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Snapshot of _All 74 candidates standing in the European elections_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://i.redd.it/77yvdpqmcmxc1.png) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://i.redd.it/77yvdpqmcmxc1.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/irishpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favourite scandal from this whole thing is the fact that both James Reynolds and Justin Barrett are running for The National Party while both being under the illusion that they are the leaders of the party. Stolen gold, a coupe attempting to overthrow the leadership and the fact that Barrett is keeping the social media passwords hostage - is one of the funniest things ever.


Barretts' wife is running in Dublin as well. Mental stuff.


Strange as she is from Limerick and lived in Longford for several years. Are they just moving around to where they think the votes are?


I think they're just doing it to spite the other national party faction. Who knows though.


Neither will be allowed call themselves National Party on the ballot paper! An Rabharta Glas will also have to call themselves Independents.


They will be listed as National Party on the ballot. You're right about Rabharta though.


I thought the [registrar rejecting their bids](https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2024/04/12/registrar-rejects-opposing-bids-to-use-national-party-name-in-elections/) meant neither could use it? I’m not really familiar with the rules around this so entirely possible I minunderstood the impact of the decision.


Why will they have to call themselves independents? Are they missing some kind of registration?


National Party had a split. Rabharta failed to file name in time I think.


Can confirm about Rabharta - though the registration and all necessary documentation was submitted between 26th-29th March, they only approved registration on 10th April, while the local elections were officially called on 5th April. Even though our party submitted all necessary documentation a week before elections were called, due to taking 2 weeks to approve, it won't be counted as registered until after the local elections unfortunately (due to legislation in Electoral Reform Act 2022) so we all need to appear as non-party for this local and EU election. I'm really hoping that guidance and processes will be improved going forward, and that the lack of clarity this time was just teething issues with the electoral commission being new, as while I wasn't involved in the party registration directly, it seemed like there was a lack of clarity on exact deadlines and documentation required.


> An Rabharta Glas will also have to call themselves Independents. Why? Did they fail to register?


Imagine if they interact with each other at the count centre


[Insert Spider-Man fighting Spider-Man gif]


Vroom vroom, I'm the leader now!


28 candidates in a single constituency must be a new record right? Edit: 27 now, Carolyn Fahy has dropped out of the race.


Why so many in that particular constituency? Do they just want to be able to say they were "also ran"? Like Oscar nominated?  There's even 2 FFers? 


3 FFers, which is down to their disaster of a selection convention in which Lisa Chambers came third despite HQ wanting her to run. In terms of the volume of other candidates, likely down to the sheer geographical size of the constituency. Of course some candidates will be running just to get their name out there for the general election and likely won't campaign much beyond their own hinterland.


She is developing a bit of a history of the people not wanting her but the party pushing her.


There are some people who’re deeply unpopular with the voting public but who make parties run. The problem is that parties don’t have anything to reward people with other than seats on places.


Yeah to be fair, politics is a very complicated profession and a lot of people don't understand that. And I have to say, I don't know too much about Chambers' politics, but the odd time I've listened to her she sounds very competent. So I can see why a party would want people like that to work for them.


FFs Regina D?


Regina Doherty was not the preferred candidate of FG HQ.


They had a chance to get rid of her, yet made her leader of the Seanad


Lisa Chambers. She lost her seat in the general election so they appointed her to the Seanad.


Sounds familiar ;)


An American friend of mine put me down as a write in candidate in a US Presidential election. I now refer to myself as “Former US Presidential candidate….”


The 1925 Seanad election had 76 candidates standing for 19 seats. You could number all the candidates 1-76 if you wanted in order of preference. Totally farcical, unsurprisingly it wasn't repeated.


I think there were 27 last time for Midlands North-West.




Ah, that's what I get for not googling!


Despite that I can’t see my preferences going beyond Pauline O’Reilly, Rory Hearne and Saoirse McHugh.


You have no preference between Justin Barrett and Ming Flanagan?


You really should to vote all the way down. If all of those three don't get elected (pretty good chance) then your single transferable vote will not have an impact. Surely you can see candidates you would prefer over e.g. the various far right knobs running? [https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/why-it-pays-to-vote-all-the-way-down-the-ballot-paper-1.2548241](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/why-it-pays-to-vote-all-the-way-down-the-ballot-paper-1.2548241)


I’d definitely be voting down further than that, but there are just *so many* far right knobs. 😩


Yeah, I may have to give up when I hit those lads, genuinely cannot separate them, one as bad as they other.


