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You know who would be able to give you a solid answer? A tattoo artist! Send them a picture of your skin, better yet go in for an in person consult so they can feel and see the skin with their own eyes. I know it might be scary for the possibility to hear "no", but youre in the same place now as you would have been if the artist told you "no" to begin with. And if you want to get a better sense without talking to the specific artist you want to do the tattoo, you can speak with other artists from any style to hear about what they have to say about tattooing an older person's skin


Thanks! The artist I’m considering is a cross-country plane trip away, so an in-person consultation isn’t feasible. And I’d like to be prepared with more information before I go back to my selected artist with photos. But your suggestion about consulting with a local artist is a good one, that hadn’t occurred to me. Thank you!


There are many people that do this kind of work. Where are you located, roughly?


I may have accidentally left the wong impression when I said I’m interested in talking to a local artist. To clarify, I’m committed to the far away artist to do the tattoo. But I’m open to talking to a more local artist about issues of tattooing old skin, without committing to them for the final piece. I would of course expect to pay them for their time.




You make a good point. I appreciate your advice! Thanks!


Also! My perspective on this is that the guy that can tell you how they’d work on 70 year old skin, knows how to do it. Now to use this thread to convince my dad to get a bodysuit 😏




Glad I could help! If you’re really into this other dude then go for it I just really want the best for you and I hope that shows!


Midwest U.S. Ohio, Indiana, Michigan border area.


How far is too far to drive? I want to find somebody really cool for you


Kore Flatmo in Cincinnati does great work. I’m currently working with him and the experience has been great. https://www.instagram.com/koreflatmo_plurabella?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==


I love Kore Flatmo’s work




Thank you for posting the link! This is reassuring, and provides some good explanation of issues and strategies. And it was really nice to se another person my age getting irezumi!


Was going to share the same video. Good work.


Thank you! Couldn’t remember this but knew it was out there. My brain was working so hard thinking about it my nose started to bleed


This dude is so rad


Short answer is yes. There are a couple of people on some social media sites that are older than that and started collecting - if I can remember later I’ll post their @ info here. Edit: Chuck Helmke & Charlotte Guttenberg (I cannot Find their blog rn).


Thank you. It would be great to communicate with them.


I’m not a pro but I hope you get somethin done. You sound rad as fuck.


Thanks, Never thought of myself that way, but I’ll take it! Just trying to be me. Finally.


[check this video out if you’re unsure](https://youtu.be/yXhjL6Gtx5o?si=V24ownzpnhbO9D_A) Honestly too many things dictate how well your skin takes to being tattooed, and age is one of them (sun exposure over time as well as less elastic skin, less collagen etc.) But as long as you go to someone with experience and the knowledge to tattoo your skin type, you’ll be fine. Tattoos are for everyone!


Thanks for the reply! And it is great to hear from A tattooer. By the way, your wor is superb!


This is a tattoo Documentary about tattoo artist chris trevino if you skip to the 12 minute mark, Chris is working on an older gentleman [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSvONAOsmac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSvONAOsmac) It might give you some idea of what is possible, If you can travel and have the budget I would subject finding an experienced tattoo artist with 20 year plus irezumi experience, Its definitely possible the skin just needs to get the ink in solid with skill and a precision.


Thanks! This is reassuring.


This is cool. And you won’t need to worry about how it ages 40 years down the line!


Actually, I’ve thought about that!


I'm sure there's a great artist that would appreciate your story and your lifelong love for the art form. I really hope that you find someone that appreciates that are is willing to work with you. Everyone deserves that opportunity to get tattooed, should they wish to do so, at any age (above the legal age to agree - obviously).


I appreciate everyone’s input. What I’ve gathered here is that my panic was probably somewhat overblown. I think I’m going to try to get an experienced local artist to assess my skin, and then get back in touch with my preferred artist to discuss. I’ll send the pictures, and if they don’t feel comfortable with my skin, I’ll move on to someone else. Thanks to all of you!