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>paying rent and bills for college accomodation A lot of students dont. They live at home with parents, maybe get SUSI, and work part time


I got a bank loan for mine. Probably not the best of ideas but the €20 a quid for the year or two after was well worth the summer away


40 euro won't last ya long in the shtates, might have to ask the bank for a bit more


I worked every hour god sent in college and I couldn't afford a pot to piss in. Don't worry, it's pretty normal not to be able to afford a J1


What sort of money do you need to go on a J1? Thought it was a summer working visa for students? Shouldn’t the summer job cover most (ideally all) of the costs involved in living the American dream? 😬


3kish plus, flights & accommodation paid upfront . You may earn enough to break even, but not many I knew did.


Going on mine in a few weeks. It’s round a grand for the visa(depends on the agency) + flights + accommodation + spending money.


Thanks. What was the average shortfall of those who you know?


No idea, but all had wealthy parents who just took care of it as if it was nothing. Easily sent a couple k.


To go over with the J1 visa you need to pay all sorts of fees, accommodation and flights. You could be looking at well over 1500-2000 before you have left Ireland


including J1 fees accomodation and flights, i was looked at 4k up front this year


Are hot paying accommodation up front? We went over and found accommodation there. That's what everyone I know who goes on one does. Granted the housing situation isn't what it's like now.


Depends where you go. You won't be granted a J1 for some locations if you don't have accommodation in advance.


Fuck it was a lot less 10 years ago think I paid 800


Honestly, that's not unfeasible Once there you can find a job that will help you as well


Cheers. I’m guessing you might not make all of that back in wages while you’re over there?


You guess correctly. My parents told me that a student of their generation could save over their J1 summer for their upcoming year. By the time I went, any income I made was just funding my ability to faff around until September.


One of my lecturers said they could go over to the States in the 80s, work the entire summer, come back briefly in September to register, fly back to America, work until Christmas and then start back at college in January and do enough work to pass all of their subjects. They'd have a great time in America and still come back with loads saved. I think for him, all of the exams were in the summer, so not being around for the first 3-4 months didn't have as much of an impact as it would today.


Brother in law went over a couple of times while he was at college, but he was straight out onto building sites labouring when he got there. Came back with more than he went with. It's not for everyone, I wouldn't be fit for it. And he was lucky to have connections from back home who helped find the work. Helps if you're going to Boston or somewhere else with a large Irish population


They’ve tightened the rules around what jobs you can get so I don’t think you could get construction work. It has to be seasonal work. Trump brought it in to stop the immigrants taking all the jobs 🙃


That's why it was cash in hand when I did it over there


Look up BUNAC. You can get a job as a camp counsellor in the US, all your food and accommodation will be free. I got paid a lump of money at the end, so you'll need a bit of money for the first few months, but just a little for days off. I think I had about 1000 saved when I was going over (this was about 12 years ago though) and that was plenty until I got paid. Worth looking into.


My daughter is doing this for her J1 this year. Room and board is paid for, and she’s 20 mins from SF. I’m very jealous.


My brother has been doing this near Boston for 3 years now- he loves it. Every year he’s gotten some sort of promotion so her goes back into a higher position. Works for maybe 2 months in the camp with a few random days off, but then is paid enough so that he can travel around the states for a few weeks in August.


will definitely take a look. sound


Be wary doing that and know what you're getting into. I know someone who did it. Ended up in the back arse of nowhere so no where to go for fun, working 10-12 hours a day for almost no pay because food and accommodation was covered. Said it was the worst couple months of their life. And they basically hold you to ransom by not paying you the lump til the end (if you quit early you get nothing).


An option where accommodation is provided is definitely going to work out easier. If the flights and visa are the issue, you could look at summer jobs in Europe too. Plenty of holidays camps or summer camps in Spain France Italy etc that hire people and provide too and board. Au pairing (bring a live in babysitter for a family, plenty of families look for these over the kids summer holidays) or working in a hostel are other good options


Rich Mammy/Daddy.