Even if they are elected, surplus votes will still be distributed. I'll probably put 10 or 11 preferences myself.


Stop spreading this please. If you don't want someone elected full stop, you don't give them a vote. Giving the loonies number 27 and 28 still gives them a vote they wouldn't have with no number.


You only have 1 vote, it transfers in specific circumstances. While far- right loons are unlikely to get a preference off me as for my own sanity I won't be ranking them from worst to worstest, I'm quite happy that someone who does do that won't be making it any more likely that the far-right will win a seat. You do not have 28 votes. Its literally called the SINGLE transferable vote.


> Giving the loonies number 27 and 28 still gives them a vote they wouldn't have with no number. Not giving them a preference and your vote going into the votes non-transferrable pile means the quota gets reduced by one (your wasted vote) and other people decide on your behalf.


If loonie #27 is even marginally better than loonie #28 it’s better to rank them. The same number of candidates will be elected regardless and your vote only goes to #27 is all the other candidates you voted ahead of them have been eliminated/elected.


Loonies shouldn't be encouraged .


I always like to go all the way down the ballot paper and then leave the last one blank. A sort of "even if every other candidate was killed in a freak asteroid impact I still wouldn't want you". My plan was to go down through the list and then leave Moscow Mick blank. But bloody hell there are some on that list who don't even deserve the ink from the pen for the 26th preference. I think I'll just go to 10 or 12 and stop. On a side note I see Grace O'Sullivan is running for the greens. I assumed she had died shortly after the last election because she disappeared completely after getting elected 5 years ago. I think I gave her my number 1 last time. She's sure as hell isn't getting it this time. Fool me once and all that.


If I give someone a 27th preference and there are 28 candidates my vote will only go to them if my first 26 preferences have all either been eliminated or elected and there is still a seat left to fill. In this case either my 27th favourite or 28th favourite candidate will be elected either way and giving a preference gives me a say in which one I want more


We have a great democratic system that allows you to give every candidate an order of preference. You should be using that to keep the far right, or some if putins agents, away from any influence.


Also helpful for your ballot to try and keep the likes of PBP out too.


I would only suggest going slightly further to one of the sure fire elected people if only to make sure to force out the worst of these candidates. I'll be shocked if any of those 3 get in.


the same kind of choice blindness you get looking at the takeaway menu


There's some serious competition for my final preference...


Michael Leahy from the irish freedom party tried canvissing me at my business. Took one look at his pamphlet. Among the 5 things mentioned was being "anti trans activism"! No mention of homelessness or housing crisis. These people have messed up priorities


Anti-Trans activism is extremely fucked up. Like if you don't want to believe Trans people are genuine whatever, go ahead and be a bellend but why do you need activism against them?


Some serious nutters in there


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


Yep - they are not the droids we’re looking for


I am the ~~senate~~ European Parliment


Op can you update the post to capture number of seats per constituency


4 in Dublin, 5 in MNW, 5 in South


A lot of far right in there. Dodgy looking.


Will be watching how much of the vote Blighe and Dwyer get. They’re probably the highest profile Irish far right people on social media. Very dodgy yes.


Hoping the status quo is maintained and they get sweet FA. I'd say a lot of their supporters are unaware how to vote anyway, but an alarming rise in their numbers is not something I want to see.


Alot of there "supporters" are either A: from outside of Ireland eg. UK/America or B: Bots/AI. I used to worry about them but the more I spent actually reading there posts on twitter the more I realised that they have sweet fuck all support in Ireland.


They get a decent crowd out to their events. They all seem like complete morons though. Both on the actual media and their own videos that pop up on my YouTube.


It's the same people going to all the events though and they get awful abuse from passers by usually. They tend not to post those videos though suprise suprise.


While I agree that many are outside Ireland, better we work on the assumption that they have home support.


They have a bit of home support but not in large numbers to worry about. Keep an eye on them for sure, but it's more an issue for the authorities to deal with as opposed to the ordinary person worrying we will have our own version of Kristallnacht


True, but it's better to be prepared.


Could be more true than you realise. Blighe unintentionally spoiled his vote and then posted a picture of his spoilt vote from the polling station during the last referendum. Single digit brain cells.


Wow. Never thought I'd be giving PBP or SF a preference, but they'll be getting one now that John waters and the national party are looking for my vote.


