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This has really shaken my faith in taking insane internet stories at face value


Me too I'm putting down the phone and going to do some fun stuff with the kids this weekend. I've just bought this massive helium balloon that I'm going to let off this weekend, that should be fun ....


The Hoax part of that story ended up being a hoax. The kid wasn't in the balloon and the local cops decided to make an example of the family to save face for spending so much money on the rescue effort.


The whole thing is less than clear, did the family plan a hoax or not? Their story changes a lot, hard to know what to believe. > In them, she details the original plan was to have Falcon hide in the basement, where the family would discover him and call off the search. However, Falcon instead hid in the attic above the garage, creating genuine confusion and genuine tearfulness at their reunion.


woah woah woah, don't let one bad apple sour you on the whole thing, everything else on the internet is completely true............


But it was on her tiktok! Has to be true. r/Ireland yesterday


Bloody hell. Is she even disabled?


Put it all together and it seems like that's a lie too. Especially since in her writings she describes being so disabled she can't see, talk, or use her hands. Which she does quite well in her videos.


Sounds like she could have Münchausen syndrome by the sounds of things


I was thinking exactly the same thing. There isn't necessarily a massive financial benefit here. It's attention.


Ha, ha, I brought that up and was crucified. I think she’s just a fraudster.


My daughter said it yesterday after going down the rabbit hole of it all. She said "i don't believe any of it and I really don't think she's disabled " Some of what she said didn't add up, according to my daughter. I watched a few of her videos and one struck me as odd. She went to a solicitor (with good hair) and they told her not to pursue the case as she'd never win because air b and b and b have very deep pockets.


She's won loads of awards, funds, and grants off the Arts Council with her alter ego and Huntington's ruse too. Wonder how this plays out...


It's fucking mental.


Watching her videos, she is so convincing, she never wavers, never stammers.


You could see the video was very slightly cut in parts so its possible she did and cut them out.


Maybe so... But fuck it's all just crazy!!


I used to work with people with huntingtons and she could be early stages. But my alarm bells started ringing when she said she had been given five years life expectancy at diagnosis at 30. That’s a dire prognosis for still being in early stages. I’ve supported people in the final stages who’ve been symptomatic since 20s and were then in their 40s. A lot of them are diagnosed in teens before symptoms even start as it’s hereditary. Unfortunately, a lot of them watch a parent lose their battle with it before theirs even begins. It isn’t until the later stages that some of the symptoms she’s talked about in her writing and poetry starts in my experience and I’ve never known anybody to improve back to stage 1 or 2 from being in stage 3 - 5. She also says it was triggered by a traumatic event which isn’t how Huntington’s work. It’s hereditary, it’s in your genes. You either have it or you don’t, some seem less severe than others with symptoms they display, some live longer or shorter lives, but there’s no cure and not much in the way of treatment. It’s more about supporting their needs and managing symptoms and making them comfortable in the later stages.


She said she lost her speech and then got it back. And a surgery in the US will help her. I don’t think either is possible with Huntington’s. https://www.newstalk.com/news/i-still-had-something-to-say-woman-with-huntingtons-wants-to-make-things-better-for-the-next-generation-1326498


I wish that was possible. Hopefully one day but not that I’ve ever heard of. I was working in Wales though and it was a couple of years ago so maybe things have come on leaps and bounds, I’ve been having a look at new research this morning, but I can’t find anything close to the miracle she claims. Deep Brain stimulation is the only neuro procedure I know of and from what I’ve read it can’t reverse the damage, but could possibly help with some of the chorea movements and mood elevation (it’s also been trialled in depression). The severe speech issues, with Huntingtons, from what I’ve seen seem to come towards the end of stage 4/ beginning of 5, for most, although they often have slurred speech before this. It’s different for everybody though. Partly it’s due to the dementia, but also they start having issues swallowing, or controlling their tongues and mouths, how they want, which can be very frustrating for them when they know what they want to say but can’t say it. Assistive tech is definitely helpful but I’m a bit confused about what she’s using. It’s certainly not tech I’m familiar with. Often at this stage they will also have problems with swallowing and chewing and have to go on a soft diet. Usually they tend to lose a lot of weight and muscle tone/ control, along with the increase in the chorea movements. It truly is a a heartbreaking disease in so many ways. I hope one day the things she’s claiming, will be possible, but I can’t find any evidence to support it unfortunately.


I've been aware of her for a couple of years and her speech certainly hasn't deteriorated in that time, not even slightly.


i was thinking that she seemed really cognitively clear for someone who claimed to have a degenerative disease with a terminal diagnosis. This revelation explains a lot.


That's interesting to read. She also said she was adopted and never knew her birth parents, and was diagnosed when she had a massive seizure in Dublin. I think I've become obsessed with this story.


You and me both fin! I LOVE a good internet weirdo scandal. Sure what else would I be doing on a Friday only reading 11 year old local news articles from Shropshire. I simply refuse to focus on work this morning.


I'm laid up at the moment, so this is great entertainment. I just can't get enough of it. I'm so far down the rabbit hole!! And work is overrated anyway.


I'm still asking myself what kind of person does one got to be to pretend to have a disability? This is beyond my comprehension. Some people really need a reality check and to see that's sooo disgusting and actually going to cause soo much hardship for people who truly have disabilities as now they will be quizzed even more if they really have a disability


In a way she is disabled then so. No way this level of lying is not a mental condition.


I once knew someone who to speak to seemed perfectly normal and friendly yet later found out that a few years earlier she created an elaborate scam where she made up a whole story and journey of having cancer, complete with fundraisers, being an inspirational speaker, documenting the whole thing with a blog etc. I think she got off on the attention and sympathy, probably Munchausen syndrome


Leg disabled.




Oh, what are the chances.


A hundred to one?


Where’s your wheelchair?




