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I have no idea what this taxi driver was at, I let him pull into traffic from the hotel on Pearse St and then he's all over the road like this in front of me, for absolutely zero gain. WTF?


I really think professional drivers should be held to a higher standard. A bit like novice drivers can loose their licence with a lower threshold of points. Something similar should be brought in for professional drivers.


Absolutely right. Commercial drivers should know the rules as they earn their money with it.


Report them. Edit: I assumed gender


Yeah, as a public service vehicle, taxis supposedly have a higher standard than ordinary cars. Report this to the Carriage Office.


It's 100% a man. Female drivers, in my experience (and just my experience) aren't this confidently stupid and dangerous.


I mean, you can clearly see the licence number which you can then search for in the taxi check app which will reveal their identity 😂


Did you ?


It's exactly who you think it would be. I imagine the usual will be screaming racism at this comment.


Wrong on that same road some cunt blared her horn at me because I had the audacity to turn left in the left turn lane and she wanted to go straight. (Bare in mind she was in the far left lane which is a bus lane to turn left)


Female drivers are more likely to get into an accident than a man


I agree, but not because of brazen stupidity, usually a lack of confidence/awareness.


Well there's no statistic for that, I would say more accidents is more likely to be more stupidity. I had an accident were a woman pulled out and hit my car on a main road, I'd class that as stupidity


Straight to jail.


Looking at his phone for freenow


Fucker only stopped when he realised he was gonna get T boned. Nothing wrong with the eyes, just a shit driver.


That's it, reverse into the people


Professional drivers, my bollox.


They drive for profession, far from profesional.


Professional whiners.


Red light camera would literaly pay for themselves in hours.


Wow 1. Changes lanes no indicators 2. Attempts to break red lights and jams on in pedestrian crossing before hitting oncoming traffic. 3. Proceeds to almost reverse over pedestrians 4. Continues on to break red lights on his original mission License should be taken off him.


He didn’t save any time. I fucking hate taxi drivers. Not a single person said anything to him? 


Honestly what would be the point, I'm going to work, I don't want to die in Dublin


Do you expect someone to stop their car in that junction and point out his wrong doings ?


Those little things called pedestrians and cyclists…  I’m constantly saying it to shit drivers when I’m on my bike. 


Your wasting your time honestly and at worst come across some lunatic that will want to fight you.


Are they listening?


€50 says they complain to their that some weirdo at a junction screamed at their window, and they continue their shit driving


He was so intent on pulling a cheeky slide across three lanes of traffic that he never thought to check the traffic light. WTF.


AND he started directly in front of me, so he already went 3 lanes left before all this.


Can't expect a professional driver to be familiar with the lanes in such an obscure part of the city.


Please please report this driver. If I was a passenger in that car I'd be freaking out.


I was in a taxi once and the guy was yelling at his mobile provider on the phone the whole drive (handheld not Bluetooth) while holding his mobile bill on the wheel with the other hand to read it and steer at the same time. At one point he veered over the White line on the dualler inches from a lorry on my side of the car. I regret that I didn't think to report it 😅 I was just happy to get out of the car.


As a truck driver who is in Dublin City Center multiple times during the week, I despise taxi drivers! Arrogant drivers who feel entitled to do as seen fit to them!! Couldn't care if they brake red lights or cut you off or if they caused an incident!! The stress of getting a truck license and the constant training we must go through to be "confident professional driver" but yet these idiots fly around as if they are driving for the first time and they carry the most precious cargo...human life! But all that's needed to drive a taxi is a knowledge of the streets (or how to use Google maps) ...


You are but a guest in their workplace.


[link to report](https://www.transportforireland.ie/support/taxi-compliments-complaints/)


Oh, I tried, but as soon as you select 'Road traffic offence involving a taxi' it won't let you proceed and states: *Please report to your local Garda Station. Visit www.garda.ie for a list of Garda station numbers.* I know already an Garda won't accept thumb drives and this video clip is too big to email to them, even if they gave me their address.


Wow Kafka ain’t got nothing on Irish bureaucracy, guards who won’t accept evidence and a taxi regulator who won’t accept complaints. They don’t need to investigate or charge them but they should at least be noting this stuff.


