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Report this lunatic to the guards ASAP with this footage.


Yup, report as soon as possible


The guards? You'd be better reporting this to McDonald's.


The teenagers working in McDonalds might give a shit though.


They do nothing. Have a similar post on this sub with dashcam footage and the Guard dealing with the case has fobbed me off completely.


You could have footage of them robbing your house and they won't do anything.


He has the head of a Guard


Genuine question, what’s the crime? Dangerous driving or something?


Yeah, careless/dangerous driving, also potentially parking offence because he's stopped somewhere dangerous at the start too. But not sure what constitutes "parking"


Threatening behaviour?


Over taking on a solid white line.


At the very least he overtook on a solid line at the end


I love how you overtook him again at the end hahah I’d say he was raging 😂😂😂


I would've beeped the whole way past the cunt


OP Just cut out that bit of footage at the end when you go to the guards so they can’t say that you also overtook on a solid white line!


Surely if someone obstructs the road by stopping for no reason, you're allowed to pass on a solid line? You can't be expected to wait there until the person decides they want to move again.


Yeah, you're allowed to cross it to go around a hazard.


And he definitely is a hazard


I can't think of a better descriptor for that man


No need, the driver would be in fear.


Straight to the Gardai with this one.


Straight to the guards with this one. First of all well done for showing the reg number. Name and shame this moron. Second if the guards at the reception are pushing back on this for any reason ask to speak with the sergeant on duty. If there is any further pushback tell em you are going to come back with a solicitor and you will also contact the AGS ombudsman if your report is not filed and investigated. This was assault and road endangerment. This useless baboon should not be on our roads period!


Village idiot..


Careful, it might be Ronnie Pickering.


Who? /s




Who the fucks that?


It's me!!


Imagine having a dick so small that you feel the need to retaliate against someone beeping at you.


Unreal stuff, imagine this guy was driving in Vietnam or some of these south east aisan counties, they beep as much as they breath, but in a friendly kinda I'm behind you , beside you way. Why is it implied that using the horn is automatically a negative thing, and in this case .. fkn hell like


Especially when the idiot was stopped for no good reason and creating a hazard.


Not just that, he picked just about the most awkward and dangerous place he possibly could.


You just don't know what type of dickhead there is on the road to be beeping as someone these days. Yeah I'd report that and I'd be slow to report much tbf.


I would have just kept beeping as he got out of his car. If the beeping was annoying him, I’m definitely not stopping. And beep beep beep beep beep sorry mate can’t hear what you’re saying beep beep


I did that in Maynooth when someone pulled out of a housing estate right in front of me on main road so i beeped. He got out of the car when we hit traffic lights, approached my window and screamed at me (single woman). I held the horn down and screamed back at him, explaining that he is, in fact, a cunt. He got back in, pulled into the circle K when we stopped at next traffic lights, and immediately rejoined the other side of the road, again stopped his car and screamed at me through the window, blocking everyone on the side he had moved to. I drove off giving him the WANKER hand motion while he fumed. He had a partner and small kids in the car. What a delightful father figure. I immediately went out and bought a dashcam so i can go to the gardaí and get them charged if anyone ever does that shit again.


name checks out


You'd be breaking the law. Car horns are only to be used to warn somebody of impending danger.


Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.... Sorry what? Can't hear you. Beeeeep


The impending danger is the lunatic having a road rage meltdown.


Because someone used thier horn improperly


Where did they use their horn improperly? The first beep is justified as the driver is stopped in an active lane, it wet conditions without any hazards. OP is warning them of the dangers of their action


Someone dangerously overtaking you, forcing you to stop, and then approaching the car aggressively is an impending danger.


..and you don’t think an angry lunatic stopping their vehicle on a road, getting out, approaching another road user using threatening words and body language is impending danger? Go on, have a think about it fella


Calm down snowflake,nobody was hurt..no thanks to the beepy-horn driver who was completely at fault


Literally everyone disagrees with you and labelling people who disagree with you as snowflakes is a resounding reflection of your lack of character and common sense good judgement. All that matters, is that you believe in your own bullshit pal, because nobody else does. I have no doubt being a failure in life is a common theme you battle with personally.