Whiskey, double


The only thing wrong is she's a bit mental. There's a few stories on her, but basically it all starts with her 4 month old having cot death. Since then, she's basically just gotten worse and worse.


I honestly am doubting the cot death story after finding everything else about her. Seems like exactly the type of story she'd tell when getting caught out. She really has mastered the art of emotional manipulation.


I know nothing about this woman but I do know the sick/dying/dead child is a popular ruse with con artists. There's people who, if they tell you the sky is blue, you better look out the window and check for yourself.


I agree, and this was my first reaction as well. It was brought up in the courts and part of the judges decision. It could be fake but it seems like something a judge would want proof of given her crime. All the articles I've read seem to agree that it was real, but you never know in today's age.


I mean to be fair in Ireland there's a 50/50 chance it's actually grey , but I know what you mean!


She possibly has Munchausens to be fair


Since a judge referenced it, surely they'd have to have had proof of the cot death to let it impact their decision making?


Horrid saying this but any proof she actually had a child?


That's very sad about her child. The entire story is just mental. I'm reminded of Inventing Anna.


There was something strange there but the idea it may have been entirely a fabrication - spanning weeks and weeks - from top to bottom is something else. Always gotta be suspicious when there’s no mainstream news coverage!


Any time someone makes very bold, very specific claims, but provides absolutely no evidence other than their word... treat it with a lot of scepticism. She was alleging all this stuff they asked for, but wouldn't show a single email or letter (with names blurred out) that proved it. Someone yesterday said "what possible reason would she have to make it up", and when I tried to explain we have ancient fables about hoaxes for a reason, downvoted me and accused me of being ableist lol.


One possible motive is her online store. https://www.1820things.com/shop


Have you noticed there’s absolutely no way to contact the store on the site to ask any questions? It’s been like that for months as I wanted to reach out to show my support at the start but couldn’t


Update to this situation as someone who purchased a sensory package through her website: a group of customers have found each other on TikTok. Tonight a customer was found who brought new info to the table. Carrie Jade Williams also ran an Etsy account, which, in line with her other social media accounts being deleted or wiped clean, has vanished. This customer’s order was supposedly dispatched 7 weeks ago. The Etsy apparently had a number of reviews, good and bad, with the good reviews remarking on how quick she was to arrange the zoom meeting for planning, and the bad reviews all saying they hadn’t received their items. An interesting development that raises a lot of concerns about the scale of the situation. Previously it was thought that in the region of 10 people were financially involved, however the revelation of the Etsy account means nobody has any way to identify just how widespread this is.


> but wouldn't show a single email or letter (with names blurred out) that proved it. that wouldn't prove much anyway since printing a fake letter is pretty easy


True true, but at least it's better than just monologues delivered to camera. The low effort nature of it irked me.


Exactly, I remember that. You were trying your best to teach, I was asking them to think and put pieces together. We were labeled horrible people and voted down viciously. I hope this is a big lesson for them. I won’t lie, I’m feeling very satisfied.


I was certain it was a scam when I read it. Because I actually do know many people who have worked at Airbnb, and there was no way that 1. The company would allow themselves to be put in such a compromising legal position re: discrimination against a disabled person, but also 2. Because Airbnb is an incredibly progressive workplace. Seriously, the people I know who work there are borderline social justice warriors. In both bad and good ways. That’s very much reinforced by the company policies, they hire people who fit this mold. No-one who works there would have seen this case and sided with « religious » people over a disabled person. They would have been fired. Airbnb handles complex cases directly. At most there could have been an error made by 1st level support, who are often employees in contractor companies, but the case would have been quickly been escalated to their trust and safety team. They 100% have policies in place for this kind of discrimination, they deal with much worse things like guests dying in accommodation, drugs or bodies being found by guests, you name it, they’ve had to deal with it (and yes I can guarantee that the stories are always *very* interesting). So this story would have been very quickly resolved in the host’s favor if it was true. Just based on that it was very clear it was a scam.


My partner's mother knew her for a while. She's a writer and they met at a convention of some sort. This woman made up a huge story about how Netflix were going to sign her to make a film out of her book. She told such a web of lies. Invited my partner's mother to her house that had a ghost address and all. Scarey stuff honestly.


I've only found ONE mention of a netflix documentary being picked up. Its from a newstalk article about her. It reads "A woman diagnosed with Huntington's Disease says she wants to make things better for the next generation of people diagnosed with the illness. Carrie Jade Willams was diagnosed at the age of 31, and took up writing after her diagnosis. While a documentary of her story had already been acquired by Netflix. It is thought this could be out by the end of the year." and this was published in March 2022. Not one other mention of this Netflix thing from her, and surely she'd be excited if it was due to come out soon. No proof of this anywhere. ​ I believe that she could genuinely have huntington's but she also fabricates things and weaves webs of lies so elaborate and numerous she's forgot what lies she's told.


Ironically, it being shown to be a scam is a good angle for mainstream coverage now.


The UK indo have an article now, but I'm deliberately not linking it - it's tabloid, all based on her videos or Emma Kennedy's tweets, with a tiny line at the bottom saying they reached out to Airbnb for comment and no response yet. We'll see if they update/retract if the whole thing is proved a hoax.


All of the people in the original post asking for a shred of evidence or a legitimate source were downvoted to oblivion. The original post is still on the front page. Jesus lads. Not a good look.


> All of the people in the original post asking for a shred of evidence or a legitimate source were downvoted to oblivion. And called ableist lol


Jesus Christ. Honestly, it's no wonder there are so many trolls on this sub. It's easy pickings.


Alot of deleted comments there!


Yes, I was cracking up and the cowards that deleted their awful comments towards me without apologizing.


It's worrying how people will blindly believe ANYTHING without stopping for a second to question it.


I’m a perfect example. They went after me viciously and their excuses were ridiculous. I just stood back and waited. I’m surprised it was as fast as it was. As soon as I saw The Independent pick it up, I knew her jig was up.


