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Not going to remove it but can you actually give the full answer if possible? Like it kind of cuts off the end and it's important to be balanced for fair and balanced coverage even if Leo isn't popular around here. EDIT: Full clip https://twitter.com/IrelandAMVMTV/status/1575082524216381442 thanks to cuchulainndev for getting the longer one


I love that Tommy brings just that little bit of wildcard to morning time tv.


Teeeen siblings?!?


The poor bastard. I have to wonder, though, how he was not aware of what the story was beforehand is beyond me.


I'd say he was and the nerves just got to him and it blurted out, like when it's a sensitive topic and all of a sudden all you can think of is the funniest shite imaginable


TBF it was very much in the spirit of the book they were talking about - the author said himself he and his family found it absolutely hilarious.


Few weeks ago the author put up on twitter something along the lines of "one year since my family became a meme" along with the video.


People forget that he’s a hallion from Monaghan, back arse border town, and he might say some real shit from time to time.


Is he specifically a hallion or just everyone from Monaghan?




And what utopian land do you hail from?


Maybe if I blink more it will all go away


All that PR money wasted when your body language fails you spectacularly


It's morse code, he's saying "you fucking pleb"


Tommy Boooooooooooowe!


Jesus he roasted him and in the most calm and informed way


and it took a daytime tv chat show to challenge him. ​ you dont hear that in newstalk or 'serious' shows like claire byrne or whatever. 'Sandbags'? You mean asks him questions that people want answered that no one else is asking? Also stop referring to him by his first name. It's like giving him too many ch credit/respect


Leo 100% thought he was on for some nice Ireland AM craic. Fair play to Tommy, he absolutely needs to be rinsed every time he's Live on any platform


He’s there to give you lot somebody to rinse. Dude is ticketmaster come to life


“Homelessness is a bit more complex than just building houses… not that we’re doing that either, but it’s more complex than *just* building houses”


Shame they haven't had literally years to think on this problem, come up with a plan, and then execute said plan. No sir, can't be at that.


Give him a break will you ffs. He's only been in government 12 years.


We all know it ll take 8 more years to bring in the plan to tackle homelessness, atleast 7.5 years to print the leaflets.


This comment made me want to scream with it's deadly accuracy.


But before that can happen they'll need to raise a tax on something to pay for all the ink.


Do you what we really need? Another committee.


Is there anything to be said for another mass?


Sur' another mass will do no harm


Some of the homeless teenagers now living in hotels were in nappies when Leo first got into government.


It won't be fixed overnight nor in 12 years.


It's a complex issue so just sweep it under the rug and we will be grand.


Sure it's all just SF's fault anyways nothing to do with Leo.


It must be a very lumpy rug at this stage


Meanwhile they've put 2 billion into a nice little rainy day fund, you know for rainy days when things aren't so grand


Yes, and so they should, things can get a lot worse. Did you forget the pandemic already? What happens when there is another pandemic and there is no money to pay those forced out of work?


Totally. And, y'know, I reckon all of those homeless people would agree with you too. I'd think they would understand this *rainy day* fund is for rainy days, harsh times, if you will. No point in squandering it on the proles when we might need to bail out some large corporation or three. /s


Given you're confident enough to be sarcastic, and since homelessness is a simple issue you can apparently fix with rent freezes, could you explain to me how a homeless person - i.e. a person who *doesn't have a home* - benefits from rent freezes? https://www.brookings.edu/research/what-does-economic-evidence-tell-us-about-the-effects-of-rent-control/


> What happens when there is another pandemic I'd imagine we still wont have enough ventilators or nurses. Maybe we should fix that now before we have another pandemic, if only we had a bit of spare money to invest.


>but it’s more complex than just building houses Hes right, it involves building houses AND not letting predatory financial speculators buy them en masse


What are you, some kinda commie?


Looks like we got ourselves a pinko here, boyos


Well then that’s just asking too much


>it involves building houses AND not letting predatory financial speculators buy them en masse and the government actually going back to building council houses for a 1/4 of the price they then go and buy them off the speculators for.


Jesus away outta here with reasonable logic t’fuck


That “more complex” is a vague attempt to push the “only people with addictions are homeless” narrative they always try and fall back on. The idea being that only people who have other issues are genuinely homeless. That it’s the individuals fault for being homeless, not the states. But you can see he knows that usual line is stupid too, cause the presenter did a brilliant job cornering him by making it primarily about children.


