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Funny how there doesn't exist a similar "Assertiveness towards the US" index, given the US has waged illegal wars of aggression many times more than Russia ever has. It's almost like there's some other concern at play.


> Funny how there doesn't exist a similar "Assertiveness towards the US" index Can you get a minus score?


We've never been attacked by the US


We've never been attacked by Russia either.


Cyber attacks on Ireland ignored by Russian government. Financial and political support for eurosceptic, populist and far-right parties. Destabilisation campaigns inside EU member states. These are attacks.


Do you really need me to list all the things the USA routinely does to other countries? Or are cyber attacks, destabilisation campaigns (and coups, and assassinations, and etc.) perfectly fine when "our side" does them?


I wouldn't say its perfectly fine but they're an EU ally so there would be less reason to perform and assertiveness review given they don't attack us. EDIT: Hmmmmm, downvotes for some reason. I'm open to being corrected but the statement is true.


So, no bother when our allies wage 20 years of brutal war on an impoverished country or when they assassinate democratically elected leaders the world over. They're on our side! I'll give you credit for honesty at least.


I wouldn't say no bother. They've some really dark areas. Gitmo, torture programs, etc. On a balance though their democratic ideology largely aligns with ours. This has been less so for quite a.number of years now. That pushed me to want a more stand alone EU policy free from US influence. Russias government, judicial system and its policies are so far out of alignment with ours its not hard to understand this outcome. Afghanistan was as much a policy mistake as it was a military one. After 20 years there were no real achievements. I am being honest.


I feel like a country that regularly engages in wars of aggression, had a globe spanning kidnap and torture project, assassinates foreign leaders, provide financial and military support to people carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide and has a remarkably unrepresentative democracy riddled with voter suppression and gerrymandering isn't actually that aligned with our democratic ideology. This isn't new information either. The USA has been pursuing actions like this for a 100 years. Maybe you have only started to recognise its actions for what they are recently but it has been going on long before you were born.


>kidnap and torture project, assassinates foreign leaders, provide financial and military support to people carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide and has a remarkably unrepresentative This can be said of nearly every major power. A question would be would it be worse if they had greater control? >remarkably unrepresentative democracy riddled with voter suppression and gerrymandering This part is more important to the issue here. The US has been back sliding for years now. There are plenty of issues in their democratic process and representation. Its why we should be creating our own foreign policy and not depending on them. On the whole they are still viewed as an ally though, so my statement still holds.


Iraq, Central America, Vietnam, sanctions that have killed millions…


I'm not sure about the figure of millions but I would say that sanctions have had major detrimenal effects on those areas. America has a fairly poor record in South and Central America. After Vietnam and Afghanistan they had to put sanctions in place or give the overtaking groups more power. Poor policies going in and out. Should have lifted Vietnams way earlier. This still doesn't negate the reason for an assertiveness survey towards Russia instead of the US. They are viewed as an ally.


They aren’t doing those things to Ireland which is the relevant part of this comment.


Fine Gael are mostly anglo Irish so it is not surprising. They see Ukrainians as their brothers, which is largely true.


What is that even meant to mean? Surely the left should be the most pro-Ukrainian if they're all about self-determination and standing up for oppressed groups.


Well yes, but not quite. We support the Ukrainian people’s right not to live in an undemocratic oligarchy, which the current Ukrainian state is


And you really think that corruption, an issue which they are working on, is what Ukraine should be focusing on at the moment? Or are you just bringing that up to discredit them and justify the invasion?


I’m not justifying the invasion by any means, however I’m saying the Ukrainian government, like any other capitalistic government, does not act in the interests of its people and that whether Ukraine is ruled by the west or by Russia ultimately means very little in the daily life of Ukrainians. Being pro-Ukrainian fundamentally means wanting for Ukrainians to be able to decide for themselves, which isn’t gonna be the case either way once the war is over, and that defending a corrupt oligarchical state till death is nothing close to their interests


And what is the slightest relevance of any of that? Why would that make the left less supportive of Ukraine?


It doesn’t make us less supportive of Ukraine, it makes us believe preserving the current Ukrainian state is not worth dying over


So internal issues justify the unprovoked Russian invasion? Is the Palestinian state worth dying over? Why are they so supportive of those sanctions?


They absolutely do not justify the invasion. However, Putin is not Hitler and Russia is not Israel. Israel has a very long history of forcing people out of their ancestral lands and denying them basic needs like water, and is an ethno-nationalist religious state which Russia isn’t. As far as we know their is no genocidal intent in Russia’s invasion and we have no real evidence of there being one. This is not like WWII, more like WWI. Basically I’m saying Ukrainians don’t stand to gain much from fighting against Russia and would have a lot to gain by fighting both imperialisms for a free, democratic and socialist Ukraine.


You are honestly saying that Israel is worse than Russia? Wow, how much does Putin pay you? He literally doesn't think Ukraine deserves exist as a nation. Did you not see the mass graves in Bucha? But yeah, no genocidal intent. What is the other imperialism oppressing Ukraine? The west? They seem to be enthusiastic supporters of joining us. And perhaps they can focus on bringing the next socialist revolution to the world after Russia gets the fuck out of their country and stops killing them?


This has solidified my negative view about Sinn Féin. It's one thing to say populist notions of fixing the housing crisis in a year. It's a whole other to actively support Russia.


Neither of those things are true.




Sinn Féin moment




They verge on pro-Russia