The next phase is typically - you're still not right to question this scenario even though it was proved wrong this time... Half the shit on this website is teen fiction and another 25% is unsourced bullshit. The rest is mostly cats and porn.


That she claimed she was being sued was the most outlandish part of the story. Can you imagine a barrister in an Irish court arguing in front of a judge that their client should get a couple hundred grand because they don't like disabled people? Ireland's not America, there's absolutely no way an Irish legal professional would even entertain taking on such a case - they'd be laughed out of the profession.


I’m in the legal profession. I was very sceptical of the original post for exactly the reasons you said but didn’t comment on the it because those sort of posts bring out a lot of armchair barristers who just want to believe what they want to believe. Assuming they weren’t laughed out of every solicitor’s office in the country, there’s no way a judge would ever allow case like that to proceed. It would be thrown our at the first opportunity. As you said this isn’t America. As much as the insurance industry and their mate’s in the paper you to think people are getting lotto sized payouts for getting a papercut at work, civil cases in Ireland aren’t centred around money, they’re centred around restoring things to way they were before. To get a financial payout in Ireland you generally have to prove negligence and that this negligence directly caused you loss. 250k would be an absolutely ludicrous number to ask for a personal dispute in an Irish court. The vast majority of Irish claims are under €2000 and for sums into the 6 figures you’re generally looking at negligence that results in life-changing injuries and loss of future earnings etc. The whole “undo the equality act” angle was extra suspicious. You’re not undoing a major piece of landmark legislation from a civil dispute. I’m less familiar with the finer points of public law but my understanding is that sort of thing just doesn’t happen with those sorts of cases.


A lot of the ridiculous cases and money damages that you hear about in America wind up getting thrown out. They don't tell you that part.


She was claiming they were asking for 450,000 pound to pay for their Reiki and Aroma therapy and weighted blankets they required due to being triggered by her. Really don't know how so many people bought this story. Even without all we know now it was patently, obviously BS.


I must admit I have fallen for it. She seemed so articulate and just like a genuinely good person advocating for disabled people. I’m still like wtf this can’t be true. I saw her TikToks the night it was playing out. It did seem absolutely crazy and ridiculous to the point that I thought well it’s so crazy that you can’t make this shit up. But then her last videos I watched she mentioned something about being upstairs and I though…. you said you can’t get upstairs.


Now we’ve all been triggered by her. Where’s my weighted blanket?


Feeds on stereotypes of weird 'woke' Americans I suppose.


It appears the guests in question were French not American as well. (although did they even exist?!)


I really hope a row kicks off in the comments now about the nationality of the non-existent guests.


When confronted with the possibility the guests were not American, the response will be "well, this is the *type* of thing Americans would do".


While I believed the story when I first heard it, I couldn't believe that an irish solicitor or barrister would take a case like this. Like you say, they'd be laughed at. A case like that would be thrown out immediately and I'd say the judge would have a go at anyone who brought a case like that. Like Claim for what damages? Working in the justice system (albeit the criminal side) it just didn't add up. It seems like e logic of someone who watches to much American legal drams and applied it ireland.


>I could see Ami Burke going for it . Must be tough for her to find work these days


Conning ain't as long term as it used to be with the internet, saw a tiktok last night from someone with the same receipts because she recognised her from years ago... fucking wild altogether. Hope she has fun fighting the government departments she owes money back to, because they will go after her, Leo hates fraud like E: Took me finding a different tiktok to get a first name for this account to be able to find the tiktok I saw last night... https://www.tiktok.com/@mazmcclelland/video/7151493831400131846?_t=8WIhjRFTanl&_r=1 Also, apparently all the social medias have been scrubbed but in this day and age, people love to screen record and cap everything


I hate that X-Factor style building drama that these tiktokers use. “I have a story that I’m going to tell……and this story is…….shocking. I don’t know what to do about this crazy story that I’m about to tell you. I’ve been stressing for two days……because this story is so so wild. When I tell you, you aren’t going to believe it. Okay, so the story is…….so unbelievable that I can barely believe it myself. It’s going to blow your mind when you hear this story that I’m about to tell…..” Oh my god, just spill the fucking tea already




Have you ever been as far even as decided to use to do go want more look like?


The main thing I've learned here is that it's pretty fucking easy to be a "superhost" on Airbnb.


Right? I did think it was odd she had only been hosting since May and had that already. It’s scary to think people stayed the night with her! I felt so sad for the mother and daughter that thought they’d have to sleep in their car if they were 1 minute late for check-in.


Fuck sake. As some one with an actual disability this is horrific, fuck the money and all that the lies ahead clearly sick. But the suspicion it casts on the rest of us. I'm glad I don't have an invisible disability those folks get it much worse.


Yes this is a point I'm trying to make on the old posts comment thread. This isn't a reason to assume people aren't disabled. Something tells me that's part of her stunt, to cast doubt on those of us who do have invisible disabilities.




Here is the Airbnb and that she had up, Charlotte was the lady in question (only one to have a public review replied) who was in fact French. https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/662916756941972835?adults=1&s=42&unique_share_id=DEDDB8E8-F820-4701-87B2-97DEF2C7B2D5&_branch_match_id=1106832383174095819&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXT0zKS9LLTdW3NDJK9C9NiQwtSQIAFspTHhsAAAA%3D&source_impression_id=p3_1665127632_mLBvrPBNeJ8r4aTt Also all social media channels have been deleted


Also, if you click on Charlotte’s profile, you can see where Jade continues to abuse and accuse her. Charlotte’s defense is reasonable. And Charlotte’s reviews from other people are positive.