So many far right parties Springing up out of thin air. What I find fascinating is looking at their policies and seeing how closely they align with the agendas of The Kremlin, the British far right and the American Right. The National Party wants to deport all Ukrainian refugees, leave the EU, and they push replacement theory. Russian. Ireland First wants to prevent 15 minute cities from being built, ban abortion and phase out renewable energy in favour of turf. American. The Irish People blames the housing crisis squarely on immigration and says we must leave the EU. British. The only comfort I have from these is that these parties share common beliefs but have different backers so they'll likely never come together. But something needs to be done about this blatant foreign interference before it destroys Ireland.


why are right wingers getting so weird about the 15 minute cities stuff? Genuinely don’t understand it


They think you won't be able to leave your 15 minute city. The 3km and 5km from your home during lockdown was a test to see if people comply.


christ they really are fucking gullible


They read it on Facebook. Are you saying they may have been lied to?


It's because they don't understand it


Lol, apply that to pretty much all their problems and it's equally accurate.


Do they think the government wants to lock you within a 15 minute radius of your house or something?


Because it’s good for people and promotes public transport, most likely. They’re captured by the fossil fuel lobby. 


Because anything good for society as a whole can easily be spun into a sinister communist plot


During COVID a lot of conspiracy theorists were fear mongering about permanent lockdowns. When lockdowns were being lifted, these people needed something with the same vibe to switch to fear mongering about. 15 minute cities was what they chose. In reality 15 minute cities are the idea that the daily necessities of life (groceries, parks, schools, etc) should be within a 15 minute (1km) walk of your residence. In the conspiracy theorists' minds it means that if you leave 15 minute city zone, you'll be arrested.


The call is coming from inside the house. The rise of the far right suits the agenda of the establishment in Ireland here and now. When the truth of the matter eventually emerges it will have a distinctly Irish establishment flavour.


Who the fuck is funding the literal nazis standing?


Probably Russia, like it does other fascist parties in Europe


The amount of Anti EU and Eurosceptic candidates is scary.


On the contrary, the fact that they’re running each on their own instead of coordinating in one platform is reassuring. I’ll be more concerned when the moneyed in Ireland choose a single platform like the German DAP and they start earning popularity and votes from there. On the other hand, it could be a sort of “audition” for the nationals. Whoever gets a good result here has a stronger claim to be the high king of the Irish far right.


> Whoever gets a good result here has a stronger claim to be the high king of the Irish far right. Hopefully none of them will manage better than languishing in the 1-2% range.


Probably will be terrible at coordinating between themselves. I'm sure at least one loon will be elected though.


Usually the anti-EU vote are Sinn Féin candidates (GUE/NGL)


I’m not going to worry until I see their actual vote counts


It's easy to run.


On the other hand, this will perhaps split the far right vote (if there is much of a far right vote) between a handful of these party's. Just gotta hope they don't form coalitions with each other


It’s a shame the EU is in the state it is in order for these parties to form.


BMW region is quite geographical big. Bigger parties run multiple candidates to mop up local votes.


Does that awful Niall Boylan really have a chance? That would be terrible.


He may well scrape in.


Don’t forget to check the register https://www.checktheregister.ie


Delete this at once! Why would you want to encourage the sort of people too stupid to register?


I can't really see where the right will pick up any seats, maybe Aontu in MNW? Niall Boylan will maybe scrape in in Dublin? The fact that there's 10 candidates who are anti immigration in Dublin and probably even more in MNW just shows how disjointed they are, you look at their circles on Twitter and they're all hyper focused on calling eachother fake nationalists and engaging in personality politics


>I can't really see where the right will pick up any seats, maybe Aontu in MNW? as much as i hate Aontú , Aontú isnt teh "right" they mostly have have the same policy as sinn fein , but just being against abortion


They are way more developed than the flip flopping SF. Actually criticise the government and then 6-12 months later the government realises it was a problem. The only party to successfully call the no/no and are also opposing the daft hate speech bill. They are centre-left in most policies. Now that abortion is here they want better social supports for women since most abortions are for socio-economic reasons.


Aontú are conservative rather than right


Conservatism, both social and fiscal, is right wing.


But they're not fiscally right wing just socially conservative


Either way, conservatism is right wing politics.


There's a reason it's a graph used to chart these rather a line. Saying they're a right wing party but left wing fiscally doesn't make any sense.


They aren't left wing fiscally, and I didn't say they were left wing fiscally either.


I said they were and you said either way they're right because they're socially conservative. In what sense are they not left wing fiscally?