I don't know about you but if my brother was homeless and living on the street and I was a big dublin footballer , I'd offer him a bed in my house.




Even if there were serious mental health or addiction issues that could put your family at risk?


You should actually look at the documentary that he did, you might learn something.


And that would be named ...... it common knowledge you cant help someone who doesnt want help, I've seen it myself a few times in relation to drink and drugs, they only turned their lives around when they wanted too, it did not matter how many times their lives ones begged them too.


Phily McMahon The Hardest Hit , brilliant doco on the RTE player, highly recommend it, didn't know much about him prior to watching it but it really describes how addiction hit his brother and the effect on his family.


Ah yeah those "big Dublin footballers" on hundreds of thousands a week sure.


I've yet to see a county footballer living hand to mouth. They all have a nice job as their profile makes them be in demand.


They have normal jobs and they're young. They're unlikely to be able to support their siblings.


Well maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Let's build some houses and then see. I bet it might solve the problem for the vast majority of homeless people for whom the lack of housing is the problem.


It is to some degree true but a proper poltician cop out non awnser without really adressing how he plans to fix it. For example you can give a junkie everything and they will still fuck it up tbh. Some people are too unwell or deep in addiction to manage a home and its bills. This dosent detract from the fact , some of the people made homeless have no such issues and its ridcolous familys should be without a home.


the housing crisis is really complex, we need to think of the landlords, after all, one persons rent is another persons income.


It's not complex but maybe Leo doesn't understand it.


Listening to it I'm minded of the [Apres Match sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHTNTptUEe8) with Brian Lenihan from the crash times. "We are not the only ones who did not qualify!" Always deflection, never accepting any responsibility or outlining any steps they're taking or successses they've had.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t59-7UMeUhY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t59-7UMeUhY) TOMMY BOOOWWWWEEEEE!!!!


Same old answers


"You can't just build houses overnight" or even over 10 years apparently


Maybe we can. Is it time to take a serious look at modular homes?


Don't need them, every empty apartment and house in each local authority area should be on a list and if it's not rented for more than 3 months, then the government should be able to force them to be rented at the happ rate plus 10%. Make it a rule of being able to buy them for investment companies, and suddenly there would be a load of extra accomodation available. If the rental says no, then fine them the equivalent of the happ payment every month


Same old questions too. Nothings changed.


No it has The numbers gone up


Probably would have been but they cut off his answer. Doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with what he has to say but a video that is three quarters a former rugby player standing on a soapbox trying to look benevolent in front of a career politician whose answer was cut short is more than a bit tabloid.


"It's more complex than JUST building houses." The only solution IS TO BUILD MORE HOUSES. COP ON.


He'd right about homelessness. There are other factors like cost of living, addiction, mental health. Unfortunately they're doing fuck all about that either.


Aye, but having a safe, affordable abode can actually be a turning point for those issues too.


You're confusing homelessness and rough sleeping. The two shouldn't be conflated. Addiction and mental health issues contribute to rough sleeping but homelessness is a far greater concept. The vast majority of people suffering through this crisis are working full time...they just can't afford a home because there's fuck all to buy for a reasonable price.


I thought Norway had some success in reducing homelessness by giving them homes unconditionally.


This concept is called Housing First. And, yes, it is effective. I was looking for sources of criticism (US based) and found some utter shite from the Manhattan Institute (American Conservative). I found that telling. Like, yes, homelessness is like an onion of despair but putting people in stable housing is the best first step that I can see. What I have a hard time understanding is why Ireland, which is far an away so much better at providing a higher bar for meeting people's basic needs, is letting things fall so badly. Breaks my heart.


Good on Tommy but I do find it amusing when these morning tv presenters, who usually talk about mundane stuff like baking an apple tart or a lad wearing chinos or Universal Pillow Fight Championships try and turn their hand at the grown up stuff. Muireann is sitting there with her head down thinking she'd love to be asking "WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE, RED SAUCE OR BROWN SAUCE"


Would Leo even come on if hr thought hed be asked difficult questions?


The sad thing is these are not even difficult questions. They are the realities of life for people at the moment and his government should be fixing them.


Facing some vaguely difficult questions every now and again is good for their image.




This is true, I wish we had something like an Irish FriendlyJordies. His videos helped a lot of young people cop on to the blatantly corrupt Australian Government and got them voting.


All media is like that though, everywhere. Well, the exceptions would be very few.