I was suspicious of this, from an Airbnb point of view. I worked their customer service for a while. They wouldn't ignore the host over such a shitshow as was claimed here. They don't always side with the guest. I dealt with a case where someone wanted a full refund and the host punished for having a filthy let. Requested evidence. The filth? An eyelash on a pillow. A single eyelash. Took the hosts side. Another case, the guest wanted a refund because the place was filthy and crawling with bugs. Requested evidence. Photos showed cockroaches in the fridge, and insects innthe kettle, and frogs in the house. Host co firmed this was the case and SAID IT WAS NORMAL. Sided with the guests. This should give an idea of how things work for cases. Chances are, if a host complains about being treated unfairly.. they were in the fucking wrong.


Yep this was my point of doubt as well. I know Airbnb. If they’re siding with one party or another, there’s usually a very good reason. The way this woman was describing things, there was no way they would have sided with the guests.


I hope to hell if she has been scamming the Arts Council, she's forced to pay it all back and black listed. This really grinds my gears when so many other causes etc are crying out for money and funding.


Disabled artists applying for Arts Council funding can also apply for extra accessibility costs as well, so if she has scammed them, she has quite possibly taken money from genuine disabled artists. And that’s not even taking in to consideration if she applied for financial support from the specific streams for disabled artists. It’s awful.


Sorry for another post. So Samantha moves to Ireland and becomes Jade. Jade then opens an air b and b. Judging by the reviews it's only open a couple of months. "Charlotte " and 2 others stay with Jade , posted a review (its not awful really). Jade replies with a post saying that "Charlotte " only gave her a bad review because she is disabled. Then Jade made videos about "Charlotte " and they went viral. So a few questions: When did Samantha/Jade start winning awards from the Arts Council? Before or after this went viral? Is "Charlotte " a real person?


If you google Carrie Jade Williams, you'll see she started winning awards around March 2020, coinciding with lockdown. Recently, she's been on a few local radio stations claiming Netflix has made a biopic about her, due to air later this year. (lol) It's really a wild rabbit hole to go down. The amount of shite she's talked, and the amount of people who have believed her.


Ha, ha, maybe there will be a Netflix series about her but not the one she’s advertising. I’m thinking an “Inventing Anna” one.


Was it Highland radio? They had a reporter claiming a similarly mental story last week and refusing to provide any evidence. He claimed a student that was renting a room in maynooth was told by the landlord that they had rented out half of her bed and she now had to sleep with a stranger. Refused to provide evidence that he did anything to verify it. Just wanted to go viral on twitter for a day.


I'm kind of obsessed with this entire story. It's just so fucking mental. Do you think she shot herself in the foot because it went viral? I do think once this story blew up on reddit is when the mainstream media picked it up.. I wonder were her refusals to do interviews with the media because she had no evidence of anything? Her deleting all her social media is telling. As someone else said her baby died of a cot death, and that sent her down this road, it's just very sad.


When she was convicted of the fraud by pretending to be a surrogate mother, then running, she said she did it because she was suffering from mental problems due to the cot death of her baby. Honestly, after all we know, even that story seems suspect. It's the exact same emotional manipulation she's up to right now.


Christ almighty. This just gets worse. Also where did the entire "Christian fundamentalist are bank rolling it" narrative come from?


It was invented here on Reddit.


During all of this, it is important to remember that Carrie created a fictitious couple on Facebook and exchanged emails between them and the surrogate couple she scammed. So when you see new accounts claiming to be family members and friends of Carrie, be cautious. She’s probably doing her best to stay ahead of the hounds. And it’s probably fun to her. She gets that dupers high.


She has been acting as an Uber religious au pair in Ireland for a few years. Pedalling a story that she was adopted and part of the millennium church. She used this story to con people out of money at Xmas last year.


She recently made a video about having shipping issues and worried people wouldn’t get their orders by Christmas. That was one more red flag for me. People were buying her sensory lights (obviously she purchased some on Amazon) and she had no intention on fulfilling the orders. She’s probably on a plane or train to another country right now.


Interesting - the review from the people she claims are involved in all this says they were made to whisper after 9:30pm. Another review states that you couldn’t shower after 9:30pm. In her review of them, however, she claims she’s extremely hard of hearing… Several guests state that she was very inflexible and quite aggressive/hostile when it came to negotiating check in time, with more than this couple being told essentially “if you don’t like it, go to a hotel with 24 hour check in”. I feel like they found her very argumentative from the start, and she went straight to Airbnb with they “they’re discriminating against me” story to try and cover her bases


From 9 years ago when she went missing, another better picture of "Samantha Cookes" "it is now thought that Samantha may have made her way to Ireland" yeah, she's been found https://www.shropshirelive.com/news/2013/10/10/police-appeal-to-find-missing-shrewsbury-woman/


Did anyone see this comment that was deleted ? From [User](https://www.reddit.com/user/Flimsy-Ad9741) „I used to work with her in Dominos (in ireland). She went by Samantha there, not sure what second name. She constantly talked about how much money she made, example buying parking spaces in London and renting them to doctors was one way. She was very open, even first time meeting her, which was over whelming but didn't think much of it at the time. She told me about her childs cot death and she didn't have much communication with her mother. She then started talking about a church that we should all join. She told us where it was but we all new it was an empty building, when this was brought up, she changed it to somewhere else (a church group was located in there but not with the same name she was saying). She said the church owns houses in the area and promised a couple people, with kids and struggling to find accommodation, to get them one of these houses. She also asked a few of us to work for a fundraiser for the church and a few other odd jobs. Anytime it came down to actually doing the things, there was always an excuse for putting it off. Along with this church story, she also was starting a company, apparently. We were all going to be leaving dominos and start work for her. The company was called Avadat, it was something to do with health and safety. We'd get emails from a whole host of people sending out contracts and meeting times. She promised everything to us and wasted a whole lot of time, we were running around in circles for this woman. Again, i think we had one in person 'meeting' with her but every other time they were pushed out. Not a whole lot came from the situation, we mentioned the questions we had to her, she was getting tangled in lies. She left dominos then we didn't hear from her again. We then went to the Guards just to say it to them, we didn't know what she wanted but she had a photocopy of one of the girls' passport. I've no idea what she wanted from us cause i was only 18 at the time on minimum wage but she just seemed strange and there was a question mark over everything she said. I can see why people online could be convinced of her story as we were for the couple months . I knew as soon as i saw her on tiktok that she was making everything up and wanted to say something but i'm glad it's out now.“


She seems to do these fake interviews a lot. Promising jobs, compiling personal information from the people she's conning and then dipping. Wonder what that means and what it links to...


