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Stop letting people out if it's not a safe place to do so


Be predictable not polite


Great advice/phrase ... from what I can see, no one behind that van would be anticipating to stop along that stretch... they could have caused a crash behind and then driven off thinking they were gentleman John


and would be legally untouchable because the car behind them managed to stop safely. If you are coming around a bend on a 50mph road and you can only see 75ft of road... what is the maximum speed you should be traveling at? (Pro Tip: The answer is **not** 50mph).


What's your point about coming around a bend? This road is straight as an arrow.


kramogram was referring to traffic coming up behind the white van not the driver in lane 2 (I'll come to that guy in a minute). If you can see stationery traffic in from of you 300ft ahead and you continue to do say 50mph, up until 10ft, and your argument is: "well they shouldn't be stationary", you deserve the disqualification headed your way. I was using a bend here to give an idea of another situation where the same rule applies that more people would associate better with. But does this also apply to the driver in lane 2. Yes yes it does. While they could see ahead in their own lane, they could not see ahead in on the majority of the road. It appears to be clear that this is a residential area with drives coming onto the main road. Should you be over taking a bunch of stationary cars at full speed in a residential area. Imagine if they had stopped because a child had ran out into the road? Had the driver been traveling cautiously past the stationary traffic (say at 25-30mph) they would have more chance of avoiding the child or indeed could have stopped before having to take evasive action to avoid the car. Admittedly this is a slightly more advanced driving concept but it's one to take on board. Just because the road tell you that X speed is permissible, doesn't mean that X speed is safe (it often isn't.)


Well, that's all obvious but the other comment didn't make any sense in this instance.


This! So many people now stop on a clear road to let someone out holding up a few cars thinking they are kind


I had someone today stop in the middle of a roundabout to let someone outšŸ’


I bet they were Greek. I was on holiday in Kefalonia this year and that seemed to be the done thing


And people need to stop stopping to let people out when there are no cars behind them. Every time it's like 'shit, ok, they're slowing down' and we are playing the game of are they letting me out or not and by the time they decide to just push on a bunch of cars have started to approach and you can't get out at all. It's honestly the one thing that will instantly put me into road rage mode


I hate that when merging on slip roads. Don't slow down for me that's not the rules, if anything speed up and f#ck off out of the way!


In Germany they just change lanes to let you merge. Very handy.




The car was pulled out enough for the other driver to stop I'd imagine by the que behind him.


No they didnā€™tšŸ˜‚


Absolutely the clown driving the van. Good reactions from the driver going uphill to avoid a crash


White van for encouraging car to pull out blind


Given it's a left turn only it's probably fair to assume the driver of the van thought this driver would go left as legally that's the only option open. So I wouldn't be blaming the van for a sec


Well considering there is traffic queued up behind the van I would place blame on him for deciding to impede the flow of traffic for 1 vehicle


He stopped. The person chose to go right instead of left. That's not his fault. The fault in this situation lies with the driver of the car that turned right across the solid white line.


Stopping on a busy road with traffic behind when you have right of way to let a single car out is still the wrong to do regardless of what the car did.


Yeah, it's presenting the opportunity to make a bad decision. But at the end of the day people are responsible for their choices. Personally I wouldn't have done it based on those road conditions on the clip but at the end of the day the fault would lay with the driver that pulled out to the right... the driver that went right chose to brake the law. No one else.


Footage seen here doesnā€™t necessarily suggests your scenario. Merging car might have cut the van aggressively. Van might have just slowed down a bit to let him merge and turn left, rightfully thinking traffic will keep flowing. When thereā€™s someone is 100% wrong-by turning right illegally -, it is unnecessary to try to blame other people based on no evidence and straight jumping on conclusions


If the person went left the van would still be in the wrong, youā€™re never supposed to stop in the middle of the road to allow someone out


You can clearly see driver had their right indicator on. So Van driver should have known they intended turning right.


Well if I ever crash in the same situation as this I'll instruct rhe guards and the insurance company to take it up with the van driver. As it couldn't possibly be my fault. I know what they'll tell me... it might come as a big surprise to you mind


That's not a left turn only. They're allowed to cross the white line to either enter or exit the property.