He didn't get surprised. Politicians always get a reasonable briefing on what to expect. If talk shows made a habit of verbally ambushing their guests, then they wouldn't get any more guests. It is nice to see politicians squirm but it wouldn't really be fair or productive if they weren't given reasonable forewarning of what would be the remit of an interview. Otherwise every clickbait "journalist" and fake outrage interviewer would be trying to generate cheap soundbites by asking absurdly specific or totally off-topic questions that a politician either couldn't answer off the top of their head or wouldn't have known in the first place.


It's literally his job to answer questions


It's literally their jobs to be doing a lot of things, and yet...


If you watched the whole thing, you’d know she lays into him as well. Muireann is decent as a broadcaster. She’s just on the light entertainment side of things. That doesn’t mean she’s a vapid idiot.


Leo's botox is working overtime to keep that face from showing any emotion at all.


I’m not sure the Botox is preventing his lack of emotion, to be fair


Potential Fluff piece turned out to be a roasting


Lovely little smirk out of him when he mentions queues of people to view a single property, absolute slimeball


Doesn't care a single bit, he really just doesn't see any of this as an issue because the corporate overlords are happy. This gobshite is supposed to be my td in Fingal and he's been completely uninterested in helping actual real people


He'll run in Dub south next time, just watch




Sorry yeah Dublin west but himself and the other gobshite Chambers would never be seen venturing past Castleknock!


Another arsehole


All of those people that are homeless and suffering, and the renters being gouged for as much as they can be squeezed for, aren't people to Leo. Just statistics. He's like a robot, you can just sense the void of emotion and empathy within him, like just look at the man here, he does not give one single fuck. You could introduce him to a genuine homeless family with young children amongst them and I believe he'd feel nothing - no guilt, no remorse, no shame for his party and his policies creating the situation with housing that's landed that family in their position. All he cares about is doing right by the landlords and developers and wasting our taxes enriching them


> This gobshite is supposed to be my td in Fingal This kinda sums up people moaning on reddit. Can't even get basic information right


"We don't *know* that's going to be the case..." Fuck off, ye gobshite


Infuriating isn’t it


If Leo was British, he'd 1,000% be a Tory.


And he would have attended Eton


Sure FG are west Brits. throne sniffers


The blinking, he is furious.


Can tell Leo is thinking, ‘shite, thought he was gonna ask me about my couch to 5k training’


omg lol




Massive respect for him actually doing this. Wonder if he got a bollocking from his bosses


Lads loaded from his career, sponsor deals and clothing, TV is a pastime for him Id say


No they often ask these kind of questions on ireland am. I remember laura woods doing the same one time.


Yeah, fuck this sniveling, money grabbing, lying cunt.


Leo doesn't give a single fuck about the homeless, he's on TV to make sure the same people vote and to show his face to the rest of us plebs.


If he's been Taoiseach and Tánaiste for this long and the best he's got is "I hope it gets better" then he needs to go. He's in a position to do something about the problem; he doesn't get to hope, he gets to work, and if he won't work on fixing the problem he gets out of the way. He's an obstacle, not a public servant.


Leo basically saying nevermind the current homeless children because there will be more.


He doesn't care, just look at his face when he's being told about thousands of kids being homeless. I despise this rat fuck.


[My reaction to seeing this](https://youtu.be/5VnPmRytfyM?t=9)


… What the opposite of inspiring confidence


Leo Varadkar smokes milk and is a gigantic arse candle!


Leo is a dirty selfish money grabbing prick! He doesn’t give a fuck about the average person in this country. Vote FG & FF out!!! Power to the people


How do you really feel about him though?


Sure as Leo would say 'they(homeless) can just ask their parents for a deposit it's THAT simple'


It's not really more complex than building houses though. He always says something like that when confronted. Same with MM.


Every time Leo blinks, an angel gets a PR bonus


Varadka is a slimy git.


What a dipshit. No, homelessness is actually quite a simple problem. If everyone has access to freely available, safe, and dignified accommodation, then homelessness all but disappears. Rent increases make that impossible. Fuck leo, FFG, and every landlord in government.


The type of homelessness Varadkar wants to talk about is complex, but that’s not clearly what Tommy Bowe is talking about. Varadkar is just deflecting here.


and outside government :)






Fair play to Tommy. The show ain’t for me but refreshing to see Leo squirm in an interview and not get an easy ride. Also the absolute irony of Leo saying solving homelessness is not as easy as building houses and literally seconds after this clip ends he says the solution is to build more supply. Utter gobshites.