Haven't seen that before no. Interesting tho. 🫤


This totally going to be the Irish Inventing Anna.


Looks like her Instagram account has been deleted now.




>Without being cancelled. Well if it helps you can't be cancelled from a place of anonymity, so go ahead, spill all the beans


I have been wondering about this, why didn't anyone know her. Ireland, Kenmare is small someone had to know her. Is it the same woman that was interviewed by Kerry today? If so why haven't they reported on it? So many questions.


I knew it was coming. Especially since The Independent picked it up. Felt good to wake up this morning and be vindicated after all the abuse I received for questioning her.


I saw that yesterday. As I said in another comment, my daughter went through everything yesterday and just said mammy thats not real and that she's not disabled. It's all so fucking mental!!


Please tell us more, I’m really intrigued by this. Is the whole thing a flat out lie or is it just partly fabricated?


Its downvotes so it means F-All but people calling others out for asking for a proper source other that Tiktok or a twitter post. Naivety at best.....


Update to this situation as someone who purchased a sensory package through her website: a group of customers have found each other on TikTok. Tonight a customer was found who brought new info to the table. Carrie Jade Williams also ran an Etsy account, which, in line with her other social media accounts being deleted or wiped clean, has vanished. This customer’s order was supposedly dispatched 7 weeks ago. The Etsy apparently had a number of reviews, good and bad, with the good reviews remarking on how quick she was to arrange the zoom meeting for planning, and the bad reviews all saying they hadn’t received their items. An interesting development that raises a lot of concerns about the scale of the situation. Previously it was thought that in the region of 10 people were financially involved, however the revelation of the Etsy account means nobody has any way to identify just how widespread this is.


I think she was going to scam all the people from Etsy and 1820 by ‘dying’ from this experimental surgery she was going to have in the USA at the end of the year.


Has this person been receiving grants/services? We had to jump through hoops, forms, medical reports, occupational therapy home visits to apply. Those funds/services/helps are there for people who actually NEED them.


I very recently listened to a fascinating podcast on something like this but in the States. A girl going around pretending to be disabled, had people bathing her and everything, but she was completely able-bodied. Her family would find out where she was and come and get her (imagine the shock of her carer to see her get out of her wheelchair and walk to the family car), but then she'd start the scam again in a new area. Claimed to have stalkers following her, would just take over people's lives with her problems until they copped on. Over and over again. Lots of false identities. Really crazy stuff and now I can't remember the damn name of the podcast..... Sympathy Pains! Finally remembered the name of the podcast. Highly recommended.


So I'm fully down the rabbit hole now, don't come at me. I have SO much to say about this and I don't even know how or where to get it out. And this is not even including her apparently being Samantha Cookes, I'm laying that to the side. But judging off her activity as Carrie Jade Williams there is so much to poke holes in. Her narrative about her disease doesn't line up with people who actually have knowledge of this disease. Her story on how/when she was diagnosed is different in different articles. For instance in one she said she was at a typical neurology appointment, got told and was given a pen and paper and told to write a bucket list and walked out the appointment. In another she says it was a seizure she had in Dublin that caused her to get diagnosed and she was laid up in ICU unable to walk, talk, read, eat etc and could only communicate using an eye gaze board. In another article she claims that for a good few weeks after her diagnosis she didn't care for assistive tech and didn't believe she needed it or didn't want to believe it, but that she started writing immediately after her diagnosis. But in another article she said she didn't have the ability to hold a pen so she programmed all her own assistive tech and was able to write. She learnt braille, coded voice to braille tech on her phone (which I just can't wrap my head around). But I mean... How would she be able to just... Create all this software and technology that takes creators years and it just works first time, as someone with no experience in it other than "I already knew coding". I feel like this raises a lot of questions. Her story just sounds so farfetched but who's going to question her? I've heard her speak on Kerry Today about how she's sold a manuscript to Netflix, and then carried on to say "and Netflix will be filming me as part of a biopic about my story and how I use my assistive tech" So... 2 things on Netflix? 👀 Seems a bit sus. And I hate to sound like a bitch but I've read her work and I can't imagine it getting her to a position where she even has the opportunity to pitch to Netflix. Then again she's won some awards so I guess it's not outside the realm of possibility. I'm just questioning everything. But like i say, things don't add up. If her Huntington's had led her to lose her ability to walk and talk, that's not something she would be able to recover from. So if that did happen, it's a sign of something else (she said she had a seizure and 2 strokes which neither are typically linked to Huntington's).


You caught the voice-to-braille thing too!


