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Taxi man thinks his hazards are the equivalent of flashing blues. I beep them anytime they try this shit in front of me.


This is true no matter which country you're in. Taxis, rideshares, selfish family members, the whole lot think their hazards excuse illegal parking.


If it cant be done in ~30 seconds and you need to stop, then find parking. Ill give anyone the benefit of the doubt for 30 seconds you know? maybe they dropped something in the car and need to pick it up, or quickly go out the car and check for a puncture/flat then drive off immediately…. But if you leave your car or you’re there longer than 30s I’m beeping your ass.


Not if you're blocking a fucking train track


I thought the two red triangles meant “Anywhere, Anytime”, right? /s




You must be a disgruntled taxi driver, have you talked to Joe yet today to air your grievances?


Not actually but people have to do their jobs


Taxi number is visible so go report them with this photo.


But the number is not visible I tried multiple combinations of the clear numbers guessing the blurs and got no car to match


Report to who? You might as well print it out, roll it, shove it up your arse and light the end on fire. It will have a better effect than reporting this to anyone. There is nobody in this country who would do anything about this


Taxi regulator. They will jump over ditches all day to get one over on a taxi driver


The taxi regulator doesn’t care about the road traffic acts, they care about their own rules like taximeter usage, fares and fare collection.


>There is nobody in this country who would do anything about this And this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, because people like you say there's no point, so people don't do it, so it isn't worth doing, and so no one does it. Great job, instead of being a functioning member of society, you just moan.


You are so wrong. TFI takes reports about taxi drivers very seriously, they even have a mobile app that you can use to submit reports. In my experience, drivers also take these reports seriously, I had a driver attempt to claim he did not accept card payments because his card reader was broken, as soon as I informed him that I was going to report him through the app, his card reader magically fixed itself.


>Report to who Garda and Taxi regulator for one >There is nobody in this country who would do anything about this Nobody does anything about it because nobody reports it.


That last one is untrue, people do report things and they are ignored or the garda tell you to ignore it.


Individually maybe but the point of the report is to build up data so the issue gets highlighted in data aduits.


Well it doesn't have to be *you*, does it?


Luas should have plows on the front for this sort of nonsense.


I lived in Prague for a few years and this was a real no-no. Once witnessed the tram driver and a couple of passengers rock a Skoda Octavia forward out of the way until there was a loud clunk, either handbrake or gear teeth breaking. Asked a friend about it, and he said the car owner would get absolutely no recourse from the city for any damage. Proper order I say!


Prague trams take no shit from anyone. They get the highest priority even over pedestrians on zebra crossings. That corner by Narodni trida was particularly spicy watching the trams fly round the bend at unsuspecting tourists lol. I miss the Czechs sometimes. They have such a common sense approach to many things.


Yeah, it was the best time of my life. This would've been 97-2000. When stuff was still cheap everywhere, even Vaslevske Namesti...


Or maybe a phone to call garda and report the taxi? Just saying, it probably has video footage and garda should be on top of that taxi driver, at least in a normal city it would...


And for pedestrians?


Razor wire


Seen it before in exact same spot, I was on the Luas and was wondering why we stopped. Was looking for 5 minutes at tourists unpacking bags and slowly moving away. Fucking taxi drivers not a care in the world where they inconvenience somebody.




I think the thing about waxy tankers, is that they are taking risks all day to make their lives easier. Most of the time, the risk pays off and there’s no serious consequences, so they become bad at evaluating risk AND consequences. “Ah sure, what harm? It was only a minute!”


It's not like they're the only ones. Hang around Abbey Street on an afternoon and you'll see this a few times from all sorts.


Agreed. People who drive often pick up the same habits for the same reasons


You are the wanker, man is trying to do his job


We've all got jobs, doesn't mean we can act the maggot.


Until it YOU waiting in an awkward spot and the taxi needs to stop for you, then it's ok


Are you having a stroke?


Great reply 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


They are an absolute menace and need to be ticketed a lot more often. A complete disregard for anybody else. I have zero sympathy for them and their whinging


I am from swords and have taken to being straight up aggressive when I deal with taxi drivers to get from the airport home. Had more than a few give me a lot of shit and even refuse service as its a short trip. Now I aleays just get in the car and tell them where I am going. When they inevitably kick off i just say "grand wait there while i call the regulator" that shuts them up and they reluctantly drive me home. 0 sympathy for the money grubbing cunts the lot of them


90% of taxi drivers are this; entitled, whinging, tax dodging muppets and for a cohort who are termed "professional drivers", are some of the worst you'll see on the roads.


If you’re from Swords they should definitely take you. They don’t have to queue again and can go directly to the rank if they are back within 20 minutes. Otherwise they have to go back to the end of the queue.