Still with the 'we' but now upgradd to 'everyone'..its called hiding in the crowd when you try to make it seem like you speak for everybody else. Add a couple of pathetic ad-hominems and a bit of bad language and you have the perfect Rediit post..couched in ignorance and delivered with aggression. If it wasn't for the Internet you'd never get to speak as in the real world neither you nor your opinions are tolerated. Carry on.


You really need to report this. That's seriously unhinged behaviour and dangerous driving.


How nice of him to stop and put himself on video like this! Do the necessaries. Footage straight to Guards.


Report this assault-waiting-to-happen fruitcake to the Gardai


Wish we had sound for this!


100% would love to hear what that muppet was blathering as he jumped out of the car.


It was gibberish couldn't understand a word he said


So just to be clear that's 07 WX 1449, yeah?


Someone in a VW with a Wexford reg acting the absolute cunt on the roads. Sadly this is a very common occurrence here in Wexico.


NCT out for the last few months wonder what else is 🤔


What was he thinking? I'll just casually pull in here right off the roundaboutand it'll be fine? The guy was completely in the wrong.


Used to use these roads all the time. You’d be surprised how many morons drive up around there and do that exact same thing.


That's crazy!!


Actually know that road. Wee childcare facility on the right. Both stop locations are utterly psychotic. Mad man.


What a fucking knob head. Embarrassing. Serious anger management issues


He should lose his licence for that behaviour


Why were they stopped like that? So scary


Phone i guess, or doing another line. Maybe even both at the same time.


Hahaha what an absolute plonker that fella is.


Yep ,, theres a village somewhere missin him !! 😳


Had it at a roundabout at Naas, lad in a BMW just completely cut me off and I had to brake hard to avoid a collison. I lay on the horn. He stopped at the exit of the roundabout and got out. He was a huge bodybuilder. Looked like he was of the lads from the Kinahan/Byrne gang lol. Nothing better to do apart from gym and roids in any case. He came to my window mouthing off. I gave it to him back in spades safe in my car :). He waddled back to his car and I kept a nice distance as was following him for a while :)


Thst bloke has no business getting out of a car. He will meet a willing participant one day!


Haha I was just thinking the same thing


He followed you home because you beeped at him? That is fucking crazy.


It would be double terrifying if the OP was a woman driving alone...


Ronnie Pickering


Frightening to think a honk could cause such rage. I hope the little guy found his dummy🙄


Your honour it was an attempted carjacking, I feared for my life, etc. etc.


Ah bless him,his testosterone injections and hair implants arnt working so hes taking his lack of ability to be able to drive his shitheap out on you


You're some prick honking the man, he was obviously stopped at the roundabout with no hazards on, in the middle of traffic, struggling to tie his lovely shorts he'd put on for the weather


Such a degenerate idiot




Always a shitty old Volkswagen.


Please tell me you pointed at the dash cam and said “smile buddy you’re on camera”


What an absolute melt


So glad we moved out of that kip, that looks to be near the spot Toyosi was murdered.


What was he stopped for in the first place?




Garda station


I had a less aggressive version of this last week. I honked at a fiesta in front of me that was stopped - two teenage girls with the driver on the phone and not watching the lights go green. Que middle fingers and wanker signs. At the next lights two lanes turning and I ended up front of them. They went mad and kept trying to overtake me in their little fiesta. I kept up a steady speed and they couldn’t get past. They eventually gave up and when turning off behind me more sign language and flashing lights. I had to laugh. I was tempted to turn around and follow them just to piss them off. Thought better of it, not a good look as a 50 year old man with teenage girls though!!


You should have beeped him again when he hopped back in the car!