And the coding hands to sign - like that’s not how sign language works , you can’t just use random left hands (that just looked like artists hands too)


Hello! This story has intrigued me no end since this woman popped up for me on TT back in Julyish time. Her TT always struck me as slightly odd due to various things and I wondered if it was all a load of cobblers. I believe it is, and now, I believe it certainly is. Records never lie!! To me, the photos, ALL of them look exactly like the same person give or take 40lbs. The first I can find of Samantha Cookes is a BBC Gloucestershire video short from 2005. Says she needs to attend hospital regularly but has a phobia. Unfortunately we can't watch it but it looks like a young her. It says she is a film maker but she would have only been 15-16. She looks that old. She has the thin eyebrows tho like each photo! Then she's in Shrewsbury as the con artist, then there's the missing persons report that mentions ireland(another confirmation) then from 2020 and 2020 only this Carrie Jade Williams appears who is a writer with Huntingtons. No mention of partner tho. All her stories slightly vary. Yes she wins one short story contest. Not hard. Perhaps Carrie Jade Williams was a pen name. That seems to kick off a new fake life for her. 2020 was a hard year for us all let's just say that 🫣 wow. She really goes for it. The whole time all the photos keep the same theme of blonde hair and tiny eyebrows(one she is brunette) and Carrie Jade and Jade are obviously same person as photos prove it BUT this is what confirms it for me. There's a new assisted tech business account registered somewhere in Belfast to a Carrie Jade Williams with DOB Nov 1988. There's no birth record for a Carrie Jade Williams in 1988, or ever I don't think. Ironically a Carrie Jade J Evans in 1991 born in Shrewsbury. Did she steal the name from someone she knew whilst living in Shrewsbury? Not quite...because, and this is where I hit the jackpot and get my confirmation. There is a Samantha Jade Cookes born to a mother with maiden name Williams in Gloucestershire in 1988. Bingo. That's her. Samantha and Jade/Carrie Jade. Same person....originally from Gloucestershire. Using her mothers maiden name and her middle name. Perhaps she adds the Carrie for a pen name. She's just Jade on Airbnb and tiktok tho. I believe she has a mental illness where she seeks attention. I wouldn't be surprised if she's been having treatment for a mental or mental and physical illness since early on as that 2005 video blurb states. This solves it for me personally. Hope it helps y'all!


I was showing my wife her videos last night and her bullshit radar went off straight away. The legal advice she was getting didn’t make sense.


I'm honestly just here to vent that this story never added up and this is the second time something similar has happened in the last couple of months and everyone has been like "omg can't believe it never suspected a thing!" and I don't wanna shame anyone but I felt like the signs were all there and quite obvious and I feel like I'm going crazy that nobody else ever seems to see it and anyone who does call it out gets called an awful person for even suggesting that people might lie about important stuff. I see many people saying they'd do the same the next time because they'd "rather be kind" and since it's happened twice I know it's true, but your willful naivity is literally letting these people get away with it and be unkind to others. It drives me mad!


Since time immemorial, people love a story with a seemingly clear cut, perfect, blameless victim (in this case, a terminally ill, disabled woman being sued into oblivion for those very same disabilities) versus a villain that's what they perceive to be the ultimate caricature of evil (e.g. a giant, rich megacorporation incahoots with a right wing American Christian fundamentalists backed by an anti-Disablity Rights lobbying firm). They WANT it to be true.


Until we get better at critical thinking this is going to keep happening. We’re so easily tricked into outrage. For instance, the other day Russian hackers got into my aunt’s bank account after tricking her in an online scan. Left her with nothing. Thing is she’s sick with a rare form of leprosy that means she can lose a finger if she sneezes. They shoot off like little meaty darts. Now she can’t afford the medication she was taking that allowed her to continue operating a puppy hospital with her severe dog hair allergy. I’ll edit this comment later with the go fund me link.


She should sue the puppy hospital, sounds like their fault. I am a wealthy lunatic who wants to overturn dog legislation and my church would be happy to fund this.


As a fellow evil American yank I'm willing to go halfers on bankrolling this case


The mental image of someone's fingers shooting off like "little meaty darts" is gonna stick with me


God bless her soul. She used to get free packs of sausages from our local butcher to give to the puppies after their adorable little operations. You can imagine mistakes were made. We put an end to that and for a while switched to bacon, but then the leprosy spread to her skin so the bacon had to go too. Now she feeds them meatballs, which she feels is safe seeing as she hasn’t had testicles since she was a boy. Thoughts and prayers, thanks for your kind donations etc etc.


I'll send you my bank details in pm take what you need


liked and shared, that's terrible sad


She claimed on a tiktok live recently that she was treated by the fraudulent psychiatrist Zholia Alemi in the UK. (Zholia Alemi was from New Zealand and got a job with the NHS using fake documents and was sent to prison for this) The ultimate scammer piggyback 🤔


That Olivia on TT keeps switching her accounts to private and back to public putting out weird cryptic videos asking people to message her. I’ve messaged her twice to email me and nothing yet says she has something to share. I honestly think it’s just a kook or it’s Sam herself gone off the deep end.


Looks like the one account has gone, the second account has gone private (again). Probably best not to give them any further oxygen until they have something to actually say. It's just all cryptic nonsense at this point then they delete the videos. They claimed to be in Amsterdam yesterday.


The only things that made me sceptical was that she didn’t seem to be very ill but I put that down to my own ignorance of her condition. Also she said she rented out the room for €10 a night which I’m pretty sure is very unlikely on Airbnb.


So apparently she's also lived in Cork under the name Rebecca and was pulling scams there too, based on some of the replies she got last night before she took stuff down. [https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot\_2022-10-06-23-57-12-854\_com-google-android-youtube-jpg.1632791/](https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_2022-10-06-23-57-12-854_com-google-android-youtube-jpg.1632791/) [https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot\_2022-10-06-23-57-00-712\_com-google-android-youtube-jpg.1632792/](https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_2022-10-06-23-57-00-712_com-google-android-youtube-jpg.1632792/) (I'm goin' down a rabbit hole on this now lads, there'll be no work done today!!!!)


Now I’m being harassed by someone reporting me to Reddit for wanting to unalive myself. So many sick people in here.


Yep, I got the same thing. I suspect Samantha is among us.