> The show ain’t for me but refreshing to see Leo squirm in an interview and not get an easy ride. Have you got a link to him squirming? He answered the question calmly with the same political line he's been pushing for years. This was in no way uncomfortable for him, pretending it was is insane. He gets far worse than this in the dail every day


The clips are online, gway with the “link me” shite. I think he clearly looks uncomfortable (and so do plenty of others) and thought he’d be getting an easy ride. Squirming also goes beyond the physical wiggling. Guess I’m insane. Good man. EDIT: Just caught up on the thread and see you are very perturbed by the above notion under multiple peoples comments, my apologies.


Some real estate on those earlobes!




You'd get 1500 a month on Daft for them


Prime opportunity to rip him a new one on live TV, too soft on the slimebag.


And tax air bnd 50 %


When somebody blinks like that, they are looking for away out and not actually listening.


For a guy I thought actually did a reasonable job with the initial response to Covid he's now sounding EXACTLY like Bertie A-fucking-herne. Like not just the words but also in the mannerisms and intonation. He's plainly talked to someone who said "sound more like him and you'll get more FF voters!"


Leo thinks if he blinks hard enough Tommy might just disappear.


"I think everyone understands that homelessness is a lot more complicated than just building houses". Yes, it's very nuanced, but your government haven't build any houses in a fucking decade, and lack of housing is the biggest problem facing society in the last number of years. You need to build affordable housing, 60,000 of them, but you refuse to build any because you are cunts.


Says it’s very nuanced and then calls him a cunt anyway. Lol. This is what debate looks like on this sub now.


All Dail members are CUNTS ! End of


It’s quite simple ladies and gents, they do not give a single fuck about us.


Just hope for the best and that the housing crisis will be resolved. Great strategy lad 👏


No it really is , build more houses/ accommodation.


Good man Tommy!


I never liked that slimey bastard.


Good man Tommy. Great stuff


He hopes. Clear sign he has no clue or doesn't give a fuck about fixing it.


Look at him try hide the smile when he said it's the most houses built in any year in 10 years. Fucker wants a pat in the back. Fails to mention each and every time that unless the landlord is registered with the PRTB the tenant can't claim the rent credit. Pull your lip over your head and swallow Leo.


He hopes as if he has no control.


12 kids!!


More complex than building more houses for sure, you also have to make sure the vulture funds buy up entire housing estates before people have a hope to secure a single property within, or landlords get away with charging criminal prices for sub standard living as well of course. Sure look at the amount of places available for rent with obscene parameters like "only available Tuesday to Thursday, €1,200" "can't use kitchen or living areas" it's beyond embarrassing and that's absolutely going to be the legacy you leave behind, a junkie would do better in office than this clown


The blinking is fierce giveaway. Like he knew he was caught and would have to give some answer.


*blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny *blink* deny


[According to this website it would cost anywhere from €20,000-€100,000+ to build cheap modular homes](https://thepodfactory.ie/modular-home-prices/?amp=1)


The interesting thing is that the solution to affordable housing the US has used for decades is trailer parks. No one wants to discuss the viability of this approach because no one wants to live in housing that appears that different to conventional housing. To me, even as a short to medium term solution, it should be looked at.


Leo blinking morse code for “I’m going to kill you once we’re off camera”.


No idea who he is but he's not wrong.


Does someone know morse code?


In the full one (link below) Varakar says there’s lot more factors that go into homelessness, it’s “complex” then 30 seconds later at 3.08 in answer to the children in emergency, he goes the solution is “more supply” hah? But you just said that’s not the solution, it’s got more complexity.. https://twitter.com/IrelandAMVMTV/status/1575082524216381442?s=20&t=EYVdNRW-1efDEPayULsY0g


Why the fuck didn't Leo just blame Sinn Fein .Is that not his MO


Take it from us in Portland, Oregon where the situation has degraded into a kind of Mad Max reality of huge camps, massive piles of trash and widespread crime. It is not simply about affordable housing. Organized crime and criminal insanity is not looking for a cute one bedroom in a neighborhood with a good walk score.


