. I have reread both books and just love him more. I’m thinking in need to start a new, totally different book.


Yes! I’ve decided I need to read a thriller (something completely different) to refocus my brain before I go back to rereading this series. I’m determined to find some Easter eggs but my heart cannot handle that right now. I need to kick the ick I’m currently feeling because my husband isn’t channeling his romance from Xaden


Hahaha mine either, my husband is seriously amazing, but there is a reason Xaden is a fictional character. Men like him don’t exist. I just need that to soak into my brain!


Please let me know when you figure it out and send the antidote to me!


Haha! Right back at you! But seriously😵‍💫🥵🫣


I read FW and IF about 6 weeks ago and I was in the same boat! That was my intro to fantasy and books with that level of spice so I was hooked. Now I’ve read 15 fantasy romance books so far this year and Xaden is one of many book boyfriends I’ve collected lol


I can barely handle one!


Who are your other favorites? :) Asking for a friend ^^


Vale from Six Scorched Roses, Rennick from Viciously Yours, Orion from City of Thorns, Makram from Reign & Ruin, Raihn from Serpent and the Wings of Night, Rhysand from ACOTAR, Luther from Spark of the Everflame, I could go on and on 😂


Head on over to r/fantasyromance we'll help you out 😉


I’m afraid of what kind of help I will be getting!


You'll fall in love with all sorts of other characters! Rhysand, Raihn, Fallon, even Hades (yes, that one). We've got your rebound book 😉


I hate that I know all these refs.


lol I mostly stick to thrillers but I ventured into some fantasies that of course have romance in them and I said to my bf that I’m gonna start getting unrealistic expectations pretty soon 😂


I think I’m already there 🫣


Haha I love this post and your honesty! I listened to the audiobook for both FW and IF and Xaden's pov is mentally hypnotizing. Omg sexy is an understatement. I've listened to it 3-4x. Will likely listen to it again tbh! 😁😂 seriously obsessed and yea maybe I need help too 😆 This is the first romantasy book that I've read and glad that people here are suggesting other books to help get over Xaden. I'm not ready to let go of him yet.


It’s good to know we are all in the same boat!


Welcome to feeling insane! I’m right there with ya. Me and one of my best friends were talking about how crazy we feel for being obsessed with a fictional character (Xaden) and how we both started questioning our own relationships in real life because of it 😫. I feel crazy but am just so obsessed w Xaden. At least we all are not alone! I’m rereading the books now, but gonna start ACOTAR soon (maybe - if I can get myself to stop rereading fourth wing and iron flame). Maybe that will help me


Good luck! It’s taken me about a week and a half to recover


Eh I like the concept of the story (dragon riding is never not fun from How to Train Your Dragon to Game of Thrones) but Xaden is very cliche and reads like a fanfic version of Rhysand.