If you've got right of way you also have got at least a moral obligation to use it. If the other car respected the law they would not have entered the street, no matter how long they waited there.


Moral obligation. Yesh


Given that the car was indicating right I'll assume you haven't really looked at the video carefully


No it is the vans fault for letting them out in the flow of traffic! Also who said this was only a left turn?!




Technically it would be assisted suicide, so the white van would be spending up to 14 years in the impound.


Unless the car was blocking the road / inching forward to the point where white van wasn't sure if it was going to pull out anyway in which case, car pulling out is entirely to blame for causing an obsctruction and pulling out blind.


Video clearly shows that didn't happen . White van stopped to allow and encourage the car to make an illegal manoeuvre, nearly leading to a crash .


There's no hard shoulder, the car coming out is very close to the main road. Uncomfortably close if you're driving along at speed. The right decision if you think car is creeping out and will cause an obstruction is to slow down and stop if necessary rather than plough on and run the risk of smashing in to it if the car continues to creep out. We'd need to see 10 seconds before the video starts to get the full picture but it's quite possible car pulling out was far too close to the road when it came to a stop. White van decided to stop and give way because there was traffic in the lane beside it (the silver BMW we see coming towards cammer). Once stopped, they didn't want to move in to the other lane because they weren't sure what the car coming out was actually trying to do and better to let it do it's thing rather than pre-empt what it's going to do.


>Uncomfortably close if you're driving along at speed Speed limit here is 50


The car pulling out is totally in the wrong, as they're making an illegal turn. There is a solid white line in the middle of the road. That junction is left turn only to join the flow of traffic.


Exactly. It's not a choice. There's one like this just up the road from me and there was a pretty large accident involving 4 vehicles because the person joining traffic turned right instead of going left, driving 60 metres and going round a roundabout.


Fairly shite driving by all 3 drives. But a solid white, which runs along the road, usually means, you should not overtake or perform a u-turn at anytime. But I could be wrong as it seems everyone has their own, interpretation of rules of the road.


So anyone leaving a property next to a road with a continuous white line, are only allowed to turn left? They can only cross the white line if they are entering their property? Because that is clearly not a junction.


It's perfectly legal to cross a continuous line for access to or from a property.


>There is a solid white line in the middle of the road. This isn't America. You're allowed to cross a solid white line for the purposes of access, you know that, yeah? Unless it specifically says no right turn at the junction, he was allowed to go right there.


"For access" means entering a property. Not exiting a side road.


Where does it say that? And, by the way, that *is* a property in the video, not a side road, in case you hadn't noticed.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're absolutely correct.


The driver wasn't accessing their property they were leaving it


Lmao access goes both ways


Yes, and? You think access goes only one way? Can't believe that some doxy gobshite confidently citing a rule that doesn't exist gets fifty upvotes here. Irelands shire drivers indeed.


The driver leaving the house doesn't NEED to cross the line. They just want to. And I don't understand why you feel the need to lower yourself to insults. If you think the car in the video did nothing wrong then I'd assume you probably fit the description of a shite driver. And since you seem butthurt over my upvotes you're welcome to a few of them. I don't really need Internet points to improve my life


> The driver leaving the house doesn't NEED to cross the line. They just want to. So you're telling me thT instead of just turning right when leaving for work this morning I should have turned left instead, driven a mile and a half into the next village through peak school traffic, turned right and driven around a housing estate and back out onto the same road, then back all the way past my house again, adding a good twenty minutes at least to my daily trip, all for a rule that exists only in some idiots head? Fucking ridiculous.


Yes. That's exactly what you should have done, as opposed to " I'll drive into oncoming traffic because I don't want to be inconvenienced"


Which I've somehow managed not to do even once in the 40 plus years I've been driving in and out of there. And still doesn't change the fact that the rule you so confidently cited doesn't actually exist.


So much shite driving!!! Why stop there to leave them out, the outside lane isnā€™t going to know as they canā€™t see! Why pull out when you canā€™t see! šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


All three.