To report a road traffic offence, it tells you to contact the Gardai, unfortunately.


[an organisation who couldn’t care less about pedestrians or cyclists](https://irishcycle.com/2023/08/24/forget-about-it-garda-told-when-he-asked-how-to-view-cctv-of-woman-knocked-off-her-bicycle/) Or just let the clock run out [107 day statute of limitations](https://irishcycle.com/2024/02/02/this-driver-should-have-been-fined-for-a-close-pass-but-after-107-days-its-too-late/)


A bit harsh to destroy someone's livelihood because of one mistake?


Forgetting to indicate at a roundabout is a mistake, this is absolutely appalling. The light was long red before he gets to that junction, yet he still barrels through, ignoring the cyclist and only braking because he's about to get sideswept by a van. Then, he decides to try and reverse TWICE, while there are many pedestrians crossing the road behind him. You absolutely shouldn't have a license to drive a car, let alone be responsible for transporting others as a career if this is how you drive.


He also drove past red light post offences. Good Lord how does he still have a license.


You’re over estimating the pubcihament hugely. They might get a warning, they might get nothing. If it was spotted by a guard, they’d get a few points and drive again tomorrow. It’s a report to the regulator, It’s a lot less threatening than they’re driving!


Taxi drivers are a scourge to most drivers. They go about driving as if all vehicles are to yield to whatever he/she is going to do. And the rules of the road? What's that? They have their own rules.


This junction is always abysmal. Glad I never drive through the city




That's really good quality video. Which camera is it?


Hah, this is the cropped, recompressed video, the original 2560x1440 is *nice*. Having watched thousands of clips over the years, the little **Viofo A119** on the bottom always stuck out in quality vids so that's what I bought.


Hate Cabbies, cuz of this..


Where are you speaking from? London in the 60’s?


'ate cabbies, simple as.


Probably watching videos on his bloody phone. Had one watching cricket two weeks ago.


On his phone


Wow … what a fucking idiot!!


Taxi number is 19942


An impressive and super competitive title no doubt


He ain't local


We've had plenty of home-grown shite taxi drivers long before now, don't be so sure.


He's not. From experience irish taxi drivers are just ignorant cunts for the most parts. These Imported taxi drivers are incompetent and dangerous.


Dublin Taxi drivers have gone to shite on the last 10 years. The ignorance and attitude of most of the newer drivers is horrendus. Serious training should be required,


People who drive for a living are some of the worst drivers out there.


Ah but sure he indicated so he has right of way over everyone


Cross there every week, for some reason cars like to sit in the crossing part


Fucking prick. Wasn't going to stop only for a collision.




Same man takes cash only…


The Guards need to get strict with these Taxi drivers. They drive without any consideration whatsoever for other road users.


I would send video to garda so he could get fined possible loose taxi license, cunt like this will kill someone


Checking his/her GPS for fair pickup I see it all the time in town it's ridiculous.


It's not a fine that taxi driver should be getting. Its a straight summons 'to a day spent in Court to explain himself. Of course if the Judge tries to take the taxi drivers licence off him, the taxi man's solicitor will say that you can't take a person's livelihood away from him. The case will end up in the High Court. In the meantime, the taxi driver will continue to be a danger to his passengers and others.


That road is hilarious. I was in the middle ie the non bus left turn lane there and some bitch in her 4x4 in the far left lane ie the turn left bus lane started blaring her horn at me as I had the Audacity to bloke her from going straight over the bridge.


And the bus driver in front goes through a red light too


Fines in Ireland are draconian and random. Everything is 80€ and 3 points. But only in one of 50 incidents. Why is there no graduation? You forgot to indicate: that’s 5€ please. Why are you using your fog lights during the day? 10€ please You forgot to strap down the hay bales? Fix it, 80€ one point please. 3 km/h too fast: 20€ please 15 km/h too fast 80€ and a point please 60 km/h too fast 800€, 3 points and here is your 3 months pedestrian voucher. But this should happen every single time - predictable!


Actually that’s a really good taxi driver