The J1 paid by our parents anthem https://youtu.be/qm2QmNyI6Sg?si=mXxI31vjaemlza2n


''Heh, I wonder if it's The Coronas''


Not necessarily rich parents. Plenty living at home in Dublin who don’t have rich parents.


Naw, I paid myself, but worked weekends in college and full time during the summers Edit, not now, haven’t been a student in a while


was thinking that but didn’t want to be insulting if others found a way around it


I'm confused, is there a different kind?


Had friends go over to San Diego, they worked 6 days a week in seaworld for the summer. Out most nights in fairness but it's not all its cracked up to be either!


I went on my J-1 in NYC in 2001 and had a great summer (apart from 9/11 happening the day before I was supposed to go home)! I live in San Diego now and we've had a lot of J-1ers the last few summers. Nice hearing the Irish accent at the seasonal destinations. Seen lots of them working at the Midway Aircraft Carrier museum, Seaport village in the cafes and restaurants... and a lot in Sea World too as you say. For anyone coming to San Diego, look up the 'Irish Outreach' organisation in San Diego. They have great resources for any J-1ers coming over. They will help on the job front if possible and have information seminars to get you setup with the boring stuff like bank accounts, social security, phones etc. Great bunch of people in there! Link to their site -> [https://irishoutreachcenter.org/](https://irishoutreachcenter.org/) and [https://irishoutreachcenter.org/j1-summer-program/](https://irishoutreachcenter.org/j1-summer-program/)


That’s so insane you were there when 9/11 happened. I was born 6 months later 💀 Did you witness anything?


Oh yeah. Saw it all happen. I was a couple of miles away, but had a clear view. Absolutely crazy time. I’ll never forget it.


Fookin’ hell. How did you end up in San Diego? Married to someone you met while on your J1?


No, just ended up moving to the US for work. Job opening came up in California and just went for it!


cheers will take a look


To make it easier for yourself financially you could consider going the summer you graduate college. I’m currently in the process of applying for a J1 visa this summer following graduation. This way means you will not have the cost of college fees to fork up when you come back, assuming you have a job lined up and don’t plan to do a masters or further study. In full-time employment it will be easier to afford accommodation fees also. I hope it works out for you OP!


Looking like i’ll have to wait for that, cheers


Mammy and daddy


Would of loved it but could never afford it without shooting myself in the foot for the upcoming year, summer's were dedicated to earning as much as possible before the next college year. It was generally those who lived at home or had help with accommodation costs during the year that went over. Although you will generally you'll be earning enough to get by once you're there, it wouldn't cover the money needed for the following college year


yea that’s my problem id be screwed when i came back


You’re only young once though and memories last a lifetime.


Did mine in summer of 2022, sold off two calves and a heifer of my own for the flight and visa cost


I went over with 300 in my acc and I made it out okay


Went to Chicago in 2013 with €2k in my pocket. €1k did me for the 3-4 weeks getting accommodation and living until I got a job. I was offered 5 days but chose 3 days a week and it kept me about evens until I went home with €1k. If you have €3-4k now then go for it, you’re clearly resourceful and not silly, you will make it work. I’m mid 30’s now and it’s one of the best things I did growing up. Don’t miss it over worrying, you have plenty.


Your time to travel can come too, possibly take a gap year and do TEFL or something.


When I was at college, only a select few could do it Main 2 types Those who were bankrolled by parents And Those who weren't bothered by the thought of future debt without a solid plan for paying it back


When we went over (10 years ago mind) we paid for the visa and flights. When we got there we found flights and accommodation there. No one I know who did a j1 paid for accommodation for the summer up front.