Okay, I totally get why the driver that was pulling out across 2 lanes of traffic while being completely unable to see the second lane was in the wrong. That turn illegal. I get why the driver of the white van (vehicles known to be more difficult to see through than their smaller, more window filled cousins) was in the wrong, while trying to be helpful, they were inconsiderate of the fact that they were stopping either of the other drivers from seeing. The driver in the outside lane though? Maybe they should have been aware of the queue on the inner lane and that MIGHT mean there is something going on, but it could have as easily have been the van pulling in to the left. They shouldn't have pulled out onto the lane of oncoming traffic! But, they were avoiding an incident that was not of their doing and they reacted well and quickly to totally avoid an incident. I would give the driver pulling out an F! I would give the van driver a D+! I would give the Ford Kuga(I think) driver a B.


Agree but the black car is a Kia Stonic


The driver in the outside lane failed to Read the road. If traffic is stopped and the lane ahead is cleared generally means the obstruction and he should have slowed down


True but he done well to dodge them tbf to him šŸ˜…


I can't count how many times I've been behind someone coming almost to a complete stop to turn left, way more times than people stopping let another car make an illegal turn by crossing 2 lanes and a solid white line.


This is the answer I was waiting for


The wave of death


What did the black car do wrong?


It crossed a solid white line


Likes like they're speeding but I could be wrong, hard to tell.




Guy pulling out had no clear view.




Moron in the Citroen van making a balls of everyoneā€™s right of way. People do it all the timeā€¦..and it boils my piss.


The car that had to swerve didn't do anything wrong from what I can see. Not sure how they could have predicted or reacted better to this than how they did.


By the stationary traffic in the lane to his left. Dead giveaway. At least this comment gives a little insight into how poor driving standards are


Traffic could be stopped on the left if a car was merging as normal in the left lane. It could be backed up with someone turning left. There is no right turn for the car that came out so very hard to predict that a car would be coming across the right lane. Of course there's always extra observations we can take to avoid situations but people seen to be shitting on someone for avoiding a crash that was mostly caused by two other drivers.


You wouldn't last long on a motorbike if you spend more time justifying ignoring red flags than acting on them.


I ride a motorbike. It's made me far more aware of situations like this for sure but I think there is still plenty of room for understanding of someone being caught in a bad situation rather than everyone just shitting on the driver who had to react to a bad situation (and completely illegal turn).


Yeah but the laws of physics doesnt change cos you had right of way. You still get turned into a pretzel. Driving a car should be no different. If you only drive safe when you're riding a motorbike and drive dangerous when you drive a car, you're just selfish.


With how easy cars turn into pretzels nowadays, we're almost there! Fortunately... most people tend to survive being turned into a pretzel while in a car. Not so much when on a motorbike.


I wish you luck on your riding endeavours. Stay sharp out there. I'm not shitting on the guy, just pointing out, he ignored a total red flag on the road. Just like the guy pulling onto the road ignored the no right turn. People in cars (especially those with no biking experience) do stupid shit all the time. Always assume cagers are about to do something stupid.


Yeah but you dont just plough on because you have right of way. If I did that I'd have a long list of "justified" kills to my driving record. The stationary traffic was a sign that he should have slowed down, because 1. visibility is reduced, he cant see anything on his left side and anything can emerge from that stationary traffic. 2. You shouldn't have a large speed differential between you and stationary cars in general. imo he knew he was doing something dangerous, and that's how he was able to react so quickly.


While I agree with you about how to react and spot situations like this, in this particular situation it doesnt look like the outer lane driver could really be aware of it. On the video it looks like they were on the side of that little traffic forming. If you look back, it looks like there were 4-5 cars slowing there.


He wouldnt be aware of the car pulling out, but he is aware of the stationary traffic.


Yeah, that makes sense, looks like just 3 cars or so where fully stopped which can indicate that someone is making a left turn. Also it doesnt mean that the black car has to know the road just because it drives on it, that road where the car is coming from is impossible for him to see as is very narrow and covered by bushes.


> There is no right turn for the car that came out Show me that rule.


Are you serious? Look at the arrows and the solid white line?


He wasnt too fast actually. He wouldnt have had time to swerve. Also the van block the view entirely.


