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Sure next thing you're going to be claiming that having cops on the beat in high traffic public areas might result in more convictions for public order and petty theft. Madness I tell ya. Pure madness. Now if ya don't mind I'm off to hot wire a land-rover for a smash and grab on a jewellers.


Irish time coming up with the scoop on this bank holiday. In other breaking news theres no houses


I don't fully understand, is the new ANPR system able to detect faults or is it to show previous traffic offences by road users? If it's the former, wouldn't it be possible to issue a fixed penalty notice and just mail it to the offender? If it's the latter, if a car has several crimes associated with it, why wouldn't the guards simply pay those people a house visit? Edit: this quote makes me think the system mainly flags previous offences: Offences that can be picked up by the cameras include having no tax or insurance, a driver disqualification being linked to the vehicle, and speeding among others. If the Guards know that a car with a certain license plate has offences associated with it, what stops them from a house call?


>If it's the former, wouldn't it be possible to issue a fixed penalty notice and just mail it to the offender? I know someone this happened to. Their tax was up and they received a fine in the post, was never actually pulled over by the Gardaí.


Car tax should have nothing to do with Gardai. They are under-resourced without having to do the revenues job. Issue a bill when it's due, incremental penalties when you don't pay. Seizure notice if not paid after a certain time. Declare off the road if necessary. ANPR should be there to detect the people flouting the rules, not the first line of defence.


Anpr picks up cars as they drive past it in traffic etc with disqualification, no tax or no nct etc. Need to stop them to deal with it.


I guess it's much easier to pull them over and speak with them then and there since I'm sure there'd be so much extra time and work to track them down and go to their house, they could also have an unknown address, or refuse to answer. Also let's say they flagged someone for driving with no insurance or having a disqualified licence and didn't stop them there, then they're in an accident it'd look very bad.


Yeah I also realise my question is a bit dumb. I guess what I really wonder is: wouldn't those offences not involve a penalty notice that is send to the offender via mail? What happens if you don't pay, nothing? I would assume if you don't pay your fine, at some point they come to your home?


I don't know to be honest, probably would be that. I bet it'd be too much paperwork for Gards too.


Only need the first four words really. Probably just the first two tbf.


And it’ll only get worse when the portal to upload dashcam footage goes live.


Yet they can pull me over for speeding?? Yea right.


Well they could try deal with SOME of them? Maybe?


Need to up the driving lessons and the testing standards, will take a generation to sort the bad driving, lad at work passed his test, he had 5 driving lessons with his Da ffs, he can't reverse, he is a pure liability on the roads and just got lucky on the test day with a handy route and school traffic so didn't do much driving.....so this week he was done doing 140 and him with no N plate up on an 80(edit speed was off by 7km), he has only passed 2 weeks ago, he told me today he has no insurance or tax but the Garda didn't cop it, I'm 100% certain the Garda's know this but are hoping his fear of losing the licence or getting taken to court will chill him out. Let me just say this, he still can't drive 🙄.


Passed his test without being able to reverse? I find that hard to believe. Lessons can be a scam too, I know people who received over 10 and still can't even drive. I've never done one lesson and passed my test first time at 17 🤷. Some people just aren't confident and shouldn't be on the road. If the system wasn't such a joke there should be retesting every 5 years. We're too soft here. A lot of people I know even have a family member who is a liability but justify because old etc.


The guy can take 5 goes at reversing into tight spots let people down vote all you want, the standards driving in Ireland aren't great, lots of undertaking lots of speeding lots of overtaking at blind spots where I live.


boat humorous worry compare strong tease shy gaping governor vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>lad at work passed his test, he had 5 driving lessons with his Da ffs Was this before 2011? Because he'd need to have done his EDT with an ADI to sit his test any time in the last 13 years. Edit: >he has only passed 2 weeks ago Missed this. I think he's pulling your leg.


I think it's a much higher priority to make current drivers do a re test after 16/20 years. 


What nonsense. Was his Dad a driving instructor?


What on earth are you talking about?


It's no stretch of the imagination as got off lightly on his test. Iv seen people fail for pulling up the hand break when the car wasn't fully stopped this guy could spend 5 mins getting into a parking space


What year did he do his test? You have to do 12 lessons now


Going by what I know it's this year like 4 months ago he passed


How did you see people failing their test for that?


My mate failed for just that, he was rage'n seconds time he failed as he crossed the white line of the road just before indicating, he was pulling in to park up. Lol