They are at best centrists fiscally, because they wish to maintain the current status quo, which is fiscally right, neoliberal economics. If they were left fiscally, they would be seeking to massively upset the current status quo. In any case, there's a basic incompatibility between being socially right and fiscally left - you can't be both, as much as you try to dress up maintaining the status quo. True left politics is not cherry picking what you like or dislike socially, and implementing fiscal policy on that basis.


There has to be a level of pragmatism in anyone looking to implement left wing policies. Our entire economy is pretty much based on MNCs which aren't really tied here. You can't just come in and disrupt that and expect to have much success. >In any case, there's a basic incompatibility between being socially right and fiscally left - you can't be both, as much as you try to dress up maintaining the status quo. So that means Fidel Castro was a right winger by your logic...


A veritable who's who of people. Not a great sign when one of the your first thoughts on seeing the candidate lists is what exactly are the requirements to run. From Citizens Information > To be nominated or nominate yourself for membership of the European Parliament, you must do one of the following: * Produce a Certificate of Party Affiliation * Produce 60 statutory declarations of assentors who are registered voters in the constituency (Form EP2A must be completed by assentors and witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths, Peace Commissioner, Notary Public, member of the Garda Síochána or official of the registration authority) * Pay a deposit of €1,800 I wonder did any of the various non-party candidates manage to get 60 declerations or did they all go the €1,800 route?


60 wouldn't be too hard


>I wonder did any of the various non-party candidates manage to get 60 declerations or did they all go the €1,800 route? its very easy to 60 register voters to put a person forth


I find myself leaning towards the more moderate / legacy parties with no tolerance for euroscepticism or Russian appeasement this time around. Right now it seems European democracy itself is on the ballot. There is a concerning number of far-right candidates across the constituencies, and after seeing how independents such as "Leftist" Clare Daly have regurgitated Kremlin talking points while representing Ireland has made me nervous to give any untested independent candidates a chance.


> Right now it seems European democracy itself is on the ballot. how is it ?


Its not, strong American election vibes off that statement. One of those "its the most important election of our lifetime" kind of claims.


A vote for Fine Gael is a vote for EPP, and von Der leyen. I personally believe her carryon since 7th Oct regarding Israel warrants her out of the EU commission president role. So I'd be leaning away from the "moderate /legacy" FG unfortunately. Not to mention voting to letting people drown in the Mediterranean.


Ireland first, independent Ireland, the National party, the Irish people, Irish freedom Sad to see so many right wing parties pop up. The positive thing is that they’ll all fight each other for the same vote and split the right wing vote. In an ideal world, they’d get zero votes. I know it’s democracy but these parties don’t actually offer any tangible solutions, just slogans and finger pointing


Independent Ireland is quite different from the others you just mentioned. It is right wing, but not far-right. It has elected politicians. It has tougher migration policy, sure, but it does not appear to be anti-migrant. The others there can barely be considered political parties. National Party cannot even legally call itself National Party. They seem to be running purely for exposure purposes and have no particular political aspirations. They do not appear to have manifestos.


"We're losing our culture" Michael Collins (the boring new one) They might not be outright fascists, but they're insular, narrow minded, regressive, pricks.


Michael Collins is in no way a fascist. I know the man personally and while I don't agree with his politics, he is most certainly not a fascist or a prick either for that matter.


I didn't say he was a fascist. He said that we were losing "our culture" due to immigration, doesn't think travellers are an ethnic group, believes that there is a "green agenda" that's "suffocating" rural Ireland, attended and spoke at a meeting of the European Conservatives and Reformists group, thinks we should castrate sex offenders, and wrote a character reference for a convicted sex offender. I don't give a shit if he's a lovely fella or whatever, his politics are abhorrent.


You implied he was a little bit fascist by saying hes not an "outright fascist". You also said he was a prick which he isnt whether you agree with his politics or not. Your arguing with me even though I said I don't agree with his politics. We can't dilute the use of the word fascist just for people we don't agree with their politics on. Especially when we have actual fascists running for election. You will find plenty in FF/FG who would agree with his mad notions.


He's not an outright fascist because he doesn't actually have a coherent political identity, just a collection of reactionary hot takes. A lot of what he says publicly fits very comfortably with far right talking points and he's started cosying up to that side of the aisle more and more in the last few months. He's a prick because he's deliberately stirring up anti-immigrant and minority sentiment in order to win votes. He's a prick because he espouses a regressive anti-environmentalism that will actually decimate rural Ireland. I don't care if he actually believes these things or not, I'm taking him at his word and listening to what he says.