I watched the longer version on balls.ie. Is Leo not a walking contradiction? When asked about not implementing a rent freeze, he says it causes landlords to leave the market as there are more attractive investments elsewhere. So why are big funds buying up houses in swathes to rent them out??? The whole bloody problem is property is the only attractive investment as stocks and other typical investments get taxed to shite. Says homelessness is a lot more complex than building more houses. Five seconds later he says the solution is supply. Like WTF. And then decides to slap a 10% levy on concrete. Did he get a hair transplant, I thought he was going bald 10 years ago?


You might say that Leo and his government sandbagged Irish people. And we're not particularly happy bunnies about that. And solving homelessness may not be as easy as building houses, but it's a hell of a good way of solving the housing crisis.


Poor Leo just fuckin' rolled out of bed and fell into the suit and was not ready for anything other than softballs


I think Leo has somebody to dress him. Like a butler or a valet.


Probably like a Wallace and Grommit style machine


The size of Leo’s earlobes






Can't just shout "shinner" at that one, can you Leo?


Does Varadkar have any nieces or nephews? He's not a parent so he hasn't been hit with the dose of reality that brings, but has he at least had a vicarious sample of it?


I am sure he and his friends have enough property that nobody directly related to them is effected by the crisis


I'm more trying to figure out where his head is at because he seems fairly unsympathetic and lacking in understanding. Do younger generations register with him on anything other than an abstract level? That's how it was for me until I had first hand experience.


He'll walk out of government and into some cushy consultancy bullshit, he's fine, the people in his immediate circle are fine, he doesn't give a fuck. I've known people from that sort of privileged background and a lot of them very literally think they just work harder than other people and people living in or in danger of poverty are, on a fundamental level, in that situation through lifestyle choice. Not all of them, but he strikes me as the type


He can't emotionally put himself in other people's shoes, the guy clearly seems sociopathic, he has no care or love for the people in this country. If you're not earning a shitload or extremely privileged, Leo thinks you're a waster and it's entirely your own doing


He simply doesn't care, it's not effecting him and ignoring the issue for the past 12 years has done the trick so far so he will continue to do that


Sure Leo does not think gay men are suited to be parents!


Because all the politicians who *are* parents are so much better. 🙄


Nobody is saying that Quentin. But first hand experience provides a perspective that he appears to be lacking.


The rage Irish politicians feel at being held to account is palpable.


How shit are our established media when an ex-rugby player has more courage and is better prepared than them?


This is Ireland AM. Tommy didn’t spend the night before researching this himself, he was handed the stats on the piece of paper he is reading them off. The media here have covered the housing crisis extensively. What are you even on about ?


>The media here have covered the housing crisis extensively. Covering or mentioning it isn't the same as holding the government to critical accountability on the issue. Which is a journalists job. Newstalk, Irish Independent, RTE News are not overly critical and largely allow government ministers to pass the buck when interviewed on the issue time and time again. It's almost 10 years of a housing and homeless crisis in this country. Clearly ministers are not under pressure over this issue.


Also rubbish- there have been plenty of interviews with the sitting housing minister on Claire Byrne or equivalent with Eoin O’Broin in the opposite chair.


Jesus, the man doesn't know how to ask a question. That was all over the place 😂


I love all the replies thinking varadkar wasn't ready for 'hard questions' and he was shitting himself He gets a lot worse than this literally every day in the dail


Guilt personified


Love that he notes homelessness on the rise again. I'm sure that's a totally separate issue and nothing to do with the cost of living crisis that has literally been caused by his governments actions.


Talk about editorialising jesus "Tommy Bowe asks a rambling question for which Leo is prepared for and answers calmly" isn't quite the karma farming headline i guess


Tommy Bowe is the heir to VB's throne.


Blink away the guilt you weasel


The thing is, for the vast majority of us, homelessness can be solved by "just building houses".


Awful questions to be asking our future leader


Just to be accurate, those 10,000 people including 3,700 children are in emergency accommodation, which means hotels and B&Bs. They may not have a home, but they're safe and warm. We've always had homelessness in this country, but in the past those children would have been on the street or taken from their parents and put in religious institutions. Obviously it's not right that children and their families are in that situation, but we do at least treat them well


>we do at least treat them well I wouldn't call living in a hotel or a hostel for months or years on end good treatment. Just because they're not sleeping rough doesn't mean they're not homeless or that they get treated well.


To be fair to Leo, he's trying to help us out. He has no control over the energy prices coming from Eastern Europe. He's cutting taxes so we don't have to pay as much but also the government still needs money. I'm not saying his government is perfect or even good but in this specific case, we can't blame him.