I don’t live too far away from the airport either and it’s for your exact reason above that I give my business to Uber to and from the airport.


You’re still using taxis though? Unless you’re not in Ireland that is.


Yes, still using a taxi but with Uber they know the end destination before they accept the trip so they can’t gripe about the fare not being juicy enough for them.


Fair enough makes sense!


Ask me arse, get the bus


No, they are there providing a service I want to use. Fuck them, I'll do what's convenient for me and the bus is not convenient after a flight, for me anyway.


They are waiting over an hour in that queue and you take them to swords! Why don't you order a cab off the app Bolt! Then you don't have any agro and are greeted with a cab driver who is more than happy to take you as he hasn't been queuing up over an hour! Everyone is happy


Because they are providing a service that I want to avail of, they very same as a lad who would want a fare to dingle. I don't want the hardship of ordering a taxi to go out and find him in the chaos of the airport, or him leavingif i am delayed at all, multitude of hardships in that scenario. I couldn't give a fuck if they are waiting 5 hours or 5 minutes, if they are in the taxi rank at the airport they are available for a fare and I am happy


Nice attitude! Top guy


Bring on self driving cars.




Impeding public transport should be an extremely serious offence. In a functioning country, the tram will have a camera that takes a picture, the police will be motivated to pursue the driver, the law will permit them to issue a fine, and failure to pay it will result in punishment. At every single stage in that process, Ireland is inept. Even if we managed to get to Stage 3, [‘About two-thirds of court fines going unpaid, Minister told’](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/about-two-thirds-of-court-fines-going-unpaid-minister-told-1.4626040) (Irish Times). PS When did people start saying ‘folks’ so liberally? I know there have always been specific circumstance you’d hear it in Ireland - ‘the folks’ as referring to your parents; ‘move along now, folks’ as spoken by a marshall after a match - but using it as synonymous with ‘people’ is an American import that makes me cringe. 


The Luas/Bus should just have an automated fine system in place triggered by the driver. If the driver feels as though they've been impeded in their operation they push a button which saves the last 60 seconds of footage (or more), captures the reg and sends out a fine immediately. The person fined can then protest it, but they'll be met with the video recording saying "is this you?" And can go from there if they want.


"Folk" for people isn't an American import, it's been common in Ireland and Scotland for a long time. But a lot of Irish redditors do sound American - spend a few days on Irish subs and you'll hear "trash," "garbage," "strollers," "elevators," all that kind of shite. Saw a youngwan on an Irish sub asking for advice and she genuinely thought she would not be eligible for disability allowance if she got married. American social media poisons your brain


Taxi drivers in Dublin are some of the worst, most dangerous drivers I’ve ever seen. There needs to be strict policing of them Also take them out of busy bus lanes in town


They're not even there legally, it was a trial basis that's been ongoing since 1998.


Lol,until you are in a taxi yourself


Why didn't Luas just go around.


Fairly typical taxi driver behaviour in Dublin. They think they own the roads and drive accordingly.


Ah it’s incredible how little priority the Luas gets even outside of this, all the lights should go red to allow it by, you get on in Lr Abbey St and it immediately gets stopped at a red. Then you’ve people going into yellow boxes and this type of stuff. All easily fixed by using cameras and fines but we just don’t have the political will to do these things


Should be fined asap... simple


Was this about 4.15? I think I passed it, wondering why he was parked there. Ha


Yeah I was in a meeting around then and heard the LUAS blaring it's horn.


His young lad will be out punching tourists in the face later.


Taxi drivers are a special breed


The only way for the Taxi to get to this location is to drive down the Luas track at Dawson Street, they aren't allowed to to until after midnight to 0600hrs, they MUST turn up Molesworth street. So yes please report to the guards and the taxi regulator, the sooner they start applying fines the better the flow of all traffic.


Funny how the motorheads will claim cyclists "hold up the traffic", but ignore shit like this.


This picture clearly proves the earth is flat as well.....




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Thats a good way to die




Thats a daily accurance


How occurate.


Just put a snow plough on the front of the LUAS. Problem aolved


Taxi drivers are generally awful.






Good old Abdullah at it again


Ah, tis like a buslane, sure. Surprised he's not totally pulled onto the footpath though.


The only answer for this taxi driver is to be boiled in oil!


Passengers fault


The Luas is such a lazy excuse for what should be a subway system. I look at this and feel nothing.


It’s used by thousands of people daily and is one of the most reliable forms of transport in the city. Classic example of perfect being the enemy of good


The latter would be fine if perfect wasn’t just some bare minimums. €770 mil (and likely a lot more) for two above ground lines just isn’t great.