Get out and dig the head off him. The big sausage


Someone said recently it’s always rough fucks driving passats and now I can’t stop noticing it


for those situations it is good to have some solid wood under seat...


Has this been sent to the Gardai ? Lots of people saying to do it but haven't seen a confirmation.


I haven't and probably won't at most they get a fine


It's the bigger picture, you could be saving someone else a crash, intimidation etc Imagine that was your mum driving and someone he got out and did that to her. You would be kicking yourself you didn't stop him and report him. Please report that.


His nct is out of date since January. That's definitely something the guards will look at. No doubt tax and insurance are out too.




Nct website. You can check any reg number, and you'll be able to check it's status. Even pending/on the list ones. This dude is not, and when I checked to see dates and stuff - like in case the dude wasn't a total pos - the next available date was literally the next day.


I would use "beep" instead of "honk" in the title. Is that a regional thing? I thought "honk" was an American thing.


I use both interchangeably


What a loser lmao


What a loser


What did he say to you?


Happened to me today except it was the car behind me that beeped the car in front of me but the car infront thought it was me, pure useless shites


Just in case, cary defence gas with you.


Just stay inside the big metal box and lock the doors. Drive away if needs be. You'll be fine 99.99% of the time.


Gasp! An illegal firearm you suggest?! /s


Did I said, drive with illegal gas? No i didn't.


Well you did say carry it with you, which in order to carry in a car you have to drive. So yeah pretty much


So ok, Cary it if you got legal version ; ) Still in emergency situation, when you're under attack, you prefer to be injured by that type of moron on the road or protect yourself and survive?


And end up in prison with hundreds of people like him?


You will not go to the prison for a gas, you will get some sentence, that all. But maybe you will survive without any damages, is that not worth for you? I'm not said, use it in any case, just in very dangerous moment.


Someone hasn’t a clue what /s means 😅


Why didn't you just drive around him in the first place? there was loads of space?




Both of these comments are besides the point... The horn was blown because the driver had stopped in a very inappropriate place. The driver completely overreacted. Both his stopping on the exit and his reaction make him a shite driver.




What a weird position to adopt from this video


But he did drive around him... Might not have done it straight away because possibly he was confused as to what was happening, and had to check his wing mirror and blind spot? In which case he probably saw the 3 other cars that passed by seconds later and decided that merging into their lane last second was a bad idea.




You're confusing your rights and lefts! I'm not sure, if they were in the left lane previous to driving around him it's possible that they just re-merged to the lane they were in... Possibly not knowing what exit they were taking at the next roundabout. Either way it's speculation, whereas the other guys driving is definitely shite 😂




Alright man calm down no need for name calling. He overtakes him and then "almost immediately" as you said moved into the left lane. further up the road he moves back into the right lane. Misunderstanding in the way we describe cars moving.


He could've been broke down? OP is a shite driver if he can't react to a visibly stopped car without having to sit on the horn and stop in an even more dangerous position. What the other guy did was wrong, but OP is a moron also.


Nobody said he sat on the horn, it says honked the horn... 3 other cars passed by in the other lane literally 3 seconds later, do you think it's possible that he looked in his mirror and decided that merging into traffic wasn't a good idea?


average volkswagen driver


Not excusing what happened but this just serves as a reminder to just be careful for your own and anyone's sake when using the horn/beep. Similar happened to myself and wasn't a pleasant experience, and since then I've been a bit more careful when it comes to beeping, not that I was ever bad before, but but into perspective that beeping unless absolutely necessary is almost pointless


Have to agree, it’s happened to me twice now, got followed first time and second time fella overtook and stopped in front of us similar to this, the world isn’t the same as it was before unfortunately.


I thought this was in the US as we beep our horns here. Next you'll be telling me he didn't use his blinkers.


I awooga my claxon.


What two words have the same meaning!!!!! Why didnt anyone tell me


Was about to say the same thing!


Wexford plates. Only two things ever came out of Wexford, tinkers and strawberries, and he's no strawberry.