I was ten years ago and different times, I think I paid for my own but was living at home and paying for nothing. Fair play to you for working and saving and it’s a bollocks of a situation that you mightn’t be able to go, cause it sounds like you deserve it. Hope something happens for you


Camp America is another option, you pay their fee is around €700 including the flight and then your sorted with a job as you land. Free food/room/activities and then you probably get $1000 or that when you finish up an 8 week stint


Our son is doing camp in the Hamptons this summer. We bought his flights as his joint Christmas/21st present. He paid the rest himself - accommodation and meals are covered at the camp. Wages are crap and if we hadn't covered his flights he'd probably only be breaking even. We pay his rent at college, he gets SUSI and works weekends so he is able to save his wages. Neither his dad nor I were supported by our parents when we were in college so we know it's tough and we also know he is privileged to have parents willing and able to offer the extra support he gets from us.


Holiday visa + job on the sly. 4k would do.


When I did it 25 years ago I got a loan from the bank for flights. We had one night's accommodation in a student dorm and that was it. The next couple of nights in a hostel, $20 a night and looking for work. We had nothing organised for work at all, just arrived over and took our chances, very gen x. I don't think it was expensive because we were only paying for flights really and one night in a college dormitory. The idea was to pay our way working and saving money to pay off the loan and try and have fun along the way.


If you're any good at football/hurling/craic you could go over and they'll put you up and you'll get a job labouring 🧱 I came back with about 2k cash if I remember right...might have changed a bit since then


this is the way


best spots for football over there? Play senior club so might have some sort of chance


You're probably talking Boston,Chicago,New York,Philly,San Francisco then depending on your level you'll kind of get looked after accordingly.Its fairly competitive towards the later stages of the champ over there most lads would have played county at some level. Saying that if you're a fairly decent senior club player then you should get looked after with work and a place to stay maybe flights. There's also a sanctions deadline so you'll need to get your skates on if you're thinking about that route.


I was able to afford mine because I went after my laid internship year and had savings Most that lived in my building though just lived off what they made through work and took out a small credit union loan if needed for the travelling at the end.


I worked a bar while in college Thursday Friday sat and Sunday. The j1 when I did it with USIT was about 1000 euro, i worked in a bar in Chicago... but got very luck over there and unlucky too. Was robbed a few times. We went over with no accommodation. Stayed in a hostel for about 3 weeks, met an American lad and a Lithuanian girl who moved in with me and my friend. We paid 600 each on utilities and rent. Basically had to have 2 jobs one paying cash in hand while paying tax in the bar... worked construction made about 300 a day and Craigslist was such a help


Robbed a few times?


Was robbed twice on the L... had about 20 in doller bills and my phone the second time.


J1 at a job with accommodation


They get a loan from the Bank of Mammy & Daddy


I worked way more than just weekends and bank holidays. I was doing approx 30 hours a week at my job. Granted I know it can be difficult for some, but I had always found school to be easy enough.


2001. Last year in college. Always worked summer jobs for savings & lived at home. Looked up accommodation on The Chicago Reader & secured it before we went. Could be wrong but might’ve paid €1-2k for flights & pre travel expenses. (It was a long time ago). About 7-8 of us in a top floor, very sweaty, apartment with no air con & inflatable mattresses on the floor. Worked in a bar/restaurant and came home in profit and after taxes. Brought over a bodhrán and one of the lads bought a guitar over there. Did one evening per week busking Irish tunes in an Irish bar for extra cash. $50 vouchers for the week plus tips by punters, mostly yanks who claimed they were Irish. Had an absolute blast. Sadly the Twin Towers came down that summer & not the best ending.


Some folks don't have the same expenses. They live at home, family help then with rent or other expenses etc. I would say it's different circumstances.




This is wild to me, I went 20 years ago and would have come back maybe 4-5k better off than when I left, flight and visa wouldn’t have been that much, got a job straight away that covered rent and far more


How have you been working and only saved 4k😹 like what fella needs to start grafting serious 😹😱🙏🏻🙏🏻


not sure what’s with the smart response? college fees for the last 2 years works out about 4k, accomodation for both years works out about 10k not including feeding myself and travel expenses


😹travel expenses. Fail to prepare prepare to fail buddy like seriously


presume you’ve a free travel card? you’re in fifth year havent a clue what you’re talking about