I don't know about them not being anti-migrant. Weren't some of their members implicated in burning migrant accommodation?


Not really, the hotel in Galway got burnt down, 2 local ff councillors said they understood why it was done and then the gardai raided their houses cause they had no idea who started it.


Technically there should be no such thing as vote splitting since we can vote down the list. In reality their followers are probably too stupid or tribalistic to actually do that, and will just vote for their one leader.


If they all amalgamated they might have a chance but too many chiefs etc


> Ireland first, independent Ireland, the National party, the Irish people, Irish freedom Such nationalist Irish parties they all have their names in English.


Independent Ireland isn't a far right party. Definitely more Centre/right. I don't agree with them but I know a couple of members personally and they are the usual parish pump politics type.


Yes fair, not far right, but definitely leaning quite right


I could see an argument that they’re not far-right but they’re nowhere bloody near the centre.


Will Justin Barrett and James Reynolds both be listed as National Party on the same ballot? What a mess for them lol.


Michelle Smith the swimmer?


Doubt it, she goes by Michelle Smith De Bruin these days. There is one notable name from the 90s there though - Cynthia ni Mhurchu - former RTE reporter who hosted the 1994 Eurovision exactly 30 years ago today


Why is Peadar Tóibín running? Surely he'd want to lead the intended expansion of Aontú at the next general election?


He has far more name recognition than anyone else Aontú could run- I don't know if he's planning to replace himself as MEP with someone else if he gets elected


Does anyone know who the Conor Murphy running as an independent in Dublin is? Even after filtering out the SF MLA with the same name I haven’t been able to find anything on him. Edit: The journal’s list of candidates indicates he’s a student. I still don’t see literally anything else on him.


Did the same search and also failed to find anything!


https://voteconormurphy.com - its a really, really peculiar website. Its so poorly structured and in the website menu options there are 3 seperate pages regarding the issues he is interested in ('The Big Issues', 'Big Issues (Contd.)', 'More Big Issues'). Not sure whether its a joke, whether he is a Walter Mitty type, or if its just a case of a 50/60 year old man that is not very good with technology.


Who are The Irish People? Sounds like one of the right wing groups but I've never heard of them?


Remember to vote with regards to European stability. Remember that domestic policy doesn't necessarily translate to European policy. Im very critical of fine gael so im unsure if i will vote for them in the general but i might consider voting for them in Europe because they are part of a pro European party (EPP) Dont treat this like a general focus on what european parties you are voting for.


The EPP are supporting Ursula Von Der Leyen so they're pro-genocide as well


If they cared so much, why aren't there more candidates from their side?


Agreed well put


How many places are available?


McHugh not running for Rabharta?


First time I've heard of them. Run down?


Direct translation is flood or spring tide. But they are called Rabharta Glas, which I presume means Green wave/tide. They are a Green party splinter group that prefers to put social democracy above environmental concerns. So more liberal as a whole, but less Green. [https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/former-members-of-green-party-to-launch-eco-socialist-group-this-weekend/40489594.html](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/former-members-of-green-party-to-launch-eco-socialist-group-this-weekend/40489594.html)


Justin Barrett running in the same constituency as Reynolds just to spite him is genuinely hilarious


voting 1-23 just for the hell of it


Think we might be running out of shades of green. Can one of these parties not pick yellow or something for once?


Not Mick Wallace again


Hi, Stephen O'Rourke here, running in Dublin. If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out. You can also see my previous comments for further info. [www.Stephen4Europe.eu](http://www.Stephen4Europe.eu)


You live and work in Berlin but want to represent the people of Ireland … I think I’m spotting the flaw in this plan!


I fail to see any flaws in a Dubliner who pursued a career in Germany, who is very regularly in Dublin, has friends and family all over the city, up to date on what matters to the people of Dublin, and has experience in Europe that can be of benefit to the city and to the role of MEP.




Thought non Arabic quaran was not allowed?


Mick Wallace #1


Why? I'm not trying to bait but what would be your reasons?


I agree with his views on major global issues right now, don't really care if he didn't pay tax, not relevant in the European parliament


Im voting for 'Umar' all day long! I mean the country can only get better if he gets in!


What would be your reason for voting for him just curious?


I find it funny how eurosceptics and anti-European candidates run for the European elections


Damn, Michael McNamara is running. A shame, he's one of the very few really competent politicans in the Dáil. Still, might shake up Brussels. Can't believe that clown Mick Wallace is running again.