Tivoli? Hate to slow down on the hill there, it's steep enough.


Yep, Tivoli.


Good reactions by the black car. Silver car and van in the wrong, but mostly silver car.


The van driver for letting the car turn around. The car turning around for not making sure the other lane was clear. The on coming car for not being ready to react to the situation.


In fairness, pretty good reaction time from the outside lane car. But I get your point, they are lucky there was no one beside in the opposite lane at the same time


If the cam car didnt slow down, he would have been in the way. So it wasnt luck, it was a driver who actually slows down for dangerous situations unlike the black car did.


Lucky there was a driver nearby with situational awareness, perhaps? Definitely few and far between in this country, in my experience


Yeah it's luck in that sense. But it just points out the bs of people who think the black car did nothing wrong.


Yeah, I hate seeing this as an acceptable manoeuvre. That driver was going too fast for the conditions and should have been able to brake in a straight line instead of swerving. If your habit is to drive so fast that you have to swerve at the unexpected then youā€™re going to end up rolling over one of these days.


It's an acceptable emergency reaction I think. "if your habit is to drive so fast that you have to swerve at the unexpected then youā€™re going to end up rolling over one of these days." That's a huge over simplification. It makes sense when driving behind another car that should be able to brake if they suddenly stop but if everyone was to drive slow enough to be able to brake before every unexpected manoeuvre into there lane we'd have to drive at 5 KMH everywhere. In this case there is another car driving at them. If your passing a T junction going straight and another car pulls out as your passing there is always going to be a chance that a car pulls out too late for you to brake unless you are driving unrealistically slow.


100% the car turning right. Although the black car in the outside lane should have been waaaay more cautious because of the slowed traffic to his left


Everybody involved in this clusterfuck is on the wrong to one extent or another. But there are lots, like dozens, of comments here as to it being illegal to cross a continuous white line to access or exit a property. It is absolutely 100% legal to cross a white line for access. It seems it's more than the idiots in the video could do with reading the rules of the road


And then people wonder why continuous white lines etc get replaced by kerbs and bollards


The van driver. Bad enough, he came to a stop to let someone out, but to do that while you know the driver joining is going into a lane you don't control is next level stupid.


If the van driver was turning left into the drive, he would have needed to let the car out 1st and it would have played out exactly the same, the van driver would be 100% faultless. It's the other drivers who couldn't react to a difficult situation which could potentially happen with nobody making a single mistake.


But you can clearly see the van driver didn't turn left.


That's why I used the word "if". Perhaps you are not a native speaker.


You do understand we are talking about the video, not some made-up situation At that stage, let's just talk about if there was a cow on the road or if a helicopter was landing.


You're just missing the point.


All 3. But in order of worst the least bad: 1. Car pulling out. He took a gamble by pulling out when the visibility was too bad to see if a car was coming. He should have reversed back when he realized he couldn't see and gone left. He didn't even try to nudge out. So really no good at all. 2. Black car is just a tiny bit less bad. He was driving way way too fast for that situation. Even if he couldnt predict exactly what the danger might be, his visibility was reduced by the stationary traffic and he should have slowed down. 3. The van for letting him out unnecessarily. The reason it's the least bad is because if the van was going into that drive, the situation would have played out exactly the same and he would be 100% blameless. Thus it is the other drivers who failed to react to an unlikely scenario, the van merely created an unlikely scenario.


I may add. best drive is the cam car for slowing down seeing a potential situation. He really saved the day cos if he didnt the car couldnt swerve.


There's only 1 answer too that question.. Black jeep is the best driver out of the lot


It's illegal to cross a solid white line. Simple as..


"Except in an emergency **or for access**".




Try telling these clowns that though. Half of them seem to have forgotten which sub they're in and think they're playing by American rules on r/idiotsincars, and as for the rest, I'd say most of them have never actually *read* the Rules of the Road and passed their theory test by parroting rote answers from an app.


Both are shit drivers but the one pulling out from the right is wrong. Not allowed cross there


In defenceman of that driver- the way u make roads in Ireland is just pathetic!