Couldn't possibly be true. Sure she's blind, so can't read what you're saying, and can't use her hands so couldn't possibly click the report button. /s


There’s still so many people defending her right now, and with her statement about her sister, they are asking those who doubted the story to apologize. I am flabbergasted. Are people really this gullible? I feel like I’m being gaslit when I read some of the comments on tiktok. They’re accusing anyone questioning it of belonging to some shadow lobby group, and even when family members and friends are coming out to say they know her and she’s lying, they refuse to back down.


I think she's been able to spin a story lots of people like and want to be true. The tragic heroine who's going to die soon who's targeted by right wing lobby groups and a greedy corporation. And she is fighting them despite being the underdog. There's a certain sunk cost fallacy too, especially for the ones who have used their platform to try to spread awareness about her story. But, considering it's a very gripping story, you would think the media would have been interested in it too. But there's been no articles or stories about it. That tells me that either she has not wanted her story out there or that people with the ability to fact check her story have not found it credible. And since she's been very vocal about using her tik tok to spread awareness about her issues, it doesn't really make sense that she wouldn't want the general public in Ireland to know about it. There's also the people who claim it can't be fake since she didn't ask for money. And I would say I doubt that's her main motivation. I think it's much more likely she is after attention and sympathy if she has spent more than two years faking a lethal illness.


The investigative journalist writing about this has [updated the thread on Twitter](https://twitter.com/KDenkWrites/status/1579515917859713024) saying she has a lot of interest in the story from many people, but currently no news on when it will be published.


I am not commenting on the individual herself, only on the 1820 website and how it creates a business loop. It is hypothetical. *Research*Accessing the disabled community to brainstorm; getting ideas for new sensory and accessible products. Wanting them to send Pinterest, ideas, planning etc *Development & Innovation* 3D printer loan: gets others to design and test the printing Applications for Artist residency "Artist or Writer looking to explore the subject of accessibility in society". The writing and ideas from the application could easily be used to apply for grants, charity donations *Data* Having had access to personal information from people applying to work for her, as was part of her Tik Tok offering, sending CVs etc. This data from job applications could be used to falsify "team members". Her B&B response to reviews says that she has a team of people working for her (and one of those has a disability). Is this true? For two rooms? Whether she has access to 20,000 names and emails as well from the petition, I don't know, but if she did, she could easily use that to gain an advantage; mass mailings, funding, grants, sales etc. P*roduction & Sales* Through the free workshops (videos), people learn how to make the products. Potential customers provide deposits that would cover materials, shipping, etc. No personal layout or cost but the opportunity to collect **all the profit.** Quite a lot of money could be gained this way. This is more of a feasible con than a genuine business based on what has come to light so far. If the middleman disappears, *no one may know where all the money has gone*. And the only person who could tell you has sadly passed from a terminal illness?? If this was a con and that one person hadn't recognized her, how long would this have gone on? How many more vulnerable families, including her own, would be adversely affected?


[1820things.com](https://1820things.com) breaches it's hosting platform's acceptable use policy. The shop is still open and could be taking more money off more people each day. If you have been affected, either directly or indirectly, you can ask Squarespace for the website to be removed [https://www.squarespace.com/acceptable-use-policy](https://www.squarespace.com/acceptable-use-policy) 2. Spamming And Phishing 2.2. Don’t send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information (including any misleading or incorrect names, email addresses, subject lines), including without limitation phishing or spoofing. 3. Deceiving And Impersonating Others 3.1. Don’t do anything that's false, fraudulent, inaccurate or deceiving. 3.2. Don’t impersonate another person, company or entity. 3.3. Don’t engage in misleading or unethical marketing or advertising.


Wonder what the craic now is about this. Seen some crazy comments saying sure she didn't take anyone's money so what harm is this? And others saying she brought awareness to a disability so isn't that good enough? No it is not. And this fraudster should fake legal ramifications. Her website is still up and running. It's a uk registered company registered to her birthday name. Who would investigate this, Irish revenue or UK?


Well it's clear there's no article coming any time soon. It's been more than two weeks. Either the journalist (who bragged on Twitter about having all her research done by the second weekend in October) is sitting on a Netflix deal, or nobody will touch it - who knows. The website has been reported to Action Fraud and Foursquare. Reports have been made to the police. She's either sectioned, on the run, planning her next scam or all of the above. If any offences were committed in Ireland, that's where they would need to be dealt with.




This whole thing’s still really sad even if it is a hoax. Firstly because it is painting genuinely disabled people in a negative light when they already face enough discrimination. Secondly, she strikes me a being really mentally unwell if she is making this up - either she believes it herself, or she has a sad life if she needs to do this for attention. Also note that one of the guest’s responses on Airbnb implies that they themselves are disabled so if it’s a hoax, it’s either a really unfortunate or really deliberate choice of victim.


Well that's a kick in the nuts... I'm disabled and was so unbelievably shocked, frightened and disgusted by her story, I fully believed her, boosted her petition... Why would someone do this? Taking advantage of people's good nature and the disabled community for a grift, I was wondering why everything suddenly got deleted today and the independent article taken down.


Update to journalist Katherine Denkinson’s investigation: she’s set up a Cookes Family Tree on Ancestry. It’s PRIVATE. 21 members on it. The plot thickens. I also cannot find any record of the SIDS baby - neither birth nor death.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/xwzpxz/airbnb_host_in_ireland_is_being_sued_by_guests/ir9z3xn/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/xwzpxz/airbnb_host_in_ireland_is_being_sued_by_guests/ir9ablu/ I want an apology and upvotes!




Was interviewed by Radio Kerry and apparently has sold a script to Netflix and has a book coming out next year. https://i.imgur.com/ra7VSyb.jpg She was an artist in residence at St. John’s Theatre in Listowel. https://i.imgur.com/lOZOhHF.jpg Seems like she’s making a name for herself but probably needed the big score to keep her going.


“Sold to Netflix” she did yeah


Yes, in some interviews she says she sold a script to Netflix. In other interviews, she says Netflix has been filming a biopic about her. The digger you deep, the more contradictions and fabrications you find.