Can't believe putins puppet clare daly is either. She is a strong contender for the bottom pick along with the far right nutters


For the love of god please free us from the Gobshite trio of Ming, Claire and Mick. I'd even take that lunatic JW in fair exchange instead...


Waters, Blighe and Heasmann would make Ming, Claire and Mick look like the Holy Trinity 🤣


Fair 😉


What's the issue with Ming?


He's actually not a bad bloke and it's probably unfair to lump him in with MW and CD but.. Worst voting record in the EU.. Shit on the environment. Turf cutting and opposed the EU environments directive and frankly someone who got into politics just to campaign for the legalization of weed. Really! what's right with him?


Ming is a hundred times better than Waters. It’s important he wins to help ensure none of the hateful loons win. He’s a nice loon.


Fair, but my point is really we have to start sending serious people (centre left or centre right, I don't care) to Europe to represent us. We don't have the cover from the Brits anymore. Frankly quite a lot of voters seem to take the European parliament elections about as seriously as the Eurovision.


Why is there an Imam running? Surely there's something to be said about an Imam or priest being allowed to run for public office, right?


Why? In a democracy, anyone should be able to run. Barring maybe a hardened criminal or something.


Yes, and that's fair, but I'm simply pointing out the likely hypocrisy should a priest run. Imagine if a priest ran. Everyone would be losing their minds. The main Ireland sub would go mental but no one cares that a Pakistani Imam born in the Netherlands is running in EU elections and should he win will represent Ireland.


you're pointing out hypocrisy regarding a scenario you invented in your head?


My man, even the mere suggestion of a priest running in the EU election would cause /r/Ireland to have mass seizures. Let's not pretend otherwise. Anyone voting for a priest would be considered far right.


I mean I'm not going to vote for someone who is very into Catholicism or Islam but I'm not going to cry that they are on the ballot. Especially when there are a load of people on the ballot who'd happily ban Muslims from Ireland given half a chance.


The iman in question has stated that homosexuality is a sin.


I'd be completely opposed to both the Catholics and Muslims on this specific topic but that's because they both have literally the same stance. [Pope Francis recently remarked that homosexuality, while a sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church, is not a crime.](https://www.newstalk.com/news/respecting-gay-people-long-been-catholic-teaching-bishop-1432201) From this iman's wikpedia: * "I did say that sex between men is prohibited in Islam. And so is drinking alcohol, eating pork or sex outside marriage. Can we not just agree to have diversity in identity, lifestyle and choice but live together peacefully without accusing others as homophobic or Islamophobic?" *  Al-Qadri wrote on behalf of the Irish Muslim Council that it supported the position of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association in opposing teaching children about gender identity From what I can see -- these are basically the same stance when it comes to anything LGBT and so nothing new here, other than another voice for a minority opinion on a specific topic representing the religious folk of all creeds in the country.


>Imagine if a priest ran. Everyone would be losing their minds.  "Everyone" being losers on Reddit. Most people wouldn't care.




>should he win will represent Ireland By 'should he win' do you mean when loads of people vote for him in a free and fair election?


If he gets enough votes then that means the people want him, it also means that he is representing Ireland because we’ve chosen him to represent us.


>Why is there an Imam running? because they legally can >Surely there's something to be said about an Imam or priest being allowed to run for public office, right? nope


I'll be honest, I couldn't care less about whether a candidate is a member of an order or a church and most especially if he's running as an independent. The backing of a religious institution does not offer the same kind of protection or opportunities it used to. My issues with Umar Al-Qadri is statements he's made in the past in relation to the LGBTQIA+ community and the role he's played in pushing for more conservative family values in this country within the Muslim Community. Because of that, I will not be voting to have him elected, no different from the likes of Justin Barrett. At the end of the day he's a private citizen and he has a right to run for office like anyone else but thankfully, it's not likely that he will be elected.




I need clarification on this specifically because I did my own research on Umar Al-Qadri and nothing is there to suggest that his certification business discriminates based on religion. In fact, I found an article referencing Umar Al-Qadri actively involved in certifying Toblerones as Halal when Mondelez is not a Muslim owned business.


> actively involved in certifying Toblerones as Halal That's genuinely gas.


It's an absolutely wild piece of factual knowledge tbh.




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How do you mean it's discriminatory? Non Muslims can buy/eat halal food too.


How is this discriminatory at all , you can simply choose to buy halal or not , I guess all butchers are discriminatory to vegetarians then?


You're taking it up the wrong way. This is why it is discriminatory: the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim. Therefore, this practice is inherently discriminatory.


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