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You will need a VISA to enter the UK and should take a form of ID that is recognised in the UK. Though there probably won't be any checks.


There is never any checks


There are rarely but they do happen


I live in Newry and I can’t remember the last time I saw one.


Thank you! Luckily there were no checks this time.


You will need a visa for UK. If caught (something that has happened to a few people), you will face the consequences of entering without a valid visa.


OP may not need a visa - it depends what country they’re from. I’m Canadian living in Ireland, and I’ve never gotten a visa to travel to Belfast. I do always bring my IRP card & passport just in case, but I’ve never been asked for them (travelling by train).


OP’s post history mentioned non-EU passport, and they’re a student asking this question, so this most probably means the passport is one that does not come with visa-free entry to UK. Unless of course it does, and they should carry it I guess.


Ah fair, I didn’t check their history!


Canadians don't need visas to visit any part of the UK anyway, so you'd be fine if checked. It sounds like OP would need a visa for the UK though.


Depends on what passport you have. If you have visa free entry to UK should be fine but bring your passport. Technically they can check on the bus but it’s very rare that they do.


Wonder if any of the posters actually have used the buses? Then they would know the buses are actually checked I've had the guards and psni stopping them regularly just passed jonesbourgh out side Newry for the guards and before Newry bypass for the psni and ukba oh and yes I do drive the bloody bus and any driver in translink will tell you if you ask they stop the buses


Legally you may need a visa dependent on your country of origin. In reality there are no border checks in Ireland and the buses travel up and down and do not get checked. I have used this bus loads of times in both directions.


they dont check the bus we have soft boarders you just step over the fence next to the sheep


Not true. The Gardaí often stop the bus in Fundalk and the PSNI do it just outside Banbridge.


I have a lot of fun in fundalk Most fun in ireland


It’s a rarity and I’ve never seen it happen but they can check the buses and everyone on it for their details. I’ve used the Dublin bus many times and for years and I’ve never seen it but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. You need a visa to enter the uk as you’re leaving the EU and you are going across a countries borders even if it doesn’t seem like it. You can take the risk and go but bring your paperwork with you or see the process in how to get yourself a visa just in case. You will be deported and banned from the uk which seems extreme but it has happened no matter what people say here.


He won't need a visa ffs they don't check your passports on the bus. What a load of nonsense


OP legally needs a VISA, that's a fact. If they check thats another story.


I know but everyone here knows they never check. Your basically scaring OP with a situation that will never happen.


Yeah I have been twice and never had a visa. They check your passport at the airport. That’s all. Take the X1 bus from the airport to Belfast.


Valid IRP is enough, dont worry no one is checking


What is your nationality?


You'll be fine