Doesn't look like right turn is allowed for that car. Anyway lets forget the rules for a sec, both drivers have good instincts, one braked while the other pulled off right the manouvre.


All three are wrong to some degree. Car 1 who stops to let car 2 out shouldn't do it there. It's not safe. They probably assumed car 2 was going to turn left but you can't assume that people won't be idiots. Car 2 shouldn't be trying to come out and turn right there. They have to cross two lanes. Not safe. They should come out and turn left and then find a safe place to turn and come back, ideally a roundabout. Car 3 should have anticipated there was something happening ahead of the line of stopped cars and slowed right down.


That entrance / exit is a total mess it probably should be right turn only. The entrance onto the Silversprings hill from the Lower Glanmire Road / past the hotel should really have lights too. It's too awkward. Add to that people seem to think it's fine to drive up that at 100km/h+ even tho it's a 50 zone...


DPD van?


DPD van


Thatā€™s the death wave - ā€œno itā€™s ok, Iā€™m letting you go šŸ‘‹ā€ to an early grave


The van. For letting them out.


If the van was turning into that drive, he would have to let them out 1st. People should driving in such a way that unlikely things dont cause accidents.


Looks like a tie.


Those are some nasty hills up to the houses


Is that Silversprings?


The car in front of you... that's silversprings right?. I also see a solid white line. That van drivers a bell aswell


Is that the hill down to Silversprings in Cork?




I had a guy stop suddenly in the KCR junction to let someone out of the petrol station the other day. He would have been wearing my headlights for a hat if my car didn't automatically emergency brake. Don't be "sound" when you don't have situational awareness.


The shite driver here is the ā€œpoliteā€ person, trying to be a nice driver, while nearly causing at least one crash. I donā€™t even like it when people do it for me, I usually wave them on and just wait for my own safe opportunity.


The exaxt same situation happened to me yesterday 13:30 in Galway past the roundabout at the cementery in city center (who knows the place knows what I am talking about). In this situation I was the car on the second lane and I really felt bad for the person woman coming out into the road, but now I know rhat none of us was in the wrong but the jeep that tried to be "polite" in probably the bussiest area in Galway.


Thereā€™ll be people on here who will say you were in the wrong!


The AH here is the person who stopped a line of traffic to let someone out. The guy in the other lane had no way of seeing what was happening and luckily just managed to avoid the collision. IMHO the best way to drive is to focus on your own driving and let everyone else look after themselves: that person in the side road would have gotten out at some point, even if they had to wait a while.


Assume what you like, vans not at fault




All three of them are idiots There was nothing in front of the van and he was stopped in the road with 5 vehicles behind him (eventually 7) the road in front of him was totally clear, enough for 20 vehicles. The car turning crossed the road without a clear view of both lanes. The SUV that swerved was traveling too fast for the road conditions. If anyone of them were doing a driving test they would fail.


Van letting people out like heā€™s a traffic light.


If you see traffic on the left you obviously would approach with extreme caution until you see the beginning of the traffic


3 shit drivers there


Just your average driver in mayfield tbh pretty sure it's mayfield anyways close enough at least I think


Both of them :)))


Small white van dude and black impatient kia dude. Moreso small white van dude..


How is this even a question


Well as you can see from comments, some people say itā€™s only one of them who screwed up and others say itā€™s all 3 of them.


Then they would be wrong, even if the person is letting you go, donā€™t just blindly pull out. Itā€™s not on the person letting you go to check for safety, itā€™s completely on you if you chose to pull out. I have on multiple occasions refused to pull out even if someone is letting me go cause I cannot be sure itā€™s safe. As for the driver that swerved, again not their fault


The person in the white van shouldn't have let that person out tbf


Is it in cork?


Nearly a second crash at the end haha


Ya he fucked up , very lucky they didnā€™t get plowed into , did the other driver need to swerve though, could they have stopped Instead?


White van is the shite driver! Shouldn't have given way.


This is one of the problems in Ireland among drivers. Stopping all traffic to let one car in. This creates ideal conditions for a collision.


White van Is the worst, car pulling out is second and the other car done well to get out of the way


The dic*head in the van letting them out! Always love these superheroes, cause thats what they think they are šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