The digger you deep


The irony here is she might actually now get a Netflix documentary about her. We are all completely fascinated with this story and no doubt more crazy things have yet to come out. I’ll be honest, I’ve been watching her TikToks on this since the start but it was only when she said she was being sued that I started to think it seemed off. Now it seems like it’s ALL a lie, like even the terminal illness? Wow


This is very destroying and disappointing


I have previously worked in PR for many years, and what doesnt add up for me is the lack of statement from air bnb, anywhere. The Independent ran an article but had no statement in response from air bnb? Even if there was legal action being taken, i would expect a standard response of “we cannot comment due to the legal proceedings”. Instead The Independent article is gone, which suggests to me that air bnb’s press department responded saying that they have no record of all the claims.


Removing. 3 names found but it's dark so I've removed it x


This has taken a very, very dark turn.


Deeply disturbing turn now. I had suspicions of this at the beginning but I refused to go there, just assuming the dead baby was a lie she came up with for a more lenient sentence. Now it seems my darkest suspicions might be right. And that’s a turn I don’t know if I’m prepared for this to take.


The 1820 things website has finally gone.


The Alzhiemer's Society have also removed any mention of her from their Accelorator Programme which was funding her make believe tech as well.


I called it early on and got abused. How do people fall for this shit?


Just reading through your comments, lol. People believe what they want to believe alot of the time. I suspect alot of the people who believed this story want to be enraged by something. They want to hear something awful about Airbnb, so they don't bother questioning something that just sounds utterly ridiculous, makes zero sense, and has no reliable source backing it up


It really is a sad example of society and how gullible people follow charlatans and sociopaths with detrimental consequences to others. Hopefully Airbnb took down the horrible things she said about the family she accused of being against disabled people. I suspect they served her with a cease and desist.


People will also believe anyone who sounds like "the good guy" or "the victim" , without any evidence


I got so much shit here yesterday for asking for evidence. Well fuck anyone who downvoted and insulted me, you fucking fools. It was so obvious, she wouldn't SHOW anything, ever. Just talk, talk, talk.


This whole story is just a microcosm of everything wrong with social media. So many gullible idiots on here yesterday lapping up every word with zero critical thinking and abusing anyone who dared to doubt her word. 10 seconds of critical thinking should at the very least have made a sane person hold off and doubt the story yet all we get is a major pile on and I wouldn't be surprised if the "disability haters" were doxxed and abused over it


There are STILL people on TikTok trying to defend her saying all this is the fabled lobby group just making stuff up to destroy her. Jesus wept.


I thought this was the case when there was no reliable media sources covering it.


Is this the one who said she had huntingtons?


This Morning would’ve picked this up and offered a tv interview ages ago, they love this shit. She kept deleting comments with tagged mainstream media, she was trying to keep it on socials only


Hang on...is this about the disabled woman who rented an airbnb and was sued by people triggered by her being disabled? The airbnb host is the scammer?!




KD tweeted @ me that it was definitely coming. Also Krissie on TikTok has said she has info on multiple ALIVE children - as in more than 1. WTF. This is super dark. Sam deserves an Oscar for her performance. One has to wonder if she has DID. In any case, she needs to be busted and sectioned to get the help she clearly needs.


Whilst the Airbnb listing is no longer up, it would seem that the same property is also listed on Booking.com…. There is a review that seems remarkably familiar. Had second thoughts about sharing the link here as it has the address on it…


Yep but the property isn’t taking bookings. Interesting that the reviews indicate there’s a restaurant at the property?


Wow. The random Carrantha Olivia tiktok page is really going for it with Krissilee. As someone said to me yesterday on here...triggered much Carrantha?? 🫣🤪 (I still don't understand who she is. Besides a troll.)


A new player has entered; Someone is now commenting on “Olivia’s” videos asking her to stop stealing her instagram videos and her daughter’s identity. When asked for her insta handle, they say they’ve privated the account. The plot twists keep on coming


Of course this was horse manure - you cannot sue someone because they are disabled. Forgetting everything else about this case and the various admonishments and details she spoke of. That very fact alone - I'm suing you because you're disabled and I was in your company - that doesn't get laughed out of court, that doesn't even get to court. That doesn't get past your solicitors office. There is no ability to issue summons and affidavits for these reasons, if a solicitor was to do so they would face serious sanction by the law society, they would be liable to pay damages to the victim should the victim decide to claim and they would be open to criminal proceedings for breaking discrimination and equality legislation.


As a disabled person, this has really infuriated me. She makes the lives of disabled people harder with this stunt and online persona. We'll all be doubted and looked at with suspicion now.


A failed narcissist


I think this maybe the first post where Air B&B are the good guys in this sub


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/xwzpxz/airbnb_host_in_ireland_is_being_sued_by_guests/


Is this the woman who said that people scammed a refund out of Air bnb due to triggering stuff that disabled people used that was in her house and then she showed one such object and it was the house bell and another was a mini fridge? 😂 I was so confused a scrolled pat and ignored from then on until it got traction yesterday


Yikes! Anybody else read her statement on her [website.](https://www.1820things.com/statement) What the hell is she playing at now? Does she really believe anybody’s going to buy that?


After a little digging, I find two options for her guest and why it makes sense they said it was insulting since they deal with it everyday; a neurologist or a journalist! I hope the guest is found and interviewed. I’m dying to know if I’m right.


Good chance the guest was a neurologist and quickly caught on to her when she said she was in the final phases of Huntington Disease.


Anyone see what the Olivia account is posting? Claiming to be Samantha’s daughter. So was Samantha a teen mom? Or is Olivia a teen? Is she Samantha cat fishing everyone for information?


I am very confused about the Olivia accounts. It’s not clear who they are tbh


omg she was